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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 10, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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it’s easy to get confused by the facts when you see only part of the overall picture; in pursuit of views , whole ones are changed.
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the nato summit, which began in washington the day before, was supposed to be a pretentious american show, and biden would show himself as a powerful leader of the free world, but after the first day it becomes obvious that the meeting in washington is taking place in an atmosphere of disagreement, against the backdrop of the mental problems of the us president. the world media, this is understandable,
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are closely following the summit; they note that the alliance failed to demonstrate unity, and this was precisely the goal of the meeting, it just so happened that the focus in washington shifted to us president joe biden, who opened the nato summit yesterday. biden’s team, it should be noted separately, reacted responsibly to the event, provided their president with the text of the speech in advance, brought it to the prompter, and biden, apparently, rehearsed several times at home before going on stage, therefore, as... the media write almost nothing stuttered, president biden and his aides intended to create such an atmosphere of trust, but only by loud this will definitely not be achieved through statements. the new york times writes, i quote, at the nato summit, western leaders are worried about brescia at the heart of the alliance, end of quote. no one now denies that the summit was overshadowed by uncertainty over whether biden will remain in the presidential race or not, as well as by the prospects. announced that the main topic
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of the meeting would be military support for ukraine, which, quote, must win the conflict with russia. end of quote. well, following the results of the first day of the summit, russian ambassador to the united states antonov said that the alliance is only confirmed his aggressive nature. russia never heard the word about peace. in desperation from their inability to break russia with the help of a battering ram in the form of ukraine, nato members blindly follow the path of escalation and, in fact, are paving the way to the third world war. during today's events in washington, we did not hear a single word about peace. it’s all about whipping up war psychosis and furious demonization of our country. thus, the north atlantic alliance is trying to intimidate its public and justify unbridled growth expenses to support the kiev regime for the sake of...
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there is a nuance, the topic of ukraine's joining nato is being avoided by the country, so the washington post writes that nato itself will not offer it an early entry into the alliance, so it is asking.
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about relations between russia, the usa and nato. i’m reading: the former, former vice-president of the states, al gore , promised ex-russian president boris yeltsen at the end of 1994 that nato expansion would occur only after consultation with moscow. and he promised that this process would be gradual and open. the american official also said that conceptually, russia's membership in nato is not excluded. to which yeltsin then replied: “no, no, this is pointless and probable.” he was right, well , we’ll return to the topic of the nato summit tomorrow, it will continue, now on to other news: 24 countries are in line to join brix, chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko spoke about this on the eve of the organization’s parliamentary forum in an exclusive interview with our tv channel. according to her
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, it is necessary to develop criteria for new candidate countries. we all collided today with such new modern challenges as before. was not, and of course, we must create such legal conditions to unite our efforts in the fight against these new threats, because no country alone can do this, because this is already transnational crime, transnational terrorism, this is what , what is happening today in attempts to maintain the hegemony of international relations in general, when international law is being violated, the very fact... that the president of the russian federation, vladimir, will take part in our forum vladimirovich putin, who will speak to the participants of the parliamentary forum, emphasizes the importance of this event. in the first reading, the state duma adopted a bill on fines for drivers of electric scooters and
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other personal mobility devices. linda dodakaeva with details. linda, we welcome you, how much will you have to pay for the violation. very important, will this help stop violators? yes, yes, yes, there are too many of them today. hello, first things first, it is proposed to take responsibility for speeding, improper movement on the roadway on sidewalks, leaving the scene of an accident, for drunk driving and refusal of meta-certification. so, for exceeding the speed limit by 510 km per hour , it is proposed to fine the amount from 500 to 800 rubles. up to 3,500 rub. you will have to pay for exceeding 15-20 km/h. if the speed is exceeded by more than 20 km, the fine can be up to 5,000 rubles. on highways, electric scooters are proposed to be equated to low-speed vehicles. the fine for driving on them will be 1.00 rubles. in addition, for riding
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scooters weighing more than 35 kg on sidewalks, you will need to pay from 3 to 3,500. but if the police officer does not comply with the request, i will stop you. the fine will be from 500 to 800 rubles. the bill also provides for a fine for transporting passengers in the amount of 2-3 rubles. and for transporting children the amount will be 5,000. the powers to initiate and consider such cases are proposed to fall within the competence of the russian ministry of internal affairs. at the same time, it is proposed to provide for the possibility of transferring part of the powers of the russian ministry of internal affairs. for the consideration of certain categories of cases of administrative offenses in the field of road traffic. in addition, it is proposed to provide for administrative liability for non-compliance with legal requirements in the field of traffic management. leaving the scene of an accident is proposed to be punishable
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by a fine of up to 5,000 rubles. but this is if no one is injured. if the driver of an electric scooter or bicycle violates the rules of the road and this leads to minor injuries, then he will face. fine from 2 to 5,000, but if we are talking about harm of moderate severity, then the fine will increase to 15,000 rubles. for driving while intoxicated, you will have to pay up to 30,000 rubles. people are concerned about road safety, especially for children. this year, the number of accidents involving personal mobility devices is already 2 and a half times higher than last year for the same period. unfortunately, there are deaths. since march 1 last year, traffic rules for this type of transport have been in effect, but there was no liability for their violation. absolute majority stands for bringing order to this area. in the explanatory note. it is noted that over the past 4 years the number of people using electric scooters has increased fivefold, and
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the number of trips using these vehicles for short-term rental has increased 12 times, the total number of sims used in moscow is more than 750 thousand, this does not count those that were purchased before 2019. well, now let's move to the upper house of parliament. the federation council today approved changes to tax and... 7% personal income tax paid by families with children. details from alena logvinova. thanks to the changes that were adopted next year, the federal budget will receive an additional 2.6 trillion rubles. the changes were aimed at fine-tuning the tax system, first of all we are talking about a new progressive personal income tax scale for citizens. whose annual income is less than 2,400,000 rubles. the rate will remain at 13%. if income
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exceeds this level, but is less than 5 million rubles. the tax will be at 15%. from 5 to 20 million rubles. per year 18%, from 20 to 50 million - 20%, over 50 million rubles. per year - 22%. it is worth noting that the increased tax will not be levied on the entire amount, only on excess of the relevant thresholds. another change provides for an increase in income tax for organizations from 20 to 25%, and thanks to this measure alone, next year the federal budget will receive an additional 1.6 trillion rubles. those citizens who have higher incomes should pay more, and these resources should also be directed to those people who are in greater need of government support, this is actually happened when we introduced a progressive tax scale. the principle of fairness is that, at the proposal of business , we took into account the abolition of the so-called turnover
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taxes that businesses today pay when exporting their products; an increase in the mineral extraction tax for iron ore, coal fertilizers, and diamonds is envisaged, according to the document, the cut-off price above which , a surcharge on the mineral extraction tax for thermal coal will be charged at $120 per ton, $167 for coal coal. coal, current price for anthracite - $135 per ton, the premium to the mineral extraction tax will be 10% above the cut-off price for coal, as well as anthracite, and for thermal coal 5%. in addition, the federation council approved a law that provides for an annual indexation of excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol by 4% for 3 years, the procedure for paying excise duty on pharmaceutical alcohol-containing substances was improved, and new measures were introduced to curb the rise in prices for... innovation absolutely correct, long-awaited, necessary, think,
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maybe some additional regulations are needed or through the ministry of finance in order to ensure that the pharmaceutical industry, hospitals and others who use rubbing alcohol for medical purposes are not harmed, this is very important, an annual payment is provided for working russians with two and more children, if the average per capita income of the family does not exceed one and a half subsistence levels. minimum established in the region at the place of residence, payments will become a kind of thirteenth salary for parents, since they represent refund of tax payments accrued at the end of the year. the amount of the payment will be calculated in such a way that the parents’ personal income tax will ultimately be at the level of 6%. this is the money of the taxpayers themselves, this is a refund of part of the tax income, that is, you work, provide wages and parts, most of them.
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gdp volume this year will exceed 191 trillion rubles, its growth will be 2.8%. inflation will be at 5.1%. it will return to the basic indicators. in 2025 , and the ruble exchange rate against the dollar will be at the level of 94 rubles. 70 kopecks the presented bill fully takes into account expenditure obligations to implement the goals of the tasks set by the president of the russian federation and the federal assembly. i will briefly discuss changes in a number of macroeconomic indicators. thus, the rate of economic growth
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this year will accelerate by an additional 0.5% point. and will be 2.8%. in addition, it is expected that thanks to the implemented social and financial economic policies, real cash incomes of the population this year will increase significantly to 5.2%, which is 2 and a half percentage points higher than in the autumn forecast. as for other main budget parameters, the deficit will be at the level of 2 trillion rubles. this is 1.1% of gdp. implementation of the president's message and his instructions. alena logvinova, dmitry malyshev and sergey kuznetsov, lead. issues of improving legislation in the trucking industry were discussed today in moscow. the chairman of the
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fair russia party, sergei mironov , held a round table meeting with members of the association "grusavtotrans". the focus, among other things, was the creation of a unified electronic register of cargo carriers. there are many problems, there are external problems, there are internal ones, but the external ones are understandable, related to sanctions, to changes in logistics, it is especially difficult, today colleagues from the kaliningrad region are working, there are internal problems, shortcomings in the work of weight control. shortcomings - in organizing the normal quantity and quality of spare parts, and the new registration system, state log also raises many questions, in a word, i i think that there will be a professional conversation on these problems, and we, as legislators , will be ready to get involved to resolve these issues.
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procedures continued their sports marathon. by the way, western mongolia surprised us not only with the beauty of its landscapes, but also with its challenging route. read more about this from our colleague stas ridultsev. he works there. mongolia is the country with the lowest population density in the world, but once a year the people unite in giant ones. mongolian beauties do not miss opportunities show yourself, but everyone came to see something else. in midsummer, mongolia celebrates nadom, a festival of prosperity for all , reflecting the traditions of the nomadic people. it is also called three men's games: wrestling, archery and, of course, horse racing, which rhymes perfectly with international. or the silk road marathon. mongolian horse racing is also about speed and endurance. the distance is from 15 to 30 km, riders are only boys from 5 to 13 years old, most ride bareback.
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one of the most difficult competitions looks similar planets rally-marathon silk road, but this is if you look at it from the ground, but from the air the whole picture opens up, both dizzying mongolian views and crazy racing turns. here it is. without aviation, such a race is impossible, the silk road is associated with a real risk to life, so the races are accompanied by three medical helicopters, another television helicopter, and another rotating commissar along the route, he monitors the safety of the race, but this is not all the aviation involved in the marathon rally. the race stretches over a distance of hundreds kilometers, sometimes 600-800 even, in our sport it is very important. communication, therefore, above us, above the helicopters , three valuable small aircraft are still hovering in the air during the entire special stage and they provide stable
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radio communication, the pilots of both racing equipment and aircraft on the nasal route are real aces, they have to fly in difficult conditions, at low altitudes, around mountains and cars racing at high speed. i remembered myself when i was a pilot, seeing a helicopter, the participant begins, as they say... the pilots to arrange odessa film studio, that is, somehow pose, understand that it is being filmed, drive more beautifully, so that there is sand, a turn, there are springboards, bumps, mistakes happen. the sixth stage of the marathon rally is the fastest and longest of the entire race, almost 450 km, and the first sand dunes of this year, and for many in life, among all the silk trucks, also appeared on the participants’ path.
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and we have 11 children per crew, some of whom not only worry, but actually participate here. fierce competition continues in all ten silk road competitions, but in cargo the nerve racing pulses stronger than the roar of the engines of these giants. victory at the stage was won by eduard nikolaev's kamaz, and race leader dmitry sotnikov did not lose pace, he drove quickly and steadily, winning 3 minutes over sergei vizovich's maz, however, in marathon rallies this is not considered a lead. one hundred sredikultsev, ivan lavrikov and alexander stolmashevsky. news from khovd, mongolia. in the third final reading, the state duma adopted a bill introducing a tourist tax. it will begin to operate on january 1 next year and
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will essentially replace the resort fee, who will have to pay how much, from whom the tax will not be collected, we will tell you in more detail. so, the right to determine the amount of tourist tax is assigned to municipalities, which will do this independently. in moscow, st. petersburg, sevastopol, the tourist tax will be introduced legally at the local level, in the federal territory of siriu with regulatory legal acts of the representative body. in the twenty-fifth year, when it begins to operate, the maximum rate will be 1% of the cost services for hotel accommodation in other places of accommodation, but after that the rate will increase, adding one percentage point until 2029, then it will not exceed 5%, but the minimum tax amount is 100 rubles per day. this will not significantly lead to any imitation, especially since you
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know that when it was considered. experts from our deputies in the relevant committees, when this bill was passed, all the arguments for it were presented in a very well-reasoned manner, this is the first, secondly, of course, as the sector develops tourism, and this is one of the most dynamically developing sectors of our economy, accordingly, and thanks to this tax, the quality of tourist... objects will also improve, well, what else is important: the tourist tax will be paid to the budget at the location of the hotel, and the actual taxpayer will not be a person, but an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity that owns hotels, hostels, boarding houses, and so on. so, from whom it will not be charged, these are from preferential categories of citizens, these are the heroes of the ussr and russia, participants in the great patriotic war, special military operation, combat veterans, disabled people
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and... a number of other categories, well , local authorities will be able to expand this list on their own, a tourist tax is also a good help, the money will be directed, of course, primarily to infrastructure, in order for more of our people to have comfortable opportunities to go to our resorts, we therefore need to invest in infrastructure. on the territory of some russian subjects. there is already a resort fee, initial the experiment was supposed to operate until the end of 2022, but it was extended until 2025, as with the tourist tax, each region sets the amount of the fee independently, but within 100 rubles per person per day. so, in the krasnodar territory it is 30 rubles. per day, in sochi, sirius, in the altai territory - 50 rubles. and in the stavropol territory and st. petersburg - 100 rubles. in crimea, the authorities
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canceled the tax in 2020. considering that it will become an additional burden for business tourists. any set of rules, both on the road and in companies, should be clear and uniform for everyone, then it will be easier to follow it. what solutions do businesses have for this today? an investor who wants...
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this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. one against six, the enemies could do nothing. it was not so sweet for the vseushniks to be oporniks during the devastating attack of an attack aircraft with the call sign peach. the kiev regime calls on those who fled the country to join the ukrainian legion. why is the formation being formed in poland, is it really for everyone who marches through european cities? life-blade ensigns? in su they are equipped with excavators. the ukrainian military is trying to support the front.


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