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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 10, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. one against six. the enemies could not do anything, as it was not sweet for the oporniks with all ears, it was necessary during the devastating attack of an attack aircraft with the call sign peach. the kiev regime calls on those who fled the country to join the ukrainian legion, why is it forming a unit in poland, is it really for everyone who marches through european cities with belly-clouded ensigns? are sou do equipped with excavators? the ukrainian military is trying to support the front.
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kill russians, kill children and blamed russia for her alcoholism. when they noticed me, it was the last thing they saw in their lives. a quote from a story by a russian attack aircraft with the call sign peach about a successful combat mission, without any involvement, a vivid story. became known
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thanks to artie, of course, did not leave anyone indifferent, since the fighter, absolutely calmly with a minimum of emotions, conveyed one of the most poignant moments of the battle, namely, when, during the attack of our unit on the enemy’s position, he found himself alone against ukrainian militants with a clear numerical superiority, but as it turned out, with proper preparation in the mood, nothing can stop the attack aircraft of the russian armed forces. the fighter acted clearly without delay, and thanks to this he became the hero of news headlines in the spirit of... some movie, yet it’s not every day that journalists manage to make material about how a lone man took on an enemy supporter. anton potkovenko will convey the details of that battle. anton, good evening, greetings, but the peach also managed to record a video report? yes, and quite detailed video report, and also took a trophy. it was a powerful attack, during which our warrior found himself 1:1, first with four, and then with two more vsushniks, and emerged victorious. the stormtrooper...
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returned to his guys, soldiers, and decided to storm the enemy. it turned out that persik flew in, that is, he burst into this stronghold alone with an advantageous assault rifle. it's a cramped dugout, with four vssushniks. at such a moment, everything was decided not even by seconds, but by fractions of a second. in these frames, the enemies have already been eliminated. peach says he fell to out of the blue. another drone. the enemy seemed to be out of control.
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my personal opinion is that somehow he behaves too imposingly, i went there alone in the support room itself, someone was resting, someone was sitting on the phone , climbing when they saw me, well , accordingly, that was the last thing they saw, they they understand that they are meat, just meat, they know that they will lose anyway, so they are just sitting out, it’s just that they are dragging out time, we need to move forward. some of the sushushniks could be under chemicals, that is, on drugs, such people would be captured repeatedly taken, in battle our soldiers met with those whose pupils were either not visible at all, or, on the contrary, dilated, the likelihood that they could be under some kind of narcotic drugs, substances, again the strength of the russian spirit and the professionalism of our warrior played a big role role in this situation. not everyone is able not
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to succumb to panic, and not to get confused at the right moment and have time to react faster than the enemy. after capturing the opornik, the fighter... contacted the commander, reported that the position was ours, the enemy had been destroyed, the attack aircraft was told move on, and before that make a video report, which we actually see, here they are located here, they have generators, wi-fi, batteries for drones, when i finished my video report, i began to leave this support tower, a pickup truck drove up to me with two nationalists, well, i... also successfully destroyed them right in the car, minus two in the car, minus four in the dugout, this is a warrior, his voice is even, calm, and can you imagine what a lightning-fast reaction is needed and what skill, i can tell your feelings, yes, when you have such a situation,
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first of all, you have adrenaline, just adrenaline, it gushes, so you have a sense of smell, touch, that is, your head is 360, you have it right away. from 100% vision he starts working, the most important thing is that he didn’t get confused, well done, he completed his task, handsome, no questions, we should be proud of people like this, someone we should look up to, the peach also brought trophies, a couple of drones, our birds will reconfigure them they will also drop explosives on kiev militants. they took one drone, one whole drone, here’s another drone, we need to take it too, in short, something like this. my call peach, here it is, our attack aircraft and six vsushnikov realized too late that this fruit was too tough for them. anton potkovenko and the hero loner. the federal security service reported today that its
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employees managed to prevent a series of terrorist attacks, the victims of which could have been russians from the leadership of the world defense. an agent of the kiev regime planned to send them homemade bombs under the guise of gifts, but was stopped; in addition, they managed to nip sabotage in the murma region on board the aircraft carrier admiral kuznetsov, and in in this case, the ukrainian customers did not even realize that our security forces were playing an operational game with them. vitaly karmazin will reveal its details. i made a new paint, now i’m going to go test it. this is footage of a bomb being tested, assembled from components that the ukrainian special services gave to a twenty-four-year-old soldier from the russian cruiser , admiral of the soviet union kuznetsov. here you go.
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under the control of operatives, he started a so -called radio game with ukrainian intelligence, and it... it was here that they tried to organize a terrorist attack ukrainian special services, in order to recruit a russian serviceman, the curator used psychological techniques, first promising money using separate documents that were already in a cache and going to finland for... for which he threatened that he would hand over the saboteur to the russian special services, who actually controlled the whole process negotiations, in order to convince the ukrainian curator, the serviceman filmed a video of a staged emergency under the guise of a planned fire safety exercise on a cruiser and sent it to ukraine. as expected, after receiving
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video recordings of a re-enactment of a terrorist attack on admiral kuznetsov, the curator turned off communications and deleted the accounts used in messengers. in fact, ukrainian intelligence was planning. use the executor, but our intelligence services worked ahead of the curve. another prevented terrorist attack related to an aircraft carrier, admiral kuznetsov shows the efficiency, clarity and coherence of the work of our security service, so thank you very much to all colleagues for this. against persons involved in the recruitment of russian servicemen to commit a criminal case has been opened regarding the terrorist attack, and those involved face severe punishment, up to life imprisonment. for kyiv. each such terrorist attack is an opportunity to report to western curators, especially since admiral kuznetsov is the flagship of the northern fleet of the russian navy, it was commissioned in 1991, it is designed to destroy large surface targets, it is capable of carrying 50 planes and helicopters, here it is off the syrian coast takes part in an operation against
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terrorists, carrier-based fighters take off one after another. after that long journey admiral kuznetsov embarked on a scheduled repair, a special operation. did not take part, but the ukrainian special services are trying to reach any objects, even in the deep rear, a characteristic signature of terrorists. such operations are supervised personally. the head of military intelligence of ukraine, included in russia’s list of terrorists by kirill budanov. on monday it became known that the fsb stopped kiev’s attempt to persuade a russian military pilot to hijack or destroy the strategic bomber tu-22 m3 missile carrier. and today investigators reported that they prevented a terrorist attack against three high-ranking officers of the russian army. this agent, detained in moscow, sent their couriers these gift sets with coffee packages inside. there was an explosive, he admitted guilt. in may 2024, he was recruited as an employee of ukrainian military
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intelligence and agreed to carry out assignments related to the preparation of terrorist attacks on russian territory for material compensation. the explosive devices had to be detonated after the couriers reported the delivery. parcels to recipients. a criminal case has been opened against him for preparing a terrorist attack; foreign organizers and accomplices have already been put on the wanted list. vitali karmazin, vladimir kostrov, mikhail fedotov, news. a huge number of fresh graves are adjacent to the reserves for new plots, of which there are at least the same number, if not more, so from the drone’s flight altitude it looks like just one of the cemeteries in the city of zaporozhye, where they clearly know firsthand how great the losses of the armed forces of ukraine are, however, the attitude towards this gloomy statistics among the population of ukraine are different, some probably grieves and dreams of the coming of peace, but others even here find a reason to fantasize about victory, in particular , information has appeared about a very peculiar... moby, where can i say, old push-button mobile phones with
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a power bank are placed in the coffins of the two hundred defenders so that they last longer charge ever waited for a text message, well, about some kind of victory over russia. the prospects are, to put it mildly, dubious, and there are obviously few people willing to personally check whether the sms is reaching the correct color, because only according to official statistics, the tcc is currently looking for there are almost half a million draft dodgers, a significant portion of whom are hiding outside the country in the european union. although the regime’s paws will very likely soon reach there too, because the head of the ministry of defense , the independent umerov, announced the creation of a certain ukrainian legion in poland, what it is , why it is needed in principle, we’ll find out from evgeniy nipot, evgeniy, hello, hello, alexey, well, apparently, this is a new tool for catching refugees liable for military service, and it also still resembles some kind of pr campaign, that’s what it’s needed for now, i’ll tell you, the name is this and the name is legion.
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ensigns from a safe distance, where bullets don’t whistle, drones don’t fly and factories don’t burst, the kiev regime, against the backdrop of a shortage of personnel, is not satisfied with such distant patriotism, the country’s minister of defense umirov issues whole proclamations, promises the best equipment from international partners, as well as modern preparations from...
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embassies in europe organize various provocations or organize processions in honor of football matches, when it comes to
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the real business of traveling to the front, all these those marching with flags and living in the cities of the old world are blown away. one of the illustrative stories is published by the channel “life of insects”. on banned facebook, in the comments of one of the russian-language public pages , runaway ukropatriots are constantly grazing. they insult, write typical slogans, the most, what is called, charged administrator of strangers. accounts began to send out an offer to go to the front, here are the typical reactions: a man with a telling surname pyatak - reports that he is violet about the fact that ukraine needs to be defended in the trenches. your polish geolocation, this character gave out, answering that you are assholes, what about patriotic comments and added that let them mobilize the rada deputies, the police and the quote keep muzzle. they are sent across the bridge to nato and do not understand why they should fight for fatherlandism, a government that has done nothing for the people. that is, this is such a perverted consciousness, such a postmodern,
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informational-political patriotism, when it comes to... uh, a real opportunity to serve for their bandera ukraine, they naturally refuse, hide, argue that they are already carry out support campaigns that influence the acceleration of assistance from western countries. the zelensky regime is actively trying to promote this idea with a new formation, however, judging by the total mobilization inside ukraine, it is unlikely that there will be many people willing to join the ranks of suicide. at the same time , poland itself, by creating a new ukrainian region, experts believe, is solving one of the most important problems for itself. for europe, the interest here is very simple: not to send its soldiers to the war in ukraine. it’s easier, much easier, to round up all these ukrainian men, who even work here, send them there as cannon fodder,
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so that this war will be pushed back there, i don’t know, by a month, by six months. and here are some more interesting parallels: the ukrainian legion was already... formed from banderaites who served nazi germany. the ukrainian legion is a unit of roman sushko, which took part in the aggression against poland in 1939, it was part of lviv. this is one of the first sub-units of ukrainian nationalists within the wehrmacht, which took part in the aggression against poland. a now it is being formed with the same name in poland. and it is also assumed that the current ideologies, both in the armed forces of ukraine and in this unit. there will be ukrainian nationalism. in the forties, a unit called the ukrainian legion participated in the genocide of civilians on the territory of yugoslavia, carrying out the orders of hitler’s puppets from croatia. and now they want to lure fugitives into such a legion, those who left square, but it turns out, as always, as if no matter what the kiev regime tries to create, it still works out nazi battalion. evgenia nipot hunting for
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hilyants abroad. as for the boys who did not have time to escape abroad, their fate remains extremely unenviable; within 24 hours, in the zone of responsibility of our group of troops west on the border of the lpr and the kharkov region , over 490 enemy personnel were eliminated, up to 600 more, you were in formation in the donetsk direction , where the russian military occupied more advantageous positions, to the west of avdeevka, five enemy attacks were repelled at once, which cost the kiev regime more than five thousand militants, from the line contacts, reporting by pavel prokopenko. marty went, went, went, went! close combat from the first person, so the attack aircraft of the center group of troops took away the next enemy stronghold in berdychi, what is there to control, control, there is definitely someone inside, but the number of the enemy is unknown, it is all the more difficult to imagine what he will do in the next second, not they want to surrender, throw a grenade, our soldiers took the point
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in just a couple of minutes, clean, clean, excellent, we are under heavy pressure... we jumped into the trenches, they stormed their trenches, entrenched themselves there and held on until the last. the bc was running out, but the bcs were delivered on time. scary? yes, it can be scary. after a short rest, classes at the training ground. here they have a nine-hour working day. soldiers prefer to work at night, and it's not just about stealth. now, when the sun is at zenith outside in an open field, not only shooting accuracy is important, but also endurance. there are many mobilized in the detachment. this fighter from the ural asbestos, a technologist at a paper factory, is here i had to remember my old profession, i am a paramedic by training, that is , i came here as a company paramedic, next to my blood type on the sleeve is the flag of my native country, serb is the call sign of the nationality of the commander of the assault company, a volunteer, childhood memories forced me to come to the front, today
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he considers his opponents to be those who sent nato missiles to belgrade. americans in all conflicts. for the battle for everything, so that there are no losses, nothing, so that we achieve the goal. siberian central military brigade the district is always at the forefront of events on the front line, the battles near donetsk in the lugansk region. several liberated settlements, the number of which will only grow. pavel prokopenko, sergey truskov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko. news: donetsk people's
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republic. well, next is an interesting video for those who miss our lancets. in this case, one of the russian loitering munitions burns to the ground a ukrainian engineering vehicle, which was hiding in a forest plantation, but did not escape the watchful gaze of intelligence officers, although interesting footage not only of the very fact of an accurate strike on a camouflaged grader, but also of the task he had performed a little earlier, as you can see, directing a crossing across the volchie river in the kharkov direction of the northern military district, where enemy formations still indicate certain counter-offensive attempts, and if earlier to overcome water barriers they used pontoons, but now earthen embankments are increasingly being built instead of standard army bridge layers, be they mtu from soviet reserves or modern german ones the biebers involve civilian equipment in their work , up to... banal bulldozers and excavators, what does this mean, we’ll find out with the help of evgeniy tishkovets, evgeniy, greetings, good evening, where did the professional equipment for crossings go? alexey, everything is banal, he is sorely
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missed. the west turned out to be less generous with engineering equipment than with military equipment. they once boasted that, thanks to western sponsors, they had become one of the most equipped armies on the continent, but now they fight with the help of excavators. images from kharkov region, heavy vehicle. apparently a civilian alone, without cover, is trying to form an embankment crossing across the volcha river. for the ukrainian military trying to contain our offensive actions, this is a matter of life and death. but the mission turns out to be a failure. the technique was noticed by our lancet. the volchiya river is one of the places through which they crossed and sent their reserves towards volchansk. and our forces focus the main, main attention precisely. on the volcha river to prevent the enemy from transporting their forces and means, and secondly, hit them from the flank at
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the enemy’s temporary deployment points, and perhaps as a result of this, so -called small pockets can be formed. it must be said that the enemy has more than once tried to build unpaved embankment crossings across the wolves, the river is very shallow and calm, the current here is weak, and therefore embankments in... are not a workable option for building bridges, the creation of such temporary structures is a matter of several hours, a tank, of course, won’t drive through them, but a truck or a pickup truck is fine, most likely they’ll be thrown to the bottom there some kind of concrete ring - well, like a pipe and, accordingly, then on top of it, well, they make an embankment, the solution in itself is rational, it’s just another question that in the presence of these bridge layers, which up to... well, there are different models from 10 there to even 16 meters, that is, if the river is small, then you can just do it faster, that is, a good
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bridge layer can organize it there within half an hour, and indeed, the combat effectiveness of excavators is incomparably lower than that of high-quality engineering vehicles, like this normal equipped armies cross rivers with the help of pontoons and special equipment based on tanks, ukraine had such, firstly. the bridge layers of the mtu family and heavy mechanized bridges tmm-3m also remained from the ussr, but secondly, the western allies gave something, we are talking about german biber american m60lb, capable of quickly constructing river crossings with a length of 20-18 m, respectively. in total , kiev was given a couple of dozen of these cars, where is all this wealth now, and in the same place as leopards and abrams in the dustbin of history, on apu'. this is the highest priority goal,
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since this is a bottleneck in the enemy’s logistics in any case and through which reinforcements are transferred to supply the operating forces on the front line, therefore the destruction of crossings, bridges is a priority and equipment ensures their construction, maintenance, and so on, repair , this is a priority task, of course, for the sake of fairness we will say that the new tactics of the ukrainian armed forces also have their advantages: bulk crossings are more difficult to destroy than bridges built by special equipment, for example, one lancet will not be enough, you need something heavier, but this plus, purely theoretically, the russian army has a wide selection of ammunition for the destruction of a wide variety of objects, on time:
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also seen repeatedly. and a little more about hitting it, either with the use of some kind of missile weapons, that we are making improvised embankments, and what if heavy rains come again in the combat area, then the capacity of the concrete rings at the crossings will not be enough, and the water will rush into the floodplain, flooding warehouses on one side and brothers waiting for help on the other, and the houses of civilians. however, kiev, accustomed to living one day at a time, is unlikely to think about the long-term consequences of... its primitive supply tactics, they say, after us there will be a flood. evgeny teshkovets, and handicrafts. the town of sputnik of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant energodar today again found itself under intense artillery fire from the ukrainian armed forces. there were no casualties there, however, due to attacks on civilian infrastructure, the supply of electricity was disrupted, and in addition there was some damage received the water intake building and the nuclear power plant itself. did this affect her
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work schedule? the shelling of the energy dar began immediately after the rotation of mgt observers, as soon as the experts left the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, the ukrainian armed forces struck the city’s infrastructure, as a result of which they disrupted the power supply and almost deprived residents of water supply; fortunately, there were no casualties. clearly, the purpose of such shelling is to cause irreparable damage to the city infrastructure and the life of the city directly. reason that the consequences could be catastrophic for the city. energodar is a city satellite of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. its vital activity directly affects the operation of the nuclear power plant. a blow to the water intake mechanisms could hypothetically lead to disruption of the cooling systems of nuclear power units. however, the station was protected from such an outcome. the plant is operating normally; since april of this year, all power units of the station have been transferred to a cold shutdown state,
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everything on the site is stable. safe operation of stations is ensured in full volume. such shelling in the ssu is carried out systematically. recently, cases of opponents using incendiary projectiles have become more frequent. with their help, the enemy starts uncontrolled fires in the kherson direction, which also threaten the city's infrastructure. literally along all the boundaries of the city limits, firefighters are now constantly working to eliminate these same fires. well, they practically work in the most difficult conditions , at times under enemy fire. earlier, magate head rafael grossi demanded to stop shelling of the energy dar, but the kiev regime continues to play with fire. this is not the first time that water withdrawal has become a target. in may , during chaotic shelling, the building was also damaged, and two heating and water supply workers were also wounded. at the beginning of july, the ukrainian armed forces hit the raduga substation, leaving most
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of the energy supply without water and electricity. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country, a gas station, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than what exactly digital helps, you incomparably original in its questions, what about production, raw materials, exports in general, what is it, our product? if everything
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looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. who are you? i, a traveler to...


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