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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 10, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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thank you! updated! pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as before! every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category for everything. transfer money to sberbank from other banks for free and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners, it’s more profitable with a subscription with berprim. a real hunt. this is when the loot is almost in your hands, when the main trophy from 20 million is right in front of you, every 15 minutes, for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win that lotto! tsansoy, this is what asian tastes like! looking for the stay of your future dreams? don't be cruel to me, cruel! connect
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clean, bright taste, more benefits. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing. house, resale or new building. find a property, apply for domclick. hello, there is a legal program on air from the duty department. tatyana petrova is with you. in st. petersburg , police discovered an underground tobacco factory. illegal production occupied. two floors of an industrial building at the enterprise produced snyu, chewing tobacco, as well as liquids for vaping and electronic cigarettes, and the attackers were thoroughly prepared, purchasing equipment worth tens of millions of rubles. operational footage shows shelves with unknown chemical liquids, strange powders and small concrete mixers, in which, apparently, hapless alchemists mixed a potion for sale. in the neighboring workshops , dozens of empty containers for... and
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many smoking gadgets were stored. investigators the investigative department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia in the moscow region opened a criminal case, the seized case was sent for examination. all counterfeit goods were confiscated from illegal manufacturers, and the workers themselves will soon be taken to court to select a preventive measure. now we will take a break for a short advertisement, there is still a lot of interesting news ahead, stay tuned to our channel. there are a lot of things that can be confused, but you can’t go wrong with the choice of thermal insulation; pinoplex slabs provide protection. from heat and
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or new building. find a property submit application for domklik. the live legal program is broadcast by the duty department, we continue our broadcast. a suspect in a triple murder has been arrested in north london. kyle clifford. police believe he was the one who shot dead bbc sports commentator john hunt's wife and two daughters with a crossbow the night before. we expect to learn all the details from our own uk correspondent alexander khabarov. he's in direct contact. alexander, hello, please tell me what is known at this moment? right now. i'm right there the place where the suspect was detained for committing this crime. the place has a very romantic name, a lavender hill, behind me is the cemetery where he was hiding. and, according to police, not a single shot was fired during the arrest. obviously,
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this man surrendered, but nevertheless, he was evacuated from this place to one of the london hospitals with injuries. it is known about this man that... for some time he was in a relationship with one of the presenter’s daughters, so in fact, these were one of the murdered women, and these women were tied up before he killed them, well, it is assumed that he did it, they were tied up and then shot with a crossbow, after which the criminal left the house where he committed the crime went to this area, where, in fact, where he is from, it is also known about him that in the past he was a military serviceman, and another interesting detail, his brother is serving time. for the murder of a young man who scratched his car and is serving time in one of british prisons, he has a life sentence, this is his family, now , of course, the information is quite limited about how the search was carried out, but apparently, external surveillance cameras were actively used
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; the press has already received individual photographs of the suspect leaving the house where he committed murder, how he got into the car and then here in this area... his car was discovered, the police cordoned off the cemetery during the day and detained the suspect, until this hour information, thank you very much, with the latest information our own correspondent, alexander khabarov, was from london. in other news: the bonus scandal in kaliningrad, the court arrested for 2 months the rector of the baltic federal university, alexander fedorov , and the vice-rector of the same university, elena myalkina. the scientist is suspected of embezzling 18 million rubles. according to the investigation, fedorov rewarded with one hand and robbed his subordinates with the other. in addition, investigators believe that the rector may be involved in other corruption crimes. report by galina hungureeva. the spacious auditorium of the university had to be replaced by narrow corridors and cramped glass boxes at home. a sharp turn occurred in
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the career of the rector of the baltic federal university, alexander fedorov. he is charged with misappropriation and embezzlement of 18 million rubles. where the professor would be during the investigation was decided. at first , this photo was circulated in the c-news agency with the tag lightning. fedorov is in his office on a white chair, next to him on the table is a carpet of five thousand dollar bills. soon the fsb investigative committee published operational footage. from the envelope the investigator to wearing gloves he takes out a hefty wad of cash. the professor's fingerprints are checked on the bills. according to one source , 500,000 rubles were found in the office. according to the other 700. fedorov’s deputy, elena myalkin, is considered to be involved in the fraud.
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rector, chairman of the academic council, doctor of philosophy, and this is just part of alexander fedorov’s regalia. he once headed the nizhny novgorod state university named after minin. the second defendant in the criminal case, elena myalkina, worked there and was also his right hand. rector of the baltic fedorov became federal in kaliningrad in 2020, and invited myalkina, vice-rector for economics and development, to go there, as her position is indicated on the university website. one of the...
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rector of the baltic university issued illegal orders on additional payments to her employees for the intensity of work, and vice-rector myalkina collected them from teachers and gave them to fedorov. the criminal scheme operated from 2022 to 2024 . they are suspected of misappropriation and embezzlement of funds by a group of persons by prior conspiracy using their official position. either a philosophical approach to what is happening, or a lack of arguments in one’s defense. fedorov was extreme during the meeting. cheliv is reserved. myalkino also did not express emotions. the court sent both of them into custody for 2 months until
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september 8, 2024. galina hungureeva, mikhail shirin, lead the duty department. hiding drugs under the muffler of a car in mordovia, the police detained a foreigner who was transporting prohibited substances in an unusual way. here is footage of the inspection of the vehicle from the protective screen, operatives they take out a bag of methyl ephidrone. according to the detainee, he was transporting a prohibited substance for the purpose of subsequent sale in the ryazan region. at the moment , a criminal case is being investigated against the detainee by the investigative unit of the investigative department of the ministry of internal affairs of the republic of mordovia. the alleged drug dealer was taken into custody, and the police are identifying the remaining participants in the criminal activity. the russian ministry of emergency situations is ready to work on joint standards for exchange. through the duty services of the brics countries, the head of the ministry of emergency situations announced this russia's alexander kurenkov at a meeting of the heads
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of emergency departments of the brics countries in kazan. the event will take place over 2 days under the chairmanship of the russian minister. the head of the ministry of emergency situations is accompanied by our film crew from kazan, alexandra mostovaya. the kazan business center welcomes guests from brix countries, registration of participants is in full swing. heated discussions await them over the next 2 days. there is a site in kazan today. for international cooperation and exchange of experience, representatives of the emergency departments of the brix countries arrived in capital of tatarstan early in the morning, they all gathered in this room, there are a lot of journalists here, as you and i can see, they are all waiting for the official opening, it will start any minute, we are also watching. among the participating countries are china, the united arab emirates, ethiopia, belarus, and russia this year chairs the association, and therefore it is symbolic that the meeting of heads of emergency departments. takes place in hospitable kazan, with the russian delegation headed by minister alexander kurenkov.
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every year, the authority of brix and its influence on the world stage is steadily growing. we have every opportunity to work effectively together aimed at ensuring international stability and security , sustainable growth and prosperity, and improving the well-being of the population. the interaction of the brix countries at the level of emergency departments is an important aspect. formation of strategic initiatives aimed at developing a system of comprehensive security and mutual assistance. we are grateful for choosing kazan as the venue.
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the duty unit is from the republic of tatarstan. courts are overloaded, the situation requires an immediate solution, conflicts with family members, employers or government officials do not necessarily need to be brought to the official process. they can be resolved using a conciliatory procedure - mediation. such negotiations are always conducted pre-trial and always confidential, because contracts, reputation and personal relationships with partners are at stake. capital, mediators are ready to accept everyone in the butyrka court, on how to save face during a conflict and feel comfortable resolve any dispute, andrey romanov. in just a few hours, at the oval table in the butyrsky district court of moscow , a dispute between a group of people was resolved, which could have developed into lengthy litigation. have we taken everything into account and are we ready to conclude all disputes today
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by signing a mediation agreement, yes. judicial mediator yulia shiryaeva helped employees of one of the capital's enterprises resolve a controversial situation with their employer; the people were paid their wage arrears within a short time and they saved their jobs. we have exhausted all the questions, that is, what we had questions for the employer. i remain in the company, i am very glad that with the help of this procedure it was possible to solve all these problems without going to trial . under the supervision of an experienced specialist who helps the parties agree to find a way out even in the most difficult situations, among the advantages are the ability to get rid of the problem quickly, complete confidentiality, and therefore the absence of reputational losses for
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the parties to the dispute, the most important thing for us as a legal entity is confidentiality yes... disputes involving mediators came into force on january 1, 2011; until recently, this procedure was used in arbitration courts and intellectual property rights courts; now mediators appear in courts. the first experimental site was the butyrsky district court of moscow. for meetings with a mediator in court, there is a special reconciliation room, inside there is no dock or cage with
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the rest of the bars, only an oval table to emphasize that all participants in this meeting are equal to each other. in the reconciliation room, in addition to the oval table, there is an armchair for individual negotiations, often in order to dive into the problem, says mediator yulia shiryaeva, it is necessary to communicate with everyone. confidentially between the parties, especially in relation to family disputes. today, more than 70% of appeals are family disputes, here is an example of the practice of the reconciliation room of the butyrsky court. why is it important? you can get a judicial act, but children, communication with grandparents, how to arrange issues of education, this needs to sit down with each specific family and come to an agreement, write down literally all the steps. this is not always possible in court; the judge does not have the competence to work with personal emotions and the reasons for these divorces. in addition to the fact that mediators are ready to understand the intricacies
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of each story and listen to the often very emotional arguments of the parties, the work of these specialists reduces the burden on the judicial system, the number of claims is growing every year, queues line up outside the courtrooms, people wait for hours for the start of their process, usually it takes more than one day. with a mediator yes chance. solve the problem in a matter of hours, instructions on how to get to the reconciliation room are posted in the corridors of the butyrsky court, and the fimidye ministers themselves will always tell those who are suitable for the mediation procedure what to do, a preliminary court hearing is scheduled, at which the judge explains to the parties about , that they can conclude a mediation or settlement agreement, for which time is provided, they calmly pass here now, let me remind you, i want to say again that we have mediators constantly on duty in court. they go to the office where they can contact the mediator. the judge emphasizes that there are no random people in mediation; if a person works in the reconciliation room, it means that he
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is trusted by the fimid ministers, among the requirements for mediators are age from 25 years, higher education, special training and necessarily experience working in the judicial system. a mediator is needed in order to find a way out in some very difficult situation for the disputing parties. when we sit down with people, we look. why did this happen, when we are so immersed, we find an option that it seems fair to them, it is a way out for them, yes, it is their decision, not the decision of the judge. as evidence of this, the growing popularity of the mediation procedure now takes place in the reconciliation room of the butyrsky court at least five meetings every day; almost every time the dispute ends with the signing of a mediation agreement. andrey romanov, mikhail verdiev, ramil batyrov, lead the duty unit.
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a private light-engine tsesna plane crashed in tatarstan. according to preliminary data, there was a family on board, the father. the mother of their eleven-year-old daughter, and also a pilot, however, only the father of the family survived, the rest died. about the details of the incident, possible causes of the crash and how the investigation is being conducted, alexander ostakhov. these terrible images, taken near the small village of kamskaya ustya, on the banks of the volga in tatarstan, show what remains of a tsesna light aircraft. just a couple of minutes ago, tourists, tempted by the extreme ... it is already known that the plane belonged
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to a certain farm with the enticing name "fly with us", here is its page on social networks. indicated that over 9 years of work, professional pilots allegedly gave rides to more than 50 thousand people, there are photos of satisfied clients and advertising videos everywhere. the reality, apparently, was different. here is a photo taken by local journalists. one of the air bases is essentially an old trailer with a banner, and the pilots, according to the village residents, rarely did tricks in the air, picked up speed, performed tricks, and abruptly changed altitude. investigators and criminologists from the transport investigative committee are working at the scene. to find out the causes of the incident a set of initial investigative actions is being carried out. witnesses are being questioned and a number of examinations are being prepared for appointment. this man, stepan smirnov, called himself the organizer of the flight on social networks. an individual entrepreneur was opened in his name, but among the
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activities of a legal entity. there is not a word about the organization of flights, but most of all questions arise about the offer to be at the controls, they themselves write that such a service cost a thousand rubles, but if you see in an advertisement that the pilot offers you for 100 rubles or the company that organizes these that means air excursions for a thousand rubles to pilot an airplane or some kind of roller coaster, but not only should this not be used under any circumstances, but frankly speaking, it would be...
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practice shows that they happen regularly: in 2015 , a seaplane collided over the istorinsky reservoir in the moscow region with a private helicopter, then nine people died, it turned out that neither the company nor the pilot had the necessary documents; vacationers, in pursuit of adrenaline, trusted their lives to the deletant. also in the moscow region, the local chairman of one of snt made geroplane, mowed the grass and set up a makeshift runway. playing aviator cost him and his life. the power lines were sealed, the wire sparked, and such a car crashed in the irkutsk region 2 years ago, problems with the engine began with the homemade product on its first flight, which was, of course , unauthorized, the outcome for the pilot and passenger was also fatal. recreational flights in light-engine aircraft are controlled; the pilot must submit a special application, obtain permission to contact the dispatcher, and this is only a small part of the list. but unscrupulous businessmen often turn a blind
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eye to this. therefore, you should think twice before boarding such aircraft. experts will continue to work at the site of the disaster in tatarstan; they must find out what caused the emergency? the tatar transport prosecutor's office is checking compliance with federal legislation on flight safety. if there are grounds , prosecutorial response measures will be taken. from the versions voiced by experts, weather conditions, human factor or equipment failure. the american light-engine aircraft cessna 172 is considered a reliable machine; it has been in operation since 1956.
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chinese customs officers detained a passenger at the airport who secretly tried to introduce live snakes into the country in his trouser pockets. the prc customs administration reports that the violator arrived on the mainland through the futian checkpoint. together with other passengers, he proceeded through the green corridor, but vigilant customs officers decided to inspect the passenger and found in the pockets of his trousers a bag of live snakes, a total of 104 individuals. the smuggler has now been detained and will be detained soon. is awaiting punishment for violating the biosafety law of the people's republic of china. i remind you of the entire operational feed of legal news in our telegram channels: lead the duty department and an honest detective. and that’s all for us, tatyana petrova was with you, see you on the russia 24 tv channel. this is a big
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information evening, we... happened during a devastating attack by an attack aircraft with the call sign peach. the kiev regime calls on those who fled the country to join the ukrainian legion. for what does the connection form in poland? is it really for everyone who marches through european cities with zhertoblakit ensigns? the armed forces of ukraine are being equipped with excavators, the ukrainian military is trying to support the front by creating embankments to cross the rivers. where are the german bridge layers donated to kiev? are they all burned? she doesn't like russia, but she really wanted to get to moscow. residents of ukraine with offensive statements about russia on the phone were denied entry, which is why they threw a tantrum.


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