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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 10, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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unemployment in russia is at a record low, today it stands at 2.6%. vladimir putin announced this at a meeting with the government. according to tradition, the president discussed with the ministers the most pressing issues, how the labor market is developing in the country, how the regions are eliminating the consequences of spring floods, and whether it will be possible to restore damaged housing before the cold. all this was the focus of attention of the head of state and the cabinet of ministers today. we started a conversation with one of the most. hot topics, the situation with forest fires, according to the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, the most unfavorable forecast is in yakutia and transbaikalia. andrei grigoriev will tell members of the government about all the instructions of vladimir putin. a meeting between the president and the government is not only a discussion of individual planned issues, it is always about the general situation in the country. of course, we need to start with the situation with forest fires and eliminating the consequences of spring floods. the forecast remains unfavorable;
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dry, hot weather has established itself in a number of regions; a high fire rating level remains dangers, forces, means of the ministry of emergency situations of russia ensure the protection of populated areas from the passage of fire. yakutia and the trans-baikal territory were transferred to the republic of sakha in advance, and now one b-200 aircraft and two mi-8 helicopters are actively operating. due to the abnormal heat, forest fires in yakutia and transbaikalia are ongoing this year. we have put our forces on high alert and are increasing the frequency of forest monitoring. our main task, which we see now , is to prevent the fire from spreading to populated areas and economic facilities. simultaneously and combating the consequences of spring floods in the urals. the victims have already been paid 11 billion rubles. and the amount of compensation. on behalf
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of the president, it was increased by how much on average the amount of payments to all those affected by the flood has increased, about one and a half times, and one and a half times vlanich, yeah, how many people are still in the temporary temporary detention center? 242 people in total, all the rest have gone to their relatives and friends, well, they are renting housing, almost 3,000 residential buildings were damaged by the disaster, they need to be quickly restored before ...
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the number of employed citizens is now breaking records, and unemployment is receding. summer is vacation time, but work continues. compared to last year, last year there were 73.4 million workers; this year there are already 74.1 million workers. unemployment is at a historically low 2.6%. indeed, we see a constant dynamics of growth in numbers. employed our citizens, the demand for professions is growing unevenly, the most in demand are skilled workers, industrial engineers, representatives of the mining industry the construction industry, active construction is underway at all checkpoints on the russian border, everything is gradually being modernized, but already the waiting time has decreased by five times. customs officers have received the right to carry out veterinary and sanitary controls, there will be fewer inspectors, and there will be more high-tech domestic equipment.
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came into conflict with international calendars, so that we have a sufficient number of high-level athletes so that they don’t have problems with this calendar, you understand what i mean i say, therefore, look at the future, and overall, in my opinion, it’s a very good experience, and there are really quite a lot of people who want to come, and i ask you not to delay in paying our winners, prize-winning coaches accordingly. the minister of sports turns 43 today, but he spends this day at work. today is your birthday, mikhailovich, we congratulate you all, we wish you all the best and success. andrey grigoriev, natalya lundovskaya, andrey netreba, lead. nato's role in the conflict in
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ukraine is growing, it is dangerous, irresponsible and it is unknown where it will lead, hungarian prime minister viktor orban stated this on the sidelines of the alliance summit in washington. before the american voyage, orban visited a peacekeeping mission in russia, ukraine and china; according to him, he intends to promote the idea of ​​a peaceful settlement, as well as a call for the bloc to return to its roots, to a defensive rather than aggressive role. so far, hungary does not intend to take part in alliance missions. the president of slovakia, peter pilligrini, also spoke out against the transfer of weapons by nato countries to ukraine. his argument: this makes the airspace of the eastern flank vulnerable. all the details of the heated discussions at nato itself are from our own correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov. to stage the opening ceremony of the anniversary nato summit, the american country attracted hollywood heavyweights, the creators of the blockbuster, mind games,
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an involuntary reference to the mental problems of the host of the meeting, the whole pathos of the event was supposed to demonstrate the strength and power of the allies. it makes two sense. true friendship is more than promises and signatures on a sheet of paper paper, said the voice-over from the video that preceded the summit, but becoming a full-fledged friend, which kiev so hoped for, did not work out, the role of ukraine is defined and cannot be revised, the native infantry in the great war of the west against russia. remember, the biggest risk and biggest cost for nato today is.
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subjugate ukraine, put an end to ukrainian democracy, destroy the uranian culture of ukraine. the outcome of the conflict in ukraine, biden says, will determine the global security system for decades, that is, russia the west considers it an existential threat. and on the very first day of the summit, biden announces the transfer of patriot complexes collected from all over nato to kiev. the united states, germany, the netherlands, romania and italy will provide ukraine with equipment for five additional air defense systems, and we intend to provide ukraine with dozens of additional air defense systems in the coming months. in total, the united states and allies
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intend to allocate more than $1 billion to strengthen the air defense of ukraine, having almost reached the final stage of the speech without hesitation, the us president decides to award secretary general stoltenberg, for whom this summit is. the last highest civilian award in the united states, the medal of freedom, but he can’t do without a prompter and continues to read all the technical notes. ask a military assistant. realizing the mistake, biden freezes and the applause hides the mistake, but the prompter sets him up again, and he again reads what he shouldn’t read. the military come forward and ask them to read out the quote.
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already on the way. the prime minister of norway announced the transfer of six aircraft to kiev, followed by the transfer of his f-16s to ukraine, the usa also announces. secretary of state blinken hopes that they will be able to inflict serious damage on russia. f-16 fighters are on their way. the transfer is already underway as we speak. they will fly in the skies of ukraine this summer. this is an important event. of course, it was impossible to avoid unpleasant conversations about ukraine’s membership in nato . zelensky, who put hundreds of thousands of his soldiers on the battlefield, was instead given a new formulation of the “bridge to membership” in the alliance in washington. vague euphemism without any. obligations deadlines, only one person is trying to bring the end of the conflict closer in washington, hungarian
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prime minister orban, and here, despite the sidelong glances of condemnation, he continued his peacekeeping mission and met with turkish president erdogan, who also advocates negotiations. i asked mr. president to support us in our mission of peace, the positions of the warring parties are still far apart, but if the friends of peace unite. "with our combined efforts we can take the next step towards peace. on our page in orban wrote on social networks that in washington he will continue to insist on maintaining the defensive nature of nato, but it is almost impossible to resist the military courage of old europe alone. german television channels, in the midst of the nato summit, talk about the luft waffe exercises in alaska, during which they practice the destruction of enemy air defense systems and enemy fighters. who is this enemy? they don't even hide it. obviously, this is a completely clear signal of intimidation to russia. but while applauding biden,
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european leaders are already seeking favor trump. according to the financial times, taking advantage of the opportunity and their presence in the united states, delegations are conducting behind-the-scenes negotiations with the entourage of a possible future american president. it is known that former chief of staff of the national security council keith kellock and even former secretary of state mike are trump’s negotiators on the future of nato. ukraine, whose survival directly depends on american assistance, is also trying to understand its future if trump returns to the white house at this summit in washington, but the opinion about zelensky among republicans is noticeably worse than among the democratic administration, this concerns the issue of his legitimacy; in kiev they cannot help but understand that the prospects of the current regime directly depend on the outcome of the american elections. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. the fsb reported the prevention of a whole series of terrorist attacks, their victims could have been
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russians from the naboron leadership. an agent of the kiev regime planned to send homemade bombs under the guise of gifts. in addition, we managed to stop sabotage in murmansk area on board the aircraft carrier admiral kuznetsov. vitaly karmazin will tell you how it happened. i made a new porridge, now i’m going to try it. this is footage of bomb tests, assembled from components that the ukrainian intelligence services handed over. to a four-year-old serviceman from the russian cruiser, admiral of the soviet union kuznetsov, well, it turned out that he had to detonate the same device, but with greater power, on board the cruiser. in march 2024 , a certain oleg contacted me via a foreign internet messenger via video link, and he said that he was employee of tsypso and his activities are supervised directly by the head of the main intelligence department of the medical defense of ukraine, kirill budanov. the serviceman turned to his command. in the fsb, under the control of operatives, he began the so -called radio game with ukrainian intelligence,
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about its details from the murmansk region vladimir kostrov. here he is, a heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser, admiral of the fleet of the soviet union. kuznetsov, the only ship of its kind in the russian navy. moored on the murmansk region at berth thirty-fifth ship repair plant. it was here that the ukrainian special services tried to stage a terrorist attack. to recruit a russian serviceman, the curator used.
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it’s easy to use a performer, but ours in fact, ukrainian intelligence planned the special services to work ahead of the curve. another prevented terrorist attack related to an aircraft carrier, admiral kuznetsov, shows the efficiency, clarity and coherence of the work of our, our security service, so thank you very much to all colleagues for this, against those involved in the recruitment of the russian a serviceman for committing a terrorist attack was initiated in... russia, it was put into operation in 1991, it is designed to destroy large surface targets and is capable of carrying 50 aircraft and helicopters. here he is off the syrian coast, taking part in an operation against terrorists. the carrier-based fighters take off one after another. after that long voyage, admiral kuznetsov began scheduled repairs. he did not
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take part in special operations, but the ukrainian special services are trying to reach any objects, even in the deep rear. characteristic handwriting of terrorists. such operations are personally supervised by the head of ukrainian military intelligence, who is included in russia’s list of terrorists, kirill budanov. on monday it became known that the fsb stopped kiev’s attempt to persuade a russian military pilot to hijack or destroy the strategic bomber tu-22 m3 missile carrier. and today, operatives reported that they prevented a terrorist attack against three high-ranking officers of the russian army. this... agent, detained in moscow, sent them by courier these gift sets with coffee packages, there were explosives inside, he admitted guilt. in may 2024, he was recruited as an employee of ukrainian military intelligence and agreed to carry out assignments related to the preparation of terrorist attacks on russian territory for material compensation. the explosive devices were to be detonated after the couriers reported that
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the parcels had been delivered to the recipients. a criminal case was opened against him regarding the preparation of a terrorist attack by foreign organizers. the accomplices have already been put on the wanted list. vitaly kormazin, vladimir kostrov, mikhail fedotov, news. russian military personnel from the west group killed almost half a thousand militants in one day. our fighters in this direction also managed to occupy more advantageous positions. this was reported to the ministry of defense. they also spoke about the department about the successes of the central group of troops in the area of ​​six settlements in the dpr . the kiev regime lost about 500 people, as well as equipment, including western production. read more. denis alekseev will tell you about the special operations. information has emerged that at least five flights were recorded in poltava the day before iskanderov. in addition to military production, our rocket scientists again worked at the mirgorod airfield. the sky was clouded with black sawdust, and a large fire began. obviously the goal of the strike was achieved. there are two options: either the aircraft ammunition detonated, or the aviation
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fuel exploded. operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles. the missile forces and artillery destroyed groups of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation within 24 hours. anmp-46 air target detection radar and three launchers installation of the improved hawk denite missile system, manufactured in the usa. warehouses for storing unmanned boats of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as the accumulation of enemy personnel and military equipment in 131 areas. the crews of operational-tactical systems began to respond more quickly to the target. from the moment of detection and destruction , noticeably less time now passes, plus , judging by the footage of objective control and destruction of targets, russian drones feel at ease in ukrainian airspace. but here are our anti-aircraft gunners in one day, they shot down 29 ukrainian air forces intercepted 55 drones, again tactical missiles attacking flying towards the border
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areas. the vushniks are trying to use them to intimidate civilians, but it doesn’t work. in one day, four missiles were shot down, as well as shells from the hymars and french guided bombs. well, now there is footage that the ukrainian delegation will definitely not show at the nato summit. the video was filmed by the hair dryers themselves. the road of death in the zaporozhye direction. they christened it that way, because where don’t look, nato scrap metal is everywhere, a lance, and a little further, here is a british infantry fighting vehicle - stormer, everything cannot be restored. and here are these sfp frames. our drone is rapidly approaching the american bradley. the drone flew straight into the windshield of the armored vehicle. 330 purple visit report yes. and the units of the southern group improved the situation along the front line. they continue to inflict serious defeats with the formation of the ukrainian armed forces in yaare and the surrounding area. throughout the donetsk direction, the loss of militants is up to 600 people. and here it is
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footage of battles in the glubokoye area. kharkov region. the vsushniki are trying to recapture the lost ones.
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give back 7% of personal income tax paid to families with children. details from alena logvinova. thanks to the changes that were adopted next year, the federal budget will receive an additional 2.6 trillion rubles. the changes were aimed at fine-tuning the tax system, first of all, we are talking about a new progressive personal income tax scale for citizens whose annual income is less than 2,400,000 rubles. the rate will remain at 13%. if income above data cancel. however, less than 5 million rubles. the tax will be at the level of 15%, from 5 to 20 million rubles per year 18%, from 20 to 50 million - 20%, over 50
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million rubles per year - 22%. it is worth noting that the increased tax will not be levied on the entire amount, only on excess of the relevant thresholds. another change provides for an increase in income tax for an organization from 20 to 25%, and thanks to this measure alone next year. which businesses pay today when exporting their products, an increase is envisaged mining tax for iron ore, fertilizers, coal, and diamonds. according to the document, the cut-off price
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, above which a surcharge on the mineral extraction tax will be charged for thermal coal , will be $120 per ton, $167 for coking coal, and the flow price for anthracite - $135 per ton. the surcharge to the mineral extraction tax will be 10% above the cut-off price for selling coal. as well as anthracite, and for thermal coal - 5%. in addition, the federation council approved a law that provides for annual indexation of 4% for 3 years excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol, the procedure for paying excise duty on pharmaceutical alcohol-containing substances was improved, and new measures were introduced to curb the rise in drug prices. the innovation is absolutely correct, long-awaited, necessary, think, maybe some additional regulations are needed. or through the ministry of finance to ensure that the pharmaceutical industry, hospitals and others who use rubbing alcohol for medical purposes are not harmed, this is very
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important. provides annual payment working russians with two or more children, if the average per capita family income does not exceed one and a half subsistence minimum established in the region of residence. the payments will become a kind of thirteenth salary for parents, because they represent. refund of tax payments accrued at the end of the year. the amount of the payment will be calculated in such a way that the parents’ personal income tax will ultimately be at the level of 6%. this is the money of the taxpayers themselves, this is a refund of part of the income tax, that is, you work, you provide wages, and parts, most of these funds are returned in the form of a family tax payment, and this is done taking into account needs.
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policy, real cash incomes of the population this year will increase significantly to 5.2%, which is 2 and a half percentage points higher than in the autumn forecast. as for other main budget parameters, the deficit will be at the level of 2 trillion rubles. this is 1.1% of gdp. total revenue will exceed 35 trillion rubles. and expenses will amount to 37 trillion rubles. additional budget expenses will be primarily directed towards implementation. messages from the president and his instructions. alena logvinova, dmitry malyshev and sergey kuznetsov, lead. the prefecture of the french fenister has prohibited the russian sailing ship standart from mooring in the department's ports. despite the fact that he was going to the maritime festival in brest, which has nothing to do with politics. officials refer to a clause in the new european sanctions package on june 24. there, including copies of historical ships, are prohibited. and the standard is
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a reconstruction. martus, he is with his comrades created a project for those who dreamed of sailing, and now the captain intends to challenge the ban in court, given that the copy of the sailing ship of peter i, unlike the original, is not under the jurisdiction of the russian fleet. vladimir martus said that, despite the restrictions, he would take part in the festival in brest. i know that the prefect of fenistera decided not to allow the standard into the port, i believe that this decision is illegal, we are going to protest it in court and see what the law says, but for now the standard and i are heading to festival in brest. in germany, at these moments , the football team of the netherlands and england are fighting for access to the euro finals, but the battle is taking place not only on the field, but beyond it, in these shots, fans of the two national teams destroyed a dortmund
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bar. the media reported that five british fans were injured, several more people were arrested. joe biden, according to the results of recent opinion polls, has updated the anti-record of his ratings, and now lags behind donald trump by almost 12%. moreover, it is especially painful for the incumbent the president should be a decrease in support from the traditional electorate of the democratic party, namely voters of african, asian and latin american origin, against this background, even the most loyal opinion leaders to biden, be it the writer stephen king, or for example, actor george clune, are calling on him to leave the election race , but denis davydov was trying to figure out whether he was ready to listen to them. the leading us channels cannot ignore trump even if they want, so the meetings of the republican candidate they show carefully: he is on stage, there are people nearby,
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but with...
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during these interrogations with passion, they chose the tactic of denying everything. the wall street journal writes that in june 22 , secretary of state blinken went to a meeting with the german chancellor instead of president biden, saying that the president needed to go to bed. did you deny it? but you can tell that the administration is absolutely open about how the president's age is affecting him.


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