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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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unemployment in russia is at a record low, today it stands at 2.6%. vladimir putin announced this at a meeting with the government. according to tradition, the president discussed with the ministers the most pressing issues: how the labor market is developing in the country, how the regions are eliminating the consequences of spring floods, and whether it will be possible to restore damaged housing before the cold weather. all this was the focus of attention of the head of state and the cabinet of ministers today. we started the conversation with one of the most pressing topics, the situation with forest fires. according to the head.
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fire danger, the forces of the ministry of emergency situations of russia provide protection of populated areas from hot weather, maintaining a high class of fire transition. yakutia and the trans-baikal territory were transferred to the republic of sakha in advance and are now actively operating one b-200 aircraft and two mi-8 helicopters. due to the abnormal heat, forest fires in yakutia and transbaikalia this year are a month earlier than usual, but so far they have been contained in time, spotted from the air. how does the aircraft
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security work, do you have any questions, maybe additional requests? we translated forces are on high alert, we are increasing the frequency of forest monitoring, our main task, which we now see , is to prevent the fire from spreading to populated areas and economic facilities. at the same time , the fight against the consequences of the spring flood in the urals is underway; 11 billion rubles have already been paid to the victims, and the amount of compensation on behalf of the president has been increased. how much has our average growth increased? the amount of payments to all those affected by the flood, where it is one and a half times one and a half times vlavich, yeah, and how many more people is in temporary temporary accommodation, 242 people in total, all the rest have gone to relatives and friends, well, they are renting housing, almost 30 thousand residential buildings were damaged by the disaster, they need to be quickly restored before the heating season begins, before the cold weather, what did we do before cold? apartments in orsk and
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we will build individual housing and we will control the houses that people have undertaken to build themselves, people choose their schedule, the territory, the region will compensate for the rental of apartments, please carefully monitor what is happening there, accompanying this administrative is mandatory, we need to help us on the spot, for this there are quite enough workers in the country , russia in general is now breaking records for the number of employed citizens, unemployment is receding. it's vacation time, but work continues. compared to last year, last year we had 73.4 million workers, this year there are already 74.1 million workers. unemployment is at a historically low 2.6%. indeed, we see constant growth dynamics in the number of employed our citizens, demand for professions growing true: the most in demand are
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skilled workers, industrial engineers, and representatives of the mining construction industry. active construction is underway at all checkpoints on the russian border, everything is gradually being modernized, but already the waiting time has decreased by five times. customs officers have received the right to carry out veterinary and sanitary control, there will be fewer inspectors, and there will be more high-tech domestic equipment. we have already equipped seven checkpoints with domestic ones, inspection. this is modern russian equipment that allows you to quickly, accurately, and most importantly safely inspect 100% of vehicles and cargo in a dynamic flow, without the driver having to leave the vehicle. the priority checkpoints, of course, are those that connect russia with friendly states. most of them participated in the brix sports games, organized as an alternative to the olympics. to which our
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national team is once again not allowed. this year they took part more than 5,500 athletes from 82 countries. they went to kazan. a sufficient number of high-level athletes so that they don’t have problems with this calendar, you understand what i ’m talking about, so look at the future, and overall, in my opinion, it’s a very good experience, and there really are quite a lot of people who want to come, and please do not delay in paying our
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winners, prize-winning coaches the appropriate remuneration, the minister of sports turned 43 years old today, but he spends this day... at his workplace, mikhail vladimorovich, today is your birthday, mikhailovich, we congratulate you all, we wish you all the best, success, andrey grigoriev, natalya lundovskaya, andrey netreba, news. china called on nato to stop making baseless accusations and take constructive steps for the security of europe and the world, instead of trying to spark a new cold war. this reaction came to the declaration of the washington summit of the alliance, where china and its partnership with russia. identified as threats to nato. as for ukraine, judging by the document, it will receive an invitation to the alliance, when the bloc members decide that kiev has fulfilled all the conditions, with a note about the irreversibility of the process. and, as nato secretary general jens stoltenberg said, this is already a lot, given that
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the alliance has taken upon itself the coordination of all military assistance to ukraine. kiev will be allocated 40 billion euros of military aid, a mission will be created to distribute it, and the bloc’s special representative for ukraine will be in charge. the same document contains a frank statement about plans to expand nato influence in the black sea and eastern balkans regions, paradoxical wording regarding russia. on the one hand, the declaration says that the alliance supposedly does not pose a threat to moscow, and a paragraph later there are words about the so-called containment and the new nato strategy towards russia, about the deep contradictions that were revealed at the washington summit of the alliance, our own us correspondent, dmitry melnikov .
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the last chance to show fellow democrats and voters that he is still capable, and the best way is threatening rhetoric addressed to the russian president, without breaking away from those on both sides of the teleprompter stands, he cannot read the text and confuses ukraine and uranus. putin wants nothing
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less than to completely subjugate ukraine, put an end to ukrainian democracy, and destroy the culture of uranus, of ukraine. biden declares that the outcome of the conflict in ukraine will determine the global security system for decades, that is, the west considers russia an existential threat; on the very first day of the summit, biden announces the transfer of complexes collected from all over nato to kiev. the united states, germany, the netherlands, romania and italy will provide ukraine equipment for five additional complexes. the united states and allies intend to allocate more than $1 billion. having almost reached the finale of the speech without hesitation, the us president decides to award secretary general stoltenberg, for
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whom this summit will receive the last highest us civilian award. the freedom medal, but he can’t do without a prompter and continues to read all the technical notes. ask a military assistant. realizing the mistake, biden freezes and the applause hides the mistake, but the prompter sets him up again and he again reads what to read. there are no frantic f-16 planes at all yet, backed up to the wall on the sidelines of the summit,
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western countries are hastening to assure that the fighters are already on the way. the prime minister of norway announced the transfer of six aircraft to kiev, followed by the united states announcing the transfer of its f-16s to ukraine. secretary of state blinken hopes that they will be able to inflict serious damage on russia. f-16 fighters are already on the way, the transfer is already taking place right now, while we... zelensky, who put hundreds of thousands of his soldiers on the battlefield, instead of the alliance in washington issued a new formulation of the membership requirement, a vague euphemism without any commitment to deadlines. in washington, only one person is trying to bring the end of the conflict closer, hungarian prime minister orban, and he is here, despite sidelong glances and...
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as reported by the financial times, taking advantage of the opportunity and their presence in the united states, delegations
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are conducting behind-the-scenes negotiations with the entourage of a possible future american president. it is known that trump’s negotiators on the future of nato are former national security council chief of staff keith kellock and even former secretary of state mike pompeo. at this summit in washington , ukraine, whose survival directly depends on the american one, is also trying to understand its future if trump returns to the white house. assistance, however, the opinion of zelensky among republicans is noticeably worse than among the democratic administration, this concerns the issue of his legitimacy; in kiev they cannot help but understand that the prospects of the current regime directly depend on the outcome of the american elections. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. in the fsb reported the prevention of a whole series of terrorist attacks. their victims could have been russians from the leadership of the ministry of defense. kiivsky's agent. the regime planned to send homemade bombs under the guise of gifts; in addition, they managed to stop sabotage in the murmon
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region on board the aircraft carrier admiral kuznetsov, vitaly kormazin will tell you how it happened. i made a new porridge, now i’m going to try it. this is footage of bomb tests, assembled from components that ukrainian special services handed over to a twenty-four-year-old serviceman from a russian cruiser admiral of the soviet union kuznetsov. well, it worked out. the carrier cruiser, admiral of the fleet of the soviet union kuznetsov, is the only ship of its kind in
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the russian navy , moored on the outskirts of murmansk at the pier of the thirty-fifth ship repair plant, it was here that the ukrainian special services tried to stage a terrorist attack. to recruit a russian soldier, the curator used psychological techniques. first he promised money, fake documents that were already in a hiding place and travel to finland, then he threatened that he would hand over saboteur to the russian special services. who actually controlled the entire negotiation process. to convince the ukrainian curator, the serviceman shot a video of a staged emergency under the guise of a scheduled fire safety exercise on a cruiser and sent it. to ukraine, as expected, after receiving a video recording of a re-enactment of a terrorist attack on admiral kuznetsov, the curator turned off communications and deleted the accounts used in messengers. in fact, ukrainian intelligence planned to simply use the executor, but our special services worked ahead of the curve. another prevented terrorist attack related to an aircraft carrier, admiral kuznetsov, shows
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the efficiency, clarity and coherence of the work of our service. security, so thank you very much to all colleagues for this. a criminal case has been opened against those involved in the recruitment of a russian serviceman to carry out a terrorist attack; the defendants face severe punishment, up to life imprisonment. for kiev, every such terrorist attack is an opportunity to report to western curators, especially since admiral kuznetsov is the flagship of the northern fleet of the russian navy. it was put into operation in 1991. it is designed to engage large surface targets and is capable of carrying 50 aircraft and helicopters. here he is. syrian coast takes part in an operation against terrorists, carrier-based fighters take off one after another. after that long voyage , admiral kuznetsov began scheduled repairs. he did not take part in special operations, but the ukrainian special services are trying to reach any objects, even in the deep rear. the characteristic handwriting of terrorists. such
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operations are personally supervised by the head of ukrainian military intelligence, who is included in russia’s list of terrorists. on monday it became known that the fsb stopped kiev’s attempt to persuade a russian military pilot to hijack or destroy the strategic bomber tu-22 m3 missile carrier. and today, operatives reported that they prevented a terrorist attack against three high-ranking officers of the russian army. this agent, detained in moscow, sent them by courier these gift sets with coffee packages. there were explosives inside, he admitted it was wine. in may 2024 of this year, he was recruited by an employee of ukrainian military intelligence and agreed to carry out assignments related to the preparation of terrorist attacks on russian territory for material compensation. the explosive devices were to be detonated after the couriers reported that the parcels had been delivered to the recipients. a criminal case has been opened against him for preparing a terrorist attack; foreign organizers and accomplices have already been put on the wanted list. vitaly
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karmazin, vladimir kostrov, mikhail fedotov, news. russian military from the group. almost half a thousand militants were destroyed in the west within 24 hours. our fighters in this direction also managed to occupy more advantageous positions. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the department also spoke about the successes of the central group of troops. in the area of ​​six settlements in the dpr, the kiev regime lost about 500 people, as well as equipment, including western-made ones. denis alekseev will tell you more about the progress of the special operation. information appeared that the day before , at least five iskander flights were recorded in poltava. military production, our the missilemen again worked on the mirgorod airfield, the sky was covered with a black shroud, a large fire started, obviously the goal of the strike was achieved, there are two options: either the ammunition for the aircraft detonated, or the aviation fuel exploded. operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery
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of groupings of armed forces of the russian federation were destroyed within 24 hours. radar station for detecting air targets. nmpq46 and three anti-aircraft missile launchers improved hoke made in usa. warehouses for storing unmanned boats of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as the accumulation of enemy manpower and military equipment in 131 districts. the crews of operational-tactical systems began to respond more quickly to the target. significantly less time now passes from the moment of detection to destruction. on top of that, russian drones, judging by the footage of objective control and destruction of targets. feels at ease in ukrainian airspace, but our anti-aircraft gunners shot down a mig-29 of the ukrainian air force within 24 hours, 55 drones were again intercepted by atacoms tactical missiles flying towards the border areas. the vushniks are trying to use them to intimidate civilians, but it doesn’t work. in one day, four missiles were shot down, as well as shells from the hymars and
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french guided bombs. well, now the footage is that of the ukrainian delegation for sure. will not show at the nato summit, the video was shot by the vsushniki themselves, the road of death in the zaporozhye direction, they dubbed it that way, because no matter where you look, nato scrap metal is everywhere, a pickup truck, and a little further, here is a british infantry fighting vehicle, stormer, everything cannot be restored, these shots from our fpv drone are rapidly approaching the american one, 330 purple to report, yes, and the unit of the southern group has improved the situation. deep kharkov region, vsushniki are trying to recapture lost positions in this area, ours are responding with air strikes.
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the center group repelled five attacks, including in the vicinity of toretsk. russian troops are gradually encircling the area, clearly signaling to the militants that it is time to retreat. so what, the ukrainian military is still looking for an opportunity to escape. in this video, another vsushnik who voluntarily surrendered realized everything. contact came out and through the forest in our direction, i had an m16 rifle with me, apparently, in case i had to shoot back from my own people , i grabbed a couple more grenades, in my pocket i found a leaflet calling for surrender. the russian military sometimes resort to such psychological methods, and it works. as additional arguments, the equipment and personnel of the armed forces of ukraine are being liquidated every day. a lot. denis alekseev, olga rebrov, news. prefecture. the french fenister prohibited the russian sailing ship standart from mooring in the ports of the department, despite the fact that it was going to the maritime festival in brest, which has nothing to do with politics. officials refer to
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a clause in the new package of european sanctions dated june 24, where the ban also includes copies of historical ships, and the standard is a reconstruction of the frigate of the same name by peter i. it was made by russian enthusiasts, the author of the idea, the current captain of the parosnik, vladimir martus, is a comrade-in-arms. created a project for those who dreamed of sailing, and now the captain intends to challenge the ban in court, given that the copy of the sailing ship of peter i, unlike the original, is not under the jurisdiction of the russian fleet. vladimir martos said that, despite the restrictions, he would take part in the festival in brest. i know that the prefect of fenistera decided not to allow the standard into the port. i believe that this decision is illegal, we are going to appeal it in court. and let's see what the law says, but for now the standard and i are heading to the festival in brest. the leader of democrats in the house of representatives intends to convey to
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biden the concerns of lawmakers about his low chances of re-election, politico reports, citing closed meetings of congressmen. according to the latest opinion polls, biden's rating is lower than ever, now trailing donald trump by almost 12%. towards the exit of the elderly.
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that’s right, his opinion is important to me, he’s my best friend from school. biden administration officials have to save face as they increasingly face uncomfortable questions . pinned to the wall. during these interrogations with passion, they chose the tactic of denying everything. wol street journal writes that in june of '22, secretary of state blinken went to a meeting with the german chancellor instead of president biden, saying that the president should go to bed, you denied this, but you can say that the administration is absolutely open about the fact that how does his age affect the president? of course, we are always open, and this article is a lie. in the white house, questions about health are no longer idle. about the president's condition journalists every day. the press secretary is being asked a lot, against the backdrop of all the latest news about biden’s well-being, rumors that after 20:00 the elderly president has no strength to work and he goes to bed
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are becoming more and more similar.
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