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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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everything is fine, because he said that he would defend every five nato territories, biden, well, actually with uranus, it’s on the ground, in the water, in the air, in cyberspace, in space, tell me what territory does it have in space? nato, five, here is uranium, uranium, uranium, yes, so the most important thing is that biden did not fall, and what, what, what two would be that there were two mistakes in total.
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by and large, well, god be with her and stoltenberg’s wife, he’s leaving anyway, the only thing i regret is that they take ryut in his place, and not kayo kallos, that would be, if they had broken through the bottom completely, completely, nevertheless, now biden has several such reference points, on the fifteenth he will need to bleed and say a speech somewhere, because the convention of the republican party of milwaukee will begin, and of course he will speak there.
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here we can talk about the timing, but impeachment will be, then, about trump, i spoke yesterday about the attitude towards nato, but this is the attitude towards ukraine, this is the topic that was discussed at the summit today, and trump is generally not here for us either very important, trump really never didn’t say, didn’t clearly define his attitude towards the ukrainian conflict, not even once, so he was asked, on the twenty-first, he was asked about how he felt about this war, he said that...
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how would he solve it, judging by according to trump’s rhetoric, it means that he has two moves, very simple ones, which means that if zelensky does not sit down at the negotiating table, we will not supply you with weapons, if putin does not sit down at the negotiating table, we we will supply zelensky with anything .
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they are ready to fight with china, and like me, that is, you are finally starting to think very much with us, i don’t understand, that is, you are starting to like nuclear war, the feeling, i don’t think there can be a nuclear war. for a military alliance a threat is needed, it does not feel that military alliances do not arise out of nowhere, india there are threats in the united states, we do not know this yet, no, they do not feel a threat, on the contrary, india is playing and...
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which is ready, clearly, through the decision of the courts demand compensation from the chinese for the losses killed, only confirms one thing that the americans consider a systemic enemy namely china, this is not the same thing, i’m just talking about something else, that china is only now, well , that is, pino has begun to see the light and understand that something is going wrong, which is why i think that it is quite possible that a military-political union will emerge, but now we have, excuse me, two from other candidates, much closer accessions to this military-political union and a common army, these are north korea and iran, these two countries are directly feeling the colossal impact of north korea, as i i already said, we now have almost very close to the military alliance, as for
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iran after the elections, how will the new leadership behave, i am not an iranianist, but i would like, well, this new leadership, judging by the statements, they immediately confirmed the relationship, i want to note. that from the point of view of the pace of development of the military-nuclear program, china today is the undisputed leader, they are going to have three times the number of warheads compared to today , they have 500 today, they are going to have a 1.5 report to the chinese people in twenty in the seventh year it will be necessary to wait for the next congress, nevertheless they always look into the distance, for them it is chinese that he has left this.
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please, regarding joint military planning, of course it should be noted that we have had a regional grouping of troops of the union state since 2000, these are the armed forces of the republic of belarus plus the twentieth army of the western military district of the russian federation, and there is a union military doctrine, and let’s say, between departmental departments there is a corresponding plan for the use of tactical nuclear weapons. russian federation, which is located on the territory of the republic of belarus. moreover, i
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would say that we are currently experiencing an unprecedented, unprecedentedly pleasant period of bilateral relations, that is, there are no unsolvable problems, there are some aspects that are unresolved, but there are no unsolvable problems, but despite all the successes in politics and economics , our coordination in the international arena in the information space, specifically the military sphere to me. seems to be in the greatest degree of development, there is generally complete mutual understanding, the sphere of military-technical cooperation, in my opinion, needs some optimization, presidents give appropriate instructions, even when sergei kuzhugetovich shaigu was minister of defense, also, let’s say, there was complete mutual understanding now, at there is an upper level of mutual understanding, but when we reach the stage of implementing practical projects, various bureaucratic delays begin, i will not... we are in a situation, but we still
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consider our interaction as competition between economic entities, there’s this feeling that we are not into military technical documentation, we have to wait, we can’t open it, and so on, well, this is in order to assess our relations in the field of security, in general, what i want to say is, in my opinion ...
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the defender will always lose, but the strategy of victory, victory in this global war, and for a long time from outright aggression, that is ...
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what lukashenko has repeatedly, seven times, seven attempts at color revolutions our country has experienced, our western ones tried to knock off opponents, with the help of a fifth column inside belarus, with the help of a fifth column inside russia, recently once again revised the chronicle of the nineties, here was the significant debate between our president and anatoriy borisovich chubais, what chubais demanded: to give up state property, to conclude a compromise with the pro-western opposition, finally turn towards the civilized world and follow that path.
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this is not our question, this is a question for the fso, why are the fso, the fsb fighting, maybe it’s still the fsb, the fsb, the fso, no, well, the fso protects, that’s something else, let them guard properly, then the better question is for the federal penitentiary service, let the federal penitentiary service deal with it, yes, please, what? bays seems to be in oblivion, and as woland said, let’s drink into oblivion. of course, i was very pleased with the article by voelkischer belbochter, now it is called frankfurthermai, zeitung. the authors of the article simply could not find the best - the best allusion to the thirties, because well, we had at least three synonyms for the word leader in the german
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language, but for some reason this password sounded absolutely clear and absolutely definitely. here are the words. germany is under the boot more than ever, industry is gradually flowing into the united states, investments are flowing into
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the united states, even my favorite pet ursla fondeen admitted that for 2023 from... years, now it’s already such a lame horse that they took with you, so that if you suddenly get hungry on the way, you won’t mind stabbing it, what are these different ones.
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combat effectiveness, but when they participated somewhere in iraq in afghanistan, yes, one could laugh at that, but now we see that the enemy is consolidating and is ready for the most vile terrorist war, they clearly demonstrated this in balkada, they recalled what happened in ninety -four, in ninety-four , american pmcs, dressed in the uniform of the republika srpska army, carried out executions there bosnian villages, then changing clothes... that is, the uniform of the army of bosnia and herzegovina staged an attack on serbian villages, and then western journalists who were riding in the convoy of these same dudes and so so-called armed peacekeepers,
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quickly wrote heartbreaking stories of how bosnian serbs eat, relatively speaking , bosnian children, respectively, when radka karadic radka mladic, i beg your pardon, carried a muslim child in his arms from some village in bosnia and herzegovina, this was not shown anywhere, and the so-called genocide. brought, although they were there, it was more the case that these were killed muslim militants of the croatian federation, they were then dressed in the clothes of civilians and this was declared genocide, now in within the framework of the real pressure on the serbian republic on serbia, accordingly the boshniki announced that there would be criminal liability for denying the genocides of srebrenica, accordingly, the most absolute double standards and the bomb of democracy when they bombed, and, by the way, it was the yugoslav software that was the first to knock out in the year ninety-nine now. comrade general is absolutely correct when he says that the enemy is now preparing precisely for echeloned, specifically air confrontation in the skies of ukraine, so under no circumstances should we relax, so
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the current situation and the far-reaching military plans of our opponents force us to really consolidate, understanding that , of course, you can laugh at the self-propelled grandfather, but this is biden’s santa, relatively speaking, this is one thing, for salevan’s declarations regarding directly... far- reaching plans for loading conveyors into the ipc, this is somewhat different. please, yes, i would like to return to this very nato summit, and draw attention to some public statements, so to speak, by key persons during at this summit, during biden’s speech and during the speech of stoltenberg and other, so to speak, leading people, a lot was said about the need for ukraine to win, about the need to defeat russia.
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in relations between russia and the west, no way, well, if we now have a second cold war, if there is a second cold war, there will probably be a second détente, based on this logic.
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nkvd warsaw dudu voronok. be that as it may, well, in any case, these western, so to speak, leaders are beginning to understand that this further unbridled confrontation, and not only with russia, by the way, but with other representatives of the non-western world, is dangerous. and we need, so to speak, to look for some options for stabilizing this situation, which is
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quite possible. may well develop into a large-scale nuclear conflict, here, so to speak, the western partners are trying to return to the situation during the period of that previous détente, which was détente number one, but in my opinion, it is unlikely that anything will come of it, since the situation has completely changed, then during that first cold war there was peace in europe, nothing. there was nothing even close to resembling the current hybrid war or a special military operation, or whatever you want to call it, to the nightmare that is now happening in ukraine. this , so to speak, line of demarcation between east and west, it was, so to speak , the borders of peace and friendship, mutual trade , whatever, tourist trips, especially after the agreements on west berlin in 1971, so to speak, would not have occurred to anyone, what
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there might suddenly... someone start shooting, now the situation is completely different, the usa and nato are essentially waging a real war of extermination against russia, on this score, so to speak, i think no one has any illusions, therefore, here are some phrases from this final statement of the north atlantic alliance that the alliance does not pose a threat to russia, but this is simply perceived by all normal people as the ravings of a madman.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. chasing views
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change. so if in the west in the usa.


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