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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

3:30 am
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the main question that now faces not only russia, by the way, it probably faces china to an even greater extent, is the question of delimiting spheres of influence between east and west, this will now be a key issue, not strategic, so to speak, all sorts of agreement, namely the question of delimiting spheres of influence in europe, the middle east and the far east, if it succeeds, so to speak, between the west and the non-west.
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it is to stop the war in ukraine, why does the west need this? to the west it is then that the war now is not going according to this, not according to the scenario that the west developed, so to speak, in 1923, when, so to speak, they really counted on a military victory over russia, now the situation is developing somewhat differently, we are entering warsaw, well why do we need to go to warsaw, that’s not another question.
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the west is very happy with everything so far, the ukrainians are dying, they believe that any damage they inflict on us is a plus for them, they are completely americans, they have degreased europe, they have promoted their military-industrial complex, they have consolidated all their vassals, why? they should stop the war in ukraine, they just really don’t understand it, they keep saying this is the best investment we’ve ever had.
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this is a scenario that they don’t like, and they don’t care at all, but it’s very simple, we can even get to the dnieper, what difference does it make to them, we can even get out at the border, for them it’s still a hollow field of maneuver, they will then say, look how cool, we gave away russia, which has 150 million people, a territory where 20 million people live, there are 25 million orphans left behind, we need it now i like all this scenario, wait a minute, they will have to restore all this, all their economic power will be used to... digest this, we will work with these people, for them now the scenario is when they don’t see, why should they stop, they destroyed europe as their economic competitor, americans, why should they stop, they destroyed europe as a potential sales market for china, thereby striking a blow to china, they chaotized the near middle east, the chaoticization of europe is also part of their plans, why should they restore? they don’t even know
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what’s happening in europe, they directly said: a nuclear war in europe does not pose a threat to the national security of the united states, radiation does not reach them, for some reason we are watching this... but i don’t have a script going out on on on lviv i like the exit to odessa even better , i like it even better if we go out to the water barrier to the atlantic, but well, that’s not well , then if we are talking about real security, but then if we move away from populist phrases to a real account of how
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you can, with a population of 150 million, move to, say, the atlantic, but when 500 million live there, it’s not the 19th century, everything is a little different. just then you contradict yourself if they howl until our end, and we go towards the dnieper, where is the end, very simply, because this is a classic american idea, bite off more than you can chew, of course, based on from what
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you will start, you will begin to have problems inside, your economy will go bad, the longer you fight, the more losses you have, the more there are even more opportunities to work with their fifth column, that is... everything is clear there, what they are doing, that is, it is absolutely clear and absolutely in their traditional concepts and ideas, 20% of the population of the occupied territories is fleeing, 20% is collaborating, 60% reconciled, but it’s just a problem that can be reconciled, it’s difficult, it ’s often reconciled that these are sleepers with whom you can work, i want to remind you that the americans worked very successfully through the german intelligence services , including in western ukraine until the mid -fifties, until 506 yes...
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest
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detective story. the big gathering in washington continues. zelensky, in my opinion , has not been home for a long time, if you look at how much time over the past few months he has spent at home, illegally seizing power, pretending to be the leader of the country, one individual citizen, then of course it is obvious that he not only does not care what is happening at the front , but he doesn’t even know what. what happens at the front is why he is delusional, but for now he naturally asks, asks, now he liked 128 because 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024, that is, this magic
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set that is familiar to all children who are interested in computer science, and he decided that this is exactly how many planes are needed, no, 128, he accurately calculated 30 from the russians, but he needs 128, logical, oh , lord, at the same time he demands, he, what are you offering me 10, 20, 50, you give me 128 planes, and it’s not enough to... how many sleep35 it’s still not enough, no matter how much they give, it won’t be enough, says zelensky, despite the fact that his side is in debt, like silk, no one is going for free anymore, they will load him with another 40 billion, although no one knows whether what is being shipped to him is actually worth 40 billion or not, because it is clear that everything is given to him at the highest possible price, this is a very simple logic, well, for example, they give you a car , he says, this is a car, a car, he says, what car?
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he already owes so much that he will never give back in his life, so he can easily take more and more, more than he gives, who will give? when the war ends, the ukrainian government will already be in exile, they definitely won’t give it up, people, well, people it will be with our sportsmen somewhere, we will feed somewhere with polish ones, somewhere with romanian ones, somewhere with hungarian ones, and ukraine, well, what kind of ukraine is part of the russian federation will be a little fine, but these... there were stages when the lands, which were later united by the will of lenin and stalin into
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a single ukrainian soviet socialist republic, were under different flags, and somehow there was no dawn there, can you name some great historical ukrainian figure, the dawn of ukrainian culture, which would come from those territories that were not part of the russian empire and the soviet union. we will strain for a long time, the result will be obvious. bandera. bandera, after all, has never been on the territory of ukraine. yes, the same bandera, who, by the way, is very much liked by a certain sumy blogger, who now suddenly feels like such an important citizen of russia, a patriot, a patriot of russia, yes, yes, now he is a terrible patriot of russia and really, really loved bandera, so what to do, we understand everything, there are people who, no matter where they are, they feel like fish, well, nothing, nothing, our country is no stranger to this. “we have just anyone on our chest, and then we look, oh, so this is a louse, we need it,
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you know, to the nail, there is no talk of ukraine joining alliances, radislav sekorski explained why nato will have to coexist with russia, and "the western community has no appetite for this at all. kiev is seriously afraid of losing washington's support after the presidential elections in the united states. zelensky began to spread panic and said that states could generally withdraw from the north atlantic alliance ." medvedev noticed, even a possible change in us elites will at most lead to the west wanting to pause military operations, using negotiations as an excuse; this is absolutely not beneficial for us. the barel summit in washington only confirmed that nato does not need peace, they need war, even at the cost of the lives of ordinary ukrainians. i know how to end the war, if we stop supporting ukraine, the war will end very quickly, because ukraine will not be able to. themselves without our support, the war will stop, yes, but how, what will be the final
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result of this process, what will be the end, and we, of course, we regret that people are dying, but ukrainian soldiers fight and die because they defend their country, peace is something more than just the absence of war, so we need unity and strength, well, another barrel that is already descending into the world wants to drag it there as many ukrainian men as possible. and women, at the same time, so that women could not stray anywhere, they were given money so that they could have a fashionable uniform, in which nato members would then say: look how many ukrainian women have died, now as every fifth military man says to me, a woman says, well, they happily bury ukrainian women, a mediocre guitarist with a boring voice, mese blinkin, too often ukrainian women fighters do not need it. equipment to meet their unique needs, forcing them to purchase and even create their own equipment.
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today, we're taking a step to correct that, announces that nato allies are committing more than $7 million in equipment for women serving in ukraine's armed forces, including more than 10,000 bulletproof vests, uniforms, boots. we welcome every ally who agrees to help implement this initiative. nothing then, but you don’t want a children’s uniform, well, typical? they’re somehow afraid to go to the front, why are they cheering me on ? i have great respect for you and your work, i’m a fan of your books, but the question is, why aren’t you at the front now, because you could, you know, in the first days
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of a full-scale invasion, as many as 3 served for a day in the vasilievskaya teroborone. they feel approximately the same, but they try to compensate for it with the maximum of their action, supporting those at the front. i bow to these people, i look with envy at those who put on the uniform, i bow to the ground before them. as a person who is honest with himself, i will say that i am scared, yes,
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i am scared, according to the law, you have the right not to fight, you are a reserve plus in the application. look, there are a lot of questions about how i manage to travel abroad, firstly, i am the active father of three minor children who are dependent, this is the case, and secondly, so far there have been no requests, we left ukraine in march, so i haven’t had time to update my data in the tsk yet, i just have to do this now, then we’ll wait to see how events develop, i’ll watch, i’m not running, to be honest, i ’m not rushing to the military registration and enlistment office, but if so will happen...
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i understand that this is unlikely to happen, because even if there were a mechanism for such actions, there will always be various kinds of characters in the west who will start talking about sympathy for the civilian population. the same thing that is happening now with the arabs in the gas sector, exactly the same picture. just
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95% of gaza strip residents support hamas. we think hamas should send explosives to three high-ranking military personnel and , in addition, carry out sabotage on our warship, and we will now hold a trial with him, yes, we will now blow off the plinks, ask if everything is okay, and then maybe we’ll exchange him, so that all the other scum who, having been recruited
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by the ukrainian special services, are trying to carry out terrorist attacks, and if they put up walls. bang right away, then the others will think 100 times, and if they won’t know, what’s wrong, the money will come, i understand everything, it happened completely by accident, in spain he died in agony, the mirzavet who killed our guys hijacked a combat helicopter, look how immediately, yes, immediately, instantly, suddenly, when an attempt was made to recruit pilots so that the strategist would be hijacked there. suddenly they decided that there is no need to do this, when you realize that the heads will not be stroked, and you will not receive money for betrayal, then you begin to analyze differently, this does not mean that... that those people who were trying to recruit did not patriots, they wouldn’t have reported it right away, well, as an additional argument, it’s very good, and listen, let’s understand, there’s a war going on,
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when it comes to this kind of crime, we need to act absolutely decisively here, by the way, such a simple question, zelensky said here that he wants to kill our president, mind you, but no one reacted to this in any way, who said that, said that? a person who is in fact not protected by anything, this was said by the person usurping power in ukraine, he explained this by the fact that he father, the children died, that he is the father, please tell me how many children died as a result of a nasams air defense missile delivered by norway, there is a hospital in akhmat, two, not one, not one, two adults, not a single child died, yes, but how many ?
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not timushka, but somehow the essence is the same, so you, who have escaped, shut your dirty mouths, the way we loved you before, the way we
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now despise you, for your meanness, for your cold, vile, sticky hands, you have seen the blood of donbass since 1914, you have at least found a word for them. for the unfortunate parents who collected the remains of the bodies of their torn children, shut up creatures, i showed tuka’s words about the need to kill everyone from kaliningrad to the far east, i just want to remind our viewers that this was an official for a long time, appointed head of the occupation administration of lugansk people's republic, that is...
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we understand perfectly well what concerns, on the face of it, but do you think anyone will pay attention to this, no, of course, we are trying to find these terms, that means definitions and signs of genocide, here they are , here zelensky’s statements, listen, of course, this is 128, exactly 128 fighters, 129 will be too much, yes, 127 is no longer enough, because 128, it is believed, the witches have gathered in a circle. i listened to him and i remember something, remember the homeless poet, and five motorcycles with machine guns to catch, that means, a consultant, yes, exactly five
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motorcycles, right here, here 128, let’s show how he says it, how it’s 128, the problem with the f-16 is the quantity and delivery dates, but to be honest, be honest with yourself? not to mention simply, we have there is a decision on the f-16, stop, pause, russia uses 300 aircraft on the territory of ukraine, 300 aircraft, they have more, but they use 300 aircraft, we had a decision from 10:20, even if we have 50, this is nothing, they have three hundred, we need it because... that we are defending ourselves, we need 128 aircraft, our partners have all these numbers, but if they attacked, then we would need more, yes 256, but once again we protect. 128,
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and he forgot that just a year ago he asked for at least there, at least a few, here in general, something is happening with his memory, of course it’s absurd, but the most important thing is that no one is checking, checking what he said a year ago, a month ago, with what he says now, for example, orban disseminated there, well that’s what the press writes, yes, he distributed a letter among the leaders of the european union, where he reported on this shuttle diplomacy of his,
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it’s easy to raise and justified why they are lowering the mobilization age in essence, increasing mobilization, because from june 1 , 2024, putin will announce the mobilization of 300,000 military. “i, a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we go out of our minds, what a fairy tale, without ivan, uh, what began, without deception, without a flint, the flint imprisoned me quickly, a pen, self-written ink, magic, you can get it, you're the main thing, van, hurry up, so give me the horse, and beat yourself over the head,
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you have a nickname, where it's needed, that's what my name is, because i'm not taking you where you fool want, where i need to, i can't live without travel, without flint, he who has flint in his pocket does not need a pen, soon welcome to asia, here the heart beats ! continent. if everything looks like the wild west,
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then there is only one law: shoot first. competition of ideas and money. there was a sensation, and what a sensation. they tensed up inside america and outside its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why now you need to watch and follow. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
4:00 am
well, someone actually remembered , well, well, well where, well, well, catch him in this outright lie, but he is now saying, well, now in the middle of next year, these are the statements of western figures, ukrainian leaders that how long will russia have enough time to her resources, there sekorsky says, what’s up, well, in 2-3 years, yes, russia will run out of resources, wait , what, like 2 years there, what resources do we have, well, he’s all listed there and the funds.


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