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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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for them the main thing is the war with russian intelligence, this does not play a role, it is not the poles who play the decisive role in this war, the americans will say they will jump. and americans don’t care whose lion is, for americans it’s important whose kharkov is, for americans it’s important whose crimea, these are their polish wish lists, they saw them in their graves, their contempt for the poles was always obvious, no matter what they came up with, no matter what they said , so we won’t exaggerate here, the enemy of nato will put on himself a variety of clothes, a variety of different ones, this, with all the great respect for you. well
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you just have to come to terms with it, no one needs ukraine in the west, that is, they don’t think like that at all, for america there is no europe at all, for them all this should burn in a common war, so the fate of lvov, the fate of the hungarian lands, they don’t care, for them it’s everything is consumable, they think globally, they don’t care about the poles, they’re slavs anyway, they don’t care, that ’s it.
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but a person who is not able to find a compromise within his family, even on the language issue, on the language issue, but with whom we can, with those we can there somehow come to an agreement, i say again, i wouldn’t have paid attention to this if it weren’t for one more detail, there are many like him, now you take the statistics, look, yes, where are the most cloners, lviv, ivanofrankovsk , ternopil, these are not the largest areas. i want to tell you, not the largest, but there are the most draft dodgers there, you know, what i’m getting at is that the drivers of all the events that happened in ukraine, starting with the maidan, were these people, these regions, which are in the moment when this war is already in full swing in full swing, they all want to quietly go to europe and are in favor of victory, there will be victory, but this victory should be brought by that pa... that guy who lives in
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kharkov, in odessa, you think by chance, that’s all these videos that appear in odessa, there are so many of them, there are so many of them not because someone is sitting in odessa.
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there is no unity, there is none, there is no consensus on nato, it’s possible, they are sitting now, racking their brains, but what kind of wording can they come up with to include the irreversibility of joining nato, or some other thing? here sits this whole bunch of people who are wondering how to write it down so that it sounds beautiful, but so that we don’t need it.
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we’re not interested, maybe one river, i’m literally continuing speredon’s words, i just decided to check during the break, yes, you showed antin this mukharsky, yes, the fierce one, who said that he is not at the front, because he is the father of three minor children, on this basis he fled from ukraine, i just want to say that he sent him to a very bad the word of all these children, because they consider him a banderaite, they live with their mother, as they call the putinist snezhana egorova, in a political asylum in turkey, she forbids them to meet with him, that is, he sent them publicly, but now you see, he’s hiding behind name, i’m the father of these children, so i don’t have to fight, just a very important detail, okay, a month ago i went to a conference,
4:39 am, respected pyotr tolstoy was present there, he answered some questions, one question that came to him - this is, but what about us? western european countries are watching, he said, well, they look at us like such a crazy eastern european country, but dear mr. tolstoy, no, you are wrong, this is where the problem begins, they don’t look at us like some kind of eastern european people, they look at us like mongoloids, who on one hand, on one hand, have a huge amount of resources that the civilized world wants, on the other hand, people, these mongoloids, who are now coming, will burn the children of all these civilized people, the problem is ours, we want peace, we love peace, we love justice, we love our children, and we shift these values ​​onto our opponents, but they don’t go there, our opponents don’t have such a thing as justice, there isn’t even such a word in english, there are a bunch
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chalk of different words that try to describe justice, but they don’t have that mentality, they don’t even have a word for it, how can you describe something if there’s no word, so when we try to... translate it, we think, well, we’ll hit one more, we’ll hit, we’ll suppress again, sooner or later, they must understand that this war is aimed at destroying the people, they will come to peace, they will never come, they do not have such a mentality, i...
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everything goes according to tables, because there is total bureaucracy, again there is such a mentality, they
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invent such fairy tales for themselves and they work according to these fairy tales, according to these tables, and then they tell the whole world how russia is losing, because look, we are according to the same, well, of course they speak according to the tables, but according to the tables they counted, well, 10,000 tanks have already been destroyed there , they can't produce there are so many tanks, we are all, we will win, we just need to throw a little more there, and they will throw, they will throw the same poland, of course, they will throw the same rumenia.
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constitutional borders and then the neutral
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status of ukraine and according to the list, well , it’s not very clear, it means achieving our specific goals, which can be achieved by military means, can partially join nato, no, that’s in general, that’s why it’s just denazification, neutral status , but the second question is, what is it for them, they said, preservation of the capital, access to the sea, for them, what is it? nato never once formulated what victory means for nato; nothing was said except for the slogan. this was not formulated anywhere. and if something is not formulated, then how can you go there, i don’t know where, or you ended up, you ended up, where you ended up, where you shot, you ended up there, so you ended up somewhere, where you fell, you ended up there, that is, this is also the same from the evil one, so here we need to look carefully, so far what we see is that this war will last for a long time, a very long time, they
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are preparing for it very systematically, very seriously, nothing will be resolved quickly, nato will not give it. nato forces are now being created in europe to shoot down western ukraine with what? mikhail mikhailovich explained in great detail that each po system has its own range of action, place it on the territory of poland, which will cover what? a narrow strip of land 5-7 km wide to the state one, and to say that we are now creating an unmanned zone, than they will do, that’s
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exactly why the americans are now producing 600 patriot missiles.
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nine people died near the lukyanovskaya metro station, two people, total victims 121, of which 10 are children, i certainly speak on my own behalf that
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i sympathize with all the families and loved ones of those who were innocently murdered, and i want to wish the victims yes... a speedy recovery, now there are two details behind these numbers: the first detail is the adones private clinic, private clinic, nine people died, including clinic employees and visitors, the kiev media reported this, and moreover, in the statement of zelensky, yarmak, the security service of ukraine did not check, did not investigate, the sbu service only investigated the incident. to ahmadya clinics, there too after that, all representatives of ambassadors, ambassadors there, representatives of embassies in kiev were called in order to sell this topic publicly, it’s not for sale, it didn’t take off, because it’s not clear what kind of rocket, such a rocket is like that, how many patients are there in ahmadded, no, i no, no, in ahmadda there are two centers, there
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is one new cent and so on, well, let’s say, there are several hundred employees there, and there are patients there... well , there were much more, which means there was no blow to this hospital, a blow and even pictures, which i saw, well, if two people had died, if a video had arrived and in the basement they were scared, children were crying, not the video is terrible, that’s understandable, but i’m talking about something else, if such a fool arrives and gets caught, that’s not what i want please note, i want to draw your attention to the fact that there is a private clinic where nine employees and patrons died. yes, this is a private clinic, so that’s where it goes, and what’s more, first one former people’s deputy wrote, then the next one, then today ukrainian publics say: zelensky, why are you silent, because there...
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that residential building where the children died, the fragments of which missile fell there or which missiles fell, again ukrainian ones, so wait, you are shooting down russian missiles,
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ukrainian citizens are dying from ukrainian missiles, and what is the reason, take out military facilities , if you are defending the capital, the city of kiev. i want to remind you of one more detail: a year ago, in may, when the so-called counterattack was announced, somewhere from may 3... until the end of may last year there were 20 times that kiev was shelled, shelling was even remember there is this same dagger against petriot, how many missiles were shot down there, that is , there were a lot of publications, and so zero civilians died, there were a lot of wounded, there were a lot - a lot of casualties, but no civilians died ; the expired system is rising, absolutely , absolutely, or the ukrainian publics themselves. they write, wait, so did you specifically expose kiev or tell them not to shoot in order to sell it all to nato itself, this is a purely political order, because
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i say again, 20 shellings, well, not some were several times, say, a day, there were several attacks by the russian aerospace forces in kiev, but there were no casualties, because kiev was protected and arreste, the germans and other petriots stood on the ruined island near zhulyan, that is, many... that’s the question , now kiev is not protected, why either they are overdue, or this is really a political order, that’s when all this started floating, zelensky cannot jump out, he jumps out and says, we need to kill putin, one second, who gave you guarantees 2 years ago, not vladimir putin, in general did you live at all, guy, you travel around kherson, kharkov and so on and so on, but this is a rhetorical question, now about another topic: the topic, you know, we are here in march, i talked about how, well, the system in march , and then in may, when the law on mobilization was adopted, under the same law on mobilization
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they immediately began to issue what is called armor, so all the deputies of the verkhovna rada received reservations, ministers, deputy ministers, then further on there were circuses and so on and so on, that is, the first such line of caste was created on the territory of ukraine, that is, in the state of ukraine, there is a caste, a caste that does not go to war. the larger half are american public organizations, well, read former intelligence officers, there are deputy intelligence officers and the rest who work for them, then there are canadian, german, british,
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french, spanish, and then i look at the ukrainian representation, no longer intelligence, intelligence agent, yes, there are a lot of familiar people there, a lot of familiar names, vladimirich, these are all agents, agents that work, mostly they work, they research public opinion, this is the first function. secondly, there are such sociological companies that then give us data on the city, i apologize, this is who runs the country, there is an upper caste, and there is a caste of their employees, everyone else, what should they do for the war, die, by the way, here you are , you started talking about what didn’t take off, there’s another very big problem, that a czech mercenary is now on trial, and he talks about murders and looting in the butch in erpen, and who did he kill? were on public display
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were just killed by this mercenary and his accomplice and his accomplices, that’s all, see you tomorrow.
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4:58 am
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4:59 am
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5:00 am
unemployment in russia is at a record low. today it is 2.6%. vladimir putin announced this at a meeting with the government. according to tradition, the president discussed the most pressing issues with the ministers. how the labor market is developing in the country, how the regions are eliminating the consequences of spring floods, and whether it will be possible to restore damaged housing before the cold weather. all this today was the focus of attention of the head of state and the cabinet of ministers. we started the conversation with one of the most pressing topics of the situation with forest fires. according to the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov.


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