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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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unemployment in russia is at a record low, today it stands at 2. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with the government. according to tradition, the president discussed the most pressing issues with the ministers. how the labor market is developing in the country, how the consequences of spring floods are being eliminated in the regions, and whether it will be possible to restore damaged housing before the cold weather. all this was the focus of attention of the head of state and the cabinet of ministers today. we started the conversation with one of the most pressing topics: the situation with forest fires. according to the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkova, the most unfavorable forecast is in yakutia and transbaikalia.
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75 and 150 thousand rubles, respectively, for each victim. the same approach is implemented in the relations of citizens who suffered harm to their health as a result of an emergency. these payments will be indexed annually to inflation. how much has our average size grown? payments to all those affected by the flood, about one and a half times, yes, yes, one and a half times vlanievich, yeah, how many people are still in temporary temporary detention centers, do you have takayavich, 242 people, and 242 people in total, all the rest went to relatives and friends, yeah, well, well, they rent housing, and of course, the most important issue is providing housing for people whose houses were in the zone of wildfire. the ministry of construction reported that
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construction projects that have already begun will be completed by the end of october. iraq, we will stop by the cold weather. let me briefly report on the situation in the orenburg region : 28,145 individual houses and 329 apartment houses have been inspected, which means that construction has begun on housing for 800 families, that’s 300 individual housing houses.
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which people undertook to build themselves, which means people choose their schedule, territory, region will compensate for renting apartments. since this is now being done in these territories. unemployment in russia is traditionally low, but now the figure is at a record low level - 2.6%. and over the past year , the number of working citizens has increased by approximately 700,000 people. compared to last year, last year there were 703.4 million employees, this year there are already 74 and...
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unique competencies, such employees today often have mentors for young employees, and of course, they themselves make a significant contribution to employment. today , we are already forming the budget of the social fund for a three-year period, taking into account indexation guarantees, and accordingly, in accordance with the bills that have already been adopted today, the pension will be indexed from february 1. twenty-fifth year. another topic of the meeting was work to improve checkpoints along the state border. thus, at one of the checkpoints on the border with azerbaijan, the number of lanes increased from 14 to 22. 10 checkpoints created on the border with new constituent entities
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of russia. another area of ​​work is to provide points with new equipment, which will reduce the time required for all checks. your instructions are under special control. vladimir vladimirovich on reducing the inspection time of freight transport to 10 minutes at road checkpoints. the current average vehicle inspection time takes approximately 38 minutes. the task you have set is difficult, complex, but feasible, and we will certainly solve it. and already entered into operation of innovative digital solutions, such as electronic queuing, dispatching, monitoring and informing drivers about queues. we are also developing an integrated checkpoint system together with the federal customs service, which will allow us to combine data from vehicles crossing the border in a single information environment. the development
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of checkpoints across the state border became the main topic of the meeting; their technical support determines how much time travelers will spend and how goods cargo will be processed quickly, nato will send ukraine an invitation to join the alliance when the bloc members decide that kiev has fulfilled all the conditions, such wording, with the addition of, quote, irreversible integration, is spelled out in the declaration of the washington nato summit, with a note that in the following this year, kiev will be allocated 40 billion euros of military aid, a mission will be created to distribute it, and in response, a special representative of the bloc will be created. ukraine. the same document contains a frank statement about plans to expand nato influence in regions of the black sea and eastern balkans, paradoxical formulations regarding russia. on the one hand, the declaration says that the alliance supposedly does not pose a threat to moscow and is ready to be in touch with it in order
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to prevent escalation, and a paragraph later, there are words about the so-called containment and the new nato strategy towards russia, about the deep contradictions that have been revealed in washington. the alliance itself. our own correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov. to stage the opening ceremony of the anniversary nato summit, the american country attracted hollywood heavyweights, the creators of the blockbuster, mind games, an involuntary reference to the mental problems of the host of the meeting, the whole pathos of the event was supposed to demonstrate the strength and power of the allies. real friendship. this is more than promises and signatures on a piece of paper, said the voice-over from the video preceding the summit, but becoming a full-fledged friend, which kiev so hoped for, did not work out, the role of ukraine is defined and cannot be revised, the native infantry in the great war of the west against russia. remember
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the biggest risk and the biggest cost for nato today is the risk of a russian victory in ukraine, we cannot allow this. the powerful leader of the free world is under the watchful eye of more than just his allies. for biden , this summit may be the last chance to show fellow democrats and voters that he is still capable and... for decades, that is, the west considers russia an existential threat, on the very first
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day of the summit biden announces the transfer of patriot complexes collected from all over nato to kiev. united states, germany, the netherlands, romania and italy will provide ukraine with equipment for five additional air defense systems. and in the coming months, we intend to provide ukraine with dozens of additional air defense systems. in total, to strengthen the air defense of ukraine, the united states and allies intend to allocate more than $1 billion, having almost reached the final stage of the speech without hesitation, the us president decides to award secretary general stoltenberg, for whom this summit is the last with the highest civilian award of the united states, the medal of freedom, but do without a prompter can't continue reading everything here technical notes ask the military aide, realizing the mistake biden freezes.
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they will help of course, it's not enough, it's never enough. there are few missiles, few abrams tanks, and the promised f-16 aircraft are not yet available. pushed to the wall on the sidelines of the summit, western countries are rushing to assure that fighter jets are already on the way. the prime minister of norway announced the transfer of six aircraft to kiev, followed by the united states announcing the transfer of its f-16s to ukraine. secretary of state blinken hopes that they will be able to inflict serious damage on russia.
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the white house demanded in advance that the kiev petitioner watch his language. us administration officials warned him against public criticism or indignation due to the lack of concrete plans for ukraine to join the alliance. please don't do this again, the washington post quotes the words of the american side as consolation and new bait. in the final communication of the summit , words may appear about the inevitability of ukraine’s membership in nato, although so far this wording has not found the support of all members of the alliance, as everyone writes the same washington post, among those who disagreed with such irreversibility was biden himself; the united states and germany remain the main opponents of ukraine’s imminent accession to nato. instead , kiev will again be asked to strengthen the fight against corruption. the behind-the-scenes battle over wording will continue until the end of the summit.
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president biden was offered a bridge to ukraine's eventual membership, but was reluctant to set a specific timetable. mr. duda admitted that ukraine cannot become a nato member until its conflict with russia ends. bring the end closer only one person is trying to resolve the conflict in washington, hungarian prime minister orban, and here, despite the sidelong glances of condemnation, he continued his peacekeeping mission and met with turkish president erdogan, who also advocates negotiations. i asked mr. president to support us in our mission of peace, the positions
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of the warring parties are still far apart, but if the friends of peace unite, we can take the next step towards peace. on his page on social networks , orban wrote that in washington he will continue insist on maintaining the defensive character of nato, but it is almost impossible to resist the military courage of old europe alone. german television channels, in the midst of the nato summit, talk about the luft waffe exercises in alaska, during which they practice the destruction of enemy air defense systems and enemy fighters. they don’t even hide who this opponent is. obviously, this is a very clear signal of intimidation to russia, but by applauding biden, european leaders are already seeking trump's favor, as the financial times reports. taking advantage of the opportunity and their presence in the united states, delegations are conducting behind-the-scenes negotiations with the entourage of a possible future american president. it is known that
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former chief of staff of the national security council keith kellock and even former secretary of state mike pompeo are trump’s negotiators on the future of nato. understand. ukraine, whose survival directly depends on american assistance, is also trying to find its future if trump returns to the white house at this summit in washington, but the opinion of zelensky among republicans is noticeably worse than among democratic administration, this concerns issues of its legitimacy, in kiev they cannot help but understand that the prospects of the current regime directly depend on the outcome of the american elections. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. biden, according to the latest opinion polls, has updated the anti-record of his ratings and now lags behind donald trump by almost 12%. moreover , what should be especially painful for the current president is a decrease in support from the traditional electorate of the democratic party, namely voters of african, asian and hispanic origin. against this background, even the most loyal
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opinion leaders to biden, be it the writer stephen king or, for example, actor george cloone, are calling on him to leave the election race, but whether he is ready to listen to them, denis davydov was looking into it. leading us channels cannot ignore trump even if they want to, so they show meetings of the republican candidate carefully. he is on stage, there are people nearby, but how many of them are not visible on tv. the endless field is packed, there are 4,500 people on it, in the heat it’s under 35. every word that the idol says them, and he, of course, is still talking about the same thing, about biden. joe biden is a part-time president while you have to work overtime to get by, and he works part-time because he's mentally ill. let's have another debate this week and give sleepy joe the opportunity to prove to the world that he can
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be president. i also officially challenge cheaty joe to a golf match. have you ever seen him play? jokes about biden from trump, standard, boring, here how the democrats themselves are trampling on a democrat president, this is something new. in comedy shows on liberal channels they mock people without any regard for age. age-related problems are even the highlight of the program. why do you keep refusing to take the intelligence test? yes, i go through it every day, now i’ll go through it, look. an asterisk in a hole with an asterisk. i'm a genius, okay joe, very good, you said you'd only quit the race if jesus asked you to. that's right, his opinion is important to me, he same my best friend from school. the biden administration has to save face, as they are increasingly pushed to the wall with uncomfortable questions. during these interrogations with passion, they chose the tactic
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of denying everything. the wall street journal writes that in june of twenty-two, secretary of state blinken agreed. with the german chancellor instead of president biden, saying that the president should go to bed. did you deny it? but you can tell that the administration is absolutely open about how the president is affected by his age. certainly, we are always open, and this article is a lie. in the white house, questions about health are no longer idle. every day, journalists ask the press secretary a lot about the president’s condition. against the backdrop of all the latest news about well-being. rumors that after 20:00 the elderly president has no strength to work and goes to bed are becoming more and more true. biden feels good until 20:00. let's say the pentagon at some point notices an approaching nuclear bomb, and it will be at 11:00 pm, who do you call, first lady? well, he has a team that
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informs him about all the news that is important for the american people, that is , there seems to be no direct telephone in the president’s bedroom, decisions are made by people from the environment for whom voters did not vote. by the end of his second term, if he wins, of course, biden will be 86, and his press secretary is confident that he will... fully serve it out. most americans don't believe this president can serve effectively for the next 4 months. i'm not talking about 4 years. and this is a huge problem for the biden campaign. they can not run a traditional company, they do not talk about goals for the second term, they cannot defend the achievements of his first term. everyone is focused on his health. this interview was supposed to convince voters that everything was fine and the candidate was fine. biden gave it last friday. to george stephanopoulos of abc news. we had a nice conversation, the day before in new york a passer-by waylaid the star on the street to ask a question that worries millions of americans. do you think
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biden should drop out of the race? you've talked to him more than anyone else recently time. i don't think he can work another 4 years. stephanopoulos admitted that he was answering a question from a passerby and that he should not have done so, but he did not retract his words. members of the same party will understand, many in the camp. about 10 democrats openly opposed his nomination for a second term, hundreds more are whispering about it, maybe he will listen to a peer, still
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influential, albeit the former speaker of the house of representatives, who praised biden regularly, did not sing defamations to him in an interview this morning, but suggested that you think carefully. denis davidov and evgeny samsonov, news.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello, on july 11, 1792 , the french national assembly adopted a decree declaring the fatherland in danger. this was a critical moment for the republic; it was surrounded by enemies. the prussian army was coming from the north, and with it the french migrant realists, the corps of condé, were advancing. the austrians, british and spaniards were preparing for the invasion. the peasant uprising of the vendee was mature. the decree stated that numerous troops are approaching our borders, everyone. those who fear freedom are taking up arms against our constitution. at the same time , two appeals were adopted: to the army and the entire population, and to the need for unity to fight the enemies.
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they were read out in cities and villages; in paris alone, 15,000 volunteers signed up for the army. the prussians took verdun, but then the republicans, inspired by the ideas of the revolution, fought back and defeated the austrians. the war with the interventionists went on for years, and only the young general napoleon bonaparte was able to end it. but by defending the republic. he captured power and established an empire. after this , revolutionary wars became imperial warriors. on july 11, 1942, the germans captured lieutenant general andrei vlasov. he passed the civil service, distinguished himself in the battle for moscow, and was valued by stalin. but on the volkhov front his second shock army was defeated. blasov refused to evacuate, there are various explanations for this, or he did not want to abandon the soldiers, or he already decided to surrender. the peasants gave him to the germans. in captivity, he immediately revealed combat plans and other secret information, headed the liberation committee of the collaborators peoples of russia and the russian liberation army. vlasov was given the rank
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of colonel general: of the wehrmacht, in april and may of 1945, the spanish dictator franco offered him salvation, and then the americans offered to hide him, but vlasov hoped to negotiate with them about shelter for the remnants of his army. he was detained in czechoslovakia when he was heading deep into the american zone and sent to moscow. he was tried as a traitor and sentenced to hang. on july 11, 1946 , the first domestic main line came into operation the saratov-moscow gas pipeline, this became an epoch-making event, there was not enough fuel at that time, even in the capital they heated with wood, and people stood in lines for hours for kerosene. saratov gas significantly improves the life of muscovites. gas stoves were rare and ran on lamp or artificial gas. academician ivan gubkin suggested that there is natural gas in the saratov region. and at the end of the thirties, soviet scientists, boris
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mazharovsky, vasily senyukov. and others discovered the elshansky deposit. the saratov-moscow gas pipeline was built in just 2 years, and to pave this route, almost 850 km long, hundreds of engineers and thousands of workers walked it on foot, through rivers, swamps and forests. yes, the cable from saratov came to the capital. near moscow, a pipe was installed near saritsin. the first tests of saratov gas near moscow. they opened the valve, brought the igniter, and it flared up. and from the next day, the capital began to receive 800,000 cubic meters of natural gas every day. today, in the village of elshanka , a monument has been erected on the site of the first well, and a museum dedicated to the history has been opened in saratov. creation of a gas pipeline. on july 11, 1979 , the american orbital station skylab ceased to exist. it was launched 6 years earlier, but was used for less than 10 months. the last expedition left
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the station in february. on the fourth, for more than 5 years it remained uninhabited and was losing altitude, the station did not have its own engines, and the equipment inside was failing. naso thought , with the help of the russians, to pair skylab with our salute or wait for the space shuttle to start flying and deliver the propulsion module there, but in the end they decided not to spend money. fragments of the station were expected to sink into the pacific ocean, but they also rained down on western australia. luckily, no one was hurt as residents of the town of espirance watched. glowing debris falling from the sky, dozens were found and placed in a local museum. and the authorities fined nas, $400, littered the area, and the garbage is now on display, although the americans did not pay the fines. this is what this day in history was like.
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without a flint, a flint has imprisoned me, a self-written pen, you can get magic ink, you the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, beat yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what they call me, because i’m not taking it where you fool want, where it’s needed? i can’t live without
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traveling, flint, he who doesn’t need a pen, who has flint in his pocket, soon! welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first. competition of ideas and money.


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