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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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in moscow 9:30 and further briefly about the main thing.
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the brix parliamentary forum begins its work in st. petersburg. about 400 representatives from 16 countries take part in it. it is expected that vladimir putin will also arrive in the northern capital. the president has a number of meetings planned. the forum itself will last 2 days. the main topic was the role of parliaments in strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security. nato has outlined the amount of military assistance to the kiev regime. next year the alliance plans to spend 40 billion on this euro, the amount is stated in the declaration of the bloc’s summit. the meeting takes place in washington. in addition, nato countries are going to create an assistance service in the ssu, which will train ukrainian military personnel. in the avzeevsky direction of the special operation, fighters from the center group destroyed the command post of the ukrainian armed forces. using drones, the scattering team discovered the enemy headquarters and gave it the coordinates to the crew of the msta s self-propelled howitzer. artillerymen.
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had a control center, having completed the work, the military personnel camouflaged the combat vehicle. the peak of wildfires in russia will come in the next 2-3 weeks. these are the forecasts of the ministry of natural resources. the most difficult situation is now in the forests of the far east, siberia and the urals. in the regions, hundreds of thousands of hectares are engulfed in fire. another 24 new outbreaks were discovered in transbaikalia. more than 6,000 hectares are burning in yakutia, some of them near populated areas. and now back to the situation in the northern military district zone in the southern donetsk direction, army aviation destroyed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. a group of helicopters completed the combat mission. the k-52 alligator went on the attack, it was covered by the mi-28 and mi-8. vadim topalov has all the details. helicopter k-52 moves as part of a strike group to the location of the combat mission. the crew commander, call sign samara, is pitching up with precision. fires aircraft missiles at
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an enemy stronghold, the crew successfully completed the assigned combat mission, worked perfectly, returned without losses, as befits a predator, the alligator, as this helicopter was nicknamed, is armed to the teeth, has a thirty-millimeter cannon in its arsenal, two blocks capable of carrying up to eighty uncontrollable missiles, as well as the vihar anti-tank complex, guaranteed range its launch range is up to 8 km, but... i’ll tell you a big secret, last year they tested it, the rocket flies at 9.5 to 10 other times and missile launches reached 11 km with a guaranteed hit and destruction of the target, the cumulative jet of the vortex at speeds of up to 800 km/h, it renders any dynamic and reactive defense on enemy equipment useless, samara was convinced that this personally reflects the so -called counter-offensive of ukrainian militants in the area of ​​work. in the zaporozhye region, where
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the crew of this alligator burned one of the first german leopards. in combat conditions , the vehicle proved to be not only lethal, but also quite protected. the k-52m helicopter is equipped with an on-board defense system, one of its parts is an optical and electronic jamming system. the military people call her eggs of fate differently. its task is that if this unit detects dangerous radiation, for example, a flying ... missile, then heat traps will be released either automatically or manually, if the tail is damaged or even torn off in battle, the absence the propeller in this part of the structure still allows the crew to get to the base, there is even a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation, for the first time not only in russia, but in the world, a helicopter was equipped with an ejection system, that is, what is being done, the pyro cord is being detonated, which as you can see the commander on the canopy and the navigator.
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a detonation is carried out and the crew can emergency leave the helicopter, this has never happened on conventional k-52s, i repeat, this system has already been installed on emkas, when compared with last year of work for the military. icemen it has become smaller, samara admits, and the uav operators have partially taken the bread, but when the weather does not allow small birds to rise into the air, alligators fly out to hunt. vadim topalov, vladislav medyanik, lead donetsk. nato needs to create enemies and crises to maintain its existence, the chinese global times writes about this today. the results of the meeting in washington demonstrate zero interest in finding a diplomatic solution to the conflict. in ukraine, this is the opinion of economist jeffrey sachs. about the anniversary summit nato, which ends today, report by dmitry melnikov. redcoats, soldiers of the british empire on the white house lawn. a mixture of eras of meaning, when
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zelensky is among the guests of nato on the balcony, surrounded by the leaders of south korea and japan. the mood is not festive, membership in the alliance is vague, all that remains is to drink. to nato, to our neighborhood between countries, may we continue to grow stronger and closer in all the years to come. at this summit, for the first time , each nato member must make a promise to strengthen its military capabilities. washington continues to put pressure on allies to bring defense spending to the required 2%. the arguments are still the same, the russian threat. right now significantly. china, north korea and iran. after the end of the cold war, nato generals admit, the alliance restructured itself to conduct special operations. compact mobile forces ready to fight only with
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a known weak enemy. savings on defense spending allowed the west to live comfortably, but now they will have to fork out more. the united states and its european partners were stunned. weaknesses and holes that emerged in their own defense industrial base during the course of supporting ukraine in the confrontation with the russian federation. one of the results of the second day of the summit was the decision of the united states to deploy tamagaf, sm6 missiles and promising hypersonic systems on german territory. a joint statement from washington and berlin, published on the white house website, emphasizes that cruise missiles will have a significantly greater range than the weapons systems currently deployed in europe. the german magazine explains that american tomahawks are arriving in germany for the first time since the nineties, and at the same time, in words, the west continues to assure that russia does not pose a direct threat to nato members. we do not see any immediate military threat from russia to any of the nato countries. russia today is completely
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focused on the war with ukraine. however, the confrontation with russia will be enshrined in the final declaration of the summit, where there is not a word about the possibility of a diplomatic settlement of the conflict. but the delegation continues efforts to promote the idea of ​​peace negotiations hungary. the head of the hungarian foreign ministry reported this on his page on social networks. hungary continues to focus on making nato strong to drag us into a war going on in another country. this is why we will continue the peace mission, which is why we will present the position that a ceasefire and peace negotiations are necessary. the final communiqué of the summit will likely include a clause on the irreversibility of ukraine’s entry into the alliance. in washington , zelensky is desperately seeking support not only from the current us administration, but perhaps future, meets with the speaker of the lower house of congress mike johnson, and here in washington zelensky admits that ukraine will not return to the border of the ninety-first year. if you are talking about territory, then
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you must understand that we need to first of all save people and the state. we are not members of nato, we do not have such an incentive, we need putin to lose. will it succeed? avoiding failure for joe biden is perhaps the main issue of this summit; against the backdrop of his belligerent speeches, democrats continue to prepare the ground for biden's removal from election race, wait until the end of the week, the president’s most ardent supporters are asking. i hope everyone will join president biden in supporting him to give him time to deal with the nato summit. this is a very big deal; more than thirty heads of state have gathered here. let's just wait, we shouldn't jump to conclusions, until then... on this last day of the summit, biden still has a final press conference, which white house staff mockingly call the big boy conference, it seems all democrats they’re just waiting for biden to publicly ruin everything for good;
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he’ll have no choice but to withdraw from the election. therefore, us allies understand that all the agreements and promises made now may go to waste within a few days. 4 months, if he wins the election, trump promises to revolutionize nato, and this anniversary summit may be the last meeting of the alliance in its current form. dmitry melnikov and pavel. kostrikov, news from washington. democratic majority leader of the us senate chuck schumer is not ready to support biden in the presidential election and calls on the democratic party to consider alternative candidates. the media reported this citing sources. in this regard , the biden campaign team will hold a special meeting, where, according to cnn, they will announce the politician’s health condition. we are dissatisfied with joe biden, we are in the lower house of parliament, the leader is democratic.
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kuban is incinerated. in the south of russia , the highest classes of fire danger are in effect, however, there are the first signs of a change in the weather. thunderstorms began in the region. but they can do they influence the situation with fires? let's find out from anna volkova, she joins me. anya, good morning. tell me, will the rains somehow manage to bring down the abnormal heat? a surge in thunderstorm activity in the south will slightly ease the unbearable heat, but the likelihood of fires remains high. the heat has turned into vegetation. like gunpowder , even faulty agricultural machinery can become a source of fire, for example, these farmers from
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the azov district of the rostov region managed to cope with the fire on their own and the flames did not spread to nearby crops, but so not everyone is lucky and not always. on wednesday evening, a large fire broke out in the evpatoria region, dry vegetation burned over an area of ​​about a thousand square meters, gusty winds contributed to the spread of the fire, and rescuers were already liquidated. thunderstorms erupted in the eastern regions of crimea. eyewitnesses filmed bright flashes of lightning, powerful rumbles of thunder echoed across the sky, and little rain fell. it’s easy to explain what’s happening; the sun dominates on the russian plain. cyclone, but due to the sharp temperature contrasts between the hot
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depression intensified over land and sea water over the black sea, masses of heaping rain clouds began to form in this area, it was so yesterday, it will be so today. on thursday, in most of the european territory of russia, the probability of precipitation is still minimal, and only in the east of the region will the influence of the cyclone unwinding in siberia be felt and there will be thunderstorms. another zone of unstable weather with showers and thunderstorms will appear in the south of the country. here, the most intense precipitation is expected in mountainous areas caucasus. increasing cloud cover will limit the flow of solar heat to the earth's surface, so the coming day will become a little cooler. so in the middle zone the air will continue to warm up to +25 +30. but in the south, the prevailing daytime temperature will not exceed +33-38. however, this period of relative freshness will be short-lived, the fact
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is that tomorrow a new atlantic cyclone will break through onto the russian plain, while its cloud fields will have time to spoil the weather only in the northwest, but under the pressure of the whirlwind, this center of high pressure will become drift to the shores of the black sea, scattering clouds here, creating conditions for a new heat wave. capital, clear and calm weather. as of 8:00 am the thermometer at the vdnkh reference weather station was +22.4. during the day , the axis of the crest of the anticyclone with its center over the white sea will pass through the capital, which portends a lot of sun and precipitation for muscovites; precipitation is not excluded, or rather, it is excluded after yesterday’s slight drop in temperature; today it will begin to rise again. at the height of the day, the air in moscow will warm up to +26 -29. the sber-thank you loyalty program
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fire for bmw has arrived, landing force, fire, necessary. now sports news, the british are out in european championship final, uruguay national team players got into a fight with opposing fans. and djokovic became a semi-finalist without a fight. ilya kosin has all the details, he will join me. good morning. tell me what happened to the uruguayan football players, what was not shared? well, the fight happened after the match against colombia in the semi-finals of the copa america. the uruguayans, apparently, were so upset by their defeat that they climbed up to fight in the stands with the colombians. about the sports results of this match later, but i’ll still start with
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european championship. the england team reached the euro 2024 final in the semi-finals. and garath southgate's side beat the netherlands 2-1. the dutch players opened the scoring in this match; in the seventh minute , xavi simons scored with a beautiful strike. the british bounced back quite quickly. the referee awarded a penalty for a foul against harry kane, and kane himself converted it. the winning goal, already in stoppage time for the second half in the ninety-first minute, was scored by ollie otkins, who had come on just 10 minutes earlier and struck his second shot on goal in the entire tournament. england, which won the euro, will play against spain. the spaniards beat the french 2:1 in the other regular time in only two matches out of six, the semi-finals. the decisive euro match will take place on sunday. colombia, which defeated uruguay 1:0 in the minority.
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jefferson lerma scored the only goal in the thirty-ninth minute after a pass from james rodriguez. the colombians were left in the minority at the end of the first half, when daniel munez was sent off for a second yellow card. uruguay numerically take advantage. in the copa america final, colombia will play argentina, which defeated canada 2-0 in its semi-final. the decisive match of the tournament will take place on july 15. novak djokovic reached the wimbledon semi-finals due to his opponent's refusal. australian alex dominor withdrew from the match against the serbian due to an injury he received in the very last play of the previous match. in the semifinals, djokovic will play against the italian lorenze musetti; he won the quarterfinals.
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well, the day before, the navigators racers drove cars along the off-road terrain of western mongolia, which brought many surprises. our correspondent stas ridekultsev watched the progress of the stage. mongolia is the country with the lowest population density in the world, but once a year the people unite in giant makeshift stadiums under eternal blue skies. the endless steppe arena and stands and even a cafe. golden meat pies are fried in yurts. mongolian beauties do not miss the opportunity to show themselves. everyone came to see something else. in midsummer, mongolia celebrates at home, a holiday of prosperity and prosperity, reflecting tradition nomadic people. it is also called three men's
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games: wrestling, archery and, of course , horse racing. which rhymes perfectly with the international rally marathon - the silk road. mongolian horse racing is also about speed and endurance. the distance is from 15 to 30 km, riders are only boys, from 5 to 13 years old, most ride bareback. one of the most difficult competitions on the planet, the rali silk road marathon, looks similar, but if you look at it from the ground, the whole picture opens up from the air , and the dizzying mongolian views and crazy racing turns. here, i think, sergei is driving 139, that is, at the maximum permissible. without aviation, such a race is impossible. the silk road is associated with a real risk to life, so the races are accompanied by three medical helicopters. one is for television, the other is the commissar’s helicopter for the route, he monitors the safety of the race, but this is not all the aviation involved in the rally marathon. the race stretches over
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a distance of hundreds of kilometers, sometimes 600-800 even, in our sport a stable connection is very important, so above us, above helicopters are still hovering in the air during the entire special stage, three high-quality small aircraft, and they are about pilots and racing equipment and aircraft on the silk road ; real aces have to fly in difficult conditions at low altitudes around the mountains and cars rushing at great speed. i remembered myself when i was a pilot, seeing a helicopter, the participant begins, as the pilots say, to set up an odessa film studio, that is, to somehow pose, realizing that you are filming a more beautiful ride, so that there is sand, a turn, there are springboards, jumps. happen mistakes, the sixth stage of the rallyrathon, the fastest and longest of the entire race, almost 450 km, and the first sand dunes of this year, and for many of many in
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their lives, stood in the way of the participants. among all the silk road trucks , sergei kupriyanov’s kamaz stands out especially, only it has a gas-diesel engine. the gas-diesel unit feels great, we feel good too, the section, although long, was balanced, it was... stronger than the roar of the engines of these giants. the victory at the stage went to eduard nikolaev's kamaz, and the race leader dmitry sotnikov did not lose pace. he drives quickly and steadily, winning
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3 minutes from sergei vizovich's maza. news from khovd mongolia. the seventh music festival of eldar abdrazzakov opened in st. petersburg with a bright gala concert. graduates of the opera singer summer school took to the stage of the marinsky theater. among them are talented performers and not only from russia. dmitry akimov has all the details. all aspiring opera performers in the world dream of getting into this small hall at the exemplary academy in st. petersburg, because this is where it can open up for them road to the big stage. it is important for a musician, for a beginner, especially a vocalist, to hear the opinion of honored masters and listen to this. about 500
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applications were submitted to master eldar abdrazakov’s summer school this year. geography.
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study, work, just communicate with such incredible professionals. the end of the school is the beginning of the traditional festival, which is held annually by the abdrazakov foundation. in november, experienced opera artists graduates of the school will go on tour so that all residents of our country have the opportunity hear in person some of the best voices in russia. dmitry akimov and andrey kupaev, news from st. petersburg. any set of rules, both on the road and in companies, must be clear and uniform for everyone, then it is easier to follow it, but what solutions does business have for this today? an investor who wants to invest in a particular company should not bother looking for answers about where corporate governance is better. the rules of the game must be the same for everyone. i have always been for the charter to be
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sufficiently clear and transparent. worker document, it is not made in order to put it on a shelf, you need to make it understandable and accessible, correctly compiled certified corporate documents, conditions for achieving new heights in business.
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in the capital 10 we continue the morning broadcast. and this is what we have learned by this time: nato plans to allocate at least 40 billion euros for military assistance to kiev next year. this is stated in the statement of the alliance summit, which is taking place in washington. in addition, nato countries are going to create an assistance service in the ssu, which will train ukrainian military personnel. the group's fighters are conducting a special operation in the orekhovsky direction.


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