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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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in the capital 10 we continue the morning broadcast, here is what we have learned by this hour: nato plans to allocate at least 40 billion euros for military assistance to kiev next year, this is stated in the statement of the alliance summit, which is taking place in washington. in addition, nato countries are going to create an assistance service in the ssu, which will train ukrainian military personnel. group fighters are conducting a special operation in the orekhovsk direction. nepoh was destroyed by armored
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vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces. scouts using drones detected the advance of equipment that was trying to deliver ammunition ukrainian military. having received the coordinates, the crew of the fagos anti-tank missile system destroyed the t-72 tank with the first shot. after this, the paratroopers also hit vehicles. the tenth brix parliamentary forum starts today in st. petersburg. about 400 representatives from 16 will take part in it. the main theme is the role of parliaments in strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development. vladimir putin will speak at the forum. in the us, a powerful tornado hit the eastern part of new york state, the wind gusts of which reached 180 km/h, tore off roofs, knocked down poles, and destroyed entire forest areas. at least three victims are known. and now there are more than 400 people for news marked urgently. botulism originated throughout the country
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in june, two of them died, such data was presented by the head of rospotrebnadzor anna popova at a meeting of the state duma committee on health protection. as she noted, violation of all possible rules and technologies led to the production of a dangerous product, and the beans, which caused the outbreak of a dangerous disease, were purchased abroad. today at the tenth anniversary brix parliamentary forum starts in st. petersburg. it will be attended by approximately 400 representatives from 16 countries, including delegates from brazil, egypt, india, iran, china and the united arab emirates. vladimir putin will also come to the northern capital. the russian president has a number of meetings planned on the sidelines of the forum. the main topic of discussion will be the role of parliament in strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security. and i’ll add, in the near future from the northern capital we are waiting for the inclusion of our correspondent anastasia efimova. for now, let's move on to other topics. nato plans
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to allocate 40 billion euros to ukraine for military spending next year. this is stated in the declaration of the alliance summit, which takes place in washington. it was also decided to create a mission to coordinate military assistance to kiev. but ukraine never received an invitation to join nato. instead , there is only a point that the country is on an irreversible path to the alliance. dmitry melnikov, our us senior correspondent, will tell you what else we agreed on. redcoats - soldier the british empire on the lawn of the white house, a mixture of eras of meaning, when zelensky is among the guests of nato on the balcony, surrounded by the leaders of south korea and japan, the mood is not festive, membership in the alliance is foggy, all that remains is to drink. to nato, to our neighborhood between countries, may we continue to grow stronger and closer in all the years to come. at this summit, for the first time
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, each nato member must make a promise to strengthen its military capabilities. washington continues to put pressure on allies to bring defense spending to the required 2%. the arguments are still the same, the russian threat. right now, russia is significantly increasing the production of weapons, ammunition , vehicles, and it is doing this in cooperation with china, north korea and iran. after the end of the cold war they recognize. restructured to conduct special operations, compact mobile forces, ready to fight only with obviously weak opponents. savings on defense spending allowed the west to live comfortably, but now they will have to fork out more. the united states and its european partners were stunned weaknesses and holes that emerged in their own defense industrial base during the course of supporting ukraine in the confrontation with the russian federation. one of the results of the second day of the summit was the us decision to deploy. on german territory
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, tamaga, sm-6 missiles and promising hypersonic systems. a joint statement by washington and berlin published on the white house website emphasizes that they will have cruise missiles. significantly longer range than the weapons systems currently deployed in europe. german magazine der spiegel explains that american tomahawks are arriving in germany for the first time since the nineties, and at the same time, in words, the west continues to assure that russia does not pose a direct threat to a nato member. we do not see any immediate military threat from russia to any of the nato countries. russia today is completely focused on the war with ukraine. however, confrontation. with russia will be enshrined in the final declaration of the summit, where there is not a word about the possibility of a diplomatic settlement of the conflict, but efforts to promote the idea of ​​peaceful the hungarian delegation continues negotiations, the head of the hungarian mido reports this on his page on social networks. hungary continues to focus on making nato
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strong to drag us into a war going on in another country. that's why we will continue the peace mission, that's why we will present the position of ceasefire and peace negotiations. necessary in the final communication of the summit there will probably be a clause on the irreversibility of ukraine’s entry into the alliance in washington zelensky is desperately looking for support not only the current us administration, but possibly the future one, meets with the speaker of the lower house of congress mike johnson, and here in washington zelensky admits that ukraine will not return to the border of the ninety-first year. if you are talking about territory, then you must understand that we need to save people first of all.
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big deal, there are over thirty heads of state here, let's just wait, we shouldn't jump to conclusions until we see how this week goes. on this last day of the summit, biden still there is a final press conference coming up, which white house staff mockingly call the big boy conference, it seems that all the democrats are just waiting for biden himself to publicly ruin everything completely, except to withdraw from the election, there will be nothing else left for him. therefore, us allies understand that all agreements and promises made now could go to waste in just 4 months. if he wins the election, trump promises to revolutionize nato, and this anniversary summit may be the last meeting alliance in its current form. dmitry
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melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. russia is not going to participate in the new summit on ukraine, deputy foreign minister mikhail galuzin announced this. according to... the press secretary of the chinese embassy in the united states emphasized: beijing opposes hostile aggressive policies. china calls on the military alliance to immediately stop the baseless accusations. deputy minister of defense anna tsovileva checked the organization of the honey mosh in the department’s institutions in the southern military district. in the spotlight
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there were issues of treating wounded soldiers and their rehabilitation, as well as developing infrastructure. in rostov, nadon was talking about the speedy completion of a major reconstruction of the buildings. consider the possibility for children who will come on military leave to receive outpatient care in clinics at their place of residence, depending on which clinic it is convenient for him to visit at the moment, despite the fact that
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today they do not have the right to be served in civilian clinics, now the ministry of health will be active to explore this possibility so that we really work in the interests of our military personnel. in the orekhovsk direction of the special operation, fighters of the dnepr group destroyed the firing position of the ukrainian armed forces with american-made weapons. scouts using a drone discovered a group of ukrainian military personnel. which was trying to equip a point for an easel grenade launcher. the coordinates were passed on to our 120mm mortar crew. the military personnel hit the enemy, the target was hit. and in the donetsk people's republic, sappers cleared a field mined by the enemy. the dangerous work was carried out in two stages. first , vepr special equipment, created on the basis of the t-90 tank, drove through the territory. she destroyed most of the shells, but the most cunning traps can only find.
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this field is a gray zone, along which the line of combat contact passed back in 1914, then the nature of the fighting was different, ukrainian formations mainly used soviet-style anti-personnel mines. in pmnka, he presses like firecrackers, they pop, that is, damage there are none at all. however, large ammunition does not pose a big threat to the boar. this. from an explosion on tank minis, on anti-tank minis, that is, well, yes,
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there are some traces, well, nothing significant, the vehicle has mine clearance and another function - to prepare a minefield for foot sappers, they are the ones who finally clear the territory, after it’s convenient for us to walk, that is , the grass, he presses the grass, that is, here, as you see, the grass is high, that is, with the device, well, inconvenient, inconvenient and... speed, speed the work of sappers increases significantly. working with a mine detector and probe is a real art, the device detects the presence of metal at almost every step, the sapper must distinguish a real threat from an imaginary one, there were military operations and artillery fire and there were a lot of fragments, by the way, in this field there are fragments - these are from cakes, and they are also well, they squeak exactly the same way as anti-personnel mines, you use wood chips to make sure that there is something there or not, everyone checks. corner, because often the enemy sets mine traps or buries ammunition so that it becomes inaccessible
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heavy equipment, as soon as we, as deminers, and people who are engaged in mine clearance, begin to think that the enemy somewhere made a mistake and set everything up simply easily, apparently this is fraught with consequences for us. in the last month alone, the combined demining squad of the engineering troops destroyed more than a thousand explosive objects, in different ways. have time to buy and win a trip,
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there is a parliamentary forum of this organization itself, but in the tauride palace in the next 2 days the parliamentary dimensions of different organizations, and very large ones, will intersect, on the one hand - this is brix, this is, of course, the cis, and also the interparliamentary union. just this morning there was a bilateral meeting between the speaker of the federation council, valentina matvienko, and the chairman of the national assembly of tanzania, tulia exxon. it takes 2 years this post is in your own country, but a little less.
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representative offices are looking for opportunities for independence in decision-making, opportunities for interaction, and not subordination, and this is precisely why the speaker
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of the federation council explains the interest in brix that a number of countries around the world are showing today; the speaker of the federation council gave an exclusive interview to our tv channel the day before, let's watch a fragment from this interview. russia holds the presidency as the first of the brix countries.
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the minimum down payment is also not
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changed, it is 20%. also, as before, you can not only buy an apartment in a new building, but also invest in the construction of your own home. we left the possibility of refinancing the mortgage, that is, if initially our clients received state support, or bought a new building from a developer at the base rate, otherwise they can refinance the family mortgage upon the birth of a child. what has changed? now those who have a child under 6 years old, inclusive, can take advantage of a family mortgage. in some cases citizens with children over 6 years old can also participate in the program; these are families with a child, a disabled person, or at least two minor children if they live in regions with a low volume of construction or in small towns with up to 50,000 inhabitants. in addition, families with two children from regions where... an individual socio-economic development program operates can apply; let me remind you that in may of this year it was approved in ten regions of our country. as anton silunov stated, the updated parameters will allow
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to prevent further distortions in the mortgage market, but at the same time, the most needy categories of citizens will still receive social support. experts believe that the new rules will not only reduce overheating, but will also lead to economic development. this version of the program should stimulate construction not only in cities with high demand, where there was already demand, these are... million-plus people, well, the whole country is not without reason that this is a limitation of either 50,000 population, or the participation of the city in investment programs, that is, that is why it is developing economy goes through these are the restrictions, and the social factor comes with the allocation of a category of families, it is important that only those who have never taken out a preferential mortgage before can participate in the program, by the way, the maximum loan amount depends on the region, 12 million rubles for... moscow, st. petersburg , as well as the moscow and leningrad regions, in the remaining 6 million. however, the family mortgage can be expanded; in the capital regions, the bank can lend up to 30 million rubles, in the rest up to 15, but in this
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case for an amount that exceeds the limits of the state program limit will apply market interest rate. people can, along with some amount of this preferential mortgage , take from the bank the amount they need on market conditions, therefore. you can take out a loan that is much larger and in scale than indicated, yes, but you will pay a preferential rate up to a certain point, and after that, according to market conditions, there are such opportunities, well, to again stimulate demand in cases where people slightly do not fit into this mortgage, as for private houses, preferential mortgages for construction will now be issued only in two cases, if construction is carried out in accordance with the law. about shared construction or when concluding a contract, but then it is necessary to open an spark account, which can save the money of security borrowers. the fact is that the funds in
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such accounts remain frozen. before putting the house into operation, and if the contractor does not complete the housing, then the money from the account will be returned to the buyer. in russia, about 38 million citizens have the right to free legal help, but only a little more than 2% use this opportunity. minister of justice konstantin chuychenko spoke about this in an interview with my colleague marina gromova. he also noted that qualified legal assistance should become more accessible. about 38 million of our citizens have the right to free legal assistance, our law lists certain cases in which this assistance is provided to certain categories of citizens, well, it seems to me that this approach is not entirely correct, and it needs to be changed in the future, because if a person has the right to free legal assistance, he must receive answers to all questions, this right must
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be... universal, well, of course, there must be certain prohibitions in which this assistance cannot be provided. full version of the interview with minister of justice konstantin chuychenko. watch today on russia-24 after 11:00 am. now let's switch for a couple of minutes, and then the fifth studio will be on the air. a little later we will, of course, return to the main news of this day.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture, in pursuit of views.
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change whole ones.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. hello, this is the fifth studio program, my name is yuri bogdanov. today we will discuss the results of the nato summit, which took place in washington. we have connections with the ambassador of the russian federation to the kingdom of belgium, where the headquarters of the north atlantic alliance is based, alexander takovinin. alexander avrilyevich, hello. good morning. there were quite a lot of statements on the eve of this summit, and during the meeting itself, we discussed some of them on air. but if we talk about the bottom line about the decisions that were made, what you can pay attention to, what is really important.


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