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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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there was a little rain. it is simple to explain what is happening: the solar anticyclone dominates on the russian plain, but due to the sharp temperature contrasts between the hot land and sea water over the black sea, the depression intensified, and masses of heaps of rain clouds began to form in this area, it was so yesterday, it will be so today. on thursday , the likelihood of precipitation is still minimal across most of european russia. an area of ​​unstable weather with showers and thunderstorms will appear in the south of the country, the most intense precipitation is expected in the mountainous regions of the caucasus; in addition, in the east of the russian plain today the influence of a cyclone is affecting, so there are thunderstorms here. the disaster has already hit the ural city of sirov. after limny , his street was flooded and there was a lot of rainfall. in the sverdlovsk region there is a storm warning for heavy rain and gusty winds of up to 15 m/s. denser
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clouds will limit the flow of solar heat to the earth's surface, so the coming day will become a little cooler, so on average in the strip, the air will continue to warm up to +25 -30, but in the south the prevailing daytime temperature will not exceed +33- +38°. however , this period of relatively freshness will be short-lived; the fact is that tomorrow a new atlantic will break through to the russian plain. a cyclone, while its cloud fields will have time to spoil the weather only in the northwest, but under the pressure of the whirlwind, a center of high pressure will begin to drift to the shores of the black sea, dispersing the clouds here, creating conditions for a new heat wave. the weather in the capital is clear and calm, throughout the day across the capital the axis of the anticyclone crest will pass with its center over the white sea, which portends a lot of sun for muscovites, with no precipitation possible. after
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yesterday's slight drop in temperature, today it will begin to rise again. at the height of the day, the air in moscow will warm up to +26 +29. well, for those who are already tired of the summer heat, we can recommend a trip to chukotka. there, in the village of rerkaipey, the first snow of july fell; the village is located on the shores of the chukchi sea beyond the arctic circle in a permafrost zone. an ideal place to cool off. remember what you they said when you decided to open a business, but you’re a girl, this is not a woman’s business, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs, open a free account with alfabank and get it.
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restaurants and others. and even a category for everything. transfer money to sberbank from other banks for free and get cash. back up to 70% with partners, more profitable with a sber subscription. alexander nikolaevich, july 16th, no, i have ice delux, which means there is no third, i have a big hit, a delicious calendar in a delicious one. every day, a new favorite product at a super price, only in the app it’s delicious, period. a note on the child’s citizenship on the birth certificate is required for travel to a number of countries. in what other cases is it needed and are parents required to put it down? stanislav bernwald has all the details in the program instructions. a note about citizenship on
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a child’s birth certificate is now required to cross the border. with which countries, in what other situations will it be needed? we’ll tell you where and how you can get it in 5 minutes in the program. instructions. so, in march , new rules for traveling abroad for children under 14 years of age came into effect. they concern the birth certificate. it must contain a mark of citizenship with a red official seal. this will be needed to travel to a number of states that accept russians with national documents. these are abkhazia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and south ossetia. this concerns the exchange of countries. with which the russian federation has signed interstate agreements, interstate treaties, these are belarus, abkhazia, south ossetia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and armenia, but armenia with a reservation. unfortunately, in the interstate agreement between the russian federation of armenia, a birth certificate does not appear
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as a document by which a child can cross the border; therefore , a child needs a foreign passport to visit the republic of armenia. if the child has his own passport, there will be no problems with confirming citizenship. if it is not there, and there is no mark on the birth certificate either; along with the certificate, you can present the parent’s internal passport, if the child is included there, or a foreign passport, again, if it contains information about the child itself. everything is clear with travel, let’s return to the very mark on the child’s citizenship on the birth certificate. parents are required to provide it. the corresponding mark is not a novelty; it has been carried out by internal affairs bodies since 2002. on october 26 last year, a new federal law on russian citizenship came into force. federation, which detailed the procedure for obtaining citizenship of the russian federation for children by birth. but it must
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be emphasized that there are no sanctions, that is, any punishment, fine, or anything else, for the absence of this seal. was installed and not installed. a citizenship stamp will be needed in many situations, and this is not only traveling abroad, but for example, receiving a first passport at the age of 14, and also social benefits. the mark indicates on what basis the child is a citizen of russia; for departments this is means that the check has been completed and they can calmly work with the documents. and here’s an important point: in order to get a stamp on the birth certificate, you need to submit an application. one of the child’s parents can apply directly to the territorial body of the ministry of internal affairs of russia to apply for registration of citizenship acquired by birth, including by putting down the appropriate mark. to do this, you will need to present the birth certificate form itself and the parents’ passports. i must say that in itself
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a birth certificate issued in russia does not confirm citizenship, because the document looks the same for a child whose parents are russian, for a child whose, for example, one of the parents is foreign, when a child’s birth certificate is issued on the territory of the russian federation, there is a need to clarify what kind of citizenship he has... his citizenship is the citizenship of the foreigner’s parent or the citizenship of the russian federation, and in that other case , the parents will have to submit a document, a notification of citizenship in territorial body of the ministry of internal affairs, either about the absence of russian citizenship, or about the fact that they are accepting russian citizenship, asking for citizenship to be granted to their child, by birth, because the father is also a citizen of the russian federation. so, you can put a mark on citizenship at the territorial division of the ministry of internal affairs for
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migration issues at your place of residence. in some regions, such an opportunity is available at the mfc. the queue is either live or online. if citizens of the russian federation are abroad, they can contact our diplomatic missions, foreign institutions, respectively, there they will be helped in registration. please note, the service is free, no fees. a mark on citizenship must be placed on the birth certificate; it will be needed for the child to travel to countries that accept russians with national documents; if he does not have his own foreign passport, in order for the stamp to appear, he must submit an application, this can be done at the territorial division of the ministry of internal affairs on migration issues or the mfc, a mark on citizenship will not be useful only when traveling abroad, but also to obtain a state visa.
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regions continue to implement the principles of environmental, social and corporate governance. this time, the green transition project team went to the krasnodar region to find out how waste-free metal processing works in the region. production, how a superfood is created in a laboratory from environmental photographic raw materials and the development of ecotourism. vera moroz talks about this in her report. sea, sun, mountains, we came to the krasnodar region, this is the heart of tourism, there are many popular resorts, with almost all types of recreation, this is a leading agricultural region and one of the most densely populated. almost 4% of the country's population lives. in its development strategy
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by 2030, the krasnodar region plans to further strengthen its leading industries, taking into account the principles of sustainable development, as well as strengthen its position in renewable energy, smart and green industry and creative industries. krasnodar region ranks seventh in the ranking of sustainability, development and integration of esg criteria. third place in the national tourism... ratings second in terms of the effectiveness of the implementation of the national labor productivity project, according to the ministry of economic development and trade. so, let's go study the sustainable development of kuban, but... zero harm waste. let's start with metalworking production, where everything waste is sent for recycling. from the school desk to real production. let's find out how gifted children of the krasnodar region create their own projects. an unexpected ingredient. we will see how fortified products are made from recycled materials in the laboratory. green cat. let’s find out what criteria
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are used to build new tourism infrastructure in the region. look, but don’t touch; finally, let’s go to a unique one. spheral reserve, where they will talk about the rules of ecotourism. since 2021, more than 300 enterprises of kuban have been participating in program, labor productivity, increasing your income, the number of jobs and increasing salaries for employees, the effect was assessed by the minister of economy of the krasnodar territory alexey yurtaev. we currently have 8,300 people at the labor exchange, and the need is 43, well, that is , we understand, yes, that...
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first, parts are cut out of metal sheets using a laser or a huge stamping machine, then they are sent for molding, welding, cleaning, then this future equipment gets assembled, then the dexterity truk, the refrigerator... the chamber is assembled less, in less than 20 minutes, and the oven in 10. there is also an exclusive one that was developed in krasnodar. the uniqueness is that we are not the only manufacturers in russia who have mastered the production of dough sheeters for puff pastry. we have our own koltu department, we develop new products, we design them, we introduce them into production.
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they try to make production as waste-free as possible; they collect waste paper, plastic, and metal. sorted by brand, chemical composition and size, it is processed again and sent to production, all this separation, it gives us the opportunity , first of all, to take care of the environment, on the other hand, to receive some benefits from it, because the more carefully an enterprise treats its waste and turns it into recyclable materials, the more money recyclers are willing to pay for it, where does this money go, what is not core for us is... we use cardboard and plastic to pay for sports sections for our employees. future personnel in the krasnodar region are formed from the school bench. the region is actively working to identify and develop gifted people children. regional center prizma, gifted children from the krasnodar region study here. in scientific workshops, laboratories prepare for olympiads and create their own
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projects based on real orders, which are then implemented by local enterprises. in the laboratory, schoolchildren are making cuttings of a typical krasnodar shrub berisklet, the master class is taught by valery, also a schoolboy, he is 16, he has already managed to create his own project, which is connected with vineyards, he worked on it with the participation of the north caucasus federal research institute. specialists were brought in from various guests, we had ecologists and biologists working on our team, i was always drawn to some kind of natural science, that’s it. science, here is the center for the development of odor, the regional center for the education of prism, she gave me this opportunity, i visited real laboratories, i saw real scientists, coats, serious uncles, where do i see my future, all in the same field, field of science, i will go to the medical academy, naturally to the kuban state medical, many guys coming to the center
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decide on their future profession through the early profiling program, getting into leading universities. and broadcast here. sberbank is also involved in the accessibility of higher secondary specialized education. we have created an educational loan, this is a loan for... applicants at a reduced interest rate, it is 3%. and any applicant who has chosen a dream university can take out
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a loan without collateral, without compulsory insurance, pay interest at the stage of study, for 15 years from the date after completing his diploma, he can pay off the principal debt. over the past year in the krasnodar region the number of such loans increased by 60% (3,000 students) were able to choose their dream university. sber also conducts free training programs for representatives of the kuban scientific foundation and participants in world-class scientific and educational centers. testing centers for food and chemical technologies at kuban state technological university. here they create healthy fortified products or so-called superfoods, in their developments use non-traditional environmental resources of the second world. original, but these grains were produced in laboratory conditions and liquids that were previously sent to waste:
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sugar-free chocolate with grape seeds, cookies with tomato pulp, delicious products are saturated with vitamins and nutrients using environmentally friendly recyclable materials, things that were previously thrown away or did not know where to put them use or use. not for its intended purpose, today, having studied its unique composition and properties, we use it in traditional food products, and thereby solve two problems, environmental safety and food security, a social problem, improving, let's say, the health of the country's population, they create not only recipes, but also green intelligent technologies, for example, a fruit or vegetable dried at super-low temperatures using... ionized gas retains its original properties . bright color, taste, aroma - this is a vivid example of the effect that can be achieved using
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low-temperature plasma, replacing these traditional thermal processes, we since we are solving a complex, so to speak, of problems, yes, low energy consumption, reduction of co2 emissions, high quality food products, that is , our equipment allows us to achieve this in a complex. the krasnodar region is reaching a new ecological level in the tourism sector. the sochi rosahutor resort has been using the corporate standard, the green code, since 2021. these are the criteria by which tourism infrastructure is built. projects must be as energy and water efficient, ergonomic, environmentally friendly and comfortable as possible. in they come here for about a year.
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in europe, the caucasian mountain forest reserve, there are more than 400 plants and animals here , most of them are endemic and relicts, the symbol of the reserve is the mountain bison.
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his ancestor used to live here, but was destroyed at the beginning of the 20th century. now it is home to the largest free-living population on the continent. 1200 teeth. many of them, inaccessible for meeting people, are located too far in the forests of the reserve, but at the tourist information center you can look at zubrikha mulya. mule, let's come here, let's go, beauty. in the enclosure complex, laura, mulya, has been accustomed to humans since birth and can no longer live in the wild, and there are about a dozen such animals in the rehabilitation center. all of them came to us because they needed this or that help from different places, for example lynx, fedor from the zoo. came to us, here is the morus, the so-called black photographers, this man mistreated animals. at the information center, the tourist is prepared for walks in the protected area, where the main
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rule is to look, but not to touch. coming to reserve, you must prepare yourself for the fact that you will be an absolute observer, almost 2/3 of our reserve is covered with forests, they deposit a huge amount of carbon, and this is very important, and in order to reduce co2 emissions, we have territory there are glaciers, which are also thousands of years old, it is very important that people around understand that every year there are more and more tourists in the krasnodar region, last year 18... by 2030, 22-23 million guests are expected, taking into account investment projects related to sustainable development in 6 years region plans to become an innovative resort and tourist center. this is how the krasnodar region is developing, creating comfortable conditions for recreation, life, work, responding to the environmental challenge by creating high-tech and clean production. and such projects with the principles of environmental, social and corporate governance
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are being developed throughout the country. and next time we will go to the altar. watch the green transition on the russia-24 tv channel. next time it will be more interesting.
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delegates from 16 gathered in the tauride palace countries, the tenth brix parliamentary forum opened in st. petersburg, what topics are in the spotlight and what statements are being made? following infectious traces, new details have emerged about the causes of the massive outbreak of batulism in russia, what data did rospotrebnadzor provide and how is the investigation progressing? supported with words and weapons, nato plans to allocate military expenses to ukraine next year. 40 billion euros, what other decisions were made at the alliance summit? missile threat in russia reacted to us plans to deploy long-range weapons in germany, how do moscow assess threats? and a humanitarian aid center of the russian orthodox church opened in mariupol. how do they support refugees affected by the military conflict? in st. petersburg.


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