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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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delegates from sixteen countries gathered at the tauride palace in st. petersburg and the tenth brix parliamentary forum opened. what topics are in focus and what statements are being made. following infectious traces, new details have emerged about the causes of the massive outbreak of batulism in russia. what data did rospotrebnadzor provide and how is the investigation progressing? they supported us with words and weapons. plans to allocate 40 billion euros to ukraine for military spending next year. what other decisions were made at the alliance summit? missile danger in russia reacted to us plans deploy long-range weapons in germany? how do moscow assess threats? and a humanitarian aid center of the russian orthodox church opened in mariupol. how do they support refugees affected by the military conflict? in st. petersburg.
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the brix parliamentary forum is in full swing, with about 400 representatives from 16 countries participating, with the focus on strengthening multipolarity in the world. vladimir putin takes part in the work and work of the event. our correspondent anastasia will tell you what events are currently happening at the summit efimova. she rejoins the direct. anastasia, hello again, we are waiting for details from you about what is happening now, what statements have already been made. yes, yuri, hello, once again, but in order to understand how much we are. we go live as part of the big events that take place here, and so the entire catherine hall today is also busy for one of the plenary sessions, they take place in various points of the very large tauride palace, many take place in parallel, since they are also being held bilateral meetings, this is of course a very characteristic detail for understanding the intensity of the interparliamentary dialogue that takes place here. within the framework of the forum,
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the forum, i remind you, is the tenth anniversary, and this decade is probably a good time to assess how effectively cooperation has been established, including at the level of legislators in the brix format. during this time, of course, the association itself also changed a lot, it not only became larger, but also quite obviously, it became much more influential and in the conditions of the formation of a new multipolar world may become one of the key ones. today brix is ​​possible without the new system of a multipolar world. exaggeration to call the core of the emerging association has enormous potential to confidently establish itself as one of the pillars of the modern world order. this is a dynamically developing mechanism of cooperation. which is based on
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the principles of mutual respect, equality, openness and consensus, where there is no place for dominance or the desire to impose one’s will. and this willingness to work on the basis consensus, of course, is very attractive for many countries of the world that want to join brix, because today this very name, i remind you that...
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corsi unites the leading economies of the world and its largest states. brix is ​​increasingly becoming one of the key pillars of the multipolar world, which today we already see is gradually beginning to take shape. the demand for it is enormous; every country, every people would like the world order to be fair. that's why. we all, representing our citizens, expressing their will, must on our part to do everything possible to uphold the principles of mutually beneficial cooperation in matters of international respect for national traditions. the interest of a number of states in joining brick becomes all the more obvious. and the faster it grows, the
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more aggressive nato’s rhetoric becomes, this is very good, obviously when comparing two events taking place virtually in parallel, this is, of course, the nato summit. the current parliamentary forum of the brix countries, from nato’s side, sounds as simple as possible aggressive, already openly belligerent statements, obviously directed against russia, one of such statements concerns the deployment of long-range weapons in germany on a rotational basis, against whom this decision is aimed, perhaps, it is not even worth clarifying. it is aimed against us, of course, we must be aware of this, but there is reason for nervousness.
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spoke about this very clearly, then the military and commanders-in-chief will decide where, how, what to deploy in order to fend off these threats, so we will be under a reliable account, and they will throw their money down the drain, the belligerent statements that are being made... from nato were mentioned today in the framework of the plenary session of the state, and the brix members who spoke today and spoke about their choice in favor of the so-called unification agenda, namely this unifying agenda within the framework of brix and within the framework of many other associations in which
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russia plays one of the key roles, of course, today it is becoming more and more attractively obvious that in the process of forming a multipolar world, about which so much has been said lately, instead only the point is that the country is on an irreversible path to the alliance. our us correspondent dmitry melnikov will tell you what else we agreed on. red uniforms, soldiers of the british empire on the lawn of the white house,
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a mixture of eras of meaning, when zelensky is among the nato guests on the balcony, surrounded by the leaders of south korea and japan. the mood is not festive, membership in the alliance is vague, only remains. for nato, for our neighborhood between countries, may we continue to become stronger and closer in everything the coming years. at this summit, for the first time , every nato member must pledge to strengthen its military capabilities. washington continues to put pressure on allies to bring defense spending to the required 2%. the arguments are still the same, the russian threat. right now. russia is significantly increasing the production of weapons, ammunition and vehicles; it does this by cooperating with china, north korea and iran. after the end of the cold war, nato generals admit, the alliance restructured itself to conduct special operations, compact mobile forces, ready to fight
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only with a obviously weak enemy. savings on defense spending allowed the west to live comfortably, but now they will have to fork out more. the usa is their european partners. were stunned by the weaknesses and holes that emerged in their own defense industrial base during the course of supporting ukraine in the confrontation with the russian federation. one of the results of the second day of the summit was the us decision to deploy tomahawk sm-6 missiles and promising hypersonic systems on german territory. in a joint statement from washington and berlin, published on the white house website, emphasizes that cruise missiles will have a significantly greater range than the weapons systems currently deployed in europe. the german magazine spiegel explains that american tomahawks are arriving in germany for the first time since the nineties, and at the same time, in words, the west continues to assure that russia does not pose a direct threat to nato members. we do not see any immediate military threat from russia to any of the nato countries. russia
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today is completely focused on the war with ukraine. however, the confrontation with russia will be enshrined in the final declaration of the summit, which addresses the possibility of a diplomatic settlement. not a word of conflict, but the hungarian delegation continues its efforts to promote the idea of ​​peace negotiations, the head of the hungarian foreign ministry reports this on his page on social networks. hungary continues to focus. on making nato strong and dragging us into a war that is going on in another state. that's why we will continue the peaceful mission, that's why we will represent position that a ceasefire and peace negotiations are necessary. the final communication of the summit will likely include a clause on the irreversibility of ukraine’s entry into the alliance. in washington, zelensky is desperately seeking support not only from the current us administration, but perhaps from the future. meets with speaker of the lower house of congress mike johnson. and here too.
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i hope everyone will join president biden in supporting him to give him time to deal with the nato summit. this is a very big deal, more than thirty people have gathered here heads of state. let's just wait. we shouldn't jump to conclusions until we see how this week goes. on this last day of the summit, biden still has a final press conference, which white house staff mockingly call the “big boy conference,” it seems that all the democrats are just waiting for biden himself
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to publicly screw everything up completely, except to withdraw from the election, he has nothing else to do will remain. therefore, us allies understand that all agreements and promises have been made. now, they can go to dust in 4 months. if he wins the election, trump promises to revolutionize nato, and this anniversary summit may be the last meeting of the alliance in its current form. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. the documents adopted at the nato summit show that the alliance is not a supporter of peace. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, in a conversation with reporters, also noted: the military infrastructure of the bloc is constantly approaching the borders of russia. nato pursues one of its main goals - inflict a strategic defeat on our country. in moscow , the text of the declaration of alliances and the decisions taken will be deeply analyzed. all this will require thoughtful, effective responses from russia. they throw themselves away as the world's policeman, in fact they provoke wars, this is how the chinese foreign ministry responded to the final declaration
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of the nato summit, which states that china allegedly creates challenges for euro-atlantic security. in addition, the alliance countries expressed concern about the strengthening of ties between moscow and beijing. the chinese foreign ministry recalled the international community clearly sees who is the initiator of the ukrainian crisis and who is responsible for its prolongation. and washington’s condemnation of china’s trade with russia in beijing was called a manifestation of double standards. the department noted that the united states provides large-scale assistance to ukraine, while at the same time groundlessly criticizing the normal economic exchange between moscow and beijing. the nato summit declaration is filled with cold war mentality and belligerent rhetoric. this statement was made by the chinese mission to the eu. and the press secretary the us embassy of the people's republic of china emphasized: beijing opposes hostile aggressive policies. china calls on the military alliance to immediately stop the baseless accusations. viktor orban's visit to russia. became a violation of eu laws, as reported by the financial times, citing sources, this assessment was given by the european
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legal service. and in particular, we are talking about provisions that oblige the countries of the community to conduct foreign policy activities in the spirit of loyalty and mutual solidarity. according to brussels, its with his actions, orbán jeopardized the achievement of eu goals. the head of the european council, charles michel, called the hungarian prime minister's trip to russia a political mistake and said that the eu countries reacted to this.
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was 417 people. as the head of rospotrebnadzor said, she purchased beans. outside the russian federation, the manufacturer was able to obtain permission to manufacture food products from these low-quality raw materials. actually, these beans, they were prepared in production, packaged it was supplied in vacuum bags to only one enterprise, a kitchen in the area, which, let me remind you, was closed by court decision for 90 days. it is known that the supplier’s enterprise had two workshops, as anna popova said, one of these workshops was declared, and this is the workshop where it is. produced beans that were infected with batulism, it was not even entered into the register and worked essentially without notice, that is, as if it did not exist in principle, and it naturally was not subject to any ... supervisory measures, completed an epidemiological investigation showed that the production violated all possible rules and technologies, which actually led to the production of
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a dangerous product that caused a mass infection of botulism in russia in june of this year. we conducted everything, all the necessary research, chemical studies, evaluation studies, looked at all the genomic databases published in the world, worked with our colleagues from the ministry of defense, with their toxicologist. and today i can say exactly what it is an exceptional violation at work, there was no other basis here. anna popova said that in the shortest possible time, rospotrebnadzor specialists found out that the toxin causing the lesion was botulinum toxin type a, and it was this information that allowed them to begin administering a specialized serum to the victims within the first day and a half, which essentially saved their lives. to all victims who sought medical help in a timely manner. according to anna popova, the department did a great job, they checked all the addresses, according to
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to whom salad was delivered these days, the number of such addresses is 2,882. colleagues from rospotrebnadzor, colleagues from the internal affairs bodies in the constituent entities of the russian federation, colleagues from healthcare, went around 2882 apartments, addresses, addresses where there were applications for the supply of this salad, found another 243 people who did not feel very well, but did not apply , also found people who had already applied, but ended up not in an infectious diseases hospital, but in other hospitals, this happened in a number of constituent entities of the russian federation, all this made it possible to provide them timely specific assistance, using the example of this unscrupulous supplier. in which 417 people received severe botulism poisoning, the question of the imperfection of the entire control system was revealed, now a person who
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opens any enterprise that produces food products must notify the supervising services that such an enterprise exists in him, in fact , they take him at his word when he declares that this enterprise operates based on all necessary standards and requirements proposal...
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all the time, novikov and rusinov were discovered, detained, searched, two civilians were interviewed , which was reported to commander khmilevsky, who reported this to the superior commander
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danilov via radio communication. danilov knows for certain that the detained men did not pose a danger and did not participate in hostilities, and he gave the order to khmelevsky to kill them. khmelevsky , in turn, gave the corresponding order to legodev, who, being aware of the results of the search and interview of civilians, doing something that is known to be illegal. the order shot them with a kalashnikov assault rifle. taking into account the new data , charges in absentia have also been brought against the commander of the air forces of the ukrainian armed forces sergei drozdov, the commander of the special operation forces igor lunev, as well as the commander of the missile artillery forces, deputy commander of the ground forces, vyacheslav gorbylev. in addition, a decision was made to charge 714 foreigners who took part in hostilities on the side of the ukrainian armed forces. of these, 422 have been put on the wanted list. ukrainian journalist dmitry gordon was sentenced in absentia to 14 years in prison. he was found guilty of extremism and calls for terrorism. the first group
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of ukrainians. prisoners released early as part of mobilization were sent to military units, the financial times newspaper reports this with reference to the minister of justice of ukraine denis malyuska. and now the prisoners are undergoing training; they intend to send them to the front by the end of summer. at the moment, just under three thousand people have been released; in total, more than 5 have submitted surveys. but even this is not enough for the authorities. denis malyusko talks about plans to involve about 15 thousand people in the fighting. now a short advertisement and we will continue. are attacking credit card debts, i’ll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts into one bill, conveniently pay off them within 24 months, and don’t forget about installment purchases. kholva - simple installment plans.
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