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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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new building, find a property , apply for domclick, i am chef kut aganezov, on my blog i share simple and quick recipes. the number of employees in the defense-industrial complex has reached 4 million people, the number of enterprises has exceeded 6,000, such estimates were made by representatives at the second national personnel congress, which was held in moscow,
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which is why it is truly a complex, big task.
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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a zip fake, edit, all fakes.
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now it's time for economic news. global oil demand is slowing down. analysts from the international energy agency came to this conclusion. this next year the increase is expected to be less than a million barrels per day. one of the reasons for the decline in consumption in china. mae predicts that he will cease to be a world leader. growth in oil demand, with emerging economies such as india and brazil becoming more important. in russia, according to the results of the first half of the year , more than 36.5 million tons of steel floated out, this is 3% less than a year earlier. the data is provided by statements with reference to the chermet corporation. the output of cast iron decreased by 5%, finished rolled products by 2.5, iron ore by 2%. the drop is due to the filling of trade warehouses. before
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the construction season, the decrease in exports to europe due to sanctions also affects. in russia, a record influx of citizens’ deposits is being recorded, so in sberbank, according to the results of june, the volume of deposits. grew by almost 4%. the bank raised 900 billion rubles. vtb growth for the month was immediately 15%, a total of plus 800 billion. experts attribute this dynamics with high deposit rates. at the end of the year, bankers expect a record increase in funds from individuals in the banking system of up to 25%. and the number of aeroflot group passengers increased by 21% in the quarter. about 14 million people used its services. this was reported in. most of the traffic, almost 11 million, was on domestic flights, on international routes there were about 3 million passengers, of the total volume of traffic, more than half was for the parent company aeroflot, the rest was in russia. these were economic news, briefly. well, we
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continue to review the information picture; in khimki, near moscow, a large fire was localized in a workshop for the production of ceramic tiles. a few hours after the fire was signaled, the fire was stopped on 3. in the regions of yakutia, over 6,000 hectares are already on fire, 10 outbreaks are located dangerously close to residential buildings, almost fifty settlements have been covered in smoke, approximately 2.0 people are involved in the extinguishing, they were transferred from smog flights between transbaikalia and the irkutsk region, the situation there is rapidly
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is worsening due to intense heat, thermometers show above +30, and the area of ​​fires is expanding in neighboring buryatia, almost 2000 hectares have been covered by fire, the difficult situation remains in amursk. region and the khabarovsk territory, and the automaker explained that a state of emergency had been introduced earlier due to fires, but the restriction on visiting forests still remains. and in the urals , the water element raged; the north of the sverdlovsk region, after intense heat , was covered with showers and thunderstorms. intense rainfall led to large-scale flooding in serov. roads, sidewalks and courtyards disappeared under water. several areas were left without power. a large tree fell on power lines, cutting off the wires. the gusts also demolished a huge structure. established for the city's anniversary. one of the houses was struck by lightning, causing a fire. a humanitarian aid center of the russian orthodox church has opened in mariupol. it supports refugees and civilians affected by the military conflict in the city. similar centers operate in
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other regions of russia. since march 22, more than 200,000 people have contacted them. he will tell you how they help mariupol residents irina efremova. clergymen. i was rescued in russia in tolyat, i was barely taken there in such a serious condition. after a month under bombing in the cold without food or water, an elderly woman was rescued by the russian military, and now she is helping the church, including with medicines. a person turned to us for medications and a tonometer, we
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send this to the pharmacy, they dispense medications to us. people are already filling out applications, treatment is being organized for seriously ill patients in moscow at the st. alexa. there are a lot of those who are embarrassed to come or ask themselves, in fact they have a great need, and the first task is for help to reach them, so that they understand that they are not alone, that they are cared for, in the new center you can see the most of different ages, they can receive basic necessities, bed linen, dishes, food sets, baby food, clothes. we’ll go to first grade and also help the children themselves, too, when they have sizes for clothes, they also helped.
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sterile powder, toothpaste, gel for shower, cleaning products. more than 2,000 people have already taken part in this service, but volunteers are still being recruited to help in the new center. continues. irina efremova, dmitry irusti donetsk, mariupol. go to the moss exhibition. or maybe to me? better at a tasty point. check out the clips. a real reason to meet. superbox with clips of hello kitty and her friends. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing: house,
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resale or new building. find a property, apply for domclick. just an asterisk. my legs just go numb. these the bells can become symptoms indicating bad blood vessels. it is important to strengthen blood vessels. angia norm helps to improve microcirculation and decrease. the risk of blood clots strengthening the walls of blood vessels, keep the blood vessels normal, maybe sleep, appetite anywhere, dad can, only dad will tame it, dad, dad, have a beastly appetite, a snack won’t hurt, a beastly appetite, sausages will help, travel with alphabank, choose . where to fly with the alpha travel service and get a superkick on air tickets this alpha friday
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certificates of successful completion of the exam training were presented to them by the authorized representative of the president, acting secretary of the general council united russia, vladimir yakushev. training courses for drone operators were opened last year. classes for tsmesyat, during which time the group acquires drone control skills and undergoes engineering training. experienced instructors, both civilian and former military, work with the cadets. a very good group of teachers with combat experience has been selected. and these guys are teaching today how to fly on different types of platforms, including fpv drones. it must be said that
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we are conducting this project together with the military, with the central military district, so those hours the raids that the students receive take place at the training ground, it is almost a combat situation, these are working machine guns, firing tanks. another incident. involving a boeing aircraft occurred at tampa airport in florida. the plane's tire exploded while accelerating. the takeoff had to be urgently cancelled. there were no casualties. what caused the scratching? it is known that american airlines limited itself to a statement that a mechanical problem arose on the runway for takeoff. russians began to use more often free legal assistance. over the past 3 years, the number of such requests has increased by a quarter. marina gromova will tell you in the program “there is a solution” what changes can be made to this system and how the legislation on company management is changing.
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such a bright car attracts attention, and increased attention disciplines even more. it is especially important to comply with the requirements of road signs and markings, and do not forget to turn on your turn signals. convertible as a public company, and the rules of the road are the bylaws. anyone drove, both on the road and in companies, must be clear and uniform for everyone, then it is easier to follow it. what solutions do businesses have for this today? an investor who wants to invest in a particular
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company should not bother looking for answers about where corporate governance is better. the rules of the game should be the same for everyone; there was a case when the director of a limited liability company was appointed, well, relatively speaking, a cleaner. lawyer - very often they choose some creative things as a source of inspiration, i am interested argentine tango, this is where i balance my life, that is, in jurisprudence, there are strict rules, in tanga there are none, you just follow your partner. over the past 3 years, in the corporate... with their rights within the framework of the law, the public has obliged to strictly comply with the rules and regulations, the adjustment of corporate legislation benefits the business, the unification of documents allows to reduce the costs of legal support, and clearly defined rules of activity will attract
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investors. issues of adjusting corporate legislation were discussed at the international... forum in st. petersburg. konstantin anatolyevich, there are a lot of guests, forum participants, there are also a lot of businesses and entrepreneurs here. in general, for whom is this platform relevant? we are participating in developing the rules of the game for business, and naturally, these people cannot stand aside and be indifferent to the issues that are discussed here on the forum. businesses have always wanted the flexibility of being able to choose.
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you just need to create clear, transparent, reasonable, corporate governance, public companies so that the rights of the shareholder are equally and properly protected, in the case of private companies, we do not interfere with our charter in a private monastery, we should not interfere, excessive government interference in the activities of private non-public companies has been harmful to business, since the beginning
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of 2000 russia has lost a lot of projects, because, well, strictly speaking, the activity here...
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it either rejoices or warns of some kind of danger. yes, lawyers probably still warn about the danger and at the same time time they tell you what the possibilities are. businesses really have a request for simplification of corporate documents, and not only from large companies, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs ask for the translation of official documents from bird's legal language, into understandable language, maria doroshenko built her business on this. this is also a revised document, well, for example, this is what the source looked like, when i see something like this, i don’t want to read it anymore, for
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popularization, including for making strategic and tactical decisions operating rooms, a working document, it is not made in order to put it on a shelf, for example, that is, it must work, live, but in order for it to work, live, so that users can access it, but you need to make it understandable and accessible , by the way, not every company can afford... even a corporate lawyer, there is a solution, get free legal assistance, a business can use the msp.rf platform, it was developed under the national project for small and medium-sized businesses, more than 850 thousand users are registered here in the mode one more than thirty online services are available, including legal ones; for example, a new entrepreneur will be helped to choose a legal form or taxation system. the platform has an entrepreneur’s calendar, which is convenient.
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in kazan and kemerovo, assistance is provided not only to ordinary citizens, but also to entrepreneurs. in 2020, when we were faced with coronavirus infection, which means that members of the russian lawyers association approached us with a proposal, let us also advise our entrepreneurs, small medium-sized entities business. such support turned out to be very relevant; no less people turned to kazan for advice every day. ten times we decided to continue the practice, entrepreneurs who provide legal services approached us with an offer to provide free legal assistance to participants,
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members of the svo, who at one time were or are engaged in entrepreneurial activities, such risk-oriented activities. individuals have begun to apply for free legal assistance more often; by the way, it is provided by both systems, and state and non-state. based on the results of last year, such cases... grew by a quarter over 3 years. most of the free help comes from government legal offices and lawyers. in 2023 this will be more than 330 thousand cases. why don't you have a fence? why a fence? and it’s so beautiful, you don’t need a fence. everyone, please come, our doors are always open. free legal assistance is provided by law to certain categories of citizens.
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this is almost an internship, but not for future doctors, but for lawyers. walk even with a kind word. volume of paid legal services have also been growing over the past 4 years from 105 to 145 billion rubles. currently
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, more than 40 thousand legal entities provide such services. individuals and more than 49,000 individual entrepreneurs. there are more than 75.00 lawyers and more than 8.00 notaries working in the country. the first russian count boris shuremetyev. by the way, it is in his estate that we are now; he signed his letters with the words “my hand” and certified them with an official seal so that no one would have any doubts about the authenticity of his instructions. certification of important documents is one of the main functions notary, very popular. today, because such a concept as noble honor has remained for centuries, you know, there is such an anecdote, and i love it very much, it is very relevant for the notary, when lieutenant ryzhevsky comes to russia and says that he won a lot, a lot of money in england, they ask him, guarantor, how did you win? well, we sat down to play poker, then a friend of one of the players said
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during the game that he had a problem. well, show me the cards, to which the british claim that, well, wait, gentlemen trust each other word, here you know, gentlemen, the card worked for me, the anecdote perfectly illustrates the need to introduce a notary into the company’s activities, a qualified opinion from the outside can prevent the occurrence of many problems. notaries, as a rule, are qualified people, the notary must confirm.
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i’ll be honest, well , the director of the company doesn’t change every day, so if this happens, then in this case it’s just easier to go to the notary once and every few years, without reforming the institute of notaries, this is not yet possible, today it is actually a closed corporation, both entry into the profession and the activities of notaries are not controlled from the outside, this has to be changed. notary services are used not only by... individuals, correctly drawn up and certified corporate documents, conditions for achieving new heights in business, certain insurance, as in every cabin on a ferris wheel, well , there is a solution to review all issues of the program, as well as what remains behind the scenes in our social networks, visit the qr code.
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now back to st. petersburg, where the brix parliamentary forum opened today. deputies from sixteen countries are discussing strengthening multipolarity in the world. according to the kremlin, vladimir putin will speak to them in the near future. we will find out what events have already taken place and what statements have been made from anastasia efimova. she has now entered a direct website with the studio. anastasia, hello again, we are waiting for details from you. yes, yuri, well, once again i greet you our tv viewers, of course, really very soon, and parliamentarians of the brics countries are waiting for the speech of the russian president, literally everything is ready for the start of this meeting, well, in general
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, the work here... in the tauride palace of st. petersburg, of course, is in full swing every hour, we have news that we are ready to talk about , this is how federation council speaker valentina matvienko met with her iranian counterpart. let me remind you that iran became a full member of brix in january 2024, that is, literally six months of membership, and is already taking a very active part in the work carried out by the association and inter-parliamentary cooperation of our states is intensifying in exactly the same way as it is intensifying.
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