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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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we continue our news review: the west resorts to force, unilateral sanctions, and blackmail in order to maintain its dominant position in the world. vladimir putin announced this today at the brix parliamentary forum in st. petersburg. he addressed the participants of the plenary session. the russian president described the behavior of the ruling elites of the countries of the so-called golden billion. the efforts of brix members and other developing countries are encountering fierce resistance from the ruling elites of states, the so-called golden billion. acting contrary to historical logic and often even to the detriment of the long-term interests of their own peoples, they today seek to fix a certain order on their so-called rules, which no one knows. has not been seen, no one has discussed, and no one
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has ever accepted, and such rules are written or adjusted, each time anew, for each situation in the interests of those who consider themselves exceptional and have arrogated to themselves the right to dictate their will to others, right in the best traditions of classical colonialism , it's me...
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elements of the emerging multipolar world order, which increasingly reflects the interests and aspirations of states and the global south and east, our supporters around the world, and their number is very large and is constantly increasing. we are open to strengthening cooperation with all countries expressing interest in brix activities. we are conducting an active dialogue in the format. we are working on establishing a category of partner states. one of the priorities of the association is to achieve positive changes in the global economy. we pay great attention increasing the share of national currencies in trade and investment, as well as developing safe, reliable financial instruments and mutual settlement mechanisms. iran is a long-time close partner of russia, relations between states. is reaching the level
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of strategic partnership, said chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko. today in st. petersburg at the brix parliamentary forum, she met with the chairman of the iranian parliament mohammad bagher ghalibaf. i would also like to congratulate you, the people of iran, on gaining full membership of brix. russia was among those countries that contributed in every possible way to your country joining this association. we note with satisfaction tehran’s active involvement in numerous industry formats and interactions within the brix framework. iran is our long-time close partner, relations between our countries are rapidly reaching the level of strategic partnership. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin held negotiations with chairman of the chamber of deputies of egypt hanafi gibali. the meeting took place in st. petersburg at the parliamentary forum. the politicians agreed to intensify
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inter-parliamentary cooperation and sign an agreement. in addition, they discussed the development of economic cooperation and joint resolution of regional security issues. relations between our countries are developing and of course it is important for us, for our part , to make our contribution within the framework of interparliamentary interaction; a concrete result is needed that people evaluate; it is important to give contacts a more systematic character and reach new formats of cooperation through which it was possible to achieve joint goals and solve problems. facing our states. russian troops took control of the village of voskhod in the donetsk people's republic. this was reported to the ministry of defense. units of the center group also defeated several formations of the ukrainian armed forces and repelled five counterattacks of enemy assault groups. a subdivision
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of the center group of troops improved the tactical situation and, through active actions, liberated the settlement of voskhod donetsk people’s. republic, the formations of the thirty-first, forty-first and forty-seventh mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, 109 and 129 technical defense brigades were defeated in the areas of the settlements of progress, rozovka, novgorodskaya, novoselovka, pervaya and taretsk, donetsk people's republic, five counterattacks of the thirty-first assault groups were repelled, thirty-second and forty-seventh mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. moscow will develop a military response to washington’s plans. deploy long-range missiles in germany, said the deputy head of the russian mida sergei rebkov, but he called this decision a link in the escalation course and an element of intimidation. rebkov noted that moscow will analyze what specific systems will be discussed, if these are tomahawks and sm6 missiles, then russia, according to the deputy minister,
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was once again right when several years ago it announced that the united states was preparing to adapt these systems for ground deployment. let me remind you that the day before the pentagon announced that the united states would begin deployment in 1926. germany long-range strike systems. they will surpass the guns already in europe. it is aimed against us, of course, we must be aware of this, but there is no reason for nervousness, for any alarm, because we began to prepare for such a development a long time ago. the aggressive us course of the north atlantic alliance led by washington is not changing. we cannot be intimidated, we will have an answer, we will not be forced by these methods not to disarm to our detriment, as was the case in due time when nato adopted the so-called zero decision, they will not force us to be drawn into an expensive arms race, everything we
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need has already been created, the question is in production, the president spoke about this very clearly, then the military and... all this will require thoughtful, effective, response measures from russia. the united states pretends to be the world's policeman, but in reality provokes wars, this is how the chinese foreign ministry responded to the final declaration of the nato summit, which
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states that china allegedly creates challenges to euro-atlantic security. in addition, the alliance countries expressed concern about the strengthening of ties between moscow and beijing. in chinese copper was reminded that the international community is well aware. who is the initiator of the ukrainian crisis and who is responsible for its prolongation? washington's condemnation of china's trade with russia was called in beijing a manifestation of double standards. the department noted that the united states provides large-scale assistance to ukraine while at the same time groundlessly criticizing the normal economic exchange between moscow and beijing. the nato summit declaration is filled with cold war mentality and bellicose rhetoric. with such a statement the chinese mission to the eu spoke. and the press secretary of the embassy. in the united states emphasized: beijing opposes hostile aggressive policies. china calls on the military alliance to immediately stop the baseless accusations. viktor orban's visit to russia was a violation of eu laws, as reported by the financial times, citing sources,
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this assessment was given by the european legal service. in particular, we are talking about provisions that oblige the countries of the community to conduct outside political activities in the spirit of loyalty and mutual solidarity, according to brissel, with his actions orbán jeopardized the achievement of eu goals. the head of the european council, charles michel, called the hungarian prime minister's trip to russia a political mistake and said that the eec countries reacted to this with a yellow card. a court in latvia sentenced activist elena kreili to three years in prison for supporting russia. he considered installations in the colors of the russian flag in the window of her apartment to justify aggression and war crimes. in particular, elena placed on the windowsills boxes and stationery in tricolor colors. this became the basis for a real prison sentence. in total , three criminal cases were opened against the activist. russians have begun to use free legal assistance more often; over the past 3 years
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, the number of such requests has increased by a quarter. marina gromova will tell you in the program “there is a solution” what changes can be made to this system and how the legislation on company management is changing. that's how i am. the car attracts attention, increased attention disciplines even more, especially it is important to comply with the requirements of road signs and markings, do not forget to turn on the turn signals, the convertible is a public company, and the traffic rules are charter, any code.
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the responsibility was assigned, well, relatively speaking, to the cleaner. lawyers very often choose creative things as a source of inspiration for themselves. i am fond of argentine tango, this is where i balance my life, that is, in law, there are strict rules, in tatanga there are none, you just follow your partner. over the past 3 years , corporate legislation has introduced changes, they reflected the difference in the regulation of non-public and public companies; non-public ones were given more freedom. charged with their rights within the framework of the law, the public are obliged to strictly adhere to the rules and
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regulations. adjustments to corporate legislation benefit business. unification of documents allows you to reduce the costs of legal support, and clearly defined rules of activity will attract investors. issues of adjusting corporate legislation were discussed at the international legal forum in st. petersburg. konstantin anatolyevich, there are a lot of guests, forum participants, there are also a lot of businesses and entrepreneurs here. in general, for whom is this platform relevant? we participate in developing the rules of the game for business , and naturally these people cannot stand aside and be indifferent to the issues that are discussed here on the forum. business has always wanted the flexibility of being able to choose; this opportunity to choose is natural, within the limits of reason, and should be provided, in my opinion, by the state. and we met on the site forum, she is responsible for corporate governance in a large it holding company and believes that
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state assistance in regulating the management of companies is necessary, but an individual approach is important. for small companies, in fact, standardized approaches are probably the most promising and convenient, because it’s easier for them to live this way, they take the rules that have already been written for them, there is no need to hire additional consultants or maintain a large staff of lawyers, but if we are talking about pao, there is a whole complex of nuanced issues that need to be resolved, this and... help deal with minority shareholders, as a long-hanging issue, resolve the issue of information disclosure, because investors and minority shareholders really need companies to be more open. the company is considering the possibility of entering the stock exchange; market players are receiving closer attention from the state. we simply need to create clear, transparent, sound corporate governance for a public company so that... shareholder rights are equally and properly protected, in the case of private companies, we and our
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according to the charter, we don’t interfere in a private monastery, we shouldn’t interfere, excessive government interference in the activities of private non-public companies harms business, since the beginning of 2000, russia has lost a lot of projects, because, well, strictly speaking , the activities of private companies or project companies were regulated by the project participants simply not could cover... for some organizations they take up hundreds of pages, and not only employees have to understand this, but also potential investors should understand how managed by the company. i have always been for the charter to be quite clear and transparent, this is a kind of, you know, company policy, yes, which it adheres to. in other documents of the company
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, you can detail various procedures, detail approaches, but the charter, it should be some kind of, i don’t know, the bible, a constitution. can you say that you speak such bird language, you know, i wondered how many birds i actually know and what voices i remember, but i remember a seagull, a nightingale, probably a sparrow, a crow, we we understand that some cry of a bird in the bushes probably means that it is either happy or warning about some danger, lawyers warn about danger or is happy, yes, lawyers are probably warning after all . about the danger and at the same time tell what opportunities there are. businesses indeed have a request for simplification of corporate documents, and not only from large companies, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs are asking for the translation of official documents from the bird's legal in a language that is understandable, maria doroshenko built her business on this. this is also
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a revised document, well, for example, this is what the source looked like. i don’t want to read this anymore, for popularization, including for making strategic, tactical operational decisions, a working document, it is not made in order to put it on a shelf, for example, that is, it must work, live, but in order to it worked, lived, so that users could access it, but it needs to be made understandable and accessible, by the way, not every company can even afford a corporate lawyer, there is a solution, businesses can get free legal assistance on the msp.r platform. it was developed according to the national project for small and medium-sized businesses. more than 850,000 users are registered here ; more than thirty online services, including legal ones, are available in one window. for example, a novice entrepreneur will be helped to choose a legal form or taxation system. the platform has an entrepreneur’s calendar, which makes it easier to stay on time submit reports. another convenient service
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is a document designer with ready-made templates and tips for filling out. ugly shutters on the windows, cozy wooden houses, least of all this place is associated with government agencies, but this is the justice district, and people and businesses come here for legal help, and, by the way, they are no less surprised than we are, the justice district, a space where you can get legal services in one window mode, today there are two such neighborhoods in russia, in kazan and kemerovo, assistance is not provided only to ordinary citizens and entrepreneurs in 2020, when we were faced with a coronavirus infection and that means members of the russian lawyers association approached us with a proposal: let us also advise our entrepreneurs and small medium-sized businesses. such support turned out to be very relevant, daily consultations were sought in kazan alone at least eighty times,
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and they decided to continue the practice. and entrepreneurs who provide legal services approached us with an offer to provide free legal assistance to participants, members of the sbo, who at one time were or are engaged in entrepreneurial activities, such risk-oriented activities. private individuals have begun to seek free legal assistance more often; by the way, it is provided by both systems: both state and non-state. at the end of last year, there were more than 480 such cases. it has grown by a quarter over 3 years. most of the free assistance comes from state legal services.
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among the employees there are students, yes students, they come to us on a schedule, in accordance with this schedule, in the presence of the client they do. the recordings are listened to, this is practice, here in any case various questions can be asked, and there are moments when a purely person needs to be reassured, even with a kind word. the volume of paid
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legal services has also been growing over the past 4 years from 105 to 145 billion rubles. currently, such services are provided by more than 40,000 legal entities and more than 49,000 individual entrepreneurs. there are more than 75,000 lawyers and more than 8,000 notaries working in the country. the first russian count boris sheremetiev. by the way, it is in his estate that we are now; he signed his letters with the words “my hand” and certified them with an official seal, so that no one would have any doubts about the authenticity of his instructions. certification of important documents is one of the main functions of the notary, which is in great demand today, because such a concept as noble honor has remained for centuries. you know, there is such a joke. it is very relevant for the notary when lieutenant rzhevsky comes to russia and says that he won a lot, a lot of money in england,
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they ask him, lieutenant, how did you win? well , we sat down to play poker, then a friend of one of the players says during the game that he has a full house, well, show me the cards, to which the english say to me, well, wait, gentlemen. the need to introduce a notary into the company's activities, a qualified opinion from the outside can prevent the occurrence of many problems. notaries, as a rule, are qualified people, the notary must confirm, being independent, that such and such persons participated in the meeting , they voted in such and such a way, they accepted exactly...
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in this case, it’s just easier to go to a notary once every few years, without reforming the notary institution itself, this is not yet possible, today it is actually a closed corporation, both entry into the profession and the activities of notaries are not controlled from the outside, this has to change. notary services are used not only by individuals, correctly drawn up and certified corporate documents, conditions for achieving new heights in business and... certain insurance, as in every booth there is a ferris wheel, but there is a solution to review all the episodes of the program, as well as what remains behind the scenes on our social networks, visit the qr code,
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valentina matvienko commented on the us plans to deploy long-range missile weapons in germany, video from the parliamentary... . in st. petersburg , the author, host of the moscow, kremlin putin program, pavel zarubin, published on his telegram channel. sound rockets, aren't they going to deploy them in germany now? yes, well, i hope this doesn’t happen, because then russia’s response will be tough, adequate, this is already, well, simply unacceptable, if you bring up all the documents after wartime, then germany has no right at all to have weapons of this kind according to... to other topics in france , the spire of the rouen cathedral caught fire in the footage , dense clouds are visible smoke, visitors and
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workers of the temple were evacuated, as the mayor of the city reported, all forces were devoted to extinguishing the fire. the official reasons for the incident have not yet been announced, but it is known that construction work was carried out on the spire. now there is new footage from the presidential press service. dear mrs. exxonson, first of all i would like to thank you for considering it possible to come to the brix parliamentary forum. i would like to note that 400 delegates from 18 countries are taking part in it. peace, and this certainly suggests that brix as a whole, and the parliamentary dimension, enjoys cooperation from brix. great
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interest and growing trust on the part of the international community, this is understandable, because the principles of the brix work, and this is truly true equality and consideration of each other’s interests, cannot but attract participants in international activities. your union is a respected organization; it has existed since the end of the 19th century and includes a large number of states. and we welcome that a representative of africa, a developing economy, now heads this respected international organization, i am sure that you will be interested, we, for our part, count on your support, the work in this case of the brix parliamentary dimension, which is certainly important, creates the basis not only for...
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working together to strengthen the normative base between state participants, but creates a favorable humanitarian atmosphere for achieving the goals of common development, i once again want to thank you for your participation in the work of the parliamentary parliamentary meeting, the meeting of parliamentarians of the brix parties, welcome.
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