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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm MSK

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give questions of interest to all countries, in addition, we use the principle of respect in relation to each other in relation to each person, in relation to each member of parliament, if they are given the opportunity to speak, they respect each other, but in this way we create a platform where we can agree, where we can discuss issues that interest our own countries. we, as parliamentarians, are responsible for advising our governments. at the same time, we are responsible for monitoring the work of our governments, we make recommendations and we speak to the supervisory authorities, in addition, we would like the ipu to give every member, every member country, every member of parliament the opportunity to participate in its work in this regard, mr. president, i understand as the head of the ipu.
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i would like the ministry of railways, under my leadership , to also act as a leading link. in the framework of a two-way, two-way conversation with madam chairman, i have already mentioned, we hope to cooperate in those areas that present a challenge at the moment, what is happening between russia and ukraine, we will have the opportunity to discuss in more detail how we, parliamentarians, can. conduct discussions and
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through dialogue, parliament will be able to advise its government on a possible way out of the situation, we hope that such work will be able to be carried out, thank you very much for the time you spent on this conversation with me, and i am grateful to you for what already exists some intention to sit down at the table and use dialogue as one of...
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in general, but also with regard to overcoming difficulties in the international arena, solutions complex problems, it may be in demand more than ever, bearing in mind that often the instruments of parliaments are the only ones for - for building dialogues between those who are interested in resolving certain pressing issues, therefore... and your coming here we also
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look at it in the same way. well, we can now say two more words about this in more detail. these were footage of the president’s meeting with the chairman of the interparliamentary union, the speaker of the national assembly. tanzania, now there is a short pause, and after that let's continue, we are waiting for the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova, to speak directly.
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well, now back to washington’s plans to deploy long-range missiles in germany, we will discuss this topic with the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, she is in direct contact with the studio by phone, maria vladimirovna, hello, yes, good afternoon, yes, here in the joint statement of the united states and germany
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it is said that deliveries of long -range missiles and their deployment will begin in 2026, how do you assess these plans, you know, i would like to draw attention to...
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in the region, well, if you can call this era of fasting that way, and the president of the russian federation is talking about this on the eve of meetings of members of the security council of the russian federation, and the president of the russian federation noted that immediately after washington’s deliberate, deliberate initiative destruction of the mentioned treaty, the treaty ors. the american side indicated its intention, this was done clearly, without any hesitation or any remarks, the intention to move towards the deployment of weapons previously prohibited under this agreement in various regions of the world, at the moment
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, with absolutely silent, i’m not sure what the consent, but the subordination of their satellites, they have moved on to the active implementation of these plans for... what else can be said, steps are taking place against
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the backdrop of an already collapsed system, maybe and a pan-european security system that was not fully created, but one way or another declared, well, i also cannot help but emphasize that it was built not without the participation of the united states; in general, it aspired to be called a euro-atlantic security system. it was said and written there quite a lot, and so, against the backdrop of everything that is happening, so to speak, the shutting down one after another, one after another of the mechanisms that were supposed to be these support pillars, these very systems of pan-european or euro-atlantic security, these are the actions taking place, these are the steps being taken in order to apparently bury this system.
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the united states announces plans to deploy in 2026, does this mean that russia must also wait for 26 years or can we come out of this moratorium, actually or voluntary directly? now? this means what was stated in the commentary of the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation that the necessary work to prepare compensatory countermeasures by the russian relevant departments has already started, started in advance and is being carried out in advance.
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it is also planned to deploy some hypersonic missiles, which the united states, as far as i understand, does not yet have, there is an understanding of how serious this arsenal is , where... can it be aimed? you are absolutely right, we are talking about the assessment that the relevant department should give, but if we talk about ministry of foreign affairs, it seems to me that now it is very important to draw the attention of the inhabitants of the western part of europe themselves, after all , by europe we mean the space in which russia is included, and so the western part of the european continent still must answer, soon it will collectively enter into. .. in nato, and what does it mean then european security, unilateral
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actions of the united states, which they are no longer even pushing through, but are taking with complete silent inaction of the participants and residents of the european continent, or something something else, because we see a large number of summits, councils of foreign ministers, then nato, then... the eu, and the eu has, by and large, become the economic department of nato, the division that pays or finances all this nato madness, so i want to ask the question is, when they talk about european security, what do they specifically mean, well, i say it again, it’s hardly possible to imagine that we are talking about unilateral actions of a country of another continent on the territory of europe, but if this is not what they mean, they still mean capabilities.
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certainly no wire, ditches or fences, in general, can intimidate or prevent, among other things, because transnational threats, and... in general , wire also cannot be treated and one cannot hide from them in any generally planned way, as we now we hear that there are almost bunkers there, they are trying to build some kind of ditches there and so on, this is a serious conversation about common european challenges and threats, this includes
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international terrorism, this is crime, this is drug trafficking, this...
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i think the answer here is just two opposites, yes and no, why? yes, because, of course, a set of measures is being taken, now by washington, to save its candidate from the liberal democrats, biden, after an absolutely disastrous debate, after the country, the whole country, the entire
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united states of america shuddered in horror and began to ask the question, how can this happen? happened? and how was the information policy in the usa structured in such a way that the entire state, civil society, and the us population had no idea about biden’s condition, but about his physical, physical condition, and everything is being done in order to somehow divert public attention from the issue that has confronted the entire united states of america, and for this purpose drastic measures are being taken...
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this is all now elevated or is being elevated to the so-called primary places, in a top position in the information space in order to somehow distract the american audience from the issue that is now on the agenda of every us citizen, but at the same time the designated topic is related to those decisions, i mean on the idc, which the united states made long before the current situation, so this is... a long-standing topic, it already had its own history, so it also needs to be considered in an even more global context. maria vladimirovna, do you think there are any circumstances and whether they could develop that the inf treaty will be renewed in one form or another, perhaps with the participation of other countries. you know, well, they spoke on this topic more than once and
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emphasized that the united states took these actions in absolute... such own chak, and i am not guided by issues of stability or security, solely by my own idea of ​​​​how to preserve the idea of ​​their own exclusivity and dominance in the world that is depleting them, they spoke about the danger of these steps, so all the assessments have already been given, now we are already dealing with concrete, with the concrete implementation of the plans that the states talked about. long ago and we assessed them accordingly, and as for building a global, let’s say a pan-european security system, but we and you just sorted it out. there must be a responsible approach, which will be based not on washington’s pseudo ideas, but on its own hegemonic,
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imperialist aspirations, this will be real, there must be a real conversation about those challenges and threats that are truly threats to the european continent, and, accordingly, a response to they should also be realistic... such a surrender of position in front of washington is to one’s own detriment, to be honest, it seems to me that it is hardly possible to cite other historical
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examples. maria vladimirovna, thank you for your comments, thank you for answering the question live, let me remind you that we talked with the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova. loyal program. thank you izber has been updated, pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category for everything. transfer money for free to sberbank from other banks and receive cashback up to 70% from partners, it's more profitable with a sber subscription. to the moss exhibition, or maybe to me, better at a tasty spot, check out the clips, a real reason to meet,
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