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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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و یک ماه بعد پیام جناب عالی هم برای ایشون ارسال شد. شما مطمئول
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# ک et آشgesا oses lf lfضی اشکالات وجود دارlement. the اشه به سرعت رس خواهد شد. نمایندگان که جناب عالی دارید مرتب سفر میکنند من در جریان جزئیات.
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is being held in st. petersburg by the islamic council of the republic of iran, which is on the sidelines of the brix summit, but the broadcast continues with facts, an information picture of the day in our issues, in the studio of artemshchakov and olga armyakova, we begin the issue with news about washington’s plans to deploy long-range missiles in germany in 2020. for the sixth year, the united states promises to deploy long -range weapons in germany, this is stated in a joint written statement of the two countries, which was distributed by the press. white house service. so, we will discuss the topic with the vice-president of the russian international affairs council, head of the center for political and military
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studies of the faculty of world politics of moscow state university, evgeniy buzhinsky, evgeniya petrovich vetrovich, welcome. do we understand correctly that this is exactly what we’re talking about... yes, that’s right, well, we’re not talking about 5,500 km yet, the americans don’t have such missiles, moreover, they generally don’t have medium-range missiles in mass production , although there is developments, there is a program, but what kind of missiles are we talking about here, they have two programs for the ground forces: one is a modern rethinking of the old cruise missile - the griffin - which was destroyed under the agreement with a range of 1,800 km and well they are there again
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so far they have only two batteries according to open sources, that is , it is not yet possible to say that this will be some kind of massive deployment, the second program is the dark eagle program, this, like them, is a medium-range missile with a hypersonic glide unit, this is also a modern rethinking of the pershing-2 missile, which was also destroyed at one time in accordance with the provisions of the inf treaty, the range is 2800 km, plus they have missiles, but these are sm6 anti-missiles, the sixth standard, but it can be launched from universal launchers mk-41 installations, which are now deployed in poland, a range of 740 km, plus replacement missiles, atak ms with a range of also
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about 500,600 km, the tomohawk itself, but this is a naval, naval version. but for this they are already in europe, in the mediterranean sea, they are on the ships of the united states, they are all there, this is what the americans can deploy, deploy, but of course, this is not tomorrow, i think, but within a few years, they are quite capable, so to speak, of repeating their own, let’s say, but you mean .
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such field tests of this missile, well
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, in general they have them, i won’t go into details, but in terms of hypersound they are following a slightly different path than we do, more complicated, but they believe that this is, so to speak, a more promising path, when will they be able by the year twenty-six, well, if they strain all their strength, if there are no failures, then they are quite capable, i want to note that... all these missiles for now, unlike the missiles of the seventies, they, as announced, are all non-nuclear, but today non-nuclear, tomorrow nuclear, as for the threat, yes, there are threats, but you see, times have changed, psychology has changed, technology has changed, with the advent of hypersound, this flight time is no longer so critical, we can too, we also have it, so ska
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announces it long before it can happen, why wipe out the air, because they said that they are preparing for a big war with russia, that’s all, this is now their concept: they are preparing for a big war with russia, they see that russia is winning in ukraine, this is already obvious, that there is no strategic defeat will not work, biden repeats like a maniac that russia will not stop there, but there will definitely be a blow after ukraine falls. in the baltic countries, in poland, uh, well, well, well, that is, they continue this rhetoric in accusing russia,
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of course, sick people, but what can be done, and one more question, perhaps the last, in the draft kamunike of the nato summit it is said, that beijing has become a decisive supporter of military action in ukraine, continues to create systemic challenges for europe and its security, how will this affect europe’s relations with china? well, of course it's, well... you you see, on the one hand, china for europe with a trade turnover of about 600 billion dollars, this is the main market for european goods, in fact they themselves import a lot of chinese products, including critical ones, related to batteries, rare earth metals, very there are many positions in which europe cannot replace china, but on the other hand, of course, here they are... or in your head that china supplies us, starting with chips and ending with tanks, that is, without china
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our industry would die , but this absolutely not so, but for some reason they think so, so i think that europe will have a very difficult balance in the near future, on the one hand, given the economic technological dependence on china, on the other hand, the americans are putting pressure on them so that they... they sanctioned china in every possible way so that china would stop this alleged military assistance to russia. yes, evgeniy petrovich, thank you, we talked about washington’s plans to deploy long-range missiles in germany with the vice-president of the russian council on international affairs, the head of the center political and military studies of the faculty of world politics of moscow state university, evgeniy buzhinsky. enjoy your rolls at a tasty spot. caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading
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they remember the sacrifice. massacres on july 11, 1943 , militants of the ukrainian insurgent army and their accomplices attacked almost 100 polish villages, and about 800 poles were brutally killed. the victims of the ukrainian nazis were mainly women, children and old people. many were tortured before death, and afterward, people’s houses were robbed and burned. in total, the genocide of ukrainian nationalists against the civilian polish population was carried out from 1900 to 1947 . since 2008, poland has officially used the term to refer to the volyn massacre "genocide". the national institute of memory of poland counted at least 100,000 killed compatriots, while the losses of ukrainians in retaliatory actions are estimated at either two or three, or 15 thousand people. and in this regard
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, kiev historians consider it appropriate to call the event a double genocide. however, for poland this is the case.
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the rebel army killed the poles. a cross is carved into the eagle’s chest, in its empty place is a child impaled on a trident, and at the base is a family burning in fire. well, more about the monument to the victims of the volyn massacre, about how difficult it was to install it. report by natalia solovyova. this monument was called shocking, creepy and provocative even at the sketch stage. for several years, the polish authorities did not allow it to be installed, recognizing that a young child was impaled on...
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the heads of poles were cut off around the perimeter, an eagle in the center of which was carved out a cross, impaled on sticks, the inscriptions on the monument indicate the places of villages destroyed by ukrainian nationalists. the volyn massacre, the victims of which were men, women, old people and children, is one of the darkest pages history of poland. according to various sources, from 100 to 130 thousand people were killed by the hands of bandera. the largest massacres occurred on bloody sunday, july 11. these events still continue to be the subject of political bargaining between warsaw and kiev, at a time when the allies should demonstrate their unity, at least half of the poles are again demanding an apology from ukraine. mr. duda hugged zelensky, not caring about the poles, did he forget, or is he so arrogant, russians remember, jews in canada remember, hungarians remember, slovaks
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they remember, mr. duda doesn’t remember. what’s even worse is that in 2024, in a democratic and supposedly free poland, you need to have exceptional courage to erect such a monument. mr. zelensky must kneel in front of this monument. the question of interpretation of the volyn massacre. the relationship between the leaders of the so-called ukrainian rebel army is one of the most difficult in relations between poland and ukraine. in warsaw, these events are regarded as genocide, and they again demand that the bodies of the victims be exhumed, with which official kiev does not agree. to this day the victims of this crime do not have their own graves, and no exhumations worthy of burial were carried out. sim expresses his belief that the memory of the crime, respect for the victims and their dignified perpetuation are important for partnership, good neighbors and friendship. the nationalists are not going to abandon their heroes. it has already been agreed
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that the poles were destroyed either by bandits or by communists, and warsaw greatly overestimates the participation of the bonderites in the tragedy. the government of donald tusk is extending its anti-polish actions to all the most important areas of our memory. the greatest concern is the silence about the volyn crime. more than 12,000 poles killed by ukrainians. nationalists still lie in death pits in unknown places, they have no graves, no crosses. this is the 81st anniversary of the upa genocide committed against the poles in 1939-1947 on the territory of volyn and southeastern poland. it did not escape journalists that 3 days before the anniversary, vladimir zelensky was passing through poland on his way to the nato summit in washington. i came, as usual, to find out what else warsaw can give to kiev. the publication of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth indicates. he didn’t mention a word about the upcoming date, this is the kiev standard, but what else can you expect from a person whose very legitimacy raises questions, the fact is that none of
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the polish politicians who met with him did this, it’s already a scandal, the prime minister, and the president would prefer to sweep this issue under the carpet and not spoil relations with kiev, whose hands have to fight with russia, there are problems for official warsaw more relevant than the memory of the unburied dead. natalya solovyova, olga ponomareva. ekaterina shamaeva, lead. the official city tourist portal "visit petersburg" invites you to st. petersburg. city of history and romance. architectural splendor, innovative museums, the highest level of excursion services, creative space and the unique atmosphere of the northern capital, in which everyone can feel like a st. petersburger. all this. a unique journey of experiences with family and friends. good welcome to st. petersburg, the city where good mood is born. brix is ​​open to
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strengthening dialogue with all interested countries. by acting together, we can strengthen an organization's constructive influence and make the world a safer place. this was discussed today in st. petersburg at the parliamentary forum. brix said vladimir putin. our correspondent anastasia efimova works at the tauride palace. right now she is joining the facts. anastasia, hello. greetings anastasia. what other statements did the russian president make? on the sidelines of the summit there were there are also other meetings, not just the parliamentary meeting. yes, colleagues, indeed , a number of bilateral meetings took place on the sidelines of the summit, but let’s start with the plenary session. establishing a new world order that will correspond. given the real state of affairs, the process is complex and even painful, and russia understands this. the assessment of the president of russia, which was made today here at the tauride palace at a speech to
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the participants. resistance of the ruling elites of states, the so -called golden billion. acting contrary to historical logic and often even to the detriment of the long-term interests of their own peoples. today they are trying to fix a certain order on their so-called rules, which no one has seen, no one has discussed and no one has ever accepted. and
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work is constantly increasing and will increase taking into account the fact that it is by acting together that the state is able to achieve its strategic goals. brix is ​​one of the key elements of the emerging multipolar world order, which increasingly reflects the interests and the aspirations of the states of both the global south and east, our supporters. all over the world, and their number is very large and constantly increasing. we are open to strengthening cooperation with all countries expressing interest in brix activities. we are conducting an active dialogue in the brix + outreach format. we are working on establishing a category of partner states. one of the priorities of the association is to achieve positive changes in the global economy.
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remain unchanged, taking into account each other’s interests, relying on democracy in international relations, respect for sovereignty and law the original development of each, these brix principles are close to understandable to all participants, participants in our association, which is rapidly growing and gaining a qualitatively new level of influence on the dynamics of events in the world.
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i repeat, today the parliamentary dialogue, including within the framework of brix, is more important than ever, because you, as representatives of the interests of your peoples, exponents of their political, national will, acutely feel the genuine demands, the mood of the needs of millions, and without exaggeration, billions of people on our planet. this one mentioned. president, the dialogue continued within the framework of bilateral meetings of the head of the russian state, one of them with the chairman of the standing committee of the national people's congress of china, as vladimir putin recalled, a summit of heads of state of the brics member countries will be held in kazan in the fall, and of course, recalled the invitation that sent to the president of the people's republic of china for a visit.


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