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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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the armed forces of ukraine in the orekhovsk direction in the zaporozhye region, more details in the report of the north military district. they are not supporters of peace, this is how the kremlin commented on the results of the nato summit. and as the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov summarized, the alliance once again very clearly confirmed its essence. we will tell you the details in the facts. the russian military paid special attention to information about the deployment of american missiles in germany, our foreign ministry reported. they also warned against such a step. a military response will be given, we are waiting for
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details. on the anniversary of the events in poland a monument to the victims of the volyn massacre was erected. let us remind you that the peak of the massacre occurred on july 11 , 1943. warsaw considers this genocide and demands an apology from kiev; in ukraine they are in no hurry to respond, having listened to the opinions of experts, and we will also find out why the monument caused controversy in poland itself, even at the sketch stage. extreme heat has been incinerating kuban for a week now; the highest fire danger class has been introduced in the south. however, there is hope for a change in the weather; thunderstorms have begun in the region; we will find out whether they will be able to cool the ardor of the russian south. and from the capital’s studio we’ll move to the northern capital, where the tenth parliamentary began its work. brix forum. vladimir putin,
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addressing the participants, noted that open discussions and direct conversation between people's representatives reflect the principles of the brix organization's worldview. and this, as you know, takes into account mutual interests, reliance on democracy, and respect for sovereignty in international relations. anastasia efemova will talk about all significant events within the forum and important statements. establishment of a new world order, which will correspond. given the real state of affairs, the process is complex and even painful, and russia understands this. the assessment of the president of russia, which was made today here at the tauride palace, at a speech before participants in the brix parliamentary forum. as vladimir putin emphasized. the new world order, of course, will be more fair and democratic, and brix is ​​a structure that will become one of the supporting structures in this very new multipolar world. the fact that this is not for someone...
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this is a clear attempt to replace legitimate international law, an attempt to create monopoly on the ultimate truth, and such a monopoly is destructive. the reluctance to live by these very unwritten rules of a destructive monopoly is becoming one of the reasons why many states of the world are showing more and more interest in new associations and brix, of course. one of them, the number of states that are ready to take part on certain conditions in this work will constantly increase, taking into account the fact that it is by acting together that the state is able to achieve its strategic goals. brix - one of the key elements of the emerging multipolar world order, which increasingly reflects the interests and aspirations of states. both the global south and
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the east, our supporters all over the world, and their number is very large and constantly growing, we are open to... establishing a category of partner states. one of the priorities of the association is to achieve positive changes in the global economy. we pay great attention to increasing the share of national currencies in trade and investment, as well as developing safe, reliable financial instruments and... mutual settlement mechanisms, but the growing interest in brix is ​​associated, of course, not only with a reluctance to live at the behest of the hegemon, the most important thing is that the principles of brix are mutual respect and the sovereignty of each of the states included in the association, and these principles remain
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unchanged , taking into account each other's interests, relying on democracy in international relations, respect for sovereignty, the right to...
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first of all, let me convey warm greetings and best wishes from chairman sidzenping. from the beginning of your new presidential term, under your leadership , the people and government of russia protect state stability and security, ensure socio-economic development. your country is confidently moving along the path of its own development. we are sincerely pleased with these
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achievements and express our strong support. please, we are waiting for the chairman of the people's republic of china in kazan. russia at the brix summit on october 22-24. interparliamentary interaction is not an abstract category at all, but a very specific real mechanism for solving existing problems. in a world of problems today. this was discussed at a meeting between vladimir putin and the chairman of the interparliamentary union and at the same time the head of the national assembly of tanzania. i would like to thank you for considering it possible to come to parliament.
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moment: we are talking about what is happening today between russia and ukraine, i hope we will have the opportunity to discuss in detail how we, parliamentarians, can help through dialogue in finding ways out of the current situation. the frequent instruments of parliaments are the only ones for building dialogues between those who are interested in solving certain pressing issues, so we also consider your visit here in the same vein. there are indeed a lot of pressing issues in the world today; vladimir putin also mentioned this during a conversation with representatives of the legislative branch of iran. of course, a lot of crisis resolution is being done in this direction today without collective participation, of course, it is impossible. iran, for its
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part, is also ready to work in this direction, especially in the context of the fact that january 1, 2024, the islamic republic becomes a full member of brix. federations will develop as progressively as they did under god’s death, which we all regret and mourn. iran's newly elected president is about to be inaugurated. mr. volodin, your colleague, will lead the russian delegation at these events. i am very glad to see you and ask you to convey my best wishes.
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republic. our ministry of defense reported this today. a unit of the center group also defeated several. formation of the ukrainian armed forces and repelled five counterattacks of enemy assault groups. but the east-west groups occupied more advantageous positions within 24 hours. southern group improved tactical position. the north and dnieper groups introduced positional battles. aviation, drones, missile forces and artillery struck enemy positions in 127 areas. ukraine's entry into nato will weaken rather than strengthen unity. alliance, hungarian foreign minister peter szijart said on the sidelines of the summit in washington. so, in his opinion, the integration of the kiev regime into the military bloc will lead to open confrontation with moscow. anna voronina knows the details. more money, more promises and no peace. declaration following the nato summit in washington again assured kiev: there will be an invitation to the alliance, but in the meantime they agreed to create
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a group to promote security and training for ukraine and send about 40 billion euros. military aid next year. such actions, according to american economists, only show a desire to prolong the conflict? the final declaration reflects zero interest or intention in finding a negotiated solution to the ukrainian conflict. instead, she emphasizes the irreversibility of ukraine’s entry into nato, which will never will occur due to russian opposition, thereby recklessly and unnecessarily prolonging the current war. the nato summit declaration is stridently neoconservative. us hegemony, the document calls on nato to support a rules-based order that is, in reality, a us-based order that often directly contradicts the un charter. in addition, the final declaration confirmed nato’s intention to expand further, including the western balkans and the black sea region. the kremlin noted that, judging by such
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statements, nato is clearly not supporters of peace. we see the decision taken by nato to create logistics. in the black sea cities to open additional points in europe, and we see that, in fact , nato’s military infrastructure is constantly, progressively moving towards our borders. it is obvious that the alliance is pursuing one of its main goals: suppressing russia, inflicting strategic defeat on russia. the nato countries demanded that the world community stop providing assistance to russia and promised condemn anyone who opposes. a striking example is china, which for the first time was accused of military support in an official nato document. moscow, which was noticed in the western press. beijing responded by saying that the alliance's declaration was filled with belligerent rhetoric and imbued with a cold war mentality. nato constantly disseminates unsubstantiated information fabricated by the united states. openly smears china, sows discord in sino-european relations and undermines sino-european cooperation.
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it is obvious to the international community who kindles and adds fuel to the lingering ukrainian fire. crisis, we call on nato to reflect on the root causes of the crisis and its own actions, listen carefully to the fair voices of the international community and take practical action to defuse the situation, rather than shifting blame and scapegoating others. the chinese foreign ministry emphasized that the united states, pretending to be the envoy of justice and the world's policeman, is in fact only creating confrontation and inciting wars. colleagues from iranian foreign ministry, drawing attention to the accusation against tehran for... iran considers the statement contained in the final statement of the nato summit in washington to be completely groundless and pursuing political goals. what we are seeing in ukraine is the result of the policies and aggressive steps of nato led by the united states, which are
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still ongoing. any attempt to link the war in ukraine with bilateral cooperation between iran and russia is. an act that has only biased political motives and pursues the goal - make continued military assistance to ukraine from the west legal. the motives, however, are still the same, as the american publication semaphore writes from the moment the svo began. the demand for additional supplies of weapons has increased several times. not only for ukraine, all countries of the alliance have a need. and most of the orders will go to the american military-industrial complex, as the main supplier of weapons to nato countries. anna voronina, news. now it's time for economic news. president vladimir putin transferred the federal property management agency to temporary management russian assets of silgan holdings. this is an austrian company that produces metal packaging for... food products. temporary management of assets does not mean transferring them into state ownership or changing the ownership structure. russia is taking such measures against countries that
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illegally deprive russian owners of property. russia took first place in the export of wheat and barley. these are preliminary data from the ministry of agriculture. they noted that in general , russia is in third place in the world in the grain market, and in exports vegetable oil on the second. earlier, the head of the medical agricultural department, oksana lut, reported that agricultural products abroad this year are 16% higher than last year and exceed 50 million tons. in russia, the limits on issuing family mortgages will be increased by 1 trillion rubles. the current volume is 4.840 billion. tas reported this to the house of the russian federation. the funds will be distributed between banks by the end of july. the house of the russian federation also noted that during the program, russians issued more than 1,100,000 mortgages. the volume exceeded 5 trillion rubles, which is higher than the pledge.
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experts attribute this dynamics to high deposit rates. at the end of the year, bankers expect a record increase in funds from individuals, up to 25%. it was economic news. short. energy support for donbass and novorossia, this issue was discussed at a government meeting today; in order to ensure reliable energy supply to new regions, the cabinet of ministers will allocate more than 3.5 billion rubles. the funds will be used to repair distribution networks and purchase necessary materials and special equipment. we will allocate resources to support the energy sector of new regions within the framework of the program socio-economic development of donetsk. lugansk people's republics, as well as zaporozhye and kherson regions, we will allocate about 3.600 million rubles. for such purposes. about 780 million rubles. will be spent on measures to
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restore distribution networks in these regions, including the purchase of specialized equipment, tools, clothing, and, of course, personal protective equipment. the majority of over 2 billion 800 million is intended for the formation of a reserve, this is equipment, materials that... are extremely necessary for the stable operation of facilities electric power industry, such assistance will make it possible to quickly carry out repairs where required, in order to guarantee a reliable and safe energy supply to all consumers in new regions, and citizens there will receive the energy they need for a comfortable life. new rash and dangerous steps by washington. in 2026, the united states promises to deploy long-range missiles in germany, this is stated in the joint.
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elizaveta khramtsova will tell you about the ninth decision... to deploy missiles and what reaction the us statements caused. washington and berlin to be placed on the territory germany's already existing and promising strike systems gave the opportunity to feel what the cold war was, even to those who did not experience it, but the difference is obvious when at seventy the so-called zero solution will not force us into a costly arms race, all we need has already been created, the issue is in process, the president
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spoke about this very clearly, then the military and commanders-in-chief will decide where and what to deploy in order to fend off these threats, so that we will be under reliable control, and they will throw their money away. us joint statement. germany's aggressive spirit completely coincides with the tone in which the nato summit declaration was written. the document called russia a threat to the alliance countries in the long term. and although nato insists that it is not looking for confrontation, for russia it is obvious. already today, the countries of the north atlantic alliance are direct participants in the ukrainian conflict. we see that our opponents in europe and the united states are not supporters of dialogue and, judging by the documents, adopted at the nato summit, they are not supporters. peace, and the north atlantic alliance is an instrument of confrontation, not peace and security. for the first time since the eighties of the last century, planning to deploy long-range systems in germany,
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washington is giving details. in europe , multi-purpose sm6 missiles, tomahawk cruise missiles and promising non-nuclear hypersonic missiles should appear, the latter meaning the typhon and dark eagle missile systems. the first placement is planned for 2026, will be rotational, that is, temporary, to then become permanent. the head of the german ministry of defense welcomes the agreement politically and will be happy to support the work financially. since these long-range weapons systems will arrive in germany only on a rotational basis, this is... conditionally related to the us expectations that we ourselves will invest in the development and purchase of such long-range weapons. official berlin hopes that a long-range system will appear on the territory of germany, even if there is a change in the democratic administration in the republican presidential team will come to the white house. the opposition, as expected, stated that american missiles will not make germany safer; on the contrary, they will increase the risk that the country itself will become a theater of war. but if they are able to think and
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reflect independently, for sure. they must calculate some alternative approaches to this american hegemony, they must understand that the european continent, no matter how many dividing lines they set up, no matter how many barriers they draw or entangle themselves in a pro-bloc, it cannot be divided, or they simply have to say that they capitulated to the onslaught of this very american lobby, however, for now the key attention is focused on how far to the east... weapons from the united states can hit. multipurpose sm6 missiles will be able to reach st. petersburg. tamogaws are capable of hitting targets in moscow and the largest cities of the urals. and tomsk, novosibirs, western krasnoyarsk territory may be in the dark eagle’s affected area. this is a long-range system, it can reach a target at a distance of 2,500 km, including the russian capital. it serves as a deterrent. for more than three decades, the main non-proliferation mechanism was the inf treaty.
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intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty. russia , on the basis of goodwill, refused to deploy such missile systems on its territory, but with an important condition, this moratorium will last until the united states decides to deploy systems in europe and asia, president vladimir putin said last week that russian industry has already received instructions. as for deployment, the leader of the state emphasized, if american-made intermediate-range complexes appear outside the united states, moscow will reserve the right to act in a mirror manner. ekaterina shamaeva, news!
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tiksov, i, a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we come out talking, what a fairy tale, without ivan, uh, what began, without deception and without a flint, i was quickly imprisoned in a flint, a pen, self-written, magic ink, you can get it , the main thing is van, hurry up, so give me the horse. beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where necessary, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to, i can’t live without travel, flint, he who doesn’t need a pen, who has flint in his pocket, soon!
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first. competition of ideas and money. there was a sensation, and what a sensation. they became tense within america and beyond its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.


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