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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first. the competition of ideas and money, a sensation occurred, and what a sensation, became intense within america and beyond its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
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so, we continue the topic, now we will discuss the us plans to deploy long-range missiles and long-range missiles in germany with the first deputy head of the federation council committee on international affairs.
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and these missiles reach the territory of the russian federation very quickly, they really threaten the capital, and even reach western siberia, reach western siberia. i think that this was not done by chance, they are unable to leave their american hegemony intact, they are trying to intimidate us in this way, even placing us there.
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throughout their history they have not learned anything, again they are being exposed to attack by russia, this will be a response to the blow, of course, again they will be responsible for what they do americans, i think that, of course, some figures in america are mistaken here, if they believe that this will be done with impunity, no, our foreign ministry has already answered that there will be a military response to such a decision, we will also post it.
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in terms of range, now there are completely different missiles and, most importantly, we have hypersound, which they do not have, and i think that the americans should think again, because our president has already... the americans have blabbed, so i think that our intelligence reported this, the answer may not be entirely symmetrical, as they say, or maybe asymmetrical, so i say, but we only and we knew for a long time and prepared for this, is that why we are only considering our own territory for placement? well, i think that if we can come to an agreement with the same cuba, we can compensate in cuba, if we come to an agreement, i don’t know, with the same north korea, on north korea and venezuela, in nicaragua, that is, the americans are again pushing the world to another
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terrible arms race, again counting that in this way they will either ruin us, or they they will intimidate us, i want to say that they will not ruin us, our power is enough. and they won’t scare, it’s impossible to scare russia with this, vladimir mikhailovich, you touched on an important topic about what germany is thinking when agreeing to such a deployment, and indeed, in fact , such statements jeopardize european security, which is being talked about so much now at the nato summit in including what is known about the reaction of europeans, whether they dare to say anything on this score, you know, while it seems to me that they are digesting germany. i think there is a shock determined by such statements, after all, it sounded quite suddenly, and then i think that germany, it seems to me, simply does not understand what it is doing, it seems that their will is paralyzed, this is how the americans paralyzed their wills by blowing up
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the northern streams , yes, the germans knew, but they were silent out of fear in front of the americans, but now they don’t understand that, in fact, once and for all germany can simply stop.
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reminds me, to be honest, i don’t envy the americans, even if they don’t think that this is our boasting, but trying to destroy - a nation of one and a half billion people, it seems to me that it is impossible to intimidate it, and if we still stand back to back to back, as the chinese leader said, then the americans simply cannot cope with us, and we are worried about the growing partnership in all spheres of moscow and beijing, of course worries. look, there is a nato summit going on now, the brix parliamentary forum is going on in st. petersburg, and there will be a brix summit in october, all the countries who disagree are large countries, very large ones, who do not agree with the policies of the americans are gathering
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around brix, here today is valentine's day ivanna matvienko said well that another 24 countries have declared that they want to join brix, today the speaker of azerbaijan... said that azerbaijan also wants to join brix, and i think that for many countries brix is ​​becoming an island of salvation, from such pressure, which is the center of a multipolar world, this is definitely vladimir. dzhabarov was in touch with us, we spoke with the first deputy head of the federation council committee on international affairs, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, well, boeing has new problems, the wheel has exploded caught fire during takeoff of a plane at an airport in florida, these are spectacular, at the same time frightening shots. the board managed to brake at the end. emergency services extinguished the fire, writes fox news, fortunately none of the passengers were injured, and
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the us federal civil aviation administration will investigate the incident. well , earlier one of the former booing engineers admitted that hundreds of people could die if the company does not solve its problems with the quality of aircraft. it's about time. so, brand oil prices have crossed the 85 level dollars per barrel. international. the energy agency has published its forecast for energy demand for the coming year. the topic will be continued by christina kuruma. the international energy agency has lowered its expectations for oil demand until 2025; it will grow, but the final figures will not exceed 1 million barrels per day. expectations for growth in global oil demand in 2024 and 2025 have remained virtually unchanged and will amount to 970 and 980 thousand barrels per day, respectively. the price situation is determined by two factors: one
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on one side is opec, which keeps the floor on prices; on the other is the us government, which threatens to release additional capacity from the strategic petroleum reserve or through sanctions relief if prices break $90, so prices are frozen in the range of 80 to 90. russia in june reduced oil exports by 160,000 barrels per day, and revenues from it decreased by $190 million to 17 billion. production is also reduced in june by 20,000 barrels per day, but according to the agreements under opec plus, the reduction should have been almost a quarter of a million barrels more. the reduction in moment is about 8 million tons per year, russian exports are 380 million tons, they remained the same as they were, russia has the second largest export potential in the world, it is impossible to exclude it, but this is the influence of sanctions. if earlier we transported oil and petroleum products to europe directly, now we have to transport from them, which means, as
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a rule, through india, through turkey and through other countries, which, of course, makes oil more expensive for the european buyer, we have to give us a discount, but nevertheless it won’t have much influence. the us department of energy intends to purchase 4.5 million barrels of oil for the strategic reserve, which, by the way, is the largest in the world. in early april , bloomberg reported that american authorities would not adhere to plans to purchase oil due to rising prices, the limit being $79 per barrel. it ensures and covers long-term risks, primarily military and political. the decline in us strategic reserves means an increase in threat risks for the oil market in case of any political conflict. therefore, yes, the united states has recently used its strategic reserve to... maintain low prices for gasoline and petroleum products, because the united states is the largest
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consumer of gasoline and diesel fuel. china has long been the engine of global demand growth. last year it accounted for 70% of global demand growth, but this year consumption has been declining since may. according to bp, oil demand will decline over the next 10-15 years, although it will continue to play a significant role role in the global energy system. demand for oil. it will grow, this is due to a banal reason, yes, and the growth of the world population, there is an increase in production activity, production capacity, yes, urbanization and so on, that is, all this leads to such a systematic and stable growth in demand for oil in the next 10-15 years, and alternative energy sources will not yet be in sufficient volume with... capable of replacing these necessary volumes of oil. according to analysts, energy demand prices
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will depend on the situation in the economies of developing countries, china, india, as well as a number of countries in asia and the middle east. the future of a multipolar world is a topic today; a round table at the expert institute for social research was dedicated to this topic today. the participants also discussed the prospects of such associations as brix and sco.
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a large economy such as india or china or, respectively, those economies that are located in africa. rospotrebnadzor today named the cause of the outbreak of botulism in russian regions. let me remind you, in the past this month, patients contacted doctors in several cities at once in moscow, st. petersburg, kazan and the nizhny novgorod region. more than 400 people were injured, and two died. to understand this situation, experts seized 250 tons of products and checked almost
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3,000 addresses where the food that caused the poisoning was delivered. but we came to such conclusions. how they came to such conclusions, the industry will tell. violation of all possible rules and requirements allowed in production is the only reason for the appearance of a dangerous product that caused an outbreak of botulism in russia. we conducted everything, all the necessary studies, chemical studies, evaluation studies, looked at all the genomic databases published in the world, worked with our colleagues from the ministry of defense, with their toxicologists and... and today i can say for sure that this is exceptional violation at work, there was no other reason here. as part of the epidemiological investigation, colossal work was done; all addresses of 2,882 apartments where the infected person was delivered were checked. botulism salad. in the shortest possible time , the department identified the type of toxin, which made it possible
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to begin administering a special serum to patients within the first day and a half. according to. rospotrebnadzor from the june outbreak of butuulism in the country, which became the largest since 1999, affected 415 people in eleven russian regions, two people died. currently , 31 adult patients with batulism remain in hospitals, of which 16 people are in intensive care units, including eight patients on mechanical ventilation. just from 15 june for medical assistance from medical institutions in moscow, st. petersburg, tatarstan.
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more severe, then indeed up to a year, sometimes a little more, symptoms such as increased fatigue, weakness, sometimes dizziness may persist, and some visual disturbances may persist. according to rospotrebnadzor, contaminated beans were bought by the savonka company abroad, here they were boiled and packaged in vacuum bags, while the workshop where the raw materials were produced was not even listed ...
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will also feed people with the same rights, like a large restaurant, using marketplaces or delivery, and at the same time bearing almost no responsibility for the quality of the product. the current regulations impose only one obligation on the entrepreneur: to notify the regulatory authorities about the opening of the enterprise that it complies with sanitary requirements; if an unscrupulous market participant does not do this, he can remain outside the legal framework for a long time in order to change... then axiom rospotrebnadzor has prepared changes to legislation, these are two changes to the code about administrative offenses, that the violation is related to untimely.
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in fact, everything around us in our country is very important, this is one of the main tasks of our new award. literature can serve to strengthen the homeland, strengthen the formation of a new russian patriotic culture, and also, perhaps, the state has realized that in the depths of literature all political, ideological movements, trends in russia are born, everything, everything that we see during the 19th-20th centuries was born in the cores of literature, and here in literary the environment can give birth to the most... the most terrible, severe nihilism, amazing, there is nonconformism, terrible all kinds of subculture, so this award is it, it is
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a shining award. well, in the capital, sergei sobyanin opened a pedestrian bridge across the drainage canal of the moscow river, he connected the islands of balchik with the crimean embankment. thanks to the new bridge , the monument to peter the great has become closer and more accessible. art space red october, the drummer cinema, the house on the embankment and the variety theater. the length of the bridge is 58 m, the width is eight. what’s important is that it was built without interrupting river traffic. transport while maintaining convenient pedestrian passages along the embankments. we connected balchik with the crimean embankment. krymskaya embankment was so depressing a few years ago. i've been there so many times, there was no one there, no cyclists, no...
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to altai, the smallest regional center of mongolia, the highest mountainous city in the country, we have been following the movement of kamaz trucks for the third day now, here are new details about how the seventh stage of the race went, our colleague stas redikultsev will tell you. steppe, gigantic rocky plateaus, river canyons and of course, sand and rocks, a real paradise for lovers of rally marathons, all this at a distance. almost 400 km away, huge the size of a ten-story building with almost sheer descents, frightening and alluring at the same time, the dunes stood in the way of the racers today,
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today we opened all the dunes, rode, tried to go to the points in the most optimal straight course, but they were a little harder, than usual, because apparently this layer was wet and we blew it up, so it was hard for the car, because it seemed like in some places it was more or less in some places it was very it was hard and, well, everything was going well, but you just had to hit it accurately, but there was a problem... a lot of things were that everything was merging , there were a lot of steep descents down, so you had to slow down, the athletes themselves call such places a sandbox, a forty-kilometer sandbox, really the boys' cars are different now; it's most exhausting in the dunes, but for me, at least, it's concentration, because it's very difficult to understand where to move, what to do, not to get bogged down, and not to lose momentum at the same time, but i think that i really got high today, because these passages along... yes, today i might have gotten a little carried away, because i did something beautiful, i saw a camera, actually on a helicopter that was flying, and i took a picture there, on at the finish of the special stage
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, the silk road riders are also greeted by verblu. who knows how to conquer the sands; at one time, camaster pilots noticed that animals choose ideal trajectories when passing through the dunes. during the training in morocco, we trained everywhere on the dunes, on kamaz trucks, but when we stopped near some dune, there was no i remember why we saw the camel caravan, they practically didn’t go up and down, they walked right and left, only taking the tops, and from then on we realized that the camel is the one who lives there, the master of the desert, naturally he knows how to move correctly and they also started trying on the top. drive on killer roads, sticky sands and rock canyons after rain; at the seventh stage of the international silk road marathon rally , more than one crew was sent to the tow truck; sergei koryakin’s all-terrain vehicle received such damage off-road that i almost got burned on the way to the camp. the race track was in some places at an altitude of 2,700 m, which made the task of the participants even more difficult. today you really feel the altitude, we have about two 2700, in my opinion, 2700 m above sea level, and the engine pulls worse. the small trucks
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came out almost a few times in total, i have already added mixtures, enriched the mixture, it has become a little better, but it is still clearly visible that the trucks feel better, the silk road cargo classification is increasingly reminiscent of formula 1 on the roads, two kamaz and a mas are coming to finish at the same time, rare incident at a rally marathon. before the finish line, the three trucks no longer separated, they grappled with each other, repeated position exchanges, first, second, third and so on, but at the finish line in the stone... riverbed we still managed to come out first and finish, and i think that with with a gap of at least 5 seconds over dima, it will be an ideal day for us. while the three leaders are playing catch-up at maximum speed, the stage is won by the camas-master team pilot bogdan karimov, in the heavyweights there is a change of leader again, with mastgey vizovich ahead, albeit for a few seconds, the cargo score, a visual reflection of the mongolian part of the silk road, events flash by and
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landscapes change, but one thing remains the same, forever. it’s impossible to see enough of the sky. stas ridikultsev, ivan lavrikov, alexander stalmashevsky, news from altai, mongolia. viktor orban's visit to russia was a violation of eu laws, as reported by the financial times, citing a source, this assessment was given by the european legal service. yes, in particular we are talking about provisions that oblige the countries of the community to conduct foreign policy activities, this is in in quotation marks, in the spirit of loyalty. mutual solidarity, well, according to brussels, with his actions orban jeopardized the achievement of the eu’s goals. the head of the european council, charles michel, called the hungarian prime minister's trip to russia a political mistake and said that the eu countries responded to this with a yellow card. any set of rules, both on the road
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and... in companies, should be clear and uniform for everyone, then it is easier to follow it. what solutions does business have for this today? an investor who wants to invest in a particular company should not bother with searching for answers where corporate governance is better. the rules of the game must be the same for everyone. i have always been for the charter to be sufficiently clear and transparent. a working document, it is not made in order to deliver. on the shelf you need to make it understandable and accessible, correctly drawn up and certified corporate documents are the conditions for achieving new heights in business.
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the tenth brix parliamentary forum continues its work. in st. petersburg. vladimir putin, addressing the participants, noted that open discussions and direct conversations between people's representatives with each other reflect the principles of the worldview of the brix organization, which an increasing number of countries are striving to join. of course, and this is, first of all , taking into account mutual interests, relying on democracy in international relations, and respect for sovereignty. in all significant events, within the forum and about the important statements that are made there. anastasia efemova.


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