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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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establishing a new world order that will correspond to the real state of affairs is a complex and even painful process, and russia understands this. the russian president’s assessment, which was made here today at the tauride palace, during his speech before participants in the brix parliamentary forum. as vladimir putin emphasized, the new world order, of course, will be more fair and democratic, and brix is ​​a structure that will become one of the supporting structures in this. efforts by brix members and other developing countries are meeting fierce resistance ruling elites of the states of the so-called golden billion. acting contrary to historical logic and often even to the detriment of the long-term interests of their own peoples. they are today. strive to fix a certain
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order on their so-called rules, which no one has seen, no one discussed and no one has ever accepted, and such rules are written or adjusted, each time anew, for each situation in the interests of those who consider themselves exceptional and have appropriated the right to dictate their will until...
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are showing more and more interest in new associations, and brix is, of course, one of them. the number of states that are ready to take part on certain conditions in this work will constantly increase, taking into account the fact that it is by acting together that the state is able to achieve its strategic goals. brix is ​​one of the key elements of the emerging multipolar world order, which increasingly reflects the interests and aspirations of states and the global south and east, our supporters around the world, and their number is very large all the time increases. we are open to strengthening interaction with all countries expressing interest in brix activities, we are conducting an active dialogue in the brix + outreach format, and are working on establishing a category of partner states. one of the priorities of the association is
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to achieve positive changes in the global economy. we pay great attention to increasing the share of national currencies in trade and investment, as well as developing safe, reliable financial instruments and mechanisms for mutual settlements. but the growing interest in brix is ​​associated, of course, not only with the reluctance live according to the orders of the hegemon. the most important thing is that the principles of brix are mutual respect. and the sovereignty of each of the states included in the association, and these principles remain unchanged, taking into account each other’s interests, relying on democracy in international relations, respect for sovereignty, and the right to the original development of everyone. these brix principles are well understood by all participants, participants in our association, which is rapidly growing and acquiring. a qualitatively new level
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of influence on the dynamics of events in the world. i repeat, today the parliamentary dialogue, including in within brix, is more important than ever, after all. you, as representatives of the interests of your peoples, exponents of their political, national will, acutely feel the genuine demands, the mood of the needs of millions, and one can say without prejudice, billions of people on our planet. this dialogue, which was mentioned by the president, continued within the framework of bilateral meetings of the head of the russian state, one of them with the chairman of the standing committee of the national people's congress. representatives, regarding the parliamentary dimension of our cooperation, in my opinion, is extremely important, because it keeps in view the most important aspects of our interaction, creates a favorable
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atmosphere for achieving the goals set before us, and solving the problems that we formulate as priorities. this is the economy, these are humanitarian ties. first of all, let me convey warm greetings and best wishes from chairman sizenping. since the beginning of your new presidential term, under your leadership, the people and government of russia protect state stability and security, ensure socio-economic development. your country is confidently moving along the path of its own development. we are sincerely pleased with these achievements and express our strong support. please tell me that we are waiting for the chairman.
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we look forward to cooperation in areas that present challenges at the moment. we are talking about what is happening today between russia and ukraine. i hope we will have the opportunity to discuss in detail how we, parliamentarians, can help through dialogue with the search for ways to resolve the situation. the frequent instruments of parliaments
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are the only ones for building dialogues between those who are interested in solving certain problems.
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we mourn, the inauguration of the newly elected president of iran is about to take place , mr. volodin, your colleague will lead the russian delegation at these events. i am very glad to see you and ask you to convey my best wishes to the spiritual leader of iran and all the iranian people. we began to implement large projects during the work of president ibrahim raisi. his tragic death had a profound impact on our country. i also wanted to specifically thank you personally for the support you gave us on that terrible night. i can tell you with confidence that there is not the slightest doubt that we will continue to strengthen our relations, both bilaterally and multilaterally within the framework of
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associations such as brix. participants in the brix parliamentary forum, of course, have a very busy work schedule. and yet, vladimir putin recalled what is passing this meeting in the northern capital of st. petersburg expressed the hope that all guests will have the opportunity to enjoy its stunning beauty, because this city, as the president recalled, is the pride... of russia, but also the heritage of humanity, and no attempt by the west can cancel this fact maybe. anastasia efimova, dmitry dunaev and nikolai portnykh, lead st. petersburg. the situation on the fronts, russian troops took control of the village of voskhod in the donetsk people's republic, the ministry of defense reported this. well and also units of the center group defeated several formations of the ukrainian armed forces and repelled five counterattacks.
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odessa, where they allegedly worked on military facilities from a coastal missile complex, this is the result of the work of fighters in the kharkov region, two factories carefully planned to their destination, the target was an impressively sized hangar (protection location) for rocket launchers. use simple civilian boats. new, veselovka and leptsov. losses : fighters, especially those on the right ukraine in the areas of volchansk, basovka, the banks of the dnieper, every now and then the enemy tries to reach up to 355 military personnel. here in these frames. the santas tried to land either on the islands or on the left bank, but were discovered. our guys did a good job
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of dropping the boats from a drone. or here's another story with the same ending. here the armed forces of ukraine hid a rubber boat stuffed with ammunition in a quiet backwater among mud and water lilies, but at one moment it flies into the air, an impressive column of smoke rises. well, what did they want? our military is constantly passing by combat training at training grounds in the rear. this is normal, regular practice. and otherwise the proper results on the front line will not be achieved, the next intensive training was held with the participation of troops of the vostok group, but not everyone understands the importance of such events, captured ukrainian soldiers, for example, all say as one, the losses in the armed forces of ukraine are off the charts, including due to the lack basic skills. we sat like that for 2 weeks, did nothing, but then they taught us how to disassemble the machines, how to put them together, i stood on this beam, raised the beam, let the cars pass, we have already been told that you are coming... you must guard the house so that no one breaks into this house. the center group continues to develop
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its offensive, the tactical position has been improved, the village of voskhod has been liberated, the battle for evgenovka continues, in the future it will reach the elevated road and destroy the logistics network of the ukrainian armed forces at the pokrovsk-konstantinovka trust. there are now active battles on this heel, the enemy is stubborn, counterattacks are not helping, they tried to recapture lost positions five times, this is only in 24 hours, the total is minus 300 people in personal. headquarters, even the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine has repeatedly stated that the situation in this direction for the ukrainian army is tense, but other than lamenting and counting losses here, little is achieved. denis alekseev, lead. ukraine's entry into nato will not strengthen, but weaken the unity of the alliance. this was stated by the head of the hungarian foreign ministry, peter szijart, on the sidelines of the summit in washington, which had just completed its work. yes, and he added, the integration of the kiev regime into the military bloc. will lead to open confrontation with moscow. anna voronina will tell you the details. more money, more
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promises and no peace. the declaration following the nato summit in washington once again assured kiev: there will be an invitation to the alliance. in the meantime, we agreed to create a group to promote security and training for ukraine and send about 40 billion euros in military assistance next year. such actions, according to american economists, only show a desire to prolong the conflict? total. the declaration reflects zero interest in or intention to find a negotiated solution to the ukrainian conflict; instead, it emphasizes the irreversibility of ukraine's entry into nato, which will never happen due to russia's opposition, thereby recklessly and unnecessarily prolonging the current war. the nato summit declaration is a stark neocon reaffirmation of us commitment to hegemony. the document calls for nato to support a rules-based order, which is in fact a us-founded order, which often directly contradicts the un charter. in addition,
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the final declaration confirmed nato’s intention expand further, including the western balkans and the black sea region. the kremlin noted that, judging by such statements, nato is clearly not supporters of peace. we see the decision taken by nato to create logistics hubs in black sea cities and to open additional points in europe. and we see that, in fact, nato’s military infrastructure is constantly, progressively. moving towards our borders. it is obvious that the alliance is pursuing one of its main goals: the suppression of russia, inflicting strategic damage on russia defeats. the nato countries demanded that the world community stop.
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actions, listen carefully to the fair voices of the international community and take practical actions to defuse the situation, rather than shifting blame and scapegoating others. chinese media emphasized that the united states, pretending to be envoys of justice and world... policemen, is in fact only creating confrontation and inciting wars. colleagues from the iranian foreign ministry, drawing attention to tehran’s accusation of prolonging the ukrainian conflict through cooperation with moscow, also indicates who bears the real responsibility. the republic of iran considers the assertion contained in the final statement of the nato summit in
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washington to be completely groundless and pursuing political goals. what we are seeing in ukraine is the result of politics and aggressive ones. nato steps led by the united states, which are still ongoing. any attempt to link the war in ukraine with bilateral cooperation between iran and russia is an act that has only biased political motives and pursues the goal is to make continued western military assistance to ukraine legal. the motives , however, are still the same, as the american publication semaphore writes from the moment the svo began. the demand for additional supplies of weapons has increased several times. not only to ukraine, all countries of the alliance have a need, most of the orders will go to the american military-industrial complex, as the main supplier of weapons to nato countries. anna voronina, news. now there is a short advertisement, we will continue later, do not switch. the tasty calendar
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the energy sector of new regions, as part of the program for the socio-economic development of donetsk and lugansk people's republics, as well as zaporozhye and kherson regions, we will allocate about 3.600 million rubles for such purposes, about 780 million. will be spent on measures to restore distribution networks in these regions, including the purchase of specialized equipment, tools, clothing, and, of course, personal protective equipment. the largest part, over 2 billion 800 million, is intended to form a reserve. these are equipment and materials that are extremely necessary for the stable operation of electric power facilities. such assistance will allow promptly carry out repairs where required to ensure reliable repairs.
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july 11 in poland, but they are trying to avoid the official name of the day of remembrance of the victims of the genocide committed by ukrainian nationalists, as if smoothing over corners, but on july 11, 1943, bandera attacked almost... residents, tens of thousands of civilians, such as women, children, old people, dozens of peaceful people . why, 81 years after this
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tragedy, did polish activists find it difficult to get permission from the authorities to erect a monument to the victims of the volyn massacre? will tell natalya solovyova. this monument was called shocking, creepy and provocative even at the sketch stage. for several years, the polish authorities did not allow it to be installed. after all, recognizing a young child impaled on a pitchfork is overkill, but this year all stages of approval have been passed, there will be a monument to the victims of the volyn massacre. on july 14, in a small village in podkarpackie , a monument that no one wanted will be unveiled in domostovo, which will shout the truth about the volyn massacre. young ukrainian, of course you don’t know how much trouble your people have caused our nation, because he probably taught fake history. come here, bow your head, maybe one day you will ask for forgiveness. they tried to open the monument in the beginning. from the eighteenth year on the seventy-fifth anniversary of the tragedy, a polish eagle, in the center of which a cross is carved, along the perimeter there are severed heads of poles impaled on sticks, the inscriptions on the monument
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indicate the places of villages destroyed by ukrainian nationalists. the volyn massacre , the victims of which were men, women, old people and children, is one of the darkest pages in the history of poland. they were killed by the hands of bandera according to various sources, from 100 to 130 thousand people. the largest massacres occurred on bloody sunday.
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the issue of interpretation of the volyn massacre and attitude towards the leaders of the so-called ukrainian rebel army is one of the most difficult in relations between poland and ukraine. in warsaw, these events are regarded as genocide, and they again demand that the bodies of the victims be exhumed, which official kiev does not agree with. to this day , the victims of this crime do not have their own graves, and no exhumations worthy of burial have been carried out. sim expresses his belief in that the memory of the crime, tribute to the victims and their dignified perpetuation are important. in recent years, ukrainian historians have been calling the volyn massacre a peasant revolt and are not going to abandon nationalist heroes. it has already been agreed that the poles were destroyed either by bandits or communists, and warsaw greatly overestimates the participation of bandera’s followers in the tragedy. the government of donald tusk is extending its anti-polish actions to all the most important areas of our memory. the greatest concern is the silence about volinsky
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crime 2,000 poles killed by ukrainian nationalists still lie in death pits in unknown locations. they have no graves, no crosses. this is the 81st anniversary of the upa genocide committed against the poles in 1939-1947 on the territory of volyn and south-eastern poland. it did not escape journalists that 3 days before the anniversary, vladimir zelensky was passing through poland on his way to the nato summit in washington. i came, as usual, to find out what else warsaw can do.
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ekaterina shamaeva, lead.
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the delicious calendar returns to delicious period we give.


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