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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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a super price only in the app, delicious, period , sign up for a sber subscription, more cashback categories to choose from, access to wokko films and tv series and music in sound, and also cashback up to 70% in the megamarket, it’s more profitable in sber with prime, attack credit card debt, i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all debts we conveniently repay credit cards for one loan within 24 months, and don’t forget about purchases in installments. halva - simple installment plans. san soy. this is what asian tastes like. almost everyone waits for the right moment to get down to business. glue the moment with you so that you are not afraid to start and finish what you started. look for inspiration. and create, the rest
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will be done by the moment, the moment for those who get down to business! go to the moss exhibition, or maybe to me? better yet, check out the clips. a real reason to meet. superbox with clips of hello kitty and her friends. have time buy and win a trip. hello, the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. in yekaterinburg, preventive measures were taken against the former head of the ministry of transport of the sverdlovsk region. vasily starkov is accused of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. the official has served as minister of transport and roads since 2016. in november 2023, he wrote a letter of resignation of his own free will. the arrest of starkov became known. on the evening of july 9, and already today
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the former minister, accompanied by a convoy appeared in the courtroom. as it turned out, his subordinate gave evidence against his retired leader. in the next 2 months. the ex-head of the ministry of transport will be under house arrest. left sim cards for every taste and budget. in vologda , police detained a local resident who was registering 200 new phone numbers every month under fictitious names and passport data, and then selling them via the internet to everyone, mainly to swindlers, who then used them for fraud. how did you find the seller in material by alexander ostakhov. vologda region, the capture group is rising. to the desired floor without unnecessary noise. this time the grinder and sledgehammer were not needed. in a minute , handcuffs are snapped on the hands of the swindler, who, according to researchers, was selling gray sim cards on the black market. having risen from the floor and signed the documents, the young man conducts a kind of room tour for the security forces.
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the scale of the criminal business is surprising. this is what approximately 6,000 sim cards look like. according to investigators, every month a representative of the mobile operator registered at least 200 pieces for... all the workers, as they say, killed two birds with one stone, fulfilled the sales plan, and provided himself with additional income. according to preliminary estimates, income from online sales could reach 100 thousand rubles per month. it turns out that de facto the sim card exists and works, but dera doesn’t have it, and figuring out who is using it is an extremely difficult task. this is what telephone scammers and... criminals who need anonymity take advantage of; they are the main target audience of such illegal goods. substitute numbers are provided by representatives of the police, fsb, banks, various public services, pension organizations, there are even fake numbers from
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relatives and friends, acquaintances who ask for money, extort, make threats to citizens using these fake sim cards, if the scammers are together with. .. with sim cards they gain anonymity, then telecom market players have an imaginary increase in subscriber base sales, while ordinary customers suffer. the sim card that you bought there somewhere in the transition, the left one, not registered with your passport data, it doesn’t belong to you, everything that you link to this sim card is actually tied to that person or that organization that is the real owner. just a few years ago it was common to find such a picture in the passages of the capital’s train stations. dubious sellers offered to buy a sim card without documents without registration, any operator to choose from, you need to register something, you don’t need to, you don’t need anything, now the situation has changed, according to roskomnadzor, this year alone more than 3 million subscribers have already been blocked, that’s all this is a consequence of the tightening of the law, in particular , operators must verify users of already purchased sim cards, the data is incorrect,
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blocking follows, gray sim cards do not disappear completely, but inevitably reduce their market share. alexander ostakhov, lead the duty unit. at makhachkala airport by employees. the fsb detained a suspect in gold smuggling. the passenger tried to carry 28 kg of homemade ingots and scrap jewelry out of russia on his body. the load was hidden under clothes, in a specially made basket. price isyatova exceeded 142 million rubles. a criminal case has been opened regarding smuggling. in omsk, searches were carried out in one of the large city car dealerships. its owners. pawned the cars of their clients in pawnshops, sold them on credit to fake people , suspects that they were for almost a year , and took the money for themselves. according to the investigation, more than 50 people lost their cars. the film crew, together with the police, attended the arrest from omsk,
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reporting by irina lotz. this morning one of the persons involved in the investigation had to wake up not at all from the sound of the alarm clock. apartment to the girl, ubp officers came with searches. daria worked for several months at a car dealership as a credit manager and , as it turned out, communicated very closely with the managers; the two men were detained back in april. during the search, investigators found letters from one of the detainees in the apartment. i made an agreement with lyosha, he said that he would take care of everything. all the letters, by the way, there were more than a dozen, darya carefully kept, the former boss wrote to her from the pre-trial detention center, then while under house arrest, but of course, more about personal things, and not about business, at least that’s what the girl says and... in general , she didn’t know anything about deceived clients, i was actually on vacation at the time when this all happened for six months, no, not six months, it started the situation in september, it was for me, let’s say, i saw, well, yes, he comes, one came, the second came, meanwhile there lives a girl who knew nothing about
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the fraud of her employers in an elite high-rise building in the very center of omsk, an apartment on the top floor with a panoramic view, because clients paid for a comfortable existence the managers of the employees... they said that they had financial difficulties, they had to wait, that is, first there for 2 weeks, there, then another, then they wrote me a letter of guarantee that they were obliged to give the car back there by december 22. oh, it's money for a car, but there was nothing. these young people were among the first clients of the car dealership; the managers found them themselves and promised to quickly sell the cars. the contract is all official and stamped, but the car owners never saw their money. the scheme was simple and amazed the operatives with his arrogance. they took cars from clients for sale, but they didn’t even plan to pay the money. for a long time, the defendants actually stole cars entrusted to them, pawned them in pawnshops, and sold them with assistance. composite persons, and embezzled money from all illegal transactions, a car dealership operated in omsk
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for several months, now it is closed, 53 victims are already known, people have lost more than 80 million rubles. the now infamous car dealership itself looked, let’s say, not very presentable, here’s a booth just with signs, but such a modest appearance did not prevent them from attracting dozens of clients and earning millions of rubles. the first to be detained were the director and employee of the car dealership, the main ideological inspirer of the car. scheme is a citizen of kazakhstan, so the entire business was recorded on the sword. it is known that they planned to leave the country, but did not have time. the investigation is currently ongoing, as are new arrests. hello. no problem. this is another employee of victoria auto, also a manager, he was detained right at his new place of work, in another car dealership. the young man went straight from his workplace for interrogation. a criminal case was initiated under the article of fraud committed by a group of persons on an especially large scale. and omsk. the investigative committee intends to bring to justice more than 700
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foreigners fighting for the armed forces of ukraine. this was discussed at an operational meeting in donetsk, which was held by the head of the department, alexander bastrykin. investigators managed to obtain information about the work of the international defense legion of ukraine. it consists of militants with citizenship of the usa, australia, latvia and other countries. the scheme for recruiting mercenaries through the embassy has been studied. as a result, 442 mercenaries. put on the wanted list. in addition, investigators are working against propagandists of the kiev regime. thus, on the basis of evidence from the investigative committee , ukrainian journalist dmitry gordon, included in the list of terrorists and extremists, is recognized in our country as a foreign agent, and was sentenced in absentia to 14 years in prison. using social networks and the media, he disseminates public calls for terrorist activities and insists on unleashing a war of aggression against russia. and already. after the meeting , alexander bastrykin presented departmental awards to employees of a number of divisions
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of the investigative committee for high achievements in the service. several students from one of the chelyabinsk gymnasiums had to go through cruel children and a harsh school of life. a group of children mocked their peers, they were beaten, strangled, teased and intimidated, and the teachers, according to the parents, turned a blind eye to what was happening, not wanting to go deeper into the conflict. what all that remained for parents to do was what to do and whether it was possible to protect their child if bullying began in the class, on this topic. report by vladimir bazov. learn not to be afraid of obstacles, a motivating slogan greets students of
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the twenty-sixth gymnasium of chelyabinsk. apparently, this call is taken too literally here. according to parents, several cases of bullying occurred at school. the mother of one of the students can barely hold back her tears. the boy hit her on the head with a bottle. at the same time, no one told me that my child hit. she went home alone. but the bullying did not stop there, the woman says. feeling impunity, the child continued to bully his classmate. the class teacher, a certified teacher, did not find any other way out than to arrange a confrontation, but she didn’t notice and the bully hit the girl again. the result is another concussion. what do you think are the consequences of concussions? the teacher works, she doesn’t feel guilty, she bears absolutely no responsibility. the pdn inspector doesn’t even i was too lazy to yell at me, you see, i didn’t bring the vomit with me the second time. another victim, ten-year-old alina , endured bullying for 2 years; they caught her,
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tried to beat her, strangled her, and intimidated her, both at school and on the street. the girl’s mother claims that the children in this gymnasium, contrary to the rules, have divided the authority of the teacher by zero, that is , they are already so greyhound, excuse the jargon, because they allow themselves to let loose in front of the teacher. alina herself told us about the teacher’s strange attempt to solve the problem. she took me to the library said: alina, why? you tell your mom everything, there’s no need to get on your mom’s nerves, that ’s why you’re doing all this, they’re boys, they didn’t do anything to you, alina’s class teacher is worried about his nerves... he’s hiding from the awkward questions of his parents behind the guard’s back when my child was strangled, the teacher took absolutely no action, my parents are not a single person above me, please nikolaevna, you don’t even repent, you don’t take pills, the parents, not finding justice at school, were forced to go to court, representatives of the gymnasium turn away
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from the camera with a memorized phrase and answer: no comments until there is a result of the court hearing. the case would not have gone to trial if teachers had recognized the problem in time. experts say that it is the teacher who should be the first to see bullying and identify the parties to the conflict. the aggressor is most often a child from a problematic family or the child of indifferent parents. the victim is usually chosen at random and the largest group is observers. they join the aggressor so as not to occupy location of the next victim. there are special techniques for this, for example, sociometry; children are asked to choose partners for a potential game or activity and are drawn absolutely accurately.
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“come on, fight back, be stronger, go, fight to the end, they bullied me too, in fact, this will not help the child much, what needs to be done, find a contact first, say, i believe you, this means that i know, that something terrible happened to you, i’m on your side.” hero. our report became a victim of circumstances at the right time not found support from those whom they were supposed to look up to. fortunately, the story of these children has a happy ending and they gnaw on the granite of science where no one builds artificial obstacles, helping them make their way through thorns to the stars. vladimir bazov, svetlana svechkareva, lead the duty unit. now the news that our editorial team receives directly from lent informagent. employees of the fsb directorate
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of the investigative committee for the belgorod region detained the deputy general director for construction. investments of jsc gazprom distribution belgorod alexandra belousova. and he is suspected of receiving a bribe of 27 million rubles. large-scale exercises took place in kazan as part of a meeting of the heads of emergency departments of the brix countries. a real performance unfolded on the kazanka river. rescuers extinguished the fire on the ship, pulled drowning people out of the water and fought an oil spill. boats, boats and even a helicopter were involved. from kazan. reporting by alexandra mostova. the morning for the meeting participants began at the central stadium. members of the delegation arrived here. at the moment they are inspecting modern equipment, our rescuers demonstrate domestic developments to foreign colleagues. this exhibition features an abundance of equipment that rescuers use in their daily work. the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, together with
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colleagues from the brix countries, inspects modern machines. this is a modern ural car. came to us in the twenty- third year, all-terrain. among domestic developments, this is a maneuverable fire and rescue vehicle equipped with a 50-liter air cylinder. due to this, it mixes water and foaming agent, the result is compression foam, high density, dry foam here can have a capacity of up to 6,000 liters, and wet foam up to 1,500 liters, that is, this is a very large volume. how do you rate this car as a rescuer? she is very effective. this is an unmanned aerial vehicle. the albatros m5 system is also a domestic development; by the way, it is actively used in combat zones; the device is capable of determining the location of the enemy. the wingspan is 3.3 m, the complex is used in the northwestern military zone, there are about 45-50 complexes on the civilian market, a lot, where in this part the payload is located , or a video camera, now in front of you, it is either a thermal imaging camera or
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a photo camera, how it works, the equipment can be evaluated in large-scale exercises, there is a simulated accident on the highway with victims, another exercise took place at the gims site. according to legend, two ships collided in the waters of the kazanka river and an explosion occurred. the passengers were trapped. a boat approaches the scene of the emergency. emercom of russia rescuers extinguish the fire on the ship, the evacuation of people begins, a helicopter is cruising in the sky, allowing assess the situation. foreign guests
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are impressed, they plan to learn from the experience of russian specialists. in an interview with our program, the plenipotentiary minister of the ethiopian embassy in russia talks about the prospects for cooperation. your machines are very powerful in their capabilities. i've read a lot about the capabilities of your emergency vehicles. are you interested in cooperation with russia along the line? emergency. of course, this is a good experience for us, we are interested in it. important statements are being made on the sidelines of a meeting of heads of emergency departments. brix countries aim to fruitful cooperation within the ministry of emergency situations, and russia appreciates this support. this is the fifth meeting of the heads of emergency departments of the brix countries. this year we were joined by iran, saudi arabia, ethiopia, the united arab emirates and egypt. we are ready to work on joint standards for information exchange. through the duty services. security development is a priority for the participants of the meeting in kazan. following the meeting of the heads of emergency departments, alexander kurenkov held a bilateral
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meeting with the head of the delegation of the united nations arab emirate, the minister also discussed prospects for cooperation with colleagues from china. alexander mostovay and sergey ukhvaryonok, lead the duty unit from the republic of tatarstan. former producer valery shlyafman will be tried in st. petersburg. in the petrogradsky district court, however, the trial will take place in absentia in the absence of the accused; let me remind you that investigators believe that it was shlyafman who fired the fatal shot on october 6, 1991, which ended the life of the legendary singer igor tolkova. it happened behind the scenes of the concert at the jubilee sports palace in petersburg. shlyafman was then working with onlynov . according to one version, he began a conflict with the singer aziza’s bodyguard, igor malakhov , over the order of performances on the show. after a verbal altercation, the opponents grabbed their weapons. malakhov was able to dodge at the last moment and the bullet hit talkov. a year later, shlyafman left russia; he now
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lives in israel. in january 2022, he was arrested in absentia and now, after the indictment has been approved , the trial will take place. summer is in full swing and , as is customary, the inhabitants of the concrete jungle... there are cities that have moved closer to nature. this tradition also has a dark side, numbers. lost in the forest grows many times over, a flashlight, a walkie-talkie, a first aid kit, a power bank, if you think that this is all you need in order not to get lost, then you are mistaken, in fact this list can be continued, but the main thing in this matter is the correct equipment, focus on terrain, about the intricacies of a forest hike in a report by fyodor eliseev: a man was lost, name fyodor, 34 years old, having described what i was wearing,
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the specialists were reassured by my loss several hours to find me, but often searches can last up to several days. every inhabitant of the concrete jungle, going to the forest, must
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remember that such a trip must begin with choosing the right clothing equipment; everything that can be seen by the rescuer should be carried by an amateur tourist. the first and main thing is a means of communication: a fully charged mobile phone, external batteries for it. be sure to install an application that will record your route. next, a walkie-talkie, a flashlight, also with spare batteries, a first aid kit and an elastic bandage, insect repellent, a knife, and, of course, a large supply of drinking water; all clothing should cover the body as much as possible, including hands, eyes and head. when you walk in open clothes, the most important thing is that there might be mosquitoes, you slipped, fell, twisted your ankle, you are sitting and the mosquitoes are eating you. together with the guide we go into the thicket, alexey warns. dangers at every step. fallen trees can both create obstacles and cause injury when overcoming them. pits stepping, even next to which you can fall and injure your leg. there are hidden
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threats. for example, the sun, despite the crowns of trees, you can catch heatstroke, here we again return to equipment, a headdress, a necessity, special attention to the choice of shoes, one civilian went in sneakers, it turns out he went into a forest where there is moss, stepped on the moss and ripped hit yourself on the leg with a broken bottle, don’t forget that a trip to the forest can result in a meeting with its inhabitants, it’s one thing if it’s a harmless snake... but let’s assume it’s a wild boar if you don’t are interesting, you can go behind a tree and the animal will pass by, and if it is already running towards you, then it is either a shot boar or a hungry one, the first thing you can do is climb a tree, after a moment our guide flies up onto the tree, here you are already inaccessible for the boar, either through a windbreak, or through windbreaks, and preferably double or triple
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trees, but even being ready... for such tests you need to remember the main threat, it may not seem obvious, but the greatest danger you can to meet in the forest is night; all those traps and threats that nature has placed in its domain become literally tens of times more dangerous in the dark. in the first half of 2024, the center for assistance to missing injured children alone received 658 applications, of which 645 were found, 13 people, alas. died, and this is only in the territory of moscow and the moscow region. contrary to its name , the children's assistance center is looking for people of all ages. alexander told a story where an eighty-year-old woman with dementia, while her son was at work, she went looking for mushrooms and got lost. luckily, she had her phone with her, which speeded up the search. on the second day we find her, the grandmother is already exhausted, she cannot get up at all, but she has two
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baskets of mushrooms in her hands. she doesn’t give them away, so what about evacuating with mushrooms, yes, she’s right here with mushrooms, we’re carrying her, she’s carrying mushrooms to protect herself and make it easier to work as a rescuer, if you need it, before going into the forest, tell your loved ones about it, friends or relatives, register your trip to the ministry of emergency situations on the website or by phone, if you are already lost, report it to 112 and under no circumstances leave the place from which you called, this will greatly increase the positive outcome, even under the most... unfavorable conditions. fedor eliseev, vitaly melkov, daniil korsakov, lead: duty unit. by the way, some people are drawn to adventures not in the forest, in dungeons. some of the most attractive routes for lovers of such exotic things lie in moscow. and traveling along them is completely unsafe. let me remind you that last year during the illegal excursions along the bed of the neglinka river, eight people died when a rainstorm hit the capital. people simply could not get out of the water-filled sewers. the organizer
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is deadly. he is now on the run, this is how they monitor the entrances to the dungeon in megapolis and whether they managed to take control of the illegal business, we will talk about this in our next issue, we will show a report by andrei romanov. and more news from the lenta informa agency in ivanovo detained the deputy governor and head of the social sector complex of the ivanovo region, irina ermish. in the fsb, as at least three more officials were interrogated, natalya trofimova. another deputy governor, head of the infrastructure development complex of the ivanovo region, sergei zobnin, also did not show up at work today, and his whereabouts are unknown; according to preliminary data, he was also detained, the honest detective telegram channel reports this. that's all for now, the current
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legal news feed is in ours. honest detective, tatyana petrova was with you, see you at 21:30. political day in st. petersburg, meeting of the anniversary parliamentary forum in rix. he for the first time, it is being held in an expanded format, with 400 representatives from 16 countries. what topics are in focus? russian flag over sunrise. our military liberated another settlement in the donetsk people's republic, what about in other directions? well , the ukrainian armed forces’ attempt was also stopped.


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