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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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honest detective, that's all for now, operational legal news feed in our telegram channels, run by the duty department and an honest detective, tatyana petrova was with you, see you at 21:30. big political day in st. petersburg, meeting of the anniversary parliamentary forum brix. for the first time, it is being held in an expanded format, with 400 representatives from sixteen countries. what topics are in focus? russian flag over sunrise. our military liberated another settlement in the donetsk people's republic, which in other directions? and also the attempt of the ukrainian armed forces was stopped.
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borders of russia, but nato expansion into ukraine is an unacceptable threat to the security of our country. washington's new rash steps. the us plans to deploy long-range missiles in germany in 2026. then why did they announce this now? our media warned that such actions will result in a military response. washington and berlin had better once again weigh the consequences of their decision. in poland, it is the day of remembrance of the victims
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of genocide, the anniversary of the volyn massacre committed by ukrainian nationalists. warsaw demands an apology from kyiv. but in ukraine they are in no hurry to answer, because executioners there are now celebrated as heroes. who is rewriting history and how. and of course, the weather, extreme heat has been literally incinerating kuban for a week now. the highest level of fire danger has been introduced in the south. however, there are hopes for a change in the weather. began in the region. thunderstorms, we will find out whether they can cool down the ardor of the russian south. vladimir putin called brix one of the key elements of the emerging multipolar world order. the president announced this at the opening of the tenth brix parliamentary forum in st. petersburg. the main goal of russia's chairmanship of the association is to create the most favorable and comfortable conditions for the progressive development of all its participants, he noted. states, he also emphasized
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that brix is ​​open to dialogue with all interested countries. brix is ​​one of the key elements of the emerging multipolar world order, which increasingly reflects the interests and aspirations of states in the global south and east, our supporters around the world. a their number is very large and constantly increasing. we are open to strengthening cooperation with all countries expressing interest in brix activities. we are conducting an active dialogue in the bricks+ outreach format. we are working on establishing a category of partner states. one of the priorities of the association is to achieve positive changes in the global economy. we pay great attention to increasing the share of national currencies in trade and investment, as well as developing safe and reliable ones.
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representatives of the interests of their peoples, spokesmen for their political, national will, acutely feel the genuine needs, moods and needs of millions.
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wish from chairman sizinpin. since the beginning of your new presidential term, under your leadership, the people and government of russia have been protecting state stability and security and ensuring socio-economic development. your country is confidently moving along the path of its own development. we are sincerely pleased with this achievement and express our strong support. please tell me that we are waiting for the chairman of the people's republic of china in kazan, russia at the summit. brix october 22-24. brix is ​​confidently establishing itself as one of the foundations of the modern world order. this was stated by valentina matvienko, speaking at the plenary session. the chairman of the federation council invited the countries that are members of the association to increase the exchange of experience in order
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to minimize the negative impact of sanctions. valentina matvienko also announced on the sidelines of the forum that days would be held in russia and ethiopia. this country is new.
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and consensus, where there is no place for dominance or the desire to impose one’s will. brix became the center of a multipolar world, although initially the association included only four states: brazil, russia, india and china. later south africa joined them, and today it is the brix plus association. this year, five new states joined the association: egypt, iran, the united arab emirates, saudi arabia and ethiopia. state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin said that today brix is ​​one of the largest economic centers, while its participants, despite the challenges of the sanctions of the collective west, have only strengthened their positions. brix is ​​increasing is becoming one of the key pillars
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of the multipolar world, which we already see today, is gradually beginning to take shape, the demand for it is enormous and... every country, every people would like the world order to be fair, so we all, representing our citizens, expressing their will, must, for our part, do everything possible to uphold the principles of mutually beneficial cooperation in matters of international respect for national traditions.
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the price is what you need. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. collect business. well, to the news from the special operation zone, russian troops took control of the village of voskhod in the donetsk people's republic republic. our ministry of defense reported this. units of the center group also defeated several formations of the ukrainian armed forces and repelled five counterattacks by enemy assault groups. and we’ll learn more about the progress of the special military operation from denis alekseev. he knows every detail. denis, welcome, how is the situation?
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well, the west group also occupied more advantageous positions and had a good run through the formations of the ukrainian armed forces in senkovka. the result of the coordinated actions of the southern group was the loss of the ukrainian armed forces to 700 militants and even more. but let's start from afar, after all, about how ukrainian military installations are being liquidated from a long distance, the destruction of an ammunition depot in voznesensk is reported, there were arrivals in the area of ​​the airfield. in odessa, there the armed forces of ukraine allegedly worked on military facilities from the utyos coastal missile system, this is the result of the work of fighters in the kharkov region, two factories carefully planned their destination, the target was an impressively sized hangar, a storage place for rocket launchers, from which the fighters launched strikes on belgorod . units of the north grouping of forces damaged manpower and equipment, 115 mechanized brigades, 106, 117, 125 brigades. territorial defense of the armed forces of ukraine, the thirteenth brigade of the national guard of ukraine in the areas of volchansk, basovka,
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novenky, veselovka and leptsov. enemy losses amounted to up to 355 military personnel. and now a little about the love of the ukrainian military for watercraft: militants, especially those who are on the right bank of the dnieper, every now and then try to use simple civilian boats. in these pictures the saboteurs tried to land either on the islands or on the left bank, but were discovered. our guys accurately worked on the boats by dropping them from a drone, or here’s another story with the same ending. here the armed forces of ukraine hid a rubber boat stuffed with ammunition in a quiet factory among. water lilies, but at one moment it flies into the air, an impressive column of smoke rises, but what did they want, our military, every now and then, undergo combat training at training grounds in the rear, this is a normal practice, regular, otherwise there will be no proper results on the front line achieve, the next intensive training was held with the participation of troops of the vostok group, but not everyone
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understands the importance of such events, captured ukrainian soldiers, for example, all say as one, the losses in the bsu are off the charts... including due to the lack of basic skills, training commanders they ignore them, while they want a lot from those mobilized; at the training grounds they teach how to be a security guard rather than a military man. we sat like that for 2 weeks, did nothing, but then they taught us how to disassemble the machines, how to put them together, i stood on this beam, raised the beam, let cars through, we were already told that you are going to the house, you must guard so that no one gets into this... now in more detail about the grouping center, it continues to develop an offensive, the tactical situation has been improved, the village of voskhod has been liberated, the battles for evgenovka, in the future , reach the elevated road and interrupt the logistics network of the ukrainian armed forces on the pokrovsk-konstantinovka highway. there is active fighting in this area right now, the enemy is stubborn, counterattacks are not helping,
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they tried to recapture the lost positions five times, this is only for a day, and the result is minus 300 people in personnel, even in... be has already been repeatedly stated that the situation in this direction for the ukrainian army has become tense, but other than lamenting and counting losses here, little has been achieved so far. so, in the tver and omsk regions, payments to contract soldiers and participants in the special operation were increased. for volunteers, their families also regularly expand the list of support measures. since the beginning of the year, about 190 thousand russians. decided to defend their homeland at the front. and such figures were made possible thanks to a well-functioning mechanism and process for signing contracts with the ministry of defense. stanislav vasilchenko's report on how selection points work. each of these men is here by choice. at this selection point alone , about 200 people enter into contracts with the ministry of defense every day, and there are no
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endless queues or unnecessary paperwork. all questions that a volunteer may have are resolved in one place. no more than 4 hours. moscow city selection point operates in single window mode, almost in multifunctional mode center. we additionally have doctors from the city emias system, in which we can also view the medical history of candidates. we have a psychological assistance service in moscow. we have bank employees. in addition, notaries help us. before sending a volunteer for a medical examination, military registration and enlistment office employees communicate with him. during the conversation , they fill out questionnaires and help prepare documents. according to the coordinator of the selection center, alexandra, the average age of a volunteer is 30-40 years old, and sometimes it’s even surprising, what areas do these people come from? artists are coming, oddly enough, yes, creative professions are coming, maybe this is even
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necessary. a person who is, after all , a creative profession, has a slightly half-developed brain and he sees things that technical professions do not see. alexandra’s husband is also a volunteer, he signed a contract a year and a half ago and is still participating in the military special operation, and we met here, at the selection point in the capital. i came to conclude a contract, at the stage of forming a set of documents it became necessary to appear at the military registration and enlistment office, but for some reason circumstances, i ended up there too. i signed a contract in may, he arrived in september, they proposed in september, and 3 days later i became his wife. the selection committee takes the medical psychological selection of volunteers seriously; the slightest deviations can cause refusal to sign a contract, so recruits undergo a full medical examination. dmitry is already entering into his third contract, and i’m sure it’s worth taking psychological tests throughout his entire service. maybe something happened in a person’s personal life, maybe something happened, so to speak, to the service, they are there with
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tricks, they all show that a person has some kind of. volunteers from murmonsk also join the ranks of the russian armed forces. it’s very difficult to watch how... peaceful people in the border regions of the russian federation are suffering very much at the moment, the same bryansk, belgorod, kursk, there are
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a lot of relatives also living in these areas, well, sometimes my heart just bleeds, or something. well , people, well, civilians shouldn’t suffer from this, i always wanted to serve in the army, i’ve been interested since childhood, that’s how the opportunity to get a job arose... i served under a contract, so i decided to do it. after signing the contract, the recruits are sent to the training centers of the ministry of defense, where they will be provided with full combat equipment, they will undergo classes in fire, tactical, reconnaissance training, as well as medicine, only after that they will be sent to military units in the military special operation zone. thus, at the allabino training ground near moscow, experienced military personnel are training instructors in countering small-sized unmanned aerial vehicles. aviation, hone their shooting skills at moving objects, and also practice flying drones themselves. at the troitsky training ground in the sakhalin region , shooting classes are held, soldiers practice assault operations, learn to work in a team, in the rostov region , artillerymen of the southern military district are trained,
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military personnel improve their shooting skills from towed 122-mm howitzers d-30a. stanislav vasilchenko, mikhail verdiev, ramil batyrov, news. well, now to the urgent messages from the news agency tape, this is news from our foreign ministry. ministry of foreign affairs about the new and rash steps of washington, the usa, let me remind you, is going to deploy long-range missiles in germany. so, our foreign ministry declares that the decision to deploy us missiles in germany demonstrates to the whole world that berlin and washington are aiming to undermine international security. and here’s another message: europe risks becoming a theater of escalating military-political tensions with catastrophic consequences. there is also lightning, too. russia introduced unilateral a moratorium on medium- and shorter- range missiles, but after the deployment of missiles in germany , the united states will give an adequate response. and also with the note
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molniya about the deployment of us missiles by germany. from a military point of view, nato is increasing security threats that russia will be forced to fend off, continuing the theme. washington and berlin seem to have finally forgotten the lessons of the past. this is precisely what the actions of the united states speak about, these loud statements. sooner or later, the united states will have to negotiate with the russian federation and take away the iron or destroy it, our foreign ministry reports. to this we will return to this topic during our release. now on to other news. a large fire in the vicinity of energodar does not threaten the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. this was reported by representatives of the power plant. the fire broke out due to shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. there were blows. caused in the area of ​​the city water intake, the area of ​​the forest fire is about 1000 km. according to the ministry of emergency situations, firefighters have been working for the second day.
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17 units of equipment and 67 personnel were involved in eliminating three outbreaks . the total area of ​​the fire was about 50 hectares. all forces means, who are now involved in city fires and the surrounding area, they... have been carrying out this feat for almost several weeks now, eliminating this emergency situation around the clock. ukraine's entry into nato will not strengthen, but weaken the unity of the alliance. this was stated by hungarian foreign minister peter szijarta on the sidelines of the summit in washington. in his opinion, the integration of the kiev regime into the military bloc will lead to open confrontation with moscow. anna voronina with details. more money, more promises and no peace. declaration following the nato summit in washington again assured kiev: there will be an invitation to the alliance. in the meantime, we agreed to create a group to promote security and training
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for ukraine and send about 40 billion euros in military assistance next year. such actions, according to american economists, only show a desire to prolong the conflict. the final declaration reflects zero interest or intention in finding a negotiated solution to the ukrainian conflict. instead she. emphasizes the irreversibility of the course towards ukraine’s accession to nato, which has never will occur due to russian opposition, thereby recklessly and unnecessarily prolonging the current war. the nato summit declaration is a strident neocon reaffirmation of us commitment to hegemony. the document calls for nato to support a rules-based order, which is in reality a us-based order that often directly contradicts the un charter. in addition, in the final declaration. cemented nato's intention to expand further, including the western balkans and the black sea region. in the kremlin noted that, judging by such statements, nato
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is clearly not supporters of peace. we see. the decision was made by nato to create logistics hubs in black sea cities, to open additional points in europe, and we see that in fact nato’s military infrastructure is constantly, progressively moving towards our borders. it is obvious that the alliance is pursuing one of its main goals: suppressing russia, inflicting strategic defeat on russia. the nato countries demanded that the world community stop providing assistance from russia and promised to condemn anyone who resists. a striking example is china, which for the first time officially... militarily supported moscow, which was noticed in the western press. beijing responded by saying that the alliance's declaration was filled with belligerent rhetoric and imbued with a cold war mentality. nato constantly disseminates unsubstantiated information fabricated by the united states, openly smears china, sows discord in sino-european relations and undermines sino-european cooperation. to the international community
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it's obvious who's starting the fire. adds fuel to the fire of the protracted ukrainian crisis. we call on nato to reflect on the root causes of the crisis and its own actions, listen carefully to the fair voices of the international community and take practical action to defuse the situation. they shift the blame and scapegoat others. the chinese foreign ministry emphasized that the united states, pretending to be the envoy of justice and the world's policeman, is in fact only creating confrontation and inciting wars. colleagues from iranian foreign ministry. drawing attention to the accusation that tehran is prolonging the ukrainian conflict through cooperation with moscow, it also indicates who bears the real responsibility. the republic of iran considers the statement contained in the final statement of the nato summit in washington to be completely groundless and pursuing political goals. what we are seeing in ukraine is the result of the policies and aggressive steps of nato led by the united states, which are still ongoing. any
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attempt to link the war to ukraine. cooperation between iran and russia is an act that has only biased political motives and pursues the goal of making the continuation of military assistance to ukraine from the west legitimate. the motives, however, are still the same, as the american publication semaphore writes , since the beginning of the svo, the demand for additional supplies of weapons has increased several times. not only to ukraine, all countries of the alliance have a need, most of the orders will go to the american military-industrial complex, as the main supplier of weapons.
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it's easy to get lost in facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a fake dept, change your voice. we will expose all fakes.
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new, thoughtless and dangerous.


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