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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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open fire there, our 200-300 are not there, we entered without loss, because we entered with prayer, of course, that’s for sure. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. the ukrainian armed forces have turned the lives of civilians in taretsk into hell and are not allowing them to leave the city. chilling story of survivors during the evacuation, who were hit by ukrainian drones. american long-range missiles may appear again in europe. washington threatens with tomahawks and even hypersonics. the foreign intelligence service
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has declassified two very interesting documents: why did paris prepare its military contingent back in march to send its military contingent to ukraine? who do the us owners want to replace zelensky with? was the brainchild of foreign agent and defendant ilya the dyer collecting money for ukrainian militants? how did a fluent media manager create a real service? in armored cars, helmets, saka on the shoulder, who are these front-line singers, whose video is already being watched by the whole of russia, they take what they want, eat what they want, and do not pay for anything. commentary
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on a viral video from the ukrainian segment of the network about how local military commissars are now walking to the stores, according to the author, this was filmed in one of the odessa supermarkets, this is exactly what the so -called protection of retail outlets now looks like, well, in case of indignation at the robberies, store employees and their relatives are threatened with issuing summonses to the military registration and enlistment office, so the only thing left for peaceful people to do is to submit to the whims people in uniform who have long been accustomed to treating the civilian population like terrorists treat hostages, and if in the rear it looks like... it looks like ordinary banditry, then in the front-line zones there are things going on things are much worse: the militants of the ukrainian armed forces lose the remnants of their human appearance, and civilians become simply a hindrance for them in combat operations, and sometimes even a target in a terrible hunt. this is confirmed by refugees from taretsk who managed to escape to the territory controlled by russia. anton potkovenko will show evidence of new war crimes in kiev. anton, greetings. greetings. well, are ukrainian nazis already habitually hitting people running away from shelling? yes, that's right, they beat you.
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civilians describe their life in the city recently, and evacuation, during which the neo-nazis began a real hunt for them. here is a picture just from a ukrainian drone. toretsk, practically on the line of combat contact, civilians who waited and waited are hiding in the ruins.
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a human shield, this is the fascist tactics of kiev from the beginning of its own, all residents of the east, south-east of ukraine for the bandera regime are strangers, not their people, they don’t need these people, from the point of view of westerners and banderaites, these people live wrong, vote wrong , so i really never feel sorry for them, the entire donetsk region, donbass, the same story, people went on their own, just like they gave it away. their will to live, to change, but this power was not given, they said this would not happen, the family of this resident of taresk since june 15, essentially did not leave the basement, but first there was one drone arrival, then another, and they had to move to the neighbors , my husband and i barely had time to pick up a bag with documents, ran into the kitchen, ran across, then to a neighbor who has a better basement, since the thirtieth two families of us have been sitting, uh-huh, on the second the other one came running family, because uh...
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travel towards donetsk, residents of taretsk have been prohibited since the seventeenth year, now those who did not want to evacuate to ukraine or for some reason to germany had their children taken away by the armed forces of ukraine. those who didn’t want to leave, the military who evacuated came, took
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the children and said at gunpoint and said, they’re taking the children, they said, if you want to communicate with the children, we’ll wait on the street, no, they took the children away, they watched. we drove through the streets, listened to where there were, figured out the houses where there were children, went on patrols at night, during the day they traveled from all over the city, consider all the children taken out, a very important testimony from this woman that they are taking children away, and this, unfortunately, is also true, if the family does not want to evacuate, it remains in its city, which will soon be occupied, the russian army will take over, the children are forcibly taken away and taken towards kiev, unfortunately, we know that then a recent story about child trafficking happens to these children, in which almost the wife of former president zelensky is involved, this is hellish cruelty, this is without any... or comments, this is military crimes, as well as attempts to kill
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civilians, the criminal nature of the kiev regime is now manifested in toretsk with monstrous clarity, the third or fourth group left the city. anton potkovenko escape from punitive forces. in turn, our armed forces are doing everything possible to push ukrainian criminal groups as far as possible from civilians. the ministry of defense today announced the liberation by fighters of the russian group of troops-center, the settlement of voskhod , donetsk people's republic, but the enemy
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tried to launch a counterattack five times, but this only led to the loss of several hundred ukrainian armed forces personnel. the latest reports of the special operation in the material of denis alekseev. our military hit an ammunition depot in the ssu, there were arrivals in the area of ​​​​the airfield in odessa, there they allegedly worked on a cliff from a coastal missile system at military facilities, this is the result of the work of fighters in the kharkov region, two factories carefully planned to their destination, the target was an impressively sized hangar, a place storage of rocket launchers, from which the military carried out strikes on belgorod, units of the north group of forces hit manpower and equipment, 115 mechanized units.
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by dropping a boat from a drone, or here’s another story with the same ending, here the dry land workers hid a rubber boat stuffed with ammunition in a quiet factory, among the mud, water lilies, but at one moment it flies into the air, an impressive column of smoke rises, but what did they want , our military every now and then undergo combat training at training grounds in the rear, this is normal practice, regular, and otherwise proper results on the front line cannot be achieved, the next intensive training session was held with the participation of troops of the vostok group, but not everyone... understands the importance of such events, captured ukrainian soldiers, for example, all say as one, losses in the armed forces of ukraine are off the charts, including due to lack of basic skills. we sat like that for 2 weeks, did nothing, but then they taught us how to disassemble the machines, how to put them together, i stood on this beam, raised the beam,
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let the cars pass. we have already been told that you are going to the house, you must guard so that no one didn't go into this house. the center group continues to develop its offensive. the tactical situation has been improved, the village of voskhod has been liberated, and the battle for evgenovka continues. in the future, we will reach the road and disrupt the logistics network of the armed forces of ukraine on the pokrovsk- konstantinovka highway. in this patch there are now active battles, the enemy is stubborn, counterattacks are not helping, they tried to recapture the lost positions five times, this is only in a day, the total is minus 300 personnel, even the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine has already repeatedly stated that the situation in this direction for the ukrainian army is tense, but other than lamenting and counting losses, little can be achieved here. denis alekseev, lead. moscow considers such actions unacceptable. element of intimidation and will give an answer without nerves and emotions in a military vein, this is how the russian
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foreign ministry today reacted to the pentagon’s decision to deploy the quote “american long-range fire weapons” in germany. that is, simply put, strike systems for launching cruise missiles of a larger radius. on paper we are talking, among other things, about hypersonic weapons, although their actual availability in the united states is still a matter of debate, they have subsonic temahawks, you can’t argue with them, and carry them. let me remind you that not only a high-explosive fragmentation warhead can be used, but also a nuclear one. accordingly, there is a serious step towards further accelerated escalation, because the deployment is planned to be completed by 2026 at the latest, and the germans, apparently, are not averse to providing their territory as a training ground, but the question is how seriously we need to do this worry, evgeniy tishkavets was looking for the answer, evgeniy, greetings, good evening, how do we have the means to knock all this down?
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during the cold war. they want to send american tomahawks to europe. missile systems banned in 1987 by the inf treaty are planned to be deployed in germany. the americans do not specify who they will be aimed at. the official statement from the white house contains only standard language about some kind of north atlantic unity. and a european containment system, which ordinary europeans, of course, did not ask for. to europe falls into a trap with these missiles if she places them, of course, on her territory. i begin to remember the eighties, when the anti-missile movement appeared in europe, when people went to us military bases, blocked roads, demanded that these bases be removed, removed. but weapons, i suppose that we must prepare for the fact that a new wave
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of such a movement in europe must necessarily arise. from the specifics, by 2026 , missile systems about sm-6 and the famous tomahawks, washington’s main weapon, large cruise missiles, will be deployed in europe. subsonic, but no less dangerous for that reason, there are nuclear ones, there are conventional ones, for our air defense, they are quite a working goal. the same missiles, scalp and stormshadow, they are, in principle , the same cruise missiles, but we shoot them down step by step, plus add here the story in syria, when donald trump, for no apparent reason , took two destroyers and launched syria, where the nuclear warheads, although not the most modern models, were removed by means of radio suppression and the damage was minimized. depending on the modification of tomahawks when placed in germany,
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most of the european territory of russia, including moscow, st. petersburg and sevastopol, may fall into their affected area. and if american hypersound also appears in europe, everything, right up to the ural ridge, may be under threat. we are talking about the mysterious dark eagle ammunition, allegedly actively developed for many years by two weapons giants - nortron gruman and lougheed martin. coincidentally. just the other day, a document from the american congress appeared online, discussing the characteristics of the rocket, its first a successful launch, again supposedly taking place in late june over the pacific ocean. for the united states, it is quite strange to keep such systems on us territory; they do not have such threats that would require hypersonic weapons on the continent, therefore it is clear that they... consistently planned to withdraw from the inf treaty
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to supply these weapons to europe. here, however, it is necessary to clarify that the fate of american hypersound is very vague. even if one test run was successful, the rest ended in failure. what's wrong with him? even congress doesn’t know when the missile will be completed. doesn't add confidence or reputation. lockit martin, the infamous, insanely expensive and chronically broken f-35, is also their work. well, as for russia, we have had our own hypersound for a long time, it is not surprising that we have developed it. and an air defense system against hypersonic missiles, this is the s-400. it is capable of intercepting targets that are three times faster than dark needle, and speed is literally its only trump card. our air defense system is quickly being modernized and improved, it is very effective. we, by the way, that year they produced more air defense systems than all the countries
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of the western coalition, twice as much as all the countries of the western coalition. therefore, here we... seem to be counting on the fact that we will be drawn into an exhausting race, our defense-industrial complex, in any case, as regards air and missile defense systems, they are completely in vain. however, the fact that we can knock all this down does not mean that the situation suits us. american weapons on european soil are a direct threat russia. the united states would like it if, following their example, we again deployed missiles in cuba, for example. calibers that literally cover half the country or daggers that can reach as far as arizona. and, by the way, america, unlike russia, does not have air defense systems capable of shooting down hypersound. washington will like it if our submarines with the latest weapons surface somewhere in the neutral waters of the atlantic or in the arctic ; our country will give a response to this deployment,
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because well, our supreme commander has already said that we will respond in a similar way. considering the power and range of modern missile systems, this is incomparable with the caribbean cruise, that those missiles flew, were larger, flew closer, hit worse, but now the missiles have become very small, very accurate and very fast and far away, that is, some there will be an answer, and it will also be unpleasant if washington’s enemies, of which he has amassed a huge number, suddenly acquire weapons more powerful than soviet rpgs.
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all the efforts of the head of the hungarian government, but since the current western world order is abnormal, orbán would rather be rewarded for calling for an intensification of the conflict in ukraine, then, quote, he could even be nominated for the nobel peace prize, the comment is sarcastic on the one hand, but absolutely fair on the other, since america and europe are only raising the stakes in the pursuit of confrontation with russia. for example, joe biden just a few minutes ago signed a decree on a new aid package for ukraine, and although there are no details yet, it is symptomatic of what has been done. following the washington nato summit. about its results in anna’s material voronina. more money, more promises and no peace. the declaration following the nato summit in washington once again assured kiev: there will be an invitation to the alliance. in the meantime, we agreed to create a group to promote security and training for ukraine and send about 40 billion euros in military assistance next year. such actions, according to
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american economists, only show a desire to prolong the conflict? the final declaration reflects. zero interest or intention to find a negotiated solution to the ukrainian conflict, instead she emphasizes the irreversibility of ukraine's course towards joining nato, which will never happen due to russia's opposition, thereby recklessly and unnecessarily prolonging the current war. the nato summit declaration is a stark neocon reaffirmation of us commitment to hegemony. the document calls on nato to support a rules-based order, which is, in fact, order. founded by the united states, which often directly contradicts the un charter. in addition, the final declaration confirmed nato’s intention expand further, including the western balkans and the black sea region. the kremlin noted that, judging by such statements, nato is clearly not supporters of peace. we see the decision taken by nato to create logistics hubs in black sea cities and to open
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additional points in europe. and we see that, in fact, nato’s military infrastructure is constantly, progressively moving in the direction. our borders. it is obvious that the alliance is pursuing one of its main goals: the suppression of russia, inflicting strategic damage on russia defeats. the nato countries demanded that the world community stop providing assistance to russia and promised to condemn anyone who resists, a striking example is china, which for the first time in an official nato document was accused of military support for moscow, which was also noticed in the western press. beijing responded by saying that the alliance's declaration is filled with belligerent rhetoric and imbued with mentality. the united states openly denigrates china and sows discord in chinese-european relations. and undermines chinese-european cooperation, it is obvious to the international community who is fueling and adding fuel to the fire of the protracted ukrainian crisis. we call on nato
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to reflect on the root causes of the crisis and its own actions, listen carefully to the fair voices of the international community, and take practical action to defuse the situation, rather than shifting blame and scapegoating others. chinese media emphasized that the united states, pretending to be a messenger of justice and the world's policeman... the republic of iran believes absolutely baseless and pursuing political goals, the statement contained in the final statement of the nato summit in washington. what we are seeing in ukraine is the result of nato policies and aggressive steps. usa, which is still ongoing. any attempt to link the war in ukraine with bilateral cooperation between iran and russia is an act that has only
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biased political motives and has the goal of making continued western military assistance to ukraine legitimate. the motives , however, are still the same, as the american writes semaphore publication since the beginning of the svo. the demand for additional supplies of weapons has increased several times. not only for ukraine, all countries of the alliance have a need. most of the orders will go to the american military-industrial complex, as the main supplier of weapons to nato countries. anna voronina, vesti. the program for recruiting soldiers of fortune can be expanded to include states where there is a difficult crime situation. this is a quote from a declassified ciphergram of a svr resident with the call sign dis, who learned about the west’s very large-scale plans to saturate the ranks armed forces of ukraine by selected foreign criminals. judging by the text of the report. the united states and its employees are allegedly looking for potential reinforcements for
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the armed forces of ukraine in american high-security prisons among convicted bandits associated with the colombian and mexican cartels, and for starters they intend to recruit several hundred such thugs, but the process is not going as quickly as we would like , fresh meat of foreign origin is needed. here now, because from the ciphergram of another resident of the service foreign intelligence reports that ukrainian soldiers are less and less willing to fight for the current leadership of the kiev regime, and specifically the leader of the gang with the bank is supported by only 20% of the personnel, and in order to correct this situation, washington will most likely have to take radical steps, as described by stanislav bernval, stanislav hello , well, as far as i understand, new candidates to replace zelensky have appeared and are being considered. and these are quite well-known names, they are already being considered out loud, and zelensky knows about this, by the way, two more analytical material from our residency in europe and ukraine deserves separate
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consideration, for example, the daring french plan for ukraine is analyzed by resident felix, and a resident with the operational pseudonym stone reports to the center that the united states is seriously thinking about leaking zelensky and is already considering several options , who to replace him with, all this, as they say, is not from life. good, in the west they understand that ukraine is shamelessly drowning, something needs to be done about this, everything secret is becoming clear. here are these two documents: ciphergram 0369 and cipher telegram 0523. let's start, perhaps, with the european agenda and the report of resident felix. from the title of the document, everything is clear what will be discussed, here - president macron immediately comes to mind, who did not exclude the entry of french forces into... the territory of ukraine, however, after criticism of his european colleagues, he noticeably softened the rhetoric, but it turns out that these plans are serious continued and continue to exaggerate within
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the french military elite. meanwhile, felix notes, the french army is seriously concerned about the increased number frenchmen who had already died in the ukrainian theater of military operations. also, the document notes that only as a result of the destruction by our forces of the temporary deployment point for foreigners. near kharkov in january of this year, many french officers were killed, as the ministry of defense unofficially admits , the country has not seen such losses abroad since the war in algeria, and this causes discontent within france itself. however, according to available data, the french contingent is still being prepared to be sent to ukraine. on at the initial stage it will be about 2.0 people. at the current stage, there are problems with finding volunteers for rotation and delays.
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who are trying to bake their own significance and act as such an ardent anti-russian statement of individual leaders of european countries, in fact they are of a populist nature. the second cipher telegram is from resident stone, here everything is also clear from the title, the details are interesting, it is stated that the states are concerned about the dynamics of public sentiment in ukraine, this is like the situation in front could become a catalyst in making a decision to replace zelensky. that americans
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clearly see that dissatisfaction with the prolongation of the conflict is growing among citizens, apathy is spreading, distrust in the constitutional government is spreading, for the first time, albeit in a whisper, the legitimacy of zelensky himself has increasingly begun to be discussed among the population, which has been completely lost since may 20, while, however , the americans and europeans wanted i would like zelensky to remain in his post, since all the financial schemes of the war are connected through him, which bring in enormous profits western military-industrial complex manufacturers. for the united states, zelensky is expendable for zelensky, who is in no way connected with the political elites of the united states directly, he is a random player, or even with the political elites of the same ukraine, it is easy to blame all those failures, defeats, wastes, so to speak, on zelensky ,
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corruption, all the failures on zelensky to choose one of them. in general, judging by this analysis from our station, plans in the west for ukraine, carriages, a small cart and the main violin among these western musicians , the usa continues to play, and this bloody bow, tightly clenched in the hands of the hegemon, continues to perform
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the requiem for ukraine. stanislav bernwald plans for the owners of ukraine. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. the brainchild of foreigner and defendant iliy krasilshchik collected money for ukrainian militants. how did a fluent media manager create a real support service for the armed forces of ukraine? the first state radio of russia. programs for 130 million listeners on air around the clock. moscow listens to the radio russia, now on 101.5 fm. any set of rules, both on the road and in companies, should be clear and uniform for everyone, then it will be easier to follow them. what solutions does business have for this today? an investor who wants to invest in a particular company
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should not bother. with a search for answers where corporate governance is better. the rules of the game must be the same for everyone. i have always been for the charter to be sufficiently clear and transparent. a working document, it is not made in order to put it on shelf, you need to make it understandable and accessible.


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