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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 8:30pm-8:53pm MSK

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the first state radio in russia, more than 100 programs for 130 million listeners, on the air around the clock. moscow listens to radio russia, now on 101.5 fm. any set of rules, both on the road and in companies, must be clear and uniform for everyone, then it is easier to follow it, but what solutions does business have for this today? who wants to invest in a particular company should not bother looking for answers about where corporate governance is better. the rules of the game must be the same for everyone. i have always been for the charter to be sufficiently clear and transparent. a working document, it is not made to be put on a shelf, it needs to be made understandable and accessible. properly drawn up certified corporate documents are the conditions for achieving new heights in business.
8:31 pm
who are you? i, a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we go out of trouble. what's a fairy tale without ivan? eh, what started? without deception and without flint. i was immediately imprisoned in the flint. self-written pen, magic ink, can you get it? the main thing is van, hurry up. so give me a horse? mechanical. oh, yourself beat your head. do you have a nickname? where
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i need to go, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to go, i can’t live without traveling, flint, he who doesn’t need a pen, who has flint in his pocket, soon. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first.
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competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now you need to watch and follow, this is america, a program about the country, which is difficult to understand. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia 24.
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the border town of shibekina came under fire from kiev militants, seven were wounded there. our correspondent alexander korobov is monitoring the situation. once again shibekina was under neo-nazi artillery fire, cluster munitions fell on residential areas, there were numerous traces of explosions on the ground, residents who came under fire were recovering from shock. the children and i went into the store here, cotton began to come out, we heard a woman in the store scream, help, they threw her there, there to help her out, while they bandaged her, i come out here, my father is here in blood.
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yes, well, there are holes in the blinds, but there is no such strong blow. i stood at the window and saw how our car was bombed, i grabbed my husband’s hand in the distance, and this is where this whole thing began. a large number of cars were cut by shrapnel. the body of many was literally littered with holes; cassettes were torn apart nearby. after an inspection of the area by self-defense fighters, several unexploded submunitions were found. it is very difficult in dense thickets of grass. examine the dark gray cylinder and detect it it’s possible just by the presence of such a tape, well, it’s already from spent ammunition, so it’s torn and dirty, but there it’s white and clean, but even then not always, when it hits the ground it can fly off , the bell itself will just lie in earth.
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the sappers who arrived at the scene once again examined the territory; it was decided not to remove all unexploded ordnance, but to liquidate it on the spot. also, the border areas are attacked almost non-stop by drones, one person was killed, several more were injured injuries. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov, conduct the belgorod region. advertisers have disappeared, employees of commercial departments have been fired, all projects have been dispersed, complaints about the agent of elizaveta osetinskaya about the plight of the so-called free media, from among those whose editorial offices have long been located outside of russia. in an interview with an undesirable organization, foreign agent meduza admitted that readers are not too willing to chip in for the existence of russophobic media. donations are no more than 15% of the budget, but the rest of the expenses are covered grants. it’s surprising that from... osetinskaya
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predicts that media in the battle for feeders will be reduced and optimized, and some projects will die, well, as an example, a publication for which a funeral march was played, they cite startups for the agent ilosilshchik called support service, which has officially closed due to a lack of money, however, as our colleagues from...artya found out , hundreds of thousands of euros were actually left in his accounts, and the most interesting thing is that formally the project was created for charitable purposes, but they could not receive support from it at all peaceful ukrainians, who exactly - evgenia nipot will explain, evgeniy, greetings, hello, alexey, there is a suspicion that this is a feeding trough for the armed forces of ukraine, precisely disguised as a charity project. latvian brainchild of foreign agent and defendant runaway iliya the dyer, support service. the baltic fund, which founded it, is recognized as an undesirable organization in russia. the support service
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of the armed forces of ukraine, although its inspirer, in a hurry to be known as a philanthropist, announced that the media was created to provide assistance from legal to psychological, counted on its existence at the expense of readers sponsors. and in may, the mower operator announced that his service was dying due to acute grant-donation insufficiency, but artie’s authors, having studied the financial documents of the organization, came to the conclusion: a patient with a high share is likely. feigns a seizure. according to the financial report, in 2022 the organization received 785 thousand euros in donations. at that average annual rate, this is more than 55 million rubles. the total costs amounted to 24,500 euros. apparently, 5 was spent on salaries. and almost 18 on some other expenses. that is, the organization had more than 760 thousand euros left over the year. he stated that he helped funds, he helped specifically individual citizens of ukraine who suffered some kind of
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health problems there or lost their housing, that is, but all this is not documented in any way, these are beautiful stories that he published in his telegram. channel, and yet he himself talked about it and published in his telegram channel that out of the entire total amount of income for 2 years, they sent only half a million euros to ukraine. the most important donors for the foreign agent dyer... were the so-called baltic media center mother of the generous the donors were classified, including those who sent their money from britain, where the inagent khodorkovsky is based; the dyer, according to some sources , was previously associated with his projects; in just 2 years of activity , approximately 2,260 thousand euros were received into the accounts of the undesirable organization, the support service , taking into account the total costs for 2022 and 23, the remainder amounted to...
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support cannot be ruled out, given that the dyer literally publishes newspaper ducks, this one, for example, was also listed as a russian victim. that is, we are plus and minus them we add it up and we see that on the one hand it says that there is no money, on the other hand we see that there is actually money, hence the question arises, where is the money? apparently, part of these funds could actually go to finance the armed forces of ukraine, or even worse, as in the style of our liberals, this money was simply stolen and stuffed into the pockets of the dyer himself and his associates. business project by, that is, who is familiar with many figures of the opposition... movement, the so-called, and i think that he simply created for himself personally, this project, in order to receive
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some grants for it, live off of it, and pretend to be such a philanthropist, apparently it didn’t work out for a long time, the agential essence of the dyer betrayed the stigma in the trans-ukrainian fluff. evgeniya nipaty, donations for terrorists. in poland today they celebrate, so they prefer to either turn over the tragic page as quickly as possible or completely rewrite it.
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massacres took place on july 11, these events still remain the subject of political bargaining between warsaw and kiev, that year under after public pressure, 6 years later, the authorities agreed on the installation of a monument, which even at the sketch stage was called shocking, creepy and provocative, in the center of the composition, a child impaled on a trident, on the wings of an eagle, the name of the villages destroyed by the nationalists. on july 14, in a small village in podkarpackie, a monument that no one wanted will be unveiled in domostovo, which will shout the truth about the volyn massacre. young ukrainian, you certainly don’t know how many troubles there are in the belief that memory and crimes, a tribute to their victims worthy perpetuation is important for partnership, good neighborly and friendly relations between poland and ukraine. in recent years, ukrainian historians have been calling the volyn massacre a peasant revolt, and
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they are not going to abandon nationalist heroes. it has already been agreed that the poles were destroyed either by bandits or by communists, and warsaw greatly overestimates the participation in the tragedy... of the banderaites. the government of donald tusk is most concerned about its silence about the volyn crime. more than 120.000 poles killed by ukrainian nationalists still lie in death pits in unknown places. they have no graves, no crosses. this is the 81st anniversary of the upa genocide committed against the poles in 1939-1947 on the territory of volyn and southeastern poland. didn't escape the journalist. and the fact that 3 days before the anniversary vladimir zelensky did not do this to polish politicians is already a scandal, the prime minister and the president would prefer to sweep this issue under the carpet and not spoil relations with kiev, whose hands have to fight with russia, for the official warsaw has problems more pressing than the memory of the unburied dead. natalya solovyova, olga panomaryova and ekaterina shamaeva, lead.
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extinguishes. fights heartburn, pain and heaviness due to increased acidity in the stomach. active from the first minutes. and the ass is extinguished by training, how cool are you, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 18%, vtb, together everything will work out, i live in dubai and spend a lot of money, and we have this one with the ukrainians sora, now let’s blow it out of this trumpet, or from this one... so, the newly minted bloggers from dubai are unlikely to even realize that our people turned out to be more interested in looking not at the glamorous life at someone else’s expense, but like captured american ones. arter will become a guinea pig for two machine guns - browning and soviet dshk. it was just such an experiment that a military blogger with the nickname large-caliber caused a stir, and the working
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materials, as is already clear, have now turned into a popular meme. and more about creativity from the front line, which spread across the media and public pages in a matter of hours. at first glance, this is a very simple video. a field, several fighters in ammunition are walking along the road, and they are also singing, so here is the main sound that evgeniy petrukhin will turn on for us at full blast. evgenia, good evening. hello alexey! what are they singing? do they sing fairy tale songs and how do they sing? this is how the voice of the winners sounds, here they are, those to whom the whole of russia is already singing along, with aka 744 at the ready in bulletproof vests and helmets returning from a combat mission, but how can one not sing with one’s comrades, how can one not remember one’s cossack grandfather? hey, cossacks, they galloped across the world, and if they had to, they would have done it again on their chests.
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people, real patriots of russia, they took us, put us in their cossack circle, one of the oldest cossacks sang a cossack song, everyone else began to sing along with him, and it was a shock for us, wow, what kind of steely people are these, what kind of heroes of the russian land, in these melodic intonations, that same love for scolding the horseman lives in them anyway then i will become a grandfather and... that means i will be a real cossack, this real cossack sings so that he is not even knocked down by a deafening volley of our cannon.
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