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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 9:00pm-9:18pm MSK

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sang a cossack song, everyone else began to sing along with him, and it was a shock for us, wow, what kind of steely people are these, what kind of heroes of the russian land, in these melodic intonations, that same love lives in them, scolding the horseman anyway, one day i will become a grandfather, which means i will be a real cossack, this real cossack sings so that he doesn’t even shoot him down, the suppressing salvo of our cannon is somewhere nearby. and on their chests, medals do not shine, on their chests they have st. george knizda. bravo, in orders and medals. so be it front path. songs from the times of the great patriotic war, the 155th marine brigade of the pacific fleet sings together with volunteers. and i. concert of yulia checherina in the zone
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for fighters of the east direction, how many people want to shoot a video on their phone so that they can watch it over and over again, the song has a sacred meaning for the brigade, as i was among the military from yakutia, they take out their national musical instruments and directly play by the fire, here is the feedback, the hero of russia with the call sign string vlad golovin at the concert of the singer utah in ryazan. gives to the artist the same red backpack with which he liberated mariupol, a priceless thing, apparently, it was yuta’s songs that golovin listened to in the most difficult moments, it was he who, with his soulful performance, launched a real flash mob of cossack songs, an evil fate, with a familiar ethos he walked in freedom, we are cossacks ... we galloped, and if we had to, we would
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have passed again, you’re on your chest, vladimir putin arrived at the palace and park ensemble of the nienbau arena in st. petersburg this evening. been there before. an important stage of large-scale reconstruction has been completed for visitors were shown the halls of a unique architectural monument with the heads of a number of foreign parliaments. more details in the report from the northern capital of alexei golovko. one of the most beautiful palaces in st. petersburg, tauride palace , welcomes guests from all over the world. here comes the motorcade of the speaker of the people's house of the parliament of india, mr. om birla. and then on the steps of the palace is the head of the foreign policy committee of the united federal council. emirates, so begins
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the brix parliamentary forum for representatives of the nine, most important for russian history place, it was here that the first tsarist state duma met, it was here that the congress of workers' and soldiers' deputies met, and here the constituent assembly tried to work, so through trial and error , russian parliamentarism was born, and now it has friends and partners all over the world. russia currently chairs brix, and the theme of this year's forum is the role of parliaments in strengthening. order according to their so-called rules. today they are trying to fix something that no one has seen, no one has discussed and no one has ever accepted, and such rules are written or adjusted, each time anew. this is a clear attempt to replace
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legitimate international law, an attempt to create a monopoly on the ultimate truth , and such a monopoly is destructive. russia appreciates the position of the brics countries on the ukrainian crisis. the largest states of the global south for the most part understand the reasons for the launch of a special military operation, but even with a neutral position , shouts from the west cannot be avoided. trade, blackmail. we see attempts to limit direct contacts legislators, which contradicts the principle of free inter-parliamentary cooperation, the sovereign right of official representatives of each state to defend its national interests, so now the importance and demand for collective work is increasing exponentially, speaker of ethiopia, chairman of the parliament.
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ideas were expressed in this today by maria zakharova, commenting on the us decision to place launchers for longer-range missiles in germany. deputy head of the russian foreign ministry sergei ribkov, speaking out on a similar topic, called the americans’ actions intimidation and guaranteed that moscow would give a military response without nerves or emotions. and why
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the german authorities agreed to turn their country into a testing ground for further escalation and what it will cost chancellor scholz - the head of our berlin bureau, mikhail antonov, found out.
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today it is known that the united states not only produces these missile systems, but has already brought them to europe for training, to denmark, and just recently it was announced that they are in the philippines, but it is unknown whether they took about 400 from there to europe pershing 2 missiles, then it caused a wave of protests, chancellor. kohl was forced to fly by helicopter from his office to parliament because it was impossible to travel by car. bohn street, then the capital of germany, was filled with a sea of ​​people. this was the peak of the cold war. there is a photograph of still curly-haired olaf scholz in the ranks of a pacifist demonstration.
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the chancellor lost his pacifism along with his hair. stationed by russia in europe. we must act this way and it is spelled out in the federal government's security strategy. american missiles, but will also continue to create their own medium-range complexes, there is already one suitable in terms of parameters, this is why i cannot imagine that any other president would refuse this decision, the german magazine der spiegel also has an explanation why washington is not under no circumstances, under any circumstances will people change their minds, this is because the confrontation with russia cannot be reversed, a new cold war has already begun and scholz is its soldier, well , he is not the only one, there are also party comrades. and german greens, finally divorced from their anti-war roots, and a lucid
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period, as germany's strategic program aims to develop its own long-range weapons. this is a good signal that should be explained to our population why we are doing this, because for many in the country this came as a surprise. many germans did not really expect or were mentally prepared for the fact that they would again be made a priority target for a nuclear strike. when scholz left for washington, he forgot warn compatriots about this. the issue will apparently have to be agreed upon with the bundestag. we are in a spiral of an arms race that is not making the world a safer place. the deployment of american missiles threatens our security, makes us a target and provokes further reaction from the east. scholz and his government should probably also prepare for the manifestation of mass discontent, which is sure to happen, especially in the east of the country, when the germans realize what role their own government and its american partners have prepared for them. but historical experience shows that... nothing. since the beginning of the year , more than 190,000
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russians have already signed a contract with the ministry of defense, such figures were reported to the ministry of defense today. as the department clarified, the rate of recruitment of volunteers in the interests of the joint group of troops is stable, about a thousand people per day. thus, the task set by the president to recruit military personnel this year is being fulfilled. stanislav vasilchenko will show you how selection points work. each of these men is here by choice. only at this selection point is the contract with defense personnel, military registration and enlistment office employees. during the conversation they fill out questionnaires, help prepare documents, according to the coordinator of the selection center alexandra, the average age of a volunteer is 3-40 years old, and sometimes it’s even surprising what areas these people come from, artists come, oddly enough, yes, creative professions come , maybe this is even necessary, for a person who is, after all , in a creative profession, his brain is a little different, and he sees something that he doesn’t see, maybe something happened,
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so at the allabino training ground near moscow, experienced military personnel are training instructors to
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counter small unmanned aircraft, hone their skills in shooting at moving objects, and also practice flying drones themselves. shooting classes are held at the troitsky training ground in the sakhalin region, soldiers practice assault operations, learn to work in a team, and the most striking and interesting works of oriental masters from the collection of the national museum were brought to russia. jewelry, costumes, daggers, belts.
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apparently, in the fabric, right there on every men believed that silver would give them the strength of luck in battle, but women embroidered their clothes, primarily for aesthetic reasons. well , this triangular pendant has a hook that caught, apparently, on the fabric, and thus it is quite difficult to remove the decorations , they were very interesting, these lower
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trousers, the thing is that this embroidery is a beautiful fabric. these are the only ones preserved throughout the east, even here in the 14th century, these were such wide trousers, which are very hygienic, easy, beauty is only at the bottom. omani women literally decorated themselves from head to toe, decor, shape, materials indicated marital status, level of well-being, and belonging to a specific clan or religious movement. in society, women often wore burka masks embroidered with gold and silver threads. this, for example, belonged to the princess of zanzibar. princess saida salma bint said al-busaidi, one of the sultan's thirty-six children, had everything but freedom. she fled the country with her lover, a german merchant, to germany, where she converted to christianity and wrote the memoirs of an arab princess, the first in the world autobiography of a famous arab woman.
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if india is known for spices.
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actions, next year, in honor of the fortieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, a reciprocal exhibition of the moscow kremlin museums will be held in the capital of oman, maskati. sofia sergieva, dmitry shestukhin, anton odarchenko.


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