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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:32pm MSK

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front-line songs from the times of the great patriotic war, the 155th marine brigade of the pacific fleet sings along with volunteers. and this is a concert by yulia checherina in the zone for fighters of the east direction. there are so many people who want to shoot a video on their phone so they can watch it over and over again. the song has a sacred meaning. the song serves as a kind of psychological relief for the fighter. who said that you have to give up singing in a war after a battle? the heart asks.
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if they had to go through it again, on their chests, then the medals on their chests don’t shine five children were wounded in shibeikina as a result of shelling by the armed forces of ukraine, two of them are in serious condition, the governor of the belgorod region reported.
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the youngest of the victims is only 8 years old. the broadcast will continue with the documentary volyn 43. genocide for the glory of ukraine, about one of the bloodiest crimes of the ukrainian nazis during the second world war. nuremberg tribunal. head of the second sabotage.
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from the testimony of an arrested member of the organization of ukrainian nationalists. in the summer of 1943, i really, being armed with a rifle in in the village of svichovo, vodnovsky district, together with bandits of the ukrainian nationalist organization, participated in the mass murder of citizens of polish nationality. an aunt was stabbed to death under the bed with a pitchfork, and a child of less than 2 years old was pinned right in the cradle.
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volyn is a special territory in ukraine, a territory that is always under the control of opposing forces, in one way or another, because whoever did not unharness in volyn,
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during the time of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, then the cossacks during the uprising of bohdan khmelnitsky. apart from the poles, the majority of people were ukrainians.
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only the complete expulsion of all occupiers from ukrainian lands will create opportunities for the broad development of the ukrainian nation, which will cover all ukrainian ethnographic territories. there were ukrainians who were supposed to own this territory, everyone else was called such a ukrainian term as strangers, that is, strangers who were divided into acceptable strangers and non-acceptable ones.
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aun's leadership, which had very good connections with the abwehr, was informed about the preparation of barbarossa's plan, they developed instructions, which were called fight and aun’s activities during the war, it was a huge brochure, probably 100 pages long
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. this is a rather complex process, starting with the spring of nations, with the first conflicts, the rusins ​​and the poles, which were part of austria-hungary. in addition, the versailles agreement was very unfortunate for the ukrainians, since it deprived them of the right to self-determination.
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and such childish actions as the mass closure of churches in western ukraine, they, of course, played a role in...
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death to the borogs, glory to ukraine, heroes, glory, was the main idea of ​​bendery, in a primitive it’s still difficult to keep a lot of sensations in your head, somehow everything is very simple, but everything is black and white, these, now these bad ones, we are destroying them, that is, there is not even space to place someone else, but there are some... then other nations, one has only to step
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on this quest. when a person is assessed by the type of tribe, and another is rejected as a stranger, that’s it, that is , genocide will always loom ahead, bandera’s men from my family killed 16 people, they killed one old man who lived in the village and was going to the mill, bandara's men captured him in the field along with his daughter. they, of course, knew who he was, because these were all local residents, they killed him, put his heart on a wire, drove around the surrounding villages and sang, poland had not yet died, that is, these were terrible things, his wife, his uncle, his daughter , his other two daughters and his mothers-in-law were killed, they found those who were hiding in
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outbuildings, they were taken out, their eyes were gouged out and they were thrown into a well alive, it’s hard to even imagine. the raid on polish settlements began with ukrainian nationalists surrounding the village, they set fire to the first ones from the edge of the house, all of them were covered with straw, so it was easy, immediately the cheers began to tighten the ring. sd punitive to restore order.
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at the same time, when they needed ukrainian nationalists, they worked with them; when they didn’t need them, they declared them bandits, partisans and anyone else, the ukrainian nationalists acted based on what the political situation was in the fall of '42 years, aoun's leadership realized. that soon the red army will go back, stalingrad has already happened, there have already been more or it's less clear what's going on. the idea was
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that at the time of the german retreat, and before the arrival of the red army, it would be possible to seize the territory to create a state that could receive the support of the western allies, and thus plans for creating an independent ukraine... could be brought to life. the head of the security service of the organization of ukrainian nationalists, nikolai lebed, told his fighters: we are not talking about tens or hundred thousand. we are talking about all poles , from old people to children. we need to rid our land of this once and for all. rumps. aun's fighters immediately responded with cleanliness. it takes a lot of blood for it to come.
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they drove them to the square and hacked them to death with axes, just imagine this picture when defenseless people, children, old people, women, men, are simply slaughtered in the square with axes and people do it. freud introduced the concept of narcissism of minimal differences. in theory we are very similar, poles, russians and ukrainians, we are close nations, we are neighbors, we could be friends, but if a person does not feel his
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borders, if a country does not feel his borders, if a nation does not feel its borders, and it needs, again, i repeat, to contrast itself with others, so as not to merge with them, and in order not to lose its self, its identity, it has to destroy its neighbors so that they do not confuse them in any way, well, so that there is no confusion, but this internal one. and confusion, of course, occurs within the nation itself. the nuremberg tribunal, from the testimony of abwehr employee erwin stolzer, during the retreat of german troops from ukraine, the canarises were personally instructed to during the continuation of the struggle and conduct of terror, official employees and officers remained specifically to lead the nationalist movement.
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11:31 pm
from march 25 to 26 of the year forty-three , a third of its inhabitants were burned and slaughtered, 182 people 25 to 26 march 4


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