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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 12, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
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it still strives for a new, different world, more just, a world without american domination, a world more equal, more so to speak, compromise, more open, ultimately, and it is russia that is building this world, because it is the events connected with the northern military district became a powerful impetus for that perestroika, which we see more and more clearly today, when a huge number of non-western countries are simply one after another...
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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, chasing views they change entire locations, it’s easy to do, change, we will expose all the fakes.
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everything is as usual, everything is as usual, washington, a meeting between a grandfather and his grandson, the grandson asks, the grandfather does not understand who it is, just in case he says: yes, maybe stop, leave, ways, and most importantly, the grandfather is used to it, but the grandfather is already. .. raised by his son, he’s used to the demands of drug addicts, knows how to communicate with them, so he feels in such a pleasant family environment, all the more likely the hunter told the expired man where the path was hidden, they found just cocaine in the white house, like no one “i don’t know who could have left the cocaine,” said hunter and played beathovin with both nostrils, but now the next musician has appeared who can perform something different with both nostrils, so i’m in general.
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they cried to one hunter who was already in jail, apparently, well, at least there is a guilty verdict, the second one may not live to get here, with such rhetoric, he may not live to live, i wonder, yes, how he lied four times yesterday, oh, there many times, no, well, just in one phrase sasha kotset very accurately noticed when he talked about how terrible the russians dealt a terrible blow to this hospital, which i can’t pronounce correctly, ahmad, protect motherhood and childhood ahmad. yes, a terrible abbreviation, i thought it was the name of some indian entrepreneur who invested money, well , i just thought that okay, when you ask a simple question, how many children died in this hospital, then there is no answer to this,
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by the way, how many high-ranking foreigners and ukrainian military personnel died after being hit because it turned out that somewhere at the plant? six missiles arrived one after the other one, there was a heavily fortified bunker, and right there cipher messages were scattered, to inform relatives that the general would not return, now we will watch how yet another high-ranking nato generals went alone to the mountains, someone in the hotel suddenly died, but so what -that is, now everything will start as usual, yes, well, see you with grandpa. zelensky met with british prime minister keir starmer, and what’s good about great britain is that you don’t even have to remember the names of the next idiots, that is, this is a consumable material at such a speed, moreover, this is a country in which there is no democracy, vladimir vladimirovich conducted a brilliant study, i am a fan, i
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subscribe to the vladimirovich telegram channel, there is a brilliant study, so that it is clear why, well, usually democracy - it is one voter, one vote, that is, as one of the most traditional forms, proving the equality of all. both before the law and in the electoral field, but not in great britain, where you can simply have one seat in the duma, for one party, for example, this weighs 800 thousand votes, as in the case of the reform party, for example, for shinfein 4000 votes, and no one bothers, but these people teach us how to live, and starmer says, you have the green light, let our missiles that hit russian military targets arrive to the british, no question. you just need to be sure that when the radioactive wave passes over the top of bigben, so that later you can put a mark on the maps somewhere, so that when our ships wander around what used to be small britain, so that they don’t touch, that is, you just need to clearly
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we knew that it was here, but again, according to our good tradition, we, as always, will give 3 days to residents of great britain, so that 3 days is normally enough to leave the island. air defense, shells, by the end of the year, perhaps, everything will be transferred, but it is not clear to whom, because by this moment, perhaps, israel will already need it, and maybe taiwan, so whoever gets it, whoever needs it, will get it, moreover, at what prices, this is a completely separate topic, but kiev is no stranger to sitting
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and waiting, the question is by the end of the year, how many people will be left who can wait for something, because well, you and i understand well, the f-16 is already in romania, romania, apparently, is the chosen country. decommissioning, because we said that where these planes are located, we will attack, we don’t care if they are in a nato country, big deal, well, it’s clear that everything is heading towards war with nato, so, as vladimir vladimirovich says, if a fight is inevitable, you need to hit first, and i would like to note that if you hit first, it’s better to immediately knock out, and not hang up honors, it’s better to immediately be very creepy, and kuleba, by the way, demands to gather all the patriots there are and bring them to ukraine. for what? well , they’ve already crushed a wild number of petriets, and judging by the attack on kiev, how it was repelled, if they don’t want civilians to die, they shouldn’t be given any anti-aircraft systems at all, and especially in what condition they are, who controls them , these
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must be well-coordinated crews, apparently, here is the data that the svr gave, how many frenchmen have already died, who were quietly driven there, well, it is clear that there are also a lot of deaths all these crews. who service western equipment, well, there are also no bad ones, this is not some colombian mercenary, this must be an expert in these matters, these are usually americans.
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who will give everything, well, who, all at once, who agreed, from whom to expect a setup, who has already prepared the poison, now, who will, just looks around and thinks, after all, the inner circle, ermak, and you are a brute, sold out to the bolsheviks, that is, who who else? poroshenko will not be able to only
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if he spits saliva, but in any case they choose, choose, it’s difficult, the situation is the front knows which one, we are pressing, they are trying to recruit people as much as possible, it has come to the point that the terrorist fighters are already being killed, their cars are being burned, more will be killed, and the problem is that... they do not have time to prepare a shift, because the number of losses has sharply increased, there , 2,500 people die a day, these are unwounded, 2,500 ukrainians die at the front, so the question is, who will fight? well, we know who will fight, those who are now in the west , under the guise of ukrainians, will be herded into the legions, well, this is also before the first serious flight, this sitting at home on the couch. it’s easy to fight while looking at tv, but no, no, it’s not joyful,
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well, retired us air force general charles carcaran, he even has an idea of ​​who will go to fight, the boundary line on which everything balances, it’s not to have servicemen and women in combat against russia because that's a red line, but i think that the contractors on site that are doing maintenance on the f16, patriot, i think we'll definitely see that. i think that's good. as for the f-16 pilots, i haven’t heard anything in this sense. i think the red line is to send active military personnel, military personnel in the forum to other countries. i don't think you'll see this from the united states, nato, or other partners. i don't know if there will be any decisions regarding individual citizens who are retired or former military who want to do this on a contract basis. i think this needs to be talked about. well, we’ll kill americans, what difference does it make to us, i’ll ask you all
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to remember the words of peter tolstoy, we’ll kill you all, i just want you to understand this, it sounds cruel, terrible, sad, but this is what our grandfathers, great-grandfathers and great-great-grandfathers said, whoever comes to us with a sword will die, americans, french, yangs, germans, colombians, we will kill you all, this is our land, you are not here place, if you want to come to us in peace, no question, you want our deaths, read the russian classics, everything is described there, everything is described there, aristovich. who was forced to read russian classics, more or less understands this.
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ukraine's security problem cannot be solved by the level of assistance available west. that is, the degree of western involvement in this conflict does not solve the problem of ukraine’s security. not in the air defense zone, not in the zone of combat there on land, at sea, in the air, and so on. this is not enough. not enough. there is no chance that they will transfer enough. because the west simply doesn’t have it, more or less it will appear by the next summer of 2025, the industry will start to do something, and so on and so forth, but the question is what price will we pay.
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allows their upbringing, education, to comment in those colorful words that deserve all these reports about the visits of the ukraführer, who is overdue, about his meetings, about new agreements, about arms supplies, statements that come from washington, statements that come from the pentagon, because to say that the pentagon’s desire to deploy medium-small missiles ranges in germany is the rhetoric of the cold war, but this is to say nothing, there is no cold war, during the cold war, like... which the soviet union brilliantly withstood, our civilians did not die from nato weapons, not fired at our territories, our best guys did not die, and weapons, ammunition, shells, missiles that are flying towards us today on our territory were not delivered against us in such quantities, so we must call everything in our own words, the hot stage of the war has been going on for a long time, the west they are drawn headlong into this, all
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the talk about the peace process, about negotiations, about some kind of summits, where they are torturing us... to drag us, this is all a deception, this is all a deceit that has long been clear, they just want to fool us again, disguise their predatory interests in relation to russia and give a little time again to this ukrainian ukrainian regime to feed itself with ammunition, which is what is happening now, well, the statement that the european union will begin to modernize military supply lines on the border of the lviv region, is this what a cold war, what a cold one war, what are you, what are we...
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and there, of course, on the beaches, here is the sunny beach, akhmatovo beach, where this park is located, shelling is going on, i was surprised by two things, to be honest, well, it’s clear that when you you hear an arrival, you understand that this is an arrival, here is a weak siren, weak, comrades, we ask you to proceed, citizens vacationing there and there, one single announcement
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on the beach in a cafe, stalls, cafes, in case of an air raid, you can take refuge with us and it’s unclear , is this some kind of advertising, right? we have a cafe, and here there is a plastic building, but when you see women, who, as it seemed, are just women from donbass, she runs with her grandson at breakneck speed from this siren, and you understand that the arrivals are coming, i understand it’s the season, vacationers all want to go to the sea, some people don’t react at all, sit in the sea, despite the tragedy that happened when our children died on the beach , peaceful people, some people are running like this, but there’s nowhere to hide , well, this can be easily solved, the experience of belgorod suggested it.
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this is effective, it saves life, this must be done, because in order not to stop this holiday season, now is the beach season, we need to do this, guys, so i appeal to the governor of sevastopol, i encourage you, well, do it, why, well, this is really terribly dangerous, well, mikhail is a smart man, he’s smart, he’ll do it, i think he’ll do it, maybe he just doesn’t see, he doesn’t know , he can’t get his hands on it, what do i want to say when they shoot at civilians vacationing at sea on the beach, well, that’s what you mean these are military facilities, these are the ukrainians who said this to the nazis, and again the ukrainian. this is a specific, not offensive, but a term for a ukranazi, that is, this does not need to be attributed to the ukrainian people, but speaking about peace talks about peace in general, you said it correctly, can we?
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this is not only 150 million russians, but what about 1.5 billion chinese, several tens of millions of large koreans, iranians, well, just to give
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you an understanding, these cranky fagots won’t be able to outlast us, that’s for sure, but the sooner the better, it won’t work out, and why do i say it won’t be possible to outlast us, mind you, but they all say this, but where did the americans win, in which country? and most importantly, who says this? in a few months they may all be unemployed, but stoltenberg is already getting a knee in the ass, and i don’t know, of course, if i were jill biden, i would still tense up, but yesterday what biden said, but what? well, well, well, how could you do this to stoltner’s wife, this is a public scandal for the whole world, it’s probably decent to take women like that. and oslava, and his own wife, how awkward, somehow, awkward, what can you blame him for when he arrives, he immediately said about trump himself, yes, hop, they really upset me, wayneton’s wife,
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very much, i thought that she the only one who can go to heaven from this family, but it seems no, it seems no, no, it seems not, you know, well, you’re talking about one and a half billion chinese, you know, i believe that yesterday was a certain turning point, in fact, for ukraine, that is, yes... no, that is, in this regard, yes, this agreement with luxembourg, i think it will really make such a decisive change, but at the same time, jokes aside, yes, but
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sekorsky yesterday, while in america, solemnly, radok sekorsky, the minister of foreign affairs of poland, joyfully announced that the ukrainian legion is already in full swing, and that thousands of ukrainians have already expressed a desire to train, sekorsky said, but he the famous balabol, of course, you know. but i became interested, i got involved, well, because, well, 2 days ago they announced the creation of this ukrainian legion, and it’s already in full swing, according to this minister, and got into the polish press, well, because they can suddenly collect thousands like that people, the queues should form naturally, but in the polish press no one says anything, just yesterday the polish-lithuanian commonwealth newspaper wrote that there are hundreds, yesterday there were hundreds, yes - hundreds of willing, interested ukrainians, yes, the conditions, yes, but at the same time, warsaw is still asking for money from the european union to finance,
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create, train this legion, and sekorwsky is already reporting, i just want to remind you, this is the same one who, you remember, signed guarantees for yanukovych, this is the same one who first after the maidan in kiev, he stated that putin stopped yanukovych from shooting the maidan, literally... six months later, he had already forgotten what he said, he said, it was putin who ordered yanukovych to shoot, he, therefore, resisted, well, that is, the person’s testimony changes depending on mood, this is the one that, remember, he wrote thanks to the usa after blowing up the northern streams, which means, and then modestly deleted, deleted this post, because it turns out that he burned the americans, but yesterday he also said great things, he says, here we are celebrating the seventy-fifth anniversary of nato,
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this entire summit, you said, zelensky lied there several times, yes, essentially the entire summit - you know, such a bunch of petty swindlers,
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we will... take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. who are you? i am a traveler, aeronaut, jean ivan! and so we go out, what a fairy tale without ivan, what began, without deception and without flint, don’t go imprisoned me, a self-written pen, magic ink, you’ll get it, you’re the main thing, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanical,
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without traveling , where you fool want to go, where you need to, i can’t live , that’s what my name is, because i’m taking it to the wrong place, flint, he doesn’t need a feather, whoever has a hug in his pocket, soon! welcome to asia, the heart of the continent beats here, if everything looks like the wild west,
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then there is only one law. competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. the first state radio in russia, more than 100 programs for 130 million listeners, on the air around the clock. moscow listens to radio russia, now on 101.5 fm. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia,
4:00 am
russia, russia. for example, zelensky has already been reporting for 2 days, one of the results, the main results of nato, we agreed, five systems. for ukraine to knock out, excuse me, even a russophobe, a cliched russophobe, yulia röbki from beld, that means he writes, wait, he showed it point by point, but these are all those systems that, firstly, there is already one in ukraine, german, already it stands there, that is, this is not an agreement within the framework of the nato summit, but four - these are those that he described month by month, when they were already signed, promised, and says, well...


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