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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 12, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24, for example.
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described it when they had already been signed, promised, and said, well, nothing, that is, you, he called them cheaters, and those, uh, scammers, they say, why lie when you can already easily refute, in this regard, according to in fact, every similar statement, for example, you mentioned, yes, kirstarmer gave the go-ahead for striking deep into russia, thank you britain, finally, and i see, it’s diverging according to the press, on the front page of the times today, uh, this message, finally... ukraine got it, well, listen, okay, zelensky, he has a memory like an aquarium fish, but i looked, yes, those the same times, the same british newspapers wrote about how first the sunok, then the cameron, in the spring of this year they stated the same thing, they had already forgotten by the skin, yes, that in general they had already done nothing new and of course these were flight missions just foreigners, in this regard, of course, that’s essentially what this whole nato summit turned into, because what
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all this time we have been studying how to formulate for ukraine what was already promised at the last vilnius summit, then it was written down in black and white: the future of ukraine in nato, today i am reading the final communication of the summit, here is word for word, the future of ukraine in nato, well plus they added irreversibility, which means further, so i want to remind you, last year the same zelensky, remember, shouted, it’s... absurd that the nato summit did not set specific dates for the deadline, now it seems to be the same, but he seems happy , that's actually how they are them, grandfather danced this strange deceitful girl, well, nothing, nothing, advertising, doctors are doing everything possible to save children wounded during the shelling of the ukrainian armed forces shibeikin, the head of the regional ministry of health stated this, in total five were injured due to the attack of the ukrainian drone. two of them are in serious
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condition and are undergoing surgery. the ukrainian nazis deliberately dropped explosives directly into the courtyard onto the site. the youngest of the boys is only 8 years old. according to the official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova, kiev committed a deliberate terrorist attack against children. all the latest information from the belgorod region from our correspondent alexander korobov. the day was quite difficult for the belgorod region, especially for the border area, with one death and 29 civilians. were injured, ukrainian armed forces continue to strike and use various weapons. during the day, the city of shibekina came under artillery fire several times. ukrainian militants fired cluster munitions into an elderly neighborhood. the enemy also actively uses drones, they hit residential buildings and cars of residents, and now even playgrounds. in the evening, in one of
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the shibekinsky courtyards, a drone dropped ammunition on children playing there. five guys who were on the site at the time of the attack received various injuries. two of them in serious condition are transported by ambulance teams to the children's regional clinical hospital. doctors from the shibekinsky central district hospital provided first aid to three. i was at home, there was a strong bang, then i jumped out onto the balcony, heard a child scream, ran out, saw a boy, they started.
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everything you need to give rebuff the west and destroy its plans to inflict strategic defeat on our country. dmitry peskov said this in a conversation with the author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program, pavel zarubin, this evening. at the same time , the president's press secretary urged not to relax, given the fact that the behavior of unfriendly countries is becoming more and more similar to their own cold war policies. news, comments and statements continue to come in regarding us plans to deploy long-range missiles in germany. scholz called this solution very good, but the white house claims that the deployment of american long-range weapons in germany is purely defensive in nature. well, we are taking confident steps towards the cold war, all this has already happened, the same germany, usa, france, great britain are directly involved in the conflict around ukraine. and all the attributes of the cold
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war are returning with confrontation, with direct confrontation. all this is being done in order to suppress our country. all this is being done to... to ensure our strategic defeat on the battlefield, we are everything must be taken into account, this is not a reason for pessimism, on the contrary, this is a reason to get together, use all of our rich potential that we have, and fulfill all the goals that we set for ourselves during a special military operation. the leaders of 21 countries, on the sidelines of the nato summit , adopted a package of initiatives to support ukraine to speed up military supplies, as the media specify. great britain, germany, the usa, france, japan, their allies intend to develop a roadmap for the development of the armed forces of ukraine until 2027 within six months
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and later. as for the immediate future, joe biden, at a meeting with the ukrainian leader in washington, announced a new military package on paper. assistance for kiev for 225 million dollars, according to official documents, it will include one patriot battery, ammunition for nasa missile systems, stinger missiles, ammunition for hymars, anti-tank systems, including jevelin and artillery ammunition. in addition, biden promised the guest from kiev to reach an agreement with nato allies to provide ukraine with f-16 flights this summer. obviously, the rush is related to the autumn elections in the united states, where the chances of the elderly biden are declining. day of the day. in st. petersburg, vladimir putin spoke at the plenary session of the tenth anniversary brix parliamentary forum. 400 participants from 16 countries take part in it. during his speech, the head of state paid special attention to the topic of the formation of a multipolar world,
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as well as collective work in this direction within the framework of brix. dear ones, the efforts of the brix members and other developing countries are making progress. and such rules are written or adjusted each time anew, for each situation in the interests of those who consider themselves exceptional and have arrogated to themselves the right to dictate their will to others, right in the best
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traditions of classical colonialism. this is a clear attempt to replace legitimate international law, an attempt to create.
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exponents of their political, national will, acutely feel the genuine demands, the mood of the needs of millions, and one can say without exaggeration: billions of people on our planet. in st. petersburg, vladimir putin also visited the palace and park raanbaum complex. on the southern shore of the gulf of finland, the president got acquainted with the results of the completed restoration work. the head of state was accompanied by the minister of culture, olga lyubimova, governor of st. petersburg alexander beglov and chairman of the paogazprom directorate alexey miller. the tour of the restored architectural monument began with a visit to the kotalnaya gorka pavilion. also, defensively. baume, concluding a working trip to the northern capital, vladimir putin met with the governor
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of st. petersburg, alexander beglov. in the focus was on the socio-economic situation in the region. first of all, i wanted to say words of gratitude from working pensioners. we have 1.5 million people, of which, imagine, 400,000 are working. and this includes working pensioners and residents with disabilities, which means this is good. decision, thank you very much, we didn’t ask you to give them to us, the decision was long overdue, and everything needed to be put in order, this is a fair decision, which people have been talking about for a long time, it has been studied for a long time, the government, well it’s good that it was in st. petersburg that we returned to this again and made a final decision, after... the armed forces of ukraine, a forest fire near energodar flared up with renewed vigor. now all local services are engaged in extinguishing it.
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according to the ministry of emergency situations of the zaporozhye region, more than 10 hectares of territory were engulfed in fire. the whole city is fighting the flames. about how ukrainian militants again tried to intimidate people whom a common misfortune had only united. in the material of egor grigoriev. energodar was enveloped in acrid dark gray smoke. his pillars rise above residential buildings, the forest is burning on the outskirts of the city. yes, after yesterday’s shelling by the ukrainian armed forces, fires are raging, people are asked to close their windows, drive their cars as far as possible from the fires. the wind blew, everything started to burn quite strongly and quickly, and more crews arrived, everyone took part in putting out the fire, and i even saw the mayor dragging a hydrant. and the mayor, in the footage, he is in a blue t-shirt, and utility workers , of course, firefighters and rescuers are helping to extinguish the fire throughout the city. the overall supply system that supplies the city, now we take hydrants directly from there, just
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like the ganders of the nuclear power plant, we refuel from there, tens of hectares of vegetation are on fire, this arson on the part of vysu is intentional, the militants attacked critical infrastructure facilities, including the city water intake. the method of terror is a psychological impact on the civilian population, attacks on power supply facilities, water intakes, arson by drones in the forest around the city, everything is directed. to panic among workers ensuring safe operation of zaporozhye npp. there is no threat to the station itself; it is operating normally, its units are in cold shutdown mode. having no success on the battlefield, ukrainian terrorists are trying to take revenge on the civilian residents of energodar throughout the zaporozhye region, russian city and region. but the opposite goal was achieved, people rallied and gave a tough rebuff to the fire and the enemy. egor grigoriev, khalit tankiev, olga. proknova. news. former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, who disappeared after being fired
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from the information field, was found in london and announced that he was starting work as ukraine's ambassador to the uk. actually, announcements about the new diplomatic career of the former commander-in-chief appeared back in march, but with a tinge of doubt. as the media wrote, the ukrainian ministry of defense was postponing the future ambassador’s business trip so that the former ambassador could improve his english. let me remind you, from the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, despite his popularity among the population. zaluzhny was fired in february of this year; as the media wrote, the military leader could compete with zelensky in the march presidential elections, which were eventually cancelled. in addition, the military experts suggested that this was an attempt to blame the failure of the counteroffensive on the outgoing zaluzhny. in serpukhov near moscow , a massive accident occurred on the m2 highway. the truck collided with 14 cars that were stuck in a traffic jam. the police are investigating the circumstances of the accident. the ministry of internal affairs reported that there were no casualties in the accident, cases of children falling from
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windows have become more frequent in the capital region, the sad statistics were influenced by the heat, a child left unattended even for a short time can climb onto a windowsill and end up at an open window, and some parents naively believe that a mosquito net solves this problem, about how to prevent tragedy in the report by anna balan. two-year-old abdurrahman is already in coma.
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why did you climb in? most often , the reason children fall from windows is a mosquito net. the name speaks for itself, it only protects against insects and is not designed for the weight of a child. they think that this is some kind of obstacle for them, yes, and it can withstand them, they lean on their elbows, the fasteners cannot withstand it. together with misha and maxim we are conducting an experiment. this is the most common
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mosquito net, as it should be, secured on all sides. misha just leaned against it, and she immediately flew out of the frame. and this is a different window and a different grid. now we will conduct an experiment with a reinforced mosquito net; here there is an anti-cat cloth rolled up, which can hold more than 20 kg, but it could not stand the schoolchild. in the first days of july alone, about two dozen babies fell out of open windows, and alarming reports continue to arrive from different regions. in irkutsk , a little boy was barely saved after a fall. and when he kicked harder, and he... his hand was here and went there to his right side, and according to his own story, he directly fell from the fourth floor on the asphalt, an accident happened the other day in tver, his mother went into the room for a second and he got to the window sill and fell two fatal falls at once on this week in moscow on
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novy peschanaya street on union avenue. it is known that at the time of the tragedy the boy was in the apartment... together with his mother, but while she went into the next room, the child climbed onto the windowsill along with the mosquito net and fell out of the second to last window eleventh floor. the moscow prosecutor's office reminds you not to leave your child unattended in a room where the window is open, or there is even the slightest chance that the child can open it on his own. a mosquito net will not protect your baby from falling. do not place furniture near windows, and do not neglect means of blocking. these are the carbines my husband installed. 10 years ago , after the birth of my third child, this carabiner can only be opened by an adult, it may be ugly, but it is reliable, it can be installed on windows and special modern locks or cables, they cost like a cup of coffee, 200-300 rubles. it costs security. anna balan, andrey lapetus, veronika tarasova and marianna pepanyan, lead. vladimir, yes, thank you. well
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, they started talking about peace negotiations, about a possible second summit there and other things, it is clear that, well, my deep conviction from my hillock is that there can be no peace negotiations before the end of this year, simply for the simple reason that uh well, obviously yes, they have no political there will be no will, no desire to find a compromise, that’s first of all, but secondly, regarding the same trump, thank you for always sobering up, but there are many optimists out there, yes, here’s our trump, practically there, well sometimes in this studio, yes, in others, so people say, that’s it, let’s speak there, well, trump, after all, is a spokesman for the interests of the real economy, yes, the real economy is the military-industrial complex, including, this is natural, earnings from the production of weapons , ammunition and other things, so to think that donald, who is not ours at all trump, yes, will say, well, that’s it, let’s have
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peace, of course, it’s also not worth it, who needs peace, well, i really don’t understand, well, we need peace, but we need it after our victory, of course. we need it at any cost, no, only through victory, yes, peace to us, no, not just victory, we need peace, which is where the conditions are clearly met, moreover, these conditions were formulated by the president in december of twenty-one, published, voiced and transmitted, yes , so every time we talk about something, what the world could be like when we still haven’t reached our equestrian borders, the occupied part of zaporozhye, the kherson region, the donetsk people's republic, what can we even talk about, so this is all chatter.
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to rush in order to show at least something for the elections, yes of course, well, taking into account the same conversations that our pranksters have already had and so on, where let’s go forward with the offensive, this is a fact, this is already being voiced, and here, by the way, these are the words first deputy secretary of defense of the united states kathleen hicks, yes, that we must accelerate the growth of our collective military-industrial potential in terms of output, that is, people are already clearly voiced, and voiced somewhere at a military-industrial forum within the framework of the nato summit, that is, not somewhere there and in front of you...
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or somewhere else, well, sorry, they screwed up in switzerland, we need to pretend that something now they are trying to portray and show something more serious, in this regard, to show, well, you remembered the french, but for me, as a southern russian person, the french theme is generally close, i’ll explain why, there’s a lot of cognacs and courvases and so on, fashionable, yes, well standing above, say, average, they are have always been prepared using south russian wine materials, it’s just under the threat of persecution and other things there, it was bought from the vineyards of not... the kherson region, well, but the owners of these vineyards themselves, naturally, lived, lived in the south russian regions, it went there,
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often even in the form of wine material, in my opinion , now we have simply torn the brains of the french completely apart, that is, that is, we have killed a french legend, and practically it is, but it is clear that i think not, but it’s not scary, that is, i think i won’t , i will not do advertising for this sewing workshop in zaporozhye on angolenka street, which lives. on the front and directly in the combat zone - yes, here is a screenshot clearly visible on the 27th february 27th, yes, that is
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, a direct publication that clearly tells how ukrainians from the french legion were released with full equipment and their salaries and other things were kept on vacation in they were given a vacation, yes, yes, on vacation, well, with a salary, you know what ’s interesting, then it turned out that some of the french legion of ukrainians had already left more how. now this photo, now again, yes, the third one, the third one from the left, you probably saw him, but this is the ukrainian one, the third one from the left, the sixth one, the seventh one, just such real gaps, and all the shatans, yaks, well, although there is a white storm , but there’s something a little too white, so it’s a bachu lad, that the shons moskal, as in the well-known version, so about the french, yes, we had a lot of them. we all remember the word sharomyzhnik, yes, that is, this is what we used all the time, as a derivative of the word cherami, yes, that is, as it were, my dear, my dear, and so on, they really hung around with us, asked for food, after
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the twelfth year, but in the southern russian steppes, there were a lot of them, no, absolutely seriously, these characters, no, even in the zaporozhye elite there was a person descendant these french, yes, and for some reason he was very proud of this, and he held a high position, well... back in the ukrainian independence years, yes, that is, well, now i think he would talk about how he loves russia, yes in fact, all my life i felt like a russian person, but seriously, south russian, but seriously, it’s clear that we’ll kill everyone, as i said correctly , peter, and tolstoy, god bless him, the main thing he said in french, so that they wouldn’t interpret it in any other way, yes, that he’s there i said something wrong, but now i want to raise a serious question when... we work for a long time, yes, this is a very important question, that is, not to react to every injection, to some action, but what do i mean , this week the fsb clearly showed that a lot of actions were documented
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try. on the hijacking of the tu-22 strategic bomber, that is, we understand perfectly well that this is not just some ukrainian special services, and what’s more, there is evidence that behind this were the special services of nato member countries, our strategic bomber, and nuclear and 2 million dollars, and sort of the amount for which they were supposed to buy it, but this is interesting, and if he had left with nuclear weapons by chance at the moment of landing, he would have dropped bombs with it, well, then probably at the airfield there, i don’t know poland there, we would accused. well, anyway they blamed it as a blow, but this is a series, remember, they stole it, so remember, there was a traitor, but there was defector viktor belenko, who in 1976 stole our new mik-25 to japan, then they tore everything off, the avionics other things, and this gave another jump to the western military, but this time the recruitment did not work out, because before that the scumbag who killed the crew members and hijacked our helicopter was found in spain with
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his head crushed by a car. stuffed with lead, by the way, works great, much better any, yes, better than any of this mutilation, so what am i saying, this bomber is the tip of the iceberg, of the actions that took place, let's remember how attempts are going to knock out russia's nuclear cheat, yes, well, enough - look at the same attacks on home airfields, that is, attempts at terrorist attacks on these airfields, attempts to strike an over-the-horizon radar container, that is, we understand that... it’s not just the ukrainian regime that has gone crazy and decided to hit nuclear facilities, no, they clearing the way for a nuclear strike nato, absolutely right, yes, that is , they will do it with their hands, so they will support, they will invest and will use as much as they want, and well, and once again the pirates of the black sea, the houthis of the azov coast, i don’t know , mexican insurgents or some scots or northern irish in the struggle for independence, why can’t we support these friendly forces of ours, which i am sure exist, well, this is
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the question that... responsible people must remember this expression and implement it, where, where is the result, no matter how much time has passed, the blood of the innocently killed calls to the man. all the customers responsible for this terrorist attack must be punished, now the italians were preparing documents regarding the attempted hijacking, so you can imagine that without the decision of the top leadership of italy, you could play like this, and how is the red army in italy doing, like the fighters for independence, i’m not talking about that, we saved bergomo italian covid patients, we helped them, we did for them...
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everything, this gratitude of this woman, this shame of the italian nation, this is everything that the italian political leadership is capable of is not the italian people, because sympathy for us there is higher than in many other european countries.
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