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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 12, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where i need to, i can’t live without travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, who has flint in your pocket, soon. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats, if everything looks like a wild one.
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a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside the competition of ideas and money, it happened in america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about the country, which is difficult to understand. hello, the legal program is on air , hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. a loud corruption scandal is breaking out in the ivanovo region. local media reports that two deputy chairmen of the regional government were detained. the heads of several departments were interrogated at the regional fsb department. according to journalists, among those detained is the deputy prime minister.
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head of the social sphere complex of the ivanovo region irina ermish and deputy prime minister and head of the regional development complex infrastructure sergey zobnin. there is no official information yet. according to unconfirmed reports, officials are suspected of exceeding official authority when executing contracts for certain repair work. within the next 48 hours, they must choose a preventive measure. the director of the department of culture , natalya trofimova, and the director of the department of education, olga antonova, were allegedly also interrogated by the fsb, but they were later released. this is far from the first scandal in the region; for example, in may a deputy was detained for a bribe of almost half a million rubles head of the city of ivanov alexei mikhailov. meanwhile, the region is at the very bottom of the ranking in terms of family well-being. 20 years in prison for black methadone, the culprit of mass drug poisoning in astrakhan heard a court verdict. in the operational footage , the man shows where he made the poison caches.
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and testifies: last fall, it was this citizen who replaced the drug with a more potent substance, as they stated then, miphidron was replaced with methadone. 19 people went to the hospital with symptoms severe poisoning with apis. three men and two girls died. a total of four suspects were detained. in relation to the remaining defendants, the criminal case has been separated into separate proceedings and is still being investigated. left sim cards for every taste and budget. voldy is a cop. caught a local resident who registered 200 new phone numbers every month using fictitious names and passport data, and then sold them via the internet to everyone, mainly to scammers, who then used them for fraud. how we found the seller in the material by alexander ostakhov. vologda region - the capture group rises to the desired floor without unnecessary noise. this time the bulgarian and sledgehammer were not needed. a minute in the hands of a swindler who, according to researchers, was selling gray sim cards. on
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the black market, handcuffs are snapped into place, having risen from the floor and signed documents, the young man conducts a kind of roortour for the security forces, the criminal business is surprising in scale, this is what approximately 6,000 sim cards look like, according to investigators, every month, a representative of a mobile operator registered at least 200 pieces using data from fictitious passports, and then sold them on the internet, sim cards, here they are, they are all valid, all working, as they say, he killed two birds with one stone... the plan i performed sales duties and provided myself with additional income. according to preliminary estimates, income from online sales could reach 100,000 rubles per month. it turns out that, de facto, the sim card exists and works, but in reality it does not exist. and it is extremely difficult to figure out who is using it. difficult task. this is what telephone scammers and other criminals who need anonymity take advantage of. they are the main target audience of such illegal goods. replacement numbers are carried out. and from
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representatives of the police, fsb, banks, various utility services, pension organizations, there are even fake numbers from relatives and acquaintances, acquaintances. who ask for money, extort, make threats to citizens using these fake sim cards, if the phirists, along with gray sim cards, receive anonymity, then the telecom market players are imaginary an increase in sales and subscriber base, but ordinary customers suffer, the sim card that you bought there somewhere in the transition, the left one, not registered with your passport data, it does not belong to you, everything that you are tied to this sim card, it is actually tied to that person or that organization that is the real owner. just a few years ago it was common to find such a picture in the passages of the capital’s train stations. dubious sellers offered to buy a sim card without documents without registration. any choice operator. there is no need to formalize anything. do not need anything. now the situation has changed. according to russian supervision agency. this year alone , more than 3 million subscribers have already been blocked. all
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this is a consequence of the tightening of the law. in particular, operators must verify users of already purchased sim cards. the data is incorrect and should be blocked. gray sim card is not. disappear completely, but inevitably reduces its market share. alexander ostakhov, lead the duty unit. in omsk , searches were carried out in one of the city's large car dealerships. its owner and employee they are suspected of pawning their clients’ cars for almost a year, selling them on credit to dummies, and taking the money for themselves. according to the investigation, more than 50 people lost their cars. the film crew, together with the police, attended the arrest from omsk. report by irina lotz. this morning , one of the people involved in the investigation had to wake up not at all to the sound of an alarm clock. ubp officers came to the girl’s apartment with searches. daria worked for several months at a car dealership, as a credit manager and very as it turned out, she communicated closely with
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the leaders. two men were detained back in april. during the search, investigators found letters from one of the detainees in the apartment. i agreed, he said that he would take care of everything. by the way, all their letters were there. darya carefully kept more than a dozen, the former boss wrote to her from the pre-trial detention center, then while under house arrest, but of course, more about personal things, and not about business, at least that’s what the girl says, and in general she knew nothing about deceived clients, i was actually on vacation at the time when this all six months, no, not six months, the situation was going on in september, it was for me, let’s say, i saw, well, yes, it comes, one came, the second came, meanwhile there lives a girl who knew nothing about her fraud...
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everything officially with stamps, but the car owners never saw their money, the scheme was simple, it amazed the operatives with its impudence, cars were taken from clients for sale, but they did not even plan to pay the money. for a long time, the defendants actually stole cars entrusted to them, and pawned them in pawn shops, they sold them using dummies, and embezzled the money from all illegal transactions. the car dealership worked in omsk for several months, now it is closed... 53 victims are already known, people have lost more than 80 million rubles. the now infamous car dealership itself looked, let’s say, not very presentable, just like this booth with signs, but such a modest appearance did not prevent them from attracting dozens of clients and earning millions of rubles.
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the director and employee of the car dealership were the first to be detained. the main mastermind of the fraudulent scheme is a citizen of kazakhstan, so the entire business was recorded on the sword. it is known that they planned to leave the country, but did not have time, now the investigation continues, as well as new arrests of economic security, hello, yes, no problem, this is another employee of victoria auto, also a manager, he was detained right at the new place work, in another car dealership, straight from the workplace, the young man went for interrogation. a criminal case was initiated under the article fraud committed by a group of persons in especially large size. irina lotse, ruslan khasanov, duty officer, omsk. the director spoke about the course towards transparency and the main principle of the investigative committee’s work. department alexander bastrykin during a meeting with the heads of regional divisions. the event was also attended by deputy chairman of the investigative committee sergei goryainov and acting head of the main military investigation department konstantin korpusov. we discussed issues of informing the population by telephone
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on social networks. head of department admitted that people, having not found support at the regional level, turn to the central office for help directly. this defect must be corrected. people should call, they probably call for a reason, trouble has happened, they need help, support, a solution, they need to react proactively. rescuers extinguished the fire on the ship, pulled drowning people out of the water, fought an oil spill,
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and used boats, boats, and even a helicopter. from kazan, reporting by alexandra mostova. the morning began for the meeting participants at the stadium centrally, members of the delegation have arrived here, at the moment they are inspecting modern equipment, our rescuers are demonstrating domestic development to their foreign colleagues. there is an abundance of rescue equipment at this exhibition. due to this, he mixes water and a foaming agent, resulting in high-density compression foam; dry foam can be produced here. how do you rate
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this car as a rescuer? she is very effective. this is the albatros m5 unmanned aerial system, also a domestic development, which, by the way, is actively used in combat zone. the device is able to determine the location of the enemy. the wingspan is 3.3 m. the complex is used in the northern military district zone; there are about 45-50 complexes on the civilian market in many places. this part contains a useful one.
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heights to assess the situation. foreign guests are impressed, they plan to learn from the experience of russian specialists. in an interview with our program, the plenipotentiary minister of the ethiopian embassy in russia talks about the prospects for cooperation. your machines are very powerful in their capabilities. i read a lot about the possibilities your emergency vehicles. are you interested in cooperation with russia through the ministry of emergency situations? of course, this is a good experience for us, we are interested in it. important statements are being made on the sidelines of a meeting of heads of emergency departments. the briggs countries are committed to fruitful cooperation within the ministry of emergency situations, and russia appreciates this support. this is the fifth
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meeting of the heads of emergency departments of the brix countries. this year we were joined by iran, saudi arabia, ethiopia, the united arab emirates and egypt. we are ready to work on joint standards for exchange information through the duty services. security development and a priority for the participants of the meeting in kazan. following the meeting. heads of emergency departments alexander kurenkov held a bilateral meeting with the head of the delegation of the united arab emirates, and the minister also discussed the prospects for cooperation with colleagues from china. alexander mostovay, sergey ukhvaryonok and sergey klinkov, lead the duty unit from the republic of tatarstan. several students of one of the gymnasiums of chelyabinsk. a group of boys bullied their peers, they were beaten, strangled, teased and intimidated. moreover, the teachers, according to the parents, turned a blind eye to what was happening, not wanting to go deeper into the conflict. what
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could the parents do? what to do and is it possible to protect your child if bullying starts in the class. report by vladimir bazov on this topic. learn not to be afraid of obstacles, a motivating slogan greets students of the twenty-sixth gymnasium of chelyabinsk. apparently, this call is taken too seriously here. literally. according to parents, several cases of bullying occurred at school. the mother of one of the students can barely contain herself. the boy hit her on the head with a bottle, but no one told me that my child had been hit, she went home alone, but the bullying did not stop there, she says. the woman, feeling impunity, the child continued to bully her classmate, the class teacher, a certified teacher, found no other way out than to arrange a confrontation, but did not notice and the bully hit the girl again, the result is another concussion, what do you think, the consequences of concussions, the teacher works, she doesn’t feel guilty, she bore absolutely no responsibility,
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the pdn inspector was not even too lazy to yell at me, you see, i didn’t bring it with me the second time. bleating child for examination. another victim, ten-year-old alina , endured bullying for 2 years. they caught her, tried to beat her, strangled her, intimidated her, both at school and on the street. the girl’s mother claims that the children in this gymnasium , contrary to the rules, divided the authority of the teacher by zero. that is they are already so greyhound, excuse the jargon, because they allow themselves to let their hands go in front of the teacher. alina herself told us about the teacher’s strange attempt to solve the problem. she took me to the library and said: alina. why are you telling your mom everything, there’s no need to get on your mom’s nerves, that ’s why you’re doing all this, they, the boys, haven’t done anything to you, alina’s class teacher is worried about his nerves , he’s hiding from the awkward questions of his parents behind the security guard’s back, when mine child was strangled the teacher took absolutely no action, my parents are not a single person
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above me, please, filada nikolaevna, you don’t want to answer, you don’t drink juices from me, the parents, not finding justice at school, were forced to go to court, representatives the gymnasiums turn away from the camera and respond with a memorized phrase, without comment, until there is a result of the court hearing. the case would not have gone to court if teachers had recognized the problem in time; experts say that it is the teacher who should be the first to see bullying and highlight the parties to the conflict. the aggressor is most often a child from a problematic family or the child of indifferent parents. the victim is usually chosen at random and is the largest group.
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come on, the end, then the parents should turn to a psychologist, because often not professional, but emotional advice from relatives is given by you, fight back, be stronger, go, fight until it only gets worse, they come to the child and say: i too was in pain, in fact, this is not enough for a child. maybe what needs to be done is to find a contact first, say, i believe you, this means that i know that something terrible happened to you, i am on your side. the heroes of our report became victims of circumstances at the right moment and did not find support from those they should have looked up to. fortunately, the story of these children has a happy ending and they gnaw on the granite of science where no one builds
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artificial obstacles, helping them make their way through thorns to the stars. vladimir bazov, svetlana svechkareva, news! duty department. former ceo of the excursion service tripster boris plotitsa, who was involved in organizing illegal underground walks through moscow sewers, and is still hiding abroad. his intended location is the arab emirates, but polatitsa clearly has no intention of returning to russia. let me remind you that in our country the manager was arrested in absentia. according to investigators, it was his fault that eight people died last year during an illegal excursion along the bed of the neglinka river.
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and under it there is a tanel of death. since then , the gates to the dungeon have been under special protection. it looks like the hatch where many began underground excursions have not been opened for a very long time. here are traces of welding, the lid itself is covered with sand and stones. well, just in case, there is now an alarm inside that goes off if you lift the lid 45°. and yet this hatch seems to be a place of attraction for extreme sports enthusiasts; while we were filming the report, several schoolchildren were milling around. they didn't even hide the fact that they were interested in the dungeon. but you just need to understand, study the old map of moscow , understand where the rivers flow, and where they are already walled up underground, you need to walk like this to open the hatches, to ensure that the hatches to
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the capital's dungeons are closed, have been closely monitored since august last year, then during an excursion through the underground sewer, eight people died, the investigation of this criminal case is still ongoing, one of the organizers of the deadly walk, boris plotitsa, is on the run , now several media outlets have immediately quoted the decision of basmanny... that the businessman has now been arrested in absentia, to choose a preventive measure against the accused platitsa boris aleksandrovich in the form of detention for a period of 2 months, calculating the period from the moment of extradition of the accused, or from the moment of detention, the document says. the walk along the bed of the neglinka river took place on august 20 last year; the group consisted of eight people, a digger and seven excursionists. on this day, rain was reported in the capital, but the guide who accompanied the group did not cancel the event. eventually.
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face one less dangerous entertainment, all that remains is to figure out who is to blame for the deaths, investigators are now working on this; punishment for the organizers of the deadly excursion is only a matter of time.
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andrey romanov, vasily yarchuk, lead the duty department. i remind you that the entire operational feed of legal news in our telegram channels is to be led by an honest detective. and that’s all for us, tatyana petrova was with you, see you soon on the russia 24 tv channel . we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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slanna petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, another moment and you would have had access to the money. they machined a suspicious transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the account went for seconds. urgently dictate your card number so that the money can be transferred to a secure account, i’ll call the bank and hang up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, to get money out of you, hang up without talking. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry.
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in the belgorod region, five children were injured in an attack by the ukrainian armed forces. the militants purposefully dropped it from the drone. explosive device on the playground, two seriously wounded condition, they are being operated on, the foreign ministry called the incident a deliberate terrorist attack against children. the nato summit in washington has ended, the alliance has decided to continue to strategically contain russia, as well as strengthen support for the kiev regime. president biden announced that he has authorized the ukrainian armed forces to attack russian territory near the border. vladimir putin held a meeting in st. petersburg with.


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