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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 12, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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news from the middle of the hour, briefly: in the belgorod region, five children were injured in an attack by the ukrainian armed forces; militants deliberately dropped an explosive device from a drone onto a playground. two wounded are in serious condition and are being operated on. terrorist attack against children. the nato summit in washington has ended, the alliance has decided to continue to strategically contain russia, as well as strengthen support for the kiev regime.
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the ukrainian armed forces decided to attack russian territory near the border. vladimir putin held a meeting with governor alexander beglov in st. petersburg to discuss socio-economic the situation in the region. in addition, the president called the decision to resume indexation of pensions for working pensioners fair. natural fires are growing in russian regions. in yakutia, their total area is close to 800 thousand hectares. the state duma interferes with the work of aviation; in the north of transbaikalia they are called in with the help of airplanes. artificial rains. a storm cyclone swept across the baltic states. today it will begin to spoil the weather in russia. showers with thunderstorms and gusty winds are expected. how will its arrival affect the temperature background? wait whether the heat is weakening in the central part, especially in the south of our country, we will talk about this after the advertisement. get started on your business journey with support. feathers in sberbusiness
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thank you, the sber loyalty program has been updated! pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as before. choose up to five top picks every month. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category for everything. translate free money to sberbank from other banks and receive cashback up to 70% from partners. more profitable with a subscription with berprime. the cyclones go on the offensive. heavy downpours will occur today. the mountains of the urals and the north-west, whether to expect precipitation in southern russia, how much longer the region will melt from the heat and where on friday more than half of the monthly rainfall may fall in just a couple of hours. time for meteorological news on channel russia 24, i am evgeniy teshkovets, leading specialist at the fobas center. hello,
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cyclones are gripping the hot anticyclone above ruza plain. heavy rains have already begun in the middle urals. for example, this is short footage of the flood in sirovi. during this period , a colossal amount of precipitation fell here, in some places the water on the sidewalks was knee-deep to passers-by, the roads also turned into seas, and if for most motorists such weather is a nuisance, then for jeep owners this is another reason to be convinced of the superiority of high ground clearance. what a blessing that i’m in a jeep, wow, i’m floating, the cars just stupidly sank. a ball-shaped installation dedicated to on the 13th anniversary of the city, the rain also flooded several houses, it was completely flooded, everything was flooded, for some reason they turned on the lights, everything was flooded, they say the light is drowning us all, another cyclone is moving from eastern
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europe, in the kaliningrad region on thursday night it raged there was a thunderstorm, and during the day a water storm was noticed over the sea; before that, a bad whirlwind brought down a storm on poland, and the rocks were exposed again. environmental problem in local port cities, whenever the wind blows, clouds of coal are carried around the area dust, people are suffocating, the authorities are doing absolutely nothing to stop this nightmare; latvia also suffered from the cyclone. today, most of european russia will continue to be occupied by a slow-moving anticyclone, so the region will dominate. the weather is sunny, but the borders of this focus will be affected by the influence of frontal sections, so there will be showers and thunderstorms, the densest rain clouds will concentrate over the kola peninsula and the spurs of the southern urals. here, in some areas, more than 20-30 mm of moisture may fall during
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day. for example, magnitogorsk will be watered throughout friday, the intensity of rain will be moderate for most of the day, but by the evening rush hour it will sharply intensify and can... bring up to 11-13 mm of precipitation in 3 hours, well, in general, during the period of bad weather on the city about 60% of the monthly volume of celestial moisture will collapse, this is a new daily record. in the urals , dense clouds will limit the flow of solar heat to the earth's surface, so daytime temperatures will not exceed +18-p23. but the atlantic cyclone along with the clouds will bring good things to the russian plain warmed air masses. as a result. during the day in the northwest it will warm up to +22-27. in the middle zone the thermometers will show +26-31, in the south we are waiting for 36:41. intense heat has persisted in southern russia for more than a week, causing natural fires to engulf the region.
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so the day before, rescuers extinguished the forest near the pike perch. by evening the fire was contained. meanwhile, in rostov nadon, guards continue to fall to the ground due to the heat. depopulated birds. are already found throughout the city, fish are dying in reservoirs, alas, the cyclone invasion will not be able to stop this will end in reverse, they will resuscitate the anticyclone, which has begun to fade away, and this cloud will disperse the cloud fields with renewed vigor, creating good conditions for warming the surface layer of the atmosphere, so that warming will soon come to the spurs of the urals, at the epicenter znoe will still be south countries. look, in rostov-on-don, at least until wednesday there is no rain. at the end of this week it is not too hot yet +35-37, from monday the heat will intensify and the thermometer readings will rise to a record 38-39. in moscow today and tomorrow will also be sunny, on saturday the air will warm up to +30. in
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the following days , local showers and thunderstorms are possible in the megalopolis, but this will not have a noticeable effect on the temperature regime, at midday +28:30. that's all i have. russia and china are growing, but for the united states the result is the opposite, yes, paired with america, china is experiencing a decline, but if we talk about us, it is important that... exports are growing faster than imports. now i’ll tell you more. trade turnover between china and russia in the first half of the year increased by almost 2% to $117 billion. about it reported the general administration of customs of the people's republic of china. exports from russia to china increased by almost 4%. imports decreased by 8. let me remind you that last year trade between the countries reached a record level of 240 billion. previously, the leaders of russia and china set the task of doubling trade turnover, bringing it to two. year, this figure was reached in november twenty -third, but in the meantime, trade turnover
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between china and the united states decreased by 2%, with the european union by more than 3.5%. meanwhile, at the 75th nato summit, the topic of military spending mixed all the cards. this year, members of the alliance were offered to invest at least 2.5% of gdp in this area, but then they decided to keep the figures at the same level of 2%. after all, many countries. the zones were unable to achieve even this due to the recession, the economy of the participating countries, nato is really not in very good condition, in principle, the policy of sanctions, which has already been going on for 2 years, has had the most severe impact on the economies of the countries of the european union, since it is clear that these countries suffered from the fact that everything there becomes relatively... more expensive, fuel, raw materials, energy, russian banks from july 25
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will have to block for 2 days money transfers from clients who have received a lot of sms or had suspicious conversations on the phone. according to experts, this may indicate an attempt by scammers to steal funds, as a representative of the bank of russia explained to rbc, the new measures are not mandatory for everyone, they will only be implemented by those banks that have signed the agreement. agreements with mobile operators on data exchange. the reason for blocking such in this case, there may be an unusual number of suspicious sms and calls from new subscriber numbers for the client. germany will refuse chinese equipment for 5g networks. components from huawei and zte will be removed from the mobile network by the end of 2020. the publication stern, citing the german ministry of the interior, reported that the reason was security risks. german intelligence services suspect china. economic scientific espionage, the americans were the first to make similar decisions in the fall of twenty-two
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, then the government banned telecommunications equipment from several well-known chinese brands due to, quote: an unacceptable risk to the national security of the united states. and at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rate today is 87 rubles 99 kopecks. euro 9568. and that’s all for now. roman, mash, thank you, we. we continue: the caravan of the international raid of the silk road raid is storming the highlands of mongolia today. crews will guide the vehicles along a route around the local city of altai. pilots and navigators will have to cover almost 500 km. so the day before, the road to altai was reached, our correspondent, stas ridikultsev, saw it. steppe, rocky plateaus of gigantic size, river canyons and, of course, sands with rocks, real. a paradise for lovers of rally marathons, all this at a distance of almost 400 km, huge
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the size of a ten-story building with almost vertical slopes, frightening and alluring at the same time, the dunes got in the way of the racers today, today we opened all the dunes, drove, tried to be as straight as possible heading towards the points, but they were a little heavier than usual, because apparently this layer is wet, we blew it up and therefore the car had a hard time, because it seemed like in some places it was more or less, in some places it was very hard and well... well, everything, everything went, but you just had to hit it accurately, but there were problems a lot, the fact that everything merged, there were a lot of steep descents down, so you had to slow down, the athletes themselves call such places a sandbox, a forty-kilometer sandbox, although the cars of grown-up boys are different, it’s most exhausting in the dunes, but for for me, at least, it’s concentration, because it’s very difficult to understand where to move, what to do, not to get bogged down, and at the same time not to lose momentum. but i think that i really had a blast today, because these passages along the dunes, and today
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maybe i got a little carried away, because i did something beautiful, i saw a camera, in fact, on a helicopter that was flying, i took a picture with it there , at the finish of the special stage , the silk road racers are also greeted by camels, who knows how to conquer the sands, once upon a time the kamaster pilots we noticed that animals choose ideal trajectories when passing through the dunes, during morocco’s training they trained everywhere on the dunes, on kamaz vehicles, so... the owner of the desert, naturally, he knows how to move correctly, and they also began to try to drive along the tops. killer roads, sticky sands after rain and rock canyons at the seventh stage of the international silk road marathon rally sent more than one crew to the tow truck. sergei koryakin's all-terrain vehicle was so damaged off-road that it almost burned out on the way to the camp. race track in some places it took place at an altitude of 2,700 m, which
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made the task of the participants even more difficult. today you can really feel the altitude, we have about two 2.700 in my opinion. 2,700 m above sea level and the engine pulls worse at maximum speed almost several times in total, i already added mixtures, enriched the mixture, it became a little better, but it’s still clearly visible that the trucks feel better, the freight classification of the silk road is increasingly reminiscent of the formula - 1 off-road, two kamaz and mas reach the finish line at the same time, a rare occurrence at a rally marathon. three to go the trucks no longer separated, they grappled with each other, repeatedly... changing positions first, second, third and so on, but at the finish line in the stone river we still managed to come out first, and finish, and i think that with a gap from dima in at least 5 seconds, it will be a perfect day for us. while the top three are playing catch-up at maximum speed, the stage is won by the kamaster team pilot bogdan karimov. there is another
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change of leader in the heavyweights. ahead, let sergei vizovich spray for a few seconds. freight record, a clear reflection of the mongolian part of the silk road. events flash by and landscapes change, but one thing remains unchanged: under the eternal blue sky it is impossible to get enough of it. one hundred sredekul residents ivan lavrikov and alexander stalmashevsky, news from altai, mongolia. let me briefly talk about some of the central themes of the hour. in the belgorod region, during an attack by ukrainian militants on shibekin, five children were wounded, two in serious condition, they are being operated on. a nationalist drone dropped an explosive device on a playground. mead called the incident intentional. terrorist attack against children. the results of the nato summit were summed up in washington. the alliance will continue to strategically contain russia and strengthen support for ukraine. in his speech, biden admitted that he allowed the united states to use weapons on russian territory, but noted that washington does not see the point in hypothetical strikes on moscow. vladimir putin assessed the results of the restoration
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of the palace and park complex of parany yambau. there, the president held a meeting with the governor of st. petersburg, alexander beglom. discussed the socio-economic situation in region. ukrainians’ fears about lowering the mobilization age have become a reality. a video appeared online saying that security forces took away a twenty-four-year-old man, although the conscription threshold is 25 years old. according to some information, there is also a younger mobilized man, he is no more than twenty- one. at school or kindergarten, they collect money for excursions and additional teaching aids or for a holiday, of course. to participate in this, who and how regulates the activities of parent committees? details from stanislav bernwald at program instructions immediately after the advertisement. alexander nikolaevich, july 16 in buenos? no, i have ice deluxe. so, third? no,
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i have bighit. delicious calendar at a delicious point. every day. new favorite product at a super price only in the app, delicious, period. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business? yes, you’re a girl, this is not a woman’s business, but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong. continue! alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs. open a free account with alfabank and receive up to 10% cashback. by business card. alfabank is the best bank for business. at persil we take stain removal to the next level with deep clean plus technology. persil enzymes work on the surface and inside of fabric, leaving memories, not stains on things. once i've persisted, i've always persisted. that's it.
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it tastes better on fire. burgers. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%, it turns out you can get it at 20%, it turns out that for money there is your own marketplace, financial services, a financial marketplace from the moscow exchange, when you are an adult, it is so easy to forget that joy lives inside us, but this a real superpower, more joyful moments with holy spring water, with fruity flavors, the source of joy is in you, go to the moss exhibition. or maybe come to me, it’s better to go to a tasty spot, check out the clips, a real reason to meet, a superbox with clips, hello kitty and her friends, have time to buy and win a trip, the loyalty program with ber thanks has been updated, pay with any card
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with ber you get twice as much bonuses than before, choose up to five top categories every month with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category for everything. transfer money to sberbank from other banks for free. and receive cashback up to 70% from partners, more profitable with a subscription to berprime. the school collects money for graduation; the amount seems to you too high, are you obliged to give it away and is it possible to demand a report on the funds spent? we will tell you how the activities of parent committees are regulated in 5 minutes in this episode of the program. additional supplies, auxiliary literature, excursions and other activities for children, all of which are handled by parent committees. the very fact of the possibility of their creation is enshrined in
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the law on education, but it does not regulate the daily activities of such associations; there are only recommendations; the statuses and powers of parent committees should be enshrined in local acts of the educational institution and not contradict them. the law really does not tell us what functions of this parent committee, and what responsibilities, what rights this parent committee or parent community has, but we generally say that this is provided for by internal documents of an educational institution, for example, in a school this may be a provision on the parent committee; accordingly , this provision is discussed with the parent community and is already approved. by internal order of the director of the educational institution. the main thing that the most active parents, and those who for some reason are short on funds, should understand is that any contributions within the parent committee
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are only voluntary. this is regulated by a letter from the ministry of education and science dated september 9, 2015, on the prevention of illegal collections of funds. funds. there, in particular, there is a reference to article 4 of federal law no. 135 of august 11, 1995 o'. charitable activities and charitable organizations, parents and students of general education organizations have the right , individually or in association, to make a donation exclusively on a voluntary basis. any coercion, bullying of a child , infringement of his rights, attempts to shame parents who are strapped for money are illegal. according to the law on education of the constitution of the russian federation, we have preschool education and education we have. free, so no fee for textbooks, for repairs, for windows, for doors, this is illegal, but accordingly, if
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a parent wants to make a donation to an educational institution, he has the right, of course, when the parent community, this is in many parent chats this is true, they require you to deposit a certain amount of money, and especially when it is associated with threats, for example, if... you don’t contribute, your child will feel bad, and so on and so forth, this is undeniable illegal, in this case we always recommend that you first contact the director of the educational institution and file a corresponding complaint with the prosecutor’s office. demands for contributions with threats, although in the most extreme case, can generally be classified as extortion, and this is punishable by up to 4 years in prison and a fine of up to 800,000 rubles. and if to active collectors from among parents. a teacher joins, he may face punishment under the article of an official using his official powers, contrary to the interests service, if this act was committed out of
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selfish or other personal interest. the next thorny issue is fundraising, even if everyone agrees to it. it is better to immediately draw up a protocol that records the agreement between the parents, goals, amount of contributions, their frequency, and so on. the parent committee is recommended to collect receipts and receipt statements. ro educational institution, in this case it is possible to again contact the prosecutor’s office to check this parent community, yes, since they do not fulfill this duty, well in
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that case. if suddenly facts of misappropriation or embezzlement of funds are revealed, then here it is already possible to raise, of course, the question of bringing to criminal liability under article 160 of the criminal code. another important issue for parent committees is whether gifts for teachers are such that they will not be considered a bribe. in accordance with the civil code, only ordinary gifts are allowed, the value of which does not exceed 3.00 rubles. it is very important to understand here. the difference between a gift and a bribe, because a gift can be worth 2,000 rubles, but is regarded as a bribe, because we say a gift is free of charge, a bribe always has a condition as a mandatory feature, that is, we are talking about the fact that we are giving this , as it were, a stuffed gift for what -for some purpose, that is, when we say that some kind of
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service in return should be performed here in this case. then you can already raise the issue of a bribe, let's repeat, the most important thing - the creation of parent committees in kindergartens and schools is permitted by the law on education, and their activities are regulated by the educational institution itself, all contributions collected by parent committees are voluntary, coercion, threats, infringement of the rights of the child, all this is illegal and can have consequences, even criminal, and, finally, the parents who donated the money have the right to know what? not spent. do you have any questions? do you want to know what rights students’ parents have? subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will bother the department and lawyers, and be sure about everything we'll tell you in the next issue of the instructions program.
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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a zip fake, traduire. we cry all fakes.
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doctors are fighting for the lives and health of children in the belgorod region; a ukrainian drone dropped bobba directly onto a playground. how did the anniversary nato summit in washington end, what statements were made? historical places. vladimir putin visited the araninbaum palace and park complex in st. petersburg. what did you talk about with governor? a fire on the outskirts of energodar, not far from the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, is burning a forest. the fire broke out after a strike by ukrainian militants. circle of goodness.


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