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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 12, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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at these moments, doctors are saving the lives and health of children wounded during the ukrainian armed forces’ attack on shibekin. a nationalist drone deliberately dropped a charge on a children's playground, five were injured, the youngest was 8 years old. the most serious condition of two of them is undergoing surgery; the foreign ministry called the incident a deliberate terrorist attack against children. our correspondent alexandrov. will tell you the details for the belgorod region , the day was quite difficult, especially for the border area, one died and 29 civilians were injured. armed formations of ukraine continue to inflict strikes, use various weapons. during the day , the city of shibekina came under artillery fire several times. ukrainian militants fired cluster munitions into elderly neighborhoods. the enemy is also actively using drones. they hit residential buildings and cars
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of residents, and now also playgrounds. in the evening, in one of the shebekinsky courtyards, a drone dropped ammunition on children playing there. five children who were on the site at the time of the attack received various injuries, two of them in serious condition were transported by ambulance teams to children's regional clinical hospital. doctors from the shibekinsky central district hospital provided first aid to three.
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maintaining the course of strategic containment of moscow, strengthening long-term support for kiev, these are the results of the nato summit, which ended in washington. the highlight was joe biden's speech. the us president announced a new package of weapons for the armed forces of ukraine and admitted that he had authorized the attack on russian territory with american weapons. true, he called it. short term solution. our correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov, has all the details. joe biden sums up the results of the three-day nato summit, which could be decisive for him personally. the point is not only what he will say, but rather how he will withstand this communication with the press without prompters and how he will pronounce answers to questions from journalists, but already at the very beginning there was an embarrassment, giving the floor to zelensky, he made a mistake instead of saying , which gives the floor to putin. now i want to pass the word.
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since it is the end of the nato summit and the departure from washington that delegations call the point after which biden will be forced make a final decision on continuing his participation in the election race, and of course, biden tried to use this nato summit to demonstrate that he is still a strong leader, first of all, of course, with regard to confronting russia and supporting ukraine. today he met with zelensky, who informed him that ukraine intends to organize the so-called second peace summit before the elections. usa and that
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russia will supposedly be invited to it, but biden, in turn, assured ukraine of support, announced the transfer of another package of military assistance. let's listen to biden's statement, which he read not from a prompter, but from a cheat sheet. today, i am proud to announce a new package of military assistance to ukraine. this will be the eighth package that i have approved since the national security act was signed, and we are working with our nato allies to provide ukraine with f-16 flights. in the summer to show the whole world that we support ukraine now in the future. according to the pentagon, this eighth aid package for kiev is worth 225 million. dollars will include one patriot battery, ammunition for nasam missile systems, stinger anti-aircraft missiles, ammunition for hymers, artillery shells and other ammunition. already today , a meeting of the ukraine-nato council was also held, at which all military assistance to ukraine and the entire alliance were discussed. as for the issue of ukraine's membership in nato, then...
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long-term assistance. first, here in washington, the alliance has decided to agree on a significant package of assistance to ukraine. nato will coordinate all military support through the command in germany in wiesbadan. the second is a financial commitment to provide ukraine with a minimum of 40 billion euros in military assistance next year. third, urgent military support. the fourth is bilateral security agreements with ukraine. they have already been signed by 20 members and partners of the alliance. fifth, deepening military compatibility. we are working more closely with the armed forces of ukraine, including training centers in poland. all together, these elements create a bridge to nato membership and the future of ukraine in nato. indeed, at a meeting with biden zelensky again asked to allow ukraine to fire american weapons deep into russian
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territory. the white house has not yet officially given such permission. but presidential advisor jake salevan made a rather risky statement that the united states and ukraine are preparing for some kind of military operation. against russia, which they consider to be a response to what is called here the okhmeded hospital incident, this is what salevan said about this. we are working with the ukrainians to understand the attack on the hospital and respond to it with force and vigor. thanks to following the decisions made by president biden in collaboration with allies and partners, we will ensure that ukraine continues to receive the air defense missiles needed for all the batteries we are currently supplying our allies. and the united states, denmark and the netherlands together began transferring f-16s to ukrainian forces, ukrainian pilots will be flying these f-16s this summer. but in total, in the final nato declaration, russia and ukraine were mentioned more than 100 times, while the alliance claims that it is not looking for confrontation with moscow, but precisely
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moscow, as well as beijing, remain the main threat to nato. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. economically. the nato summit looks controversial, to say the least. my colleague maria grigorieva has all the details. mash, good morning, tell us what military expenditures the alliance countries agreed on, because now we are still talking about financing ukraine. sash, good morning, there are a lot of plans, but the future is unclear, now i’ll tell you why. the final document of the anniversary nato summit contains 38 points, plus a separate section dedicated to long-term assistance to ukraine. there will be funding. take place in the form of purchases of military equipment, expenses for its maintenance, military training, as well as contributions to nato trust funds for ukraine, the benefit, the benefit of the united states from any next tranche of financial assistance to ukraine, it is direct,
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because this money, the lion’s share of this money will go towards loading the us military-industrial complex, mainly... this assistance comes through placing orders at defense enterprises within the us economy itself, and this is a key point, because the beneficiaries of this whole story, in general, of the entire financial assistance package , are primarily the american economy itself and the us military-industrial complex. of course, at the same time, the united states is putting pressure on its european allies.
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well, beijing also insists that trade with russia does not violate wto rules, which means there can be no claims against the countries. as nato secretary en stoltenberg previously reported, this year the alliance's total military spending should increase by 18%. interestingly, following the results of the summit, the largest financial
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it is the states that can boast of agreements. so nato signed a contract for the purchase of american stinger anti-aircraft missiles for $700 million, and washington plans to do the same in 1926. deploy longer-range missiles in germany. if we talk about nato's defense spending in more detail, this year the alliance members were asked to invest at least 2.5% in this area. gdp, but then they decided to keep the indicators at the same level of 2%. after all, many eurozone countries were unable to achieve even this goal due to the recession. country's economy nato members are indeed not in very good condition. in principle, the policy of sanctions, which has already been going on for 2 and a half years, has had the most severe impact on the economies of the countries of the european union, since it is clear that these. countries suffered from the fact that everything there becomes relatively
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more expensive, fuel, raw materials, energy, according to financial times, out of 32 alliance states, seven were unable to achieve the target for defense spending, less than 2% of gdp was spent by spain, luxembourg, slovenia, belgium , italy, portugal and croatia.
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viktor orban discussed the ukrainian issue with donald trump, the hungarian prime minister met with the former us president after the nato summit at his residence in florida. orban. published a joint photo and said that trump is going to solve the problem of achieving peace. the hungarian prime minister's press secretary said that this visit was another stop on the peacekeeping mission, and political adviser and namesake balis orban explained why hungary is relying on trump. when donald trump was president of the united states, the world was a calmer and more stable place. there was no ukrainian crisis. conflict, this
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restaurants and others. and even a category for everything. transfer money to sberbank for free. spine. we continue broadcasting. vladimir just one capsule a day to protect joints putin visited the palace and park in st. petersburg the arenneinbau complex, where a large-scale restoration was completed. specialists. they restored the furnishings of the era of catherine the great, including the rolling hill pavilion, in the chinese palace, saved from dampness, and after 2 centuries they again resolved state issues. the president discussed the development of the social sphere with the city governor alexander beglov. solima zarif has all the details. an example of truly high art, architectural and engineering.
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vladimir putin is greeted at the boiler slide pavilion in oraneinbaum. for russia xvi century, preserved in such a state, in principle, is a great rarity, but this pavilion is also the only thing that reminds us of the amusements of the golant era. here they show putin a stroller that was used for riding. when tourists see the pavilion of the rolling hill, the first question that arises in their minds is where, in fact, is the kotalnaya hill itself, in this meadow it stretched far, far away, right up to the point where the trees begin. unfortunately, it has not survived to this day, but in any parks, we usually call it roller coasters, although the name russian coaster is more fair, it was russia that taught the whole world such fun; the origins of disneyland are here in ronenbaum. students of the st. petersburg polytechnic university created a 3d model. 250 years have passed, the scale is still breathtaking. the total
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length of the entire structure is 532 m, of which more. here the track itself, the height of the first of three slides reached 20 m, for example, the bronze horseman, taking into account the thunder of the stone, was half as low, the speed of the stroller was also quite decent, up to 50 km/h. this pavilion is a witness triumphs of catherine. she held receptions here, guests marveled at the luxurious furnishings, unique artificial marble floors, and a stunning office with the most expensive porcelain in the world. the restorers did a wonderful job, and you can’t tell that this elephant was glued together. all this time, the museum's funds contained a broken porcelain figure, which was stolen and in parts, a piece of the trunk, a hind leg, a figure of a driver and a stand, all this time we carefully kept it, information was received that in moscow there is an elephant without a hind leg, without
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trunk, perhaps this elephant is ours, of course we we were very happy. goes further not on aurus, but in a minibus together with the governor, the minister of culture and the chairman of gazprom. gazprom helped restore the chinese palace in ronenbaum. the work took 20 years to complete. the first four in 2011. welcome to the 18th century. an outstanding creation by renaldi, the only palace in the rococo style in russia. unlike others, the chinese one suffered little during the war, but the interiors are wonderful. the craftsmen worked on the halls with the utmost care, not recreating, but rather restoring, the amazing planfort union of europe and. “this is probably the most semantic, political, probably the most accented ceiling lamp of all that is here, this is a unique
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monument in terms of authenticity, not only the interiors of the catherine era have been preserved, but the aura itself, they didn’t live here, they only came here for a short time “to plunge into the atmosphere of magic and fun, it was here that catherine celebrated the conclusion of the najir peace by kutub, and gave freedom to turkey.” they said, it was studied for a long time, the government, well, what exactly in petersburg - we returned to this again and
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made a final decision. it was at the instigation of st. petersburg that the decision was made to resume the indexation of pensions for workers. the social sphere is one of smolny’s priorities, so the city has frozen tariffs for housing and communal services for a year, and in the near future the shortage of schools and kindergartens will be eliminated . we said, then don't. we need to build some sheds, we need to build modern kindergartens, schools, clinics with swimming pools, as you said, investments in the future of our generations, well, i see you even provide dance halls, dance halls and ballet halls in new schools, because you then said where ballet began in general in our russia, of course in st. petersburg, in general, in comparison with other subjects of the federation, st. petersburg is in a good position, but of course needs some work. they talk about the development of urban infrastructure, healthcare, support for non-profit organizations, and what will become real things tomorrow. thus, today inbaum, for the first time in 200 years
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, again fulfills the function inherent in it originally, a country residence where government affairs were decided. saleiman azariv, evgeniy kostin, alexander borushkov and sofia petrasan. news: northwestern bureau. and now a russian military man has entered the special operation zone in the zaporozhye region. destroyed the fortified area of ​​the ukrainian armed forces. the dugout trenches were discovered from the air and precision strikes were carried out using drones. it was possible to hit not only enemy personnel, but also a repeater that increased the flight range of ukrainian drones. rocket artillery and crews also achieved serious success anti-tank systems. frontline report by our war correspondent igor pikhanov. kilometers of mined fields and burnt-out houses of civilians. this is what the gray zone looks like in zaporozhye. region are unable to change the situation at the front, ukrainian militants are shelling settlements in the front-line region, fighters from the dnieper army group are approaching
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the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. the task with the help of fpv drones is to find and neutralize enemy artillery and sabotage groups. it can hit both equipment and infantry, in principle, dugouts, any goals. the drone is used both to assist assault units and for defense. last year, when there was a counter-offensive, a lot of equipment was hit there by our troops personally, with the help of kamikaza drones. kamikaza drones rise into the sky, enemy trenches are discovered in the forest belt, and it is from such fortified areas that the enemy launches combat copters. with a precise strike, the drone of russian fighters destroys the repeater, which increased the flight range of ukrainian drones. a second copter with a cumulative projectile hits the dugout apu. anti-tank fighters. divisions work on all types of targets, our division burned up to 50 units of equipment, just one division, so activity in this area has decreased, equipment basically
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does not go out at all, if they go somewhere in the lowlands, and then these are some kind of humvees, pickups , not more. after the copters have worked on the positions of the nationalists , crews of anti-tank systems are involved in combat work, the missiles penetrate well -fortified dugouts in the enemy’s trenches. updated protection against guided missiles, but it didn't help them. this technique is american, it sometimes knocks down this laser beam and the missiles go to the side, but this is not scary for the bassoon, no one will escape from it, it is very 100% effective. our fighters on the front line are also helped by a robotic vehicle armed with an anti-tank system, controlled remotely on a caterpillar track, so it overcomes even difficult obstacles and destroys a pancake.
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well, accordingly, for infantry you can install a bullet to influence the enemy with fire. on the neighboring sector of the front by position the enemy is using a tornado-ge rocket launcher. the crew is on combat duty around the clock, the vehicle is camouflaged in a forest belt, as soon as the target coordinates are received from the scouts, the tornado moves to the firing point and strikes. the shells cover a large area. the crew of the combat vehicle works as a single harmonious organism, all specialists. has extensive combat experience, they have destroyed enemy military equipment, as well as the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. after working on the target, the tornado goes into the forest belt, reload again the crew is ready for battle. a powerful engine allows the vehicle to quickly arrive at a given point, and modern on-board equipment quickly aims the gun at the target. the coordinated work of the defense unit allows not only to destroy sabotage groups, but also to gradually move deeper into the territory occupied
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by the enemy. and the fears of ukrainians about lowering the age of mobilization began to come true. a video published on the internet tells how security forces took away a twenty-four-year-old man, although by law, this can only be done from 25. according to some information, there is also a younger mobilized person, he is no more than 21 years old. at the same time, the commanders beat the ukrainians, forcing them to sign papers that they are going voluntarily, to be militants on the front line openly. journalists, they bring people with an open form of tuberculosis, diabetes without fingers. apparently, the military registration and enlistment offices have switched to sick candidates, because adult, healthy men are increasingly giving severe rebuff. for example, in dnepropetrovsk, three security officials seem to be afraid touch a resident who goes about his business as if he doesn’t notice them. now let's break in for a couple of minutes.
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in the capital 9:30 and then briefly about the main thing, in so they are shelling again. residents of the blogorodsk region per day, one person died, another 30 were injured, governor vyacheslav glodkov reports. according to him, five children were injured when a ukrainian drone attacked a playground in the courtyard of a house. two are in serious condition, one child will be transferred to moscow for treatment. the results were summed up in washington.


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