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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 12, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it’s easy to make a fake dept, change your voice. we will expose all fakes.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. the first state radio in russia, more than 100 programs for 130 million listeners. on air around the clock. moscow listens to radio russia, now on 101.5 fm. in
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moscow 10:31 onwards, briefly about the main thing. the ssu is again shelling civilians in the belgorod region. one died in one day people, another 30 were injured. governor vyacheslav glodkov reported this. according to him, five children were injured when a ukrainian drone attacked a playground in the courtyard of a house. two are in serious condition, one child will be transferred to moscow for treatment. the results of the nato summit were summed up in washington, the participants decided to continue the course of strategic containment of russia, and the bloc is also ready to strengthen long-term support for the kiev regime. in addition, president biden announced that he has authorized the ukrainian armed forces to attack russian territory near the border and the united states are handing over a new package of weapons to zelensky. in the special operation zone, russian aviation has overrun.
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on camouflaged equipment and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. the crews of the su-34 supersonic fighter bombers received coordinates and hit the enemy with unguided bombs. scouts confirmed the destruction of hostility, after which the pilots safely returned to their home airfield. vladimir putin visited the aronibaum palace and park complex, where large-scale restoration was completed. it is located on the southern coast of the finnish... completely recreate that era. in the zaporozhye region, the russian military destroyed a fortified area of ​​the ukrainian armed forces. the trenches and dugouts were discovered in the air and drones carried out precise strikes. it was possible to hit not only the enemy’s manpower, but also the repeater, which increased the flight range of ukrainian drones.
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rocket artillery, as well as crews of anti-tank systems, also achieved serious success. from the leading report of our war correspondent igor pikhanov. kilometers of mined fields and burnt-out houses of civilians. this is what it looks like gray zone in zaporozhye region. unable to change the situation at the front, ukrainian militants are shelling populated areas in the front-line region. soldiers from a unit of the voysk-dnepr group are approaching positions in the ssu. task with help. it can hit both equipment and infantry, in principle, dugouts, any targets. drones are used both to assist assault units and for defense, but last year, when there was a counterattack, a lot of equipment and personnel of our troops were hit there, with the help of here are the kamikaza drones. kamikaza drones rise into the sky, discovered in a forest belt.
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enemy butts. it is from such fortified areas that the enemy launches combat copters. with a precise strike , the drone of russian fighters destroys the repeater, which increased the flight range of ukrainian drones. second copter. with a cumulative projectile hits the ukrainian armed forces dugout. soldiers of the anti-tank division work against all types of targets. our division burned up to 50 pieces of equipment, just one division, so activity in this area decreased. technology in general doesn’t go out, if they go out somewhere in the lowlands, and then these are some kind of humvees, pickup trucks, no more. after the copters have worked on the position of the nationalists , the anti-tank crews join the eva work. fortified dugouts, in the trenches the enemy installed missile systems that penetrated well the protection from guided missiles, but it did not help them. this is an american technique, sometimes it knocks down this laser beam and the missiles go to the side, but this one has a bassoon, it’s not scary, no one can get away from it, it’s
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very 100% effective. helps our fighters on the front line also benefit from a robotic vehicle armed with an anti-tank system that is controlled remotely. on caterpillar tracks, therefore it overcomes even difficult obstacles, destroys dugouts, firing points and enemy equipment. at the base of this installation, you can make a means of combat, an electronic warfare radio, you can also install a platform for evacuating the wounded, and, accordingly, for the infantry you can install a machine gun to expose the enemy to fire. on a neighboring section of the front, a rocket launcher is operating against enemy positions tornado-ge. the crew is on combat duty around the clock, the vehicle is camouflaged in a forest belt, as soon as the target coordinates are received from the scouts, the tornado advances to the firing point and strikes, the shells cover a large area. the crew of the combat vehicle works as a single harmonious organism, all specialists have extensive combat experience, they
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have destroyed enemy military equipment, as well as the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. after working on the target, the tornado goes into the forest belt, reloading occurs and the crew is ready for battle. powerful the engine allows the vehicle to quickly arrive at a given point, and modern on-board equipment quickly aims the gun at the target. the coordinated work of the ministry of defense unit allows not only to destroy sabotage groups, but also to gradually move deeper into the territory occupied by the enemy. igor pikhanov, sergey eliseev, lead zaporozhye region. ukrainians’ fears about lowering the mobilization age have begun to come true. the video published on the internet tells how the tv people took him away. voluntarily, on the front line militants openly forcing them to sign papers that they are going to complain to journalists, bringing people with
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an open form of tuberculosis, diabetics without fingers. after all, military registration and enlistment offices have switched to sick candidates, because adult, healthy men are increasingly giving severe rebuff. for example, in dnepropetrovsk, three villagers seem to be afraid to touch a resident who is going about his business and does not seem to notice them. the government delegation checked the progress of restoration and construction in mariupol. deputy prime minister marat khusnulin visited the intensive care hospital, where work has been completed on eight floors of one of the medical buildings. the remaining buildings on the team's turn will be taken on in the near future. the focus was also on the construction and reconstruction of residential buildings. work is being carried out at a high pace, the deputy head of government was convinced of this by visiting the sites together with the head of the dpr denis pushilin. in just 7 months, a twelve-story residential building was erected, the finishing touches of the apartments have already been completed, and they have been equipped with the necessary equipment. on another 17
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hectares, the developer plans to install 15 high-rise buildings with approximately 2,300 apartments. we talked to the residents and asked what other comments or additions they had. we outlined plans for the region’s participation in national projects, discussed in detail with each ministry and department the progress of budget execution and what plans need to be completed by the end of the year so that all the allocated funds come to the region and people experience the maximum benefit from this work, the city of mariupol is transforming and we we see that our residents are experiencing a certain optimism , taking into account the visible changes, but at the same time we we see and record. a number of areas where efforts need to be made, we see that new facilities and social facilities are appearing, we see that medical institutions, we see that the hospital is already acquiring a completely different format, appropriate medical
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support for residents of the donetsk people's republic, we see , that educational institutions of a completely new format are appearing, also noticeable changes for the better are visible on... it immediately after the advertisement, i ’ll say goodbye to you with this, see you, good news,
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this unique album is in the collection of the russian national library in st. petersburg. it was brought here on february 17, 1942 . on the spine of the album it says war photojournalist viktor bula. more likely the album is ready for publication. the photographs were taken by victor bula at the front in 1904 . this is actually a chronicle of the russo-japanese war. here's the beginning. they travel by train to irkutsk, where troops are transported across frozen baikal.
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enormous professionalism on june 14, 1904 , superior forces of the japanese army attack the russians, who are forced to retreat; the russian detachment is defeated. 48 people were killed, 164 were wounded. victor bula photographs soldiers in the trenches, artillery work, everyday life, the infirmary, funerals, and not only photographs. the commander of the first manchurian army ordered the photographer bulu to be awarded a silver medal for bravery to be worn on his chest on the gergiev
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ribbon for his selfless work in carrying out the wounded at the dolinsky pass on july 14, 1904. the horrors of that monstrous war, the entire terrible epic of the tsarist defeat, passed before me. army, its military defeats, nightmarish retreats. being a young, efficient guy, i kept up with my camera everywhere, and sometimes taking on the duties of a brother of mercy, i made bandages wounded under fire on the battlefield. my photographs were then published in all newspapers and magazines published in russia and often appeared on the pages of foreign publications. and here is viktor bula, riding a horse hung with cameras, a military correspondent of the russian-japanese war. this photograph was published in niva. much of victor’s biography will remain the same. secrets, i suspect that the intelligence of the general staff was somehow involved in this, because victor received a corresponding sheet there, the second form of cover from the red cross he was, why i assume so, because he visited both korea and china, and was there in manzhuria, that is, he had some kind of task. victor, frankly speaking, is now
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much more famous than his older brother , sometimes even his father. this is due to his... he came from germany, at first he was a boy in a photographic studio, but quickly began to make a career, he had a talent as a photographer and a clear commercial spirit, he knew how to please customers, and in 1886 he received permission from the ministry of internal affairs.
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is burdened by studio photography, he is a lot works for newspapers and magazines, and
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victor is a real reporter who photographs police work and crime scenes, here are clippings from 906, photographs from... the site of the assassination attempts on stolypino, his blown-up dacha, genre on the streets - all three like to photograph this. at various times, the bula family had up to five photographic studios in st. petersburg, only three on nevsky. so, i want to get my photograph, my portrait. which print to choose? we choose gelatin, choose a technique, gelatin printing. this is exactly where bula’s sons worked at the beginning of the 20th century. century. we take a place on a chair against the backdrop. now we need to accept. graceful pose and not moving, your portrait has gone down in history, especially since bula took it. victor bula quickly responded to the advent of cinema, he was one of the pioneers of touring filming in... 3
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months in 1910, a motor rally lasted in russa-balta cars, st. petersburg, naples, st. petersburg, victor filmed it, here is a rare surviving film of 1909, international competitions wrestlers on kristovsky island. a world war broke out, a german war, as they said then. alexander and victor for a while military officers at the front, but then return to st. petersburg, the widowed karl karlovich got married, went to estonia, the brothers need to maintain the family business, victor is now filming a chronicle of revolutionary events. during the days of the revolution, i was almost never at home, i scoured the city like a real event hunter, running with my slr to where gunfire was heard, where machine guns crackled, interrupted by the sounds of revolutionary songs. one of the bula family's studios was located on the top floor of the arcade. on july 4, 1917 , victor saw that there was a demonstration on nevsky something important is about to happen. he
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felt it. he clearly has excellent intuition. he ran to the roof of the arcade and from there took his most famous photograph: the shooting of the july demonstration on ulunevsky and sadovaya. they refused to publish this photo, so they found an opportunity and sent it to france. in france. it was published, and there was an agreement between the allies that if something was published in one of the allied countries of england, france or russia, then it could also be published in others, therefore in moscow, a moscow magazine published this photograph, the headline was, the bolsheviks are shooting demonstrators in russia, thanks to this photograph it became so famous, the demonstrators were dispersed by troops loyal to the provisional government, a cult film by sergei isenshtein. in order to film this scene, esenstein reconstructed
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a photograph of viktor bula, and then the following happened in books in albums, they began to place a still frame from isenstein’s film and write photographer viktor bula at the bottom. after the revolution , the luxurious atelier of the bula family on nevsky 54 was nationalized, now it is an atelier of the petrograd soviet, then the leningrad city council. brother. the walkie-talkie filmed the funeral of the victims of the revolution by sergei kirov, and then his funeral. alexander's elder brother was arrested, sent to solovki, his fate was sad, mysterious, he returned from the camp, but after that he disappeared.
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victor understood that he could follow his brother and handed over all the valuable negatives and photographs to the state. the employees of the archive, film and photo background of documents have a different version: all photo studios and even photo circles in that era were taken into account, their workers were simply obliged to hand over chronicle of revolution, civil war. life of the country of soviets and its top officials, central archives. at the beginning of 1930, from the photo studio of the leningrad city council, and this is the former photo studio of the bula family, the central state archive received photographic negatives numbering 71,472, which of them belonged to victor, karl, alexander, it is not possible to find out, but now most of the heritage of the bula family is here in the archive of film and photo documents in petersburg. victor and his family live at the studio.
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he is taken to the house of health education goes to ordinary photographers. in 1938, victor was arrested and declared a german spy. and he was shot on october 30, 1938. the first half of the list was shot on october 30, he was included in this list with the letter b, the rest were pardoned. after the brothers were repressed, their photographs were published, but without authorship. but the photographic studio on nevsky continued to work; everyone in leningrad called it a bula salon, just like the grocery store on nevsky. eliseevsky, here is the filming from 1995. on this staircase, in the attic, in at the beginning of the century, the famous
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photographer carlock ran an atelier.
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he was so hooked that this was the story that was going somewhere, and he gradually bought it all back...
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in shibekino, a ukrainian drone deliberately dropped a charge on a children's playground, five people, the youngest 8 years old, were injured, what is their condition? the nato summit ended in washington; no peace initiatives were adopted as a result; the alliance stated that it would continue to restrain russia. what's the bottom line? declarations. the brix parliamentary forum is taking place in st. petersburg. which questions are discussed and what statements are made. the bama and trans-siberian electrification project, as well as the construction of new substations and energy transits in siberia and the far east , create conditions for the expansion of the eastern testing site. one of the children.


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