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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 12, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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in shibekin, a ukrainian drone deliberately dropped a charge on a children's playground, five people were injured, the youngest was 8 years old, what is their condition? the nato summit ended in washington. as a result , no peace initiatives were adopted. the alliance stated that they will. to restrain russia, what is in the final declaration? the brix parliamentary forum is taking place in st. petersburg, what issues are being discussed and what statements are being made: the project for the electrification of bama and the trans-siberian railway, as well as the construction of new substations and energy transits in siberia in the far east create conditions for expanding the eastern test site. one of the children wounded during the attack
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of the armed forces of ukraine, shibekin, is now in extremely serious condition, doctors are fighting for his life. the ministry of health reported this. let me remind you that the day before in shibekin a ukrainian drone dropped ammunition on a children's playground. details from evgeniy poddubny. this is the site of a new terrorist attack, which was carried out by militants of the kiev regime the day before in the front-line shibekin. playground. and here is the point of explosion. which was dropped from an attack drone at the moment when a group of children passed here, as a result of an explosion of ammunition, the children were injured of varying degrees of severity, two seriously, after first aid were provided , they were quickly taken to the hospital, the drone operator hit the children purposefully, he clearly saw that he was hitting the teenagers, at that moment the courtyard had no military personnel, no military equipment,
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well, at about eight or nine o'clock they were going to training, they came from training, just then she stood up like that, well, they called, i said, go, well, home, he says, now i'll come over i said, i’ll go into the yard, he says, i’m going home, people all ran out at once with first aid kits with this, they all put on the horrors, by the time i ran from the house, he was already everything, well, already pinched, they wrote everything on the chewing gum, great luck , that at the time of the tragedy there was a children's doctor nearby , and not far away, an employee of the national guard, they, as they say, in four hands, instantly provided the necessary pre-medical care, that is, they stopped the bleeding, called an ambulance, called the police, and the ambulance police arrived in place a few minutes later, the children, who were in the most serious condition, were quickly taken to the hospital, the doctors were able to quickly provide the necessary medical assistance, in general now...
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for ridicule both in content and in execution. from the usa, reporting by denis davidov. playful music set the tone for the entire evening. the event, which was presented as historical, turned into a farce. it was not possible to end the nato summit on a high note. the main emphasis was placed on reservations about biden. i have already said that russia will not win this war. ukraine will win this war. and we will support them.
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within 10 minutes after this, their phones began to ring off the hook, videos with this clause were coming from all over the world, the fun was just beginning, biden, as the white house announced, was planning a big boy press conference, the hero was so prepared for it that the start was delayed for almost an hour, they managed to install the prompters, handed out the questions written in advance, and biden went through the list, stumbled, already at the first one, when he was asked about the chances of vice president kamal and haris winning donald trump. if it comes to that. look, i wouldn't have trump as vp if she wasn't qualified to be vp. let's start with this. at this moment, another camera was aimed at members of the administration. the stone-faced secretary of state, hearing about
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vice president trump, the national security advisor, takes his head in hand. trump himself immediately took a jab at biden, writing: “great job joe.” but the owner of the white before... could not be stopped, he admitted that they the staff manages it, the wife, it turns out, is the supreme commander of the united states and some kind of supreme commander of her own. i follow the advice of my supreme commander, my, my chief of staff of the armed forces. he stammered, yawned, sometimes whispered, sometimes broke into a scream, claimed that he was not yet the worst president, and counted at least five predecessors who were even worse. joe biden is not fit to run, you should be saying he's not fit to be president right now, the president, who cannot
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speak for a minute and a half without prompting, at a meeting with zelensky, biden tried to put the cheat sheets aside, but then grabbed it again, he reads what should bounce off the teeth of an american president.
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former us president barack obama is going to knock joe biden out of the election race, even take his place, this version was put forward by the host of the morning joe tv show on mcnbc, joe scarbrough. in his opinion, this is an organized coup, where obama is just the tip of the iceberg, but... claims that it was at the instigation of barack obama that actor george clooney withdrew his support for joe biden's candidacy, after which the rating of the us president fell even lower, but meanwhile fox news is saying that the headquarters is already testing kamaluharis as a replacement for vice president turn says biden is still
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ready to fight. vladimir putin visited the araninbaum palace and park complex in st. petersburg, where a large-scale restoration was completed by a specialist. a century preserved in such a state is, in principle, a great rarity, but this pavilion and the only thing that reminds us of the entertainment of the dutch era is that putin is shown a stroller that was used for riding. when tourists see the pavilion of the roller coaster, the first question that arises in their minds is where, in fact,
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is the roller coaster itself, in this meadow it was stretched far, far away, right up to the point where the trees begin, to this day, unfortunately, it has not survived, but in any amusement parks we can... see buildings inspired by it. we usually call this a roller coaster, although it’s more fair the name is russian roller coaster, it was russia that taught the whole world such fun; the origins of disneyland are here. vareningbaum. students of the st. petersburg polytechnic university created a 3d model. 250 years have passed, the scale is still breathtaking. the total length of the entire structure is 532 m, of which more than 300 are the route itself. the height of the first of the three slides reached 20 m. for example, the bronze horseman, taking into account the thunder of the stone, is half as low. the speed of the stroller was also quite decent, up to 50 km/h. this. the pavilion is a witness to catherine's triumphs, she arranged there are receptions here, guests marveled at the luxurious
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furnishings, unique artificial marble floors, a stunning cabinet with the most expensive porcelain in the world, the restorers did a great job, you can’t say that this elephant was glued together from two parts, this is a porcelain figure that was stolen and from the museum’s collections - all this time there were broken parts, a piece of the trunk, a hind leg, the driver’s guru and a stand, all this time we carefully kept it, then information came out that in moscow there is an elephant without a hind leg, without a trunk, perhaps this elephant is ours, we, of course, we were very happy, putin is not going further on the aurus, in a minibus, together with the governor, the minister of culture and the chairman of gazprom. gazprom helped restore the chinese palace in renienbaum. the work took 20 years to complete. an outstanding creation of rinaldi,
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the only palace in the rococo style in russia. unlike others, the chinese suffered little during the war, but the wonderful interiors were almost destroyed by humidity. the craftsmen worked on the halls with the utmost care, not recreating, but rather restoring. and an amazing lampshade union of europe italy. probably the most meaningful, political, probably the most accentuated glaphon of all that is here, this is a unique monument in terms of authenticity, not only the interiors of the catherine era have been preserved, but the aura itself, they didn’t live here, they came here for a short time so that to plunge into the atmosphere of magic and fun, it was here that catherine celebrated the conclusion of the najir peace by the group, and in turkey it gave freedom of navigation.
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infrastructure, healthcare and support for non-profit organizations, that tomorrow will become real affairs, thus, today, for the first time in 200 years, it again fulfills the function inherent in it originally as a country residence, where state affairs are decided. saleman, evgeny kostin, alexander borushkov and sofia petrosan, lead: northwestern bureau.
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good afternoon, dear colleagues, today we will discuss the current situation in the economy, the dynamics remain high, growth accelerated slightly in may.
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double-digit growth rates, which is very important, investment continues to grow, which means that a good foundation for the future is being created, and according to the results of the first quarter, they increased by almost 15%, mainly due to machine equipment, investment in intellectual property, the company has its own, which is very important, resources for this, since their profits are increasing, they began to actively invest their own funds as well in the development of the region. there is very high consumer activity, primarily due to the growth of private incomes, however, this same factor contributes to the growth of inflation as of july 1, it amounted to 4.5% since the beginning of the year. colleagues, i need this question constantly engaged, the standard of living of our citizens depends on it. despite
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the summer period, it is necessary to constantly monitor the macroeconomic situation and, if necessary, promptly adjust it. our action plan in this area and, of course, in cooperation with the bank of russia. in addition, let me remind you that we have entered the most active phase of the formation of the federal budget for the next 3 years and new national projects; they are very closely related and aimed at solving the key tasks that the president spoke about. right now there is a discussion going on the most important measures that are included in these documents. already in early autumn, proposals for national projects will be required. send to the state council, i ask you to ensure compliance with all planned deadlines, timely express the need to work them out with the ministry of finance. i would like to especially note that our harvesting has begun, autumn field work is ahead, and it is necessary, of course, to carefully monitor so that our agricultural producers have everything necessary for this, are provided with equipment, fuel
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lubricants, seeds, not only in volume, but at reasonable prices. here , too, pricing needs to be carefully worked out in order to saturate the market with high-quality and affordable agricultural products. this was footage of a government meeting on economic issues. enjoy your rolls at a tasty spot. caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading with tomato and cheese. try caesar rolls and other rolls only at a tasty point. hello my name is.
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correspondent anastasia efimova is working at the tauride palace. anastasia, greetings, what other statements were made today at the forum. hello wto is really experiencing the biggest crisis in its history, due to the fact that, in fact, international interaction within the organization is paralyzed, the state. express mutual claims regarding the fulfillment of obligations, and also experience global disagreements regarding the prospects for possible cooperation. in this situation, as speaker of the federation council valentin matvienko noted today at the plenary session of the second day of the brix parliamentary forum, the world trade organization obviously needs reform in order to further fulfill the functions that were originally laid down during its creation, but for now this reform is only... and it is absolutely certain that this process will not be quick, brix is ​​beginning to play an increasingly important role, as one of largest associations of the new multipolar world. mutual settlements within
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the brix countries today, of course, are complicated by the illegal restrictions that western countries are trying to impose on the states that are part of the association, and russia, of course, in the first place, therefore the role of the ability to conduct cross-border payments quickly is increasing. the bank of russia, together with its merger partners, is preparing a report by the leader of the brix countries on improving the international
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monetary and financial system, which will contain a list of initiatives and recommendations. the result of the report may be the creation of a multilateral digital settlement and payment platform, brits. bridge, that is, bricks bridge, which will help bring together the financial markets of the brix participating countries and increase mutual trade turnover, with in this case, digital currencies of central banks and countries of the association can be used, the exchange rate of which will be tied to the value of national currencies, let me remind you that russia. is working on introducing a digital ruble, let’s say, china has been doing this since 2020, we are, of course, talking about the digital yuan, iran is already introducing a digital real, so it’s quite
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obvious what the direction is. this is very promising, at least that’s what experts say about it, but as for the influence of brix, it is already obvious that it is growing literally before our eyes. brix share in world gdp today it is 36%, but in terms of the population, today it is already 46% of the total population of the globe. faith. anastasia, thank you, at the final day of the brix parliamentary forum in st. petersburg, anastasia said. former security assistant of the osce special monitoring mission in ukraine, vadim goldon, received 14 years in prison for spying for foreign intelligence. this verdict was rendered by the supreme court of the donetsk people's republic, as reported by the prosecutor general's office of russia. it was established that in december 2021, goldona, being on territory of the dpr, collected information about industrial facilities for foreign intelligence.
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subsequently, the ukrainian armed forces launched missile strikes on them. over the summer holidays, more than 90 schoolchildren from eleven districts of the sakhalin region are learning to create models, rockets, and control uavs. the vostok educational and training center has recruited a shift for gifted teenagers, science and children. the educational intensive includes research programs, the development of unmanned aerial vehicles, hydropneumatic rockets, and vlipol. invitees work with participants for 3 weeks specialists from moscow, st. petersburg. novosibirsk will have time for rest, albeit also active, a leisure program, psychological trainings, excursions and master classes have been prepared. we have already assembled the rocket, this is what it looks like, completely ready. now all we have to do is write the code that will control the entire rocket. we have designers who are responsible for assembling rockets, and electronic engineers who know how to solder, assemble electronic circuits and figure out how to connect it all correctly, and of course programmers who must breathe life into it.
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in this entire rocket, within the framework of the estimates , several launches are planned there, and we plan to carry out the final, beautiful ones on the wings of sakhalin approximately on july 20. tiksov, i, traveler, aeronaut, zhann ivan. and so we go out, what a fairy tale without ivan, what began, without deception and without flint, whether i was imprisoned, a pen, a self-written magic ink, you will get it, the main thing is to hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, beat it, you
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have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because that i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to, i can’t live without traveling, flint, the one who has flint in his pocket doesn’t need a pen, soon! welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. if everything looks like the wild west,
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then there is only one law. competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. now it's time for economic news. trade turnover between china and russia based on the results half-year increased by almost 2%, to $117 billion. this was reported by the general customs administration of the people's republic of china. exports from russia to china increased by almost 4%, imports decreased by 8. at the end of last year, trade turnover reached a record high of


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