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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 12, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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competition of ideas and money there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. now it's time for economic news. trade turnover between china and russia in the first half of the year increased by almost 2% to $117 billion. this was reported by the general customs administration of the people's republic of china. exports from russia to china increased by almost 4%. imports decreased by 8. at the end of last year, trade turnover reached a record high. 240 billion meanwhile
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trade volumes between china and the united states decreased by 2%. with the european union by more than 3.5. lng tankers of the sofcom fleet can go to asia and turkey instead of europe, a merchant writes about this. due to sanctions against the company, its ships cannot enter eu ports. a total of 27 tankers are under restrictions. they serve port lng, gazprom and yamal lng companies. the navatek project will be less affected. it has its own fleet that can deliver cargo to europe. the amount of cash in the hands of russians has decreased almost in six months by 600 billion rubles. this is a nine-year record, writes rbc, citing data from the central bank. now the share of cash in the total money supply is at a historical low of 16%. experts cite high deposit rates as the main reason. by the end of june, the average maximum in the ten largest banks reached 16.9. and the global public debt exceeded
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$100 trillion, over the year it grew by almost 6%, they write about this with reference to data from the world bank and the imf. compared to the global economy, debt is rising at a faster pace. gdp increased by only 4%. the united states has the largest government debt - 35% of the world economy. china is in second place, japan is in third. russia took twenty- eighth place. it was economic news. short. the legendary international arts festival slavic bazaar has opened in vitebsk; it has been taking place since 1992, and many of its participants remember the very first concerts. this year, performers from forty-two countries came, one of the main events was an international music competition among adults and children. maria temnikova has details. new songs are being sung on victory square, nearby the st. sophia cathedral there are not so famous groups, but...
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small and large stages are everywhere, all this in stunning architectural settings and even among animated sculptures. representatives from forty -two countries of the world participate in the festival programs. the slavic bazaar has long gone beyond its name. the slavic soul is limitless in its openness.
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art is a weapon of peace, not war, the festival program of a super-saturated fair, performances by street performers, theatrical performances, round tables, this year there are many. additional teaching aids or for a holiday, is it necessary to participate in this, who and how regulates the activities of parent committees? stanislav bernwald has details in the program instructions. when collecting money for graduation at school, the amount seems very high to you, are you obliged to give it away and is it possible to demand a report on
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the funds spent? how the activities of parent committees are regulated, we will tell you in 5 minutes in this episode of the program instructions: additional consumables. all this is done by parent committees. the very fact of the possibility of their creation is enshrined in the law on education, but it does not regulate the daily activities of such associations; there are only recommendations; the statuses and powers of parent committees should be enshrined in local acts of the educational institution and not contradict them. the law doesn't really tell us. about what functions of this parent committee, and what responsibilities, what rights this parent committee has or the parent community, but we generally say, this is provided for by the internal documents of the educational institution, for example, in a school this may be a provision
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on the parent committee, accordingly this provision is discussed with the parent community and approved by an internal order of the director of the educational institution. the main thing that the most active parents, and those who for some reason are short on funds, should understand is that any contributions within the parent committee only voluntary, this is regulated by a letter from the ministry of education and science dated september 9, 2015, and the prevention of illegal collections of funds . there, in particular, there is a reference to article 4 of federal law no. 135 of august 11, 1995 on charitable activities and charities. parents of students of general education organizations have the right, individually or in association, to make a donation exclusively on a voluntary basis; any coercion, bullying of a child, infringement of his rights, attempts to shame parents strapped for money are illegal,
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according to the law on education of the constitution of the russian federation, we have preschool education, and our education is free, so there is no collection for... and textbooks for repairs, for windows, for doors, this is illegal, but accordingly, if a parent wants to make a donation to an educational institution, he has the right to this, of course, when the parent community, this is in many parent chats, demands to contribute a certain amount of money, and especially when this is associated with threats, for example there, if you do not if you bring it in, your child will feel bad there, and so on and so forth, it is certainly illegal, in this case we always recommend contacting the director of the educational institution first and then filing the appropriate complaints with the prosecutor’s office. demands for contributions with threats, although in the most extreme case, can generally be classified as extortion, and this is punishable by up to 4
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years in prison and a fine of up to 800 thousand rubles. and if a teacher joins the active collectors from among the parents, he can face punishment under the article. use by an official of his official powers, contrary to the interests of the service, if this act was committed out of selfish or other personal interest. the next thorny issue is fundraising, even if everyone agrees to it. it is better to immediately draw up a protocol that records the agreement between the parents of the target, the amount of contributions, their frequency, and so on. the parent committee is recommended to collect checks and receipts for everything, even the most insignificant spending, parents.
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it is possible, again, to contact the prosecutor's office to check this parent community, yes, since they do not fulfill this duty, well, in the event that facts are suddenly revealed... embezzlement or embezzlement of funds, then here we can, of course, raise the question of bringing to criminal liability under article 160 of the criminal code. another important issue for parent committees, gifts for teachers, such that they are not considered a bribe, in accordance with civil law code, only ordinary gifts are allowed, the cost of which does not exceed 3.00 rubles. here it is very important to understand the difference between a gift and a bribe in general, because a gift can be worth 2,000 rubles, but is regarded as a bribe, because we say a gift is
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free of charge, in a bribe there is always a condition in the obligatory attribute ae, that is , we are talking about that we are giving this gift, as it were, wrapped up in something for some purpose, that is, when we say that some kind of service must be performed in return, in this case, then we can already pose the question: by bribe. let's repeat, all the most important things. the creation of parent committees in kindergartens and schools is permitted by the law on education, and their activities are regulated by the educational institution itself. all contributions collected by parent committees are voluntary, coercion, threats of infringement of the rights of the child. all this is illegal and can have consequences, including criminal ones. and finally, parents who donated money have the right to know how it was spent. still have questions, want to know what your rights are? has students them parents, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will disturb
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the department and lawyers, and we will definitely tell you everything in the next issue of the program . instructions on how the construction of new substations and energy transits in siberia in the far east create conditions for the expansion of the eastern test site. this is a railway network that stretches over 14,000 km. the growth of trade turnover in russia with countries depends on its modernization. asia, the project for the electrification of bama and transib, the longest railway in world, unprecedented in volume of work. suffice it to say that the power lines alone must be stretched for almost 5.00 km. what has already been achieved in dari goneeva’s report, see after the short advertisement. go to the moss exhibition. or maybe to me? better at a tasty point, check out the clips,
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it is in this closed room that an invisible but very important process for the country’s economy takes place. it is here that the energy systems of two regions - kusbass and khakassia - are connected. like the construction and modernization of substations, power transmission lines and energy bridges in siberia and the far east, associated with the expansion of the eastern range of russian railways. and how thanks will russia's export potential increase?
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every day they go both to the west, to the metallurgical enterprises of the urals, and to the east. by rail, solid fuel travels to the ports of the far east, and from there for export to the countries of southeast asia. coal loading at the station in kuzbass is steadily growing, and this is directly related to the reconstruction of the mezhdurechenskaya substation. we have special consumers - these are miners, that is, russian railways, like open-pit mines, yes, they also feed from us, they are also very important consumers, but here about the miner. we can say that the lives of people, hundreds of people underground, depend on a reliable power supply, which is provided from our substation. the mezhdurechenskaya substation was built back in 1953 to supply electricity to a rapidly developing coal mining enterprise. then a city appeared here, new lines and capacities were required, the substation was updated several times, and finally
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there was a need to completely modernize it, and in fact build a new one using the latest technology, which was done. on of this substation, all control is carried out simply by clicking the mouse on the computer, or here the staff is local in mezhdurechensk, there is also the possibility of remote control from the dispatch center in the city of kemerovo, we have a regional dispatch center , which means the dispatcher can control the equipment directly from kemerovo, that is and, accordingly, the person is very far from tension, which makes everything much safer than it was on... konstantin taptun has been working at mezhdurechenskaya since 2006 year, started as an engineer in relay protection and rose to the rank of substation manager. the profession of a power engineer is seemingly invisible, but we have electricity, everything is fine, we live, we don’t have to worry, on the other hand it’s a very nervous job, because you need to constantly be aware of
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events, what’s happening at the substation, where what risks can maybe it’s not the weather, we are constantly monitoring. which goes to the stepnaya substation, yes, which constitutes our transit, energy transit, it passed through difficult accessible area where there are no roads, there is only a railway. that is, with highly cross-country all-terrain vehicles, that is, construction was carried out in very difficult conditions. the substation line in kusbas runs along the tom river and the railway and
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leads to the same new highly automated stepnaya station in khakassia. we are located in the 220-110 kv switchgear class 22-110 kv at mezhdurechenskaya station. and this switchgear, which we now see , is still the same in kusbas. the only one in mezhdurechensk, that is, no one has it. the mezhdurechenskaya and stepnaya substations, as well as the energy transit itself, are examples of facilities that rosseti built for the development of the eastern testing site. energy workers have already completed the first stage of work, its total cost was 160 billion rubles. the eastern range itself is a railway network that stretches for more than 14. km through 880 stations and sidings. its main threads are bam and transit. the complex has been running for more than 10 years. aimed at repeatedly increasing russia's export potential. nearest target - eliminate bottlenecks and increase the capacity of the transport site to 180 million tons per year. the development of the eastern
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test site and infrastructure is directly related to the electrification of these facilities. and of course, the implementation of rosseti’s investment program will increase the number of lines of empty and loaded trains, and this will lead to an increase in freight turnover. transcoal transships coal to meet the energy needs of the world community; solid fuel arrives by rail to enterprises, wagons fed into a special rotor and unloaded, the coal enters a transport belt, briquettes are formed from it using unique dust suppression systems and sent to the warehouse, and from there to the port for ships. at the first stage, the construction of the vtu marine terminal, together with the construction itself. energy facilities were built for reloading equipment, technological buildings, structures, these include
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a transport transformer substation, which is the property of autonomous technical university, with a capacity of 35 mw, line power transmission lines in dimensions 220 with a length of more than 8 km, all this will allow the enterprise to increase cargo turnover from 12 to 30 million tons per year. now i’m inspecting the autotransformer, looking at the external condition, the condition of the components, seals, insulation, contact connections, oil level, this is also important for the timely detection of equipment defects so that it works smoothly for us. anastasia vedulina’s working day begins at 7:45, with the acceptance of the shift from the duty officer. a girl electrician reports to dispatchers what she learned about the planned works, inspects equipment and allows teams to work. it started back in school, my mother also worked at a substation as an electrician servicing the substation at the 220 kv vysokogornaya substation,
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well, she constantly talked about her work and showed, well, it was interesting, and i didn’t even think about other options, i just asked her for a target direction, she accepted it and i went to university, studied the specialty for which i am now working, reliable power supply... the coal terminal, like other energy consumers off the coast of the tatar strait, is provided by the lep, komsomolskaya, selikhin, vanina, built as part of the first stage of the eastern test site, its length is 388 km, this transit was built in order to increase the reliability of power supply to the vanensky and savgavan energy districts, in turn , this made it possible to increase the capacity of the vanina port and increase the number of ships shipped.
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highly qualified specialists. brigade, only piece units can work at this height. which goes upstairs, inspects the condition of the supporting clamps, wires in the rollers and other elements. their colleague below diagnoses the condition of the line using a thermal imager. here i also check the contact connections, not the connection points between the wire and the fittings, and also the insulation. receives a thermogram, after analyzing this thermogram, if there are no temperature anomalies, then i conclude that this line is located.
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this energy transit not only ensured reliable supply to the ports of the far east, but created conditions for the expansion of the eastern testing ground, and this, in turn, determines the growth of trade turnover between russia and asian countries. in total, as part of the first stage of electrification of the eastern polygon, rosseti implemented 14 investment projects that are important for residents of eight export-increasing regions. among them is a new 220 kv substation in nakhodka; during its construction , the features of the aggressive marine climate were taken into account. the substation made it possible to increase the reliability of power supply to the third largest city of primorye with a population of 150 thousand people create conditions for the development of the port area. now, according to the plan, the facilities of the second stage of the eastern test site are in operation. so, a new ultra-high voltage energy transit from the ustilimskaya gas station was recently launched. initially, the ustelimskaya gas station was connected through the uskut station by one 220 kv line. well, to
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increase. bam's ability this was clearly not enough, so it was decided to build a second 500 kv line and construction was recently completed; a third 500 kv line was included as part of the second stage of power supply to the eastern railway range expensive the hydroelectric power station in the cities of ust and limsk is the fourth most powerful in russia after sayano-shushushinskaya, krasnoyarsk and bradskaya, which are located upstream of the angara. new transit to the 500 kv substation. uskud passes through the hard-to-reach northern regions of the irkutsk region; more than 500 builders worked daily to extend the line 295 km, far from populated areas and highways. the project started in may last year and consisted of two stages, a project to connect three uselimskaya lines uskut hydroelectric station. the first stage is the construction of two new 500 kv cells. and the correspondence after
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this is the connection of the two lines of ustelemskaya. from uskut-1 and uskut-3, the second, the second stage involved connecting, transferring the line of uselimskaya egusku-2 and installing a shredding reactor. at the moment, all equipment has been installed and is being reliably operated. the completion of the construction of the facilities made it possible to strengthen one of the largest infrastructure systems in eastern siberia, the pereduy energy ring. it plays a big role in power supply four regions: irkutsk region, transbaikalia, buryatia and yakutia, including strategically significant ones. enterprises, as well as the new lep made it possible to double the power output of the power plant. the work of transit not only provided additional capacity for the bama traction substations, but also provided for the growing needs of local residents and industry. in particular , the largest kovykino gas condensate field of gazprom, the irkutsk gas chemical cluster and the pole gold deposit received electricity. project
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electrification of bama and transib. the longest railway in the world is unprecedented in terms of the volume of work, suffice it to say that almost 5.00 km of power lines alone should be stretched, but the work done will give a whole range of effects, the development of freight transportation, increased exports, as well as the creation of conditions for long-term social and economic growth siberia and the far east.
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in shibekino, a ukrainian drone deliberately dropped a charge on a children's playground, five children were injured, the youngest eight, what is their condition. the nato summit ended in washington; no peace initiatives were adopted as a result; the alliance stated that it would continue to restrain russia. what's in the final declaration? the brix parliamentary forum is taking place in st. petersburg, what issues are being discussed and what statements are being made. the heat in russia continues; in crimea, temperature records have been set for the third day in a row. due to the weather, natural fires can start even in the northern regions of the country. what are the forecasts? one of the children wounded during the attack by vysu nashibekin is now in extremely serious condition. condition, doctors are fighting for his life. this was reported to the ministry of health. i'll remind you the day before.


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