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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 12, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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for changes, and we are strong in many other areas of education, economics, business, creative industry, everything that is generally related to management, this is of course the strong point of the presidential academy, and well, we are waiting for applicants, preparing, we have many plans for 1 september, literally today my colleagues and i discussed what we will please? students and new applicants, we are preparing a lot of pleasant surprises in terms of infrastructure, i won’t tell you everything, but i’ll probably share one thing, we’ll make a special children’s room, because we have there are students who already have children, especially if we are talking about a master’s degree, and there will be an opportunity to come with the child, leave the child in the children’s room under the supervision of a teacher in good conditions
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, to study in peace, without worrying about the child, and there will be many more such changes, the space is changing, the buildings are changing, we are doing a major reconstruction, and soon the campus in the southwest will be completely different, well, that is , september 1 in ranhix will be a day of pleasant surprises, i hope so, but if we talk about budget places, i really want to to hear here the details and the ratio of budgetary and commercial enrollments, respectively, does this already attach any significance to this? in general, our academy is the largest university in europe, if we count students attending additional education programs, but answering directly your question about the number of budget places, this year we will admit 4,519 first-year students to budget places, this is if we talk about the whole academy, but if you also take into account commercial places, those that are under contracts, otherwise... there are more than 40 such places
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thousand, so that the academy will be replenished with a large number of new students, of course i really want to get a little orientated on the educational programs, what’s new, what’s interesting and significant here, on the one hand, on the other hand, the teaching staff, what changes might be, what staffing in ranhix now, what could be new here ? in response to your previous question about... i can say that we definitely now have a focus on quality, not quantity, this also applies to the number of students and number of programs, there is always a temptation to launch new programs, but it is important for us to ensure that they all meet the highest quality standards. by the way, from the point of view of admission, this year our average unified state exam score will definitely increase, this is very pleasant and serious for us indicator, we have set such a task for ourselves, but a new program
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is appearing, last year we launched such a bright program called the resource of russia, this is for those students who are really ready at this age and wants to connect his life with state or municipal government, public service, this year there is unprecedented interest in this program, there are already more than 700 applications for a relatively small number of places, so the competition will be serious. i am sure that the programs, the program will show itself very brightly, our professorial teaching staff is very strong, we are proud of them and are glad that such teachers work for us, but here too there are no changes, we are launching training programs for our own for the first time teachers, very soon there will be a special training module, we are conducting for...
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in the moscow region in order to conduct it in such a very tight schedule for 12 hours a day, we will teach teachers new educational technologies, acting, public speaking and many others skills that a good modern teacher needs. in august we will go again with the professorial teaching staff, with the heads of educational programs, we will go to the mashuk center, where we will also conduct. special one a strategic session on how to make educational programs more effective, stronger, more successful, so we don’t stand still, we work in this direction, well, all this is needed, including in order for that very school to expand and grow governors, ranhiks and the school of governors - this is synonymous with what is called, this is the training of high-quality, highly professional management personnel, please tell us how in this direction... work, what could be new,
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because, well, because this is rumored, everything about they know this, of course, we are certainly proud that the president entrusted us with the training of such... managers and not only entrusted us with it, but appreciates the results, among our graduates of the school of governors, 55 people already occupy positions of regional leaders, we have among the graduates there are mayors of large cities, and federal ministers, and other big leaders, the program is developing, and new ones are appearing, we now have a very actively developing school of mayors, in general , what concerns municipal governance, this is... a very important task, in my opinion, it has not received due attention for a long time, but the president set the task, now we see results, including in terms of training municipal employees, and we
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have personnel reserve programs in the field of science and education, and if we’re talking about new programs, then of course i can’t help but mention the time of heroes program, we all... heard the president say during his address to the federal assembly about our new elites, the program is now actively underway preparation of the first stream, we have 83 people in this stream, you know, my strongest desire during this whole program was to make sure that as many people as possible in our country could just communicate with these guys live, because it’s amazing an example of courage, pride, determination, love for the homeland, love for people in general, for our country, and - our task is to make sure that the participants of the northern military district, some
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after the victory, some now can switch to the civil service, naturally those who who wants this...
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and their approaches are also different, special, considering that they have gone through, and of course, the people are special, and the people evoke incredible respect, but at the same time we understand that there are specifics - in the state and civil service, there are certain differences from military service, and the main thing is to ensure that the participants in a special military operation are as prepared as possible for the challenges that ae? before them will still be in the civil service and have all the necessary knowledge and competencies, i want to move on to scientific program of your university, because it also exists, and this is also an important, important aspect, an important component of what we are talking about, here is the academy, the presidential academy is one of
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the leaders in the field of science, provides expert support to the government and the presidential administration and many others organizations, structures and uh, i can proudly say that we have very good scientists working for us, i believe that one of these areas where we are leaders and must remain leaders is everything that concerns economic geography, territorial planning, we have excellent specialists, vladimir viktorovich klimanov, dmitry yurievich zemlyansky, we are strong in matters of economics, monetary policy, here, probably, it is necessary to say: about pavel vyacheslavovich trunin, our other scientists , in fact, we can list a lot , our task is to maximally support that galaxy of scientists who work in the academy, but there are certain challenges, i can honestly
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admit that so far things are not so good with attracting young people to science, and this is one of the tasks that we have before ourselves we want to make sure that more young... people come to science, develop science, and grow in this direction. returning to the topic of management personnel, about new regions, of course, i would like to ask what kind of work is going on here, what might we expect? what already exists, this is also one of the priority areas for our country as a whole and for the presidential academy, we have a large number of programs specifically for our new regions, last year we trained 12 thousand people from new regions full-time, this year the tasks are even greater ambitious, we must train 2000 people, and i think the work...
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the process of such a merger with the donetsk academy of civil service management, we have plans for joint development, there are plans for other regions, i go there periodically, i always communicate with people with great joy, who in word and deed show and demonstrate their love for our great country, concluding our conversation about branches, i would like to hear about ranhix branches in different regions, what is the coverage here, which ones?
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there is a lot to learn from many branches, from us there are also strong teachers, strong scientific personnel, amazing student government, by the way, in general in our academy, i think it’s the best in the country, the guys are simply amazing, so bright, so creative, so proactive and at the same time very responsible, who take , they take on complex tasks perfectly, solve them perfectly, but again i won’t say that everything is rosy, there are branches that are not so successful and our task, which i
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discussed with the country’s leadership, is to ensure that the high standard of the presidential academy was represented throughout the country, where we can do this, we will certainly do this, there are regions where we may close branches, for some a decision has already been made, but at the same time we want to be represented. the white house says that a new arms race is not around the corner, the demand for private bunkers is growing by leaps and bounds. the market for the construction of underground bomb shelters in the united states has grown to $11 billion. about how to make money on fear in a program about the world. with valentin bogdanov, watch immediately after the commercial, program
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profit at the megamarket, for example, scrub for body mix for 350 rubles from cashback: 35%. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. exactly 50 years have passed since the signing of the soviet-american treaty on limiting underground nuclear tests. unlike many other agreements. between moscow and washington this is in effect, although it may still be in effect. recently, trump's former national security adviser robert o'brien called for the resumption of american underground nuclear testing if his boss is re-elected, the goal is to confront russia and china. and the race
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nuclear weapons are not the most terrible prospect here. after all, the agreement is about limitation. nuclear weapons tests, which, among other things, set the threshold for detonating particularly powerful charges, over 150 kilotons were signed during the visit of republican richard nixon to moscow, but now in america both republicans and democrats are doing nothing but competing in nuclear threats, from the white house too they sound. unless our adversaries change trajectory, we may need to increase the number of warheads in the coming years. and if the president makes such a decision, we must be fully prepared for the task. considering that the nuclear briefcase, the red button, is now in the hands of a man who forgets the names of his closest advisers, calls himself a black woman and promises his party colleagues to go to bed early, the uneasy feeling is only growing. we are talking about
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the possible destruction of the entire world, and biden says it is a nuclear issue. not important, global warming is important. i also love fresh air and clean water, but real an existential threat is that tomorrow there could be a war so destructive that the world will not be able to recover from it. and these are not just political statements; just look at the hands of the so-called doomsday clock. this is a project of the university of chicago magazine, the magazine is called "bulletin of atomic scientists". it was started in 1947. creators of the first american atomic bomb, in the entire history of the clock hands have never been so close to midnight, look for yourself, this is a fragment of one of our filming last year, standing next to the doomsday clock, it’s hard to imagine an apocalypse around a university auditorium, and yet just 90 seconds,
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the world has never been so close to the abyss. by the way, during the cuban missile crisis, the clock.
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hundreds of people, that is, you can hold out here for several hours, well, yes, if you are lucky, then yes, you would not want to spend here, no, not a single hour, not a minute, and especially
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not a single day, this is madness, you can see the room is about 10 by 20, it's too small. ines khazanovich, originally from the former yugoslavia, he saw the civil war, and he was very alarmed, we were filming this report during the anniversary of the cuban missile crisis and... before our eyes he was loading things into a truck, because he was moving from greater new york, which is no longer considers it a safe place, in the mountains, where there are fewer people, well, there is a better opportunity to somehow hide, in general , many americans now have such sentiments, not everyone really has the opportunity to move, those who are richer have begun to do things again buy survival items and... build asylum in 2023 in the united states , a record amount of money was spent on this purpose, $11 billion.
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in texas, where there has long been a popular culture of survivalists who prepare for various variants of the apocalypse, one of the creators of customized shelters said that in a month interest in his products increased by 700%. the most expensive bunker cost the buyer $240,000. that is, there is a real boom in the world. bunker construction, many companies have emerged to meet the demand, one of them has built 14 bunkers in new zealand, it is also far away, that is , apparently doubly safe, there are those who turn abandoned missile silos in america itself into some kind of underground bunkers, in the czech republic there is a company that specializes in requests for billionaires, these are ultra-luxurious underground dwellings for the occasion. doomsday, well, it is clear that such a business is maintained, of course, at the expense of wealthy people, or the rich, or the very rich, here is an example of one of these bunkers in
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new mexico, in america itself. this is a bomb shelter in case of a nuclear attack, 18 steps down, 7 m underground. the stainless steel bunker cost $80,000. you can live here for weeks or even months. there is running water, wi-fi, and even... bread oven. 6 years ago we were making 10-11 bunkers a year, now it’s almost a thousand, this is incredible growth. among these companies there are real champions with the most huge, large-scale projects, well, a whole town of bunkers, located in south dakota, the area is called the black hills, at one time there was a missile base there, which was used by the american army, then it was sold, abandoned. well, in general , businessmen are now building up in this place and turning these underground communications into new bunkers, the total
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population of this town should be 10,000 people, each such dwelling is sold for 55 thousand dollars, excursions are organized, bloggers go there. fuel and water will be stored here, all the walls are insulated, the pipes too, so they don’t freeze, there’s one more thing on this side. storage for fuel and the thing that i like most is a filter that cleans the air of radioactive, biological and chemical pollution, of course, there are few people who can afford capitally built bunkers for tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, and there are many people who are worried about the unpleasant future; by the way, in america they are called prepers, among these prepers... such manuals from the sixties are becoming increasingly popular, well, how can one not remember the old soviet joke about what to do in the event of a nuclear explosion,
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they answer that you just need to cover yourself with a sheet. and crawl to the cemetery, this is roughly the same advice that today’s youtubers give to those who want to organize some kind of place for themselves at home in order to... the easiest way to build a shelter is to lean a wooden structure against the wall in the form of a box filled with sand, as we know, compressed mud and sand protect well from radioactive particles. demand, as we know, creates supply, but celebrities also create the situation; they also rushed to comment and talk about how they are preparing for the doomsday of the apocalypse. i’m preparing for different things, i have a set of earthquake cases, flat shoes, a shoulder bag, physical training, i don’t know who you plan to escape from, you
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will need something with which you can light a fire and hunt animals, this is very important. i would take guns, bows, cartridges and arrows, tablets for disinfecting water, high-calorie bars that take up little space, get into my land cruiser and leave los angeles, because there will be nothing to eat here. los angeles is california, california is silicon valley, i'm there there are a lot of rich people and a lot of people who are related. to that same anxious generation z, among billionaires in silicon valley there is a gigantic demand for bunkers of the highest level, in some ways this is reminiscent of the fashion of twenty, or maybe thirty years ago, when they bought expensive yachts, now they are building expensive bunkers, the most famous, probably, here the character is mark zuckerberg, there have long been rumors that on the hawaiian island he is building,
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probably the most... expensive in the world, a shelter, a bunker, there are fantastic rumors, there its energy reserves, food and whatever, and prices, of course, for cloud prices, it costs, according to various estimates, from $100 million to $270 million. people like me, every day, experience, what shall i say, constant, terrifying existential dread, climate change, the collapse of democratic institutions, atomic clocks 90 seconds from midnight, but... whatever happens, i have something for you life-affirming news: everything will be fine with the rich. in general, of course, it’s an amazing thing, that is, people who have a lot of resources, money, power to change the state of affairs in the world, to somehow influence, i don’t know, the same biden or trump, in general, to calm the situation, instead of using their opportunities to
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make things good everyone, they're just uh... technology expert douglas rashkov talks about attending a highly secretive meeting with the super-rich who wanted his opinion on how to prepare for hour x. his conclusion: their extreme wealth and privilege have only led to an obsession with the idea protect themselves from dangers such as climate change, mass migration, disease, depletion of resources, for them the technologies of the future are aimed...
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money 500 dollars a month lives in this bunker, equipped it, and every day talks about her life and existence underground . the advantage of living down here is that you can’t hear the street at all when the door is closed, the room is not loud, and it’s actually very fresh and cool here, even when it’s hot outside. living in a bunker, caitlin saves on utilities; she has water from the well, electricity. from solar panels, the only thing that is inconvenient is that it all affects her personal life, she admits that she once invited a boyfriend to her home, in general, she is a pretty girl, but the young man considered the prospect of a date in a bunker worse than a nuclear war. this was america, all the best to you. we watch
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to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, on the app or on the website, doctors are fighting for lives, in what condition? children wounded in shubikina, on whom did the drone drop an explosive device and what kind of assistance are they receiving? new steps on the path to war, what nato leaders agreed on at the summit in washington and why joseph biden's condition has once again raised fears of ridicule. strengthening ties, what goals are set within the framework of the brix parliamentary forum and how the participants themselves assess the role of this association. the flames covered more than 10 hectares.


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