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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 12, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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we see that medical institutions, we see that the hospital is already acquiring a completely different format, appropriate medical care for residents of the donetsk people's republic, we see that educational institutions of a completely new format are appearing, also noticeable changes for the better are visible on the embankment and the city beach, during communication with residents, requests were made to install additional benches and develop convenient approaches to the sea; the dpr has great potential for development.
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it's easy to get lost in facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations. it's easy to make a deepfake and change your voice. we will expose all fakes.
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it's time for economic news. trade turnover between china and russia in the first half of the year increased by almost 2% to $117 billion. this was reported by the general customs administration of the people's republic of china. exports from russia to china increased by almost 4%. imports decreased by 80. at the end of last year, trade turnover reached a record high of 240 billion. meanwhile, trade volumes between china and the united states decreased by 2%. and with the european union more than 3 and a half. rolf's former owner sergei petrov failed to challenge the nationalization of the company. the city court of st. petersburg upheld the decision to transfer the assets of a car dealer in favor of the state, interfax writes. in 1919, the investigative committee opened a criminal case against petrov, and at the end of 2023, vladimir putin signed a decree transferring rolf to the temporary management of the federal property management agency. pharmgroup promet held at the upper limit of the price range of 400 rubles.
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this corresponds to the market value of the company 85 billion, said in its press release. as a result of entering the moscow exchange, promomet raised 6 billion rubles. its shares are expected to begin trading after 4 pm today under the ticker symbol prmd. and the global public debt exceeded $100 trillion, growing by almost 6% over the year. they write about this with reference to data from the world bank and the imf. compared to the global economy, debt is growing. at a faster pace, gdp increased by only 4%. the united states has the largest national debt - 35% of the world economy. china is in second place, third - japan. russia took twenty-eighth place. it was economic news. short. the prosecutor's office is investigating the circumstances of the accident in the chelyabinsk region. in zlatoust. a pedestrian died as a result of a collision between two trams. the tragedy occurred during the transportation of a faulty carriage. at some point he fell and crashed into. with
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natural fires in the regions in yakutia , over 160,000 hectares of forest caught fire in a day, almost 800 thousand hectares are now on fire, extinguishing is complicated by intense heat, wind and smoke, wild animals are escaping from the burning taiga. in in transbaikalia , heavy rainfall is caused to fight fires; the zindishchik an-26 cyclone aircraft was brought in to work. more than a hundred outbreaks continue to operate in the region, covering an area of ​​over 480 thousand hectares. but in the meantime , the situation in the khabarovsk territory has noticeably improved. eight fires were extinguished there, more than 11 thousand hectares were extinguished in one day in the amur region, 20 fires were eliminated in buryatia, but the situation is still tense. last night we managed to put out a large forest fire in the vicinity of energodar, with they fought the fire for a day, the flames engulfed more than 10
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hectares, and smoke filled the city streets. residents of houses on the outskirts even had to cover their windows and doors with damp rags, otherwise it was impossible to breathe. at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the stations were highlighted. there was no threat of fire, that’s what the energodar administration told us. the cause of yesterday's extensive fire was shelling in the ssu, hot weather and wind contributed to the spread of the fire. along with firefighters , utility companies were additionally involved in the firefighting effort. at this time the moment the fire was extinguished, the active fire was moved away from the city last night, the remaining fires were contained and extinguished during the night. at school or kindergarten, they collect money for... excursions, additional teaching aids or for a holiday, is it necessary to participate in this, who and how regulates the activities of parent committees, all the details are in stanislav bernwald's program instructions, immediately after the advertisement,
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the pain may be different, the mechanism of pain development is the same, it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain, thanks to... 135 years, in georgia , the tradition remains unchanged on every table, borjomi, borjomi helps you enjoy your favorite dishes and gives you a feeling of lightness after eating. open borjomi, enjoy, feel the lightness. remember what
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literature, excursions and other activities for children, all of which are handled by parent committees. the very fact of the possibility of their creation is enshrined in the law on education, but it does not regulates. already in an educational institution, for example, in a school this may be a regulation, but on the parent committee, accordingly, this regulation is discussed with the parent community and approved by an internal order of the director of the educational institution. the main thing that
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the most active parents, and those who for some reason are short on funds, should understand is that any contributions within the parent committee are only voluntary, this is regulated by a letter to min. science dated september 9, 2015, on preventing illegal collections of funds, there, in particular, there is a link to article 4 of federal law no. 135 of august 11 , 19
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textbooks for repairs, for windows, for doors, this is free with us, so no collection is illegal, but accordingly, if the parent wants to make a donation to an educational institution, he has the right to do this, of course, when the parent community, this is in many parent chats, demands to contribute a certain amount of money, and especially when it is under threat. associated, for example, there, if you do not if you bring it in, your child will feel bad there, and so on and so forth, this is certainly illegal, in this case we always recommend contacting the director of the educational institution first and then filing a corresponding complaint with the prosecutor’s office. demanding contributions with threats, although in the most extreme case, can generally be qualified as extortion, and this is punishable by up to 4 years in prison and a fine of up to 800,000 rubles. and if a teacher joins an active gathering from among the parents, he may face punishment under article use by an official of his
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official powers contrary to the interests of the service, if this act was committed out of selfish or other personal interest. the next thorny issue is fundraising, even if everyone agrees to it. it is better to immediately draw up a protocol that records the agreement between the parents of the target, the amount of contributions, their frequency, and so on. recommended to the parents committee. remove checks, issue receipts for all, even the most insignificant expenses, parents can demand a report at any time if the committee does not provide the necessary information, the request may be sent to the police and the prosecutor's office, and there they may see signs of a crime under the article of theft, embezzlement, if the parent community refuses this obligation to report to parents, in this case it is possible... again contact the director of the educational institutions, in this case it is possible to again
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contact the prosecutor's office to check this parent community, yes, since they do not fulfill this responsibility, well, in the event that facts of misappropriation or embezzlement of funds are suddenly revealed, then here we can, of course, raise the question of criminal prosecution under article 160 of the criminal code, another important issue for parents... here it is very important to understand the difference between a gift and a gift in general. bribes, because a gift can be worth 2,000 rubles, but is regarded as a bribe, because we say a gift is free of charge, in a bribe there is always a mandatory attribute: conditions, that is, we are saying that we we give this, as it were, yes, a loaded gift
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for something, for some purpose, that is, when we say that some kind of service should be performed here in return, in this case, then we can already raise the question of a bribe, let’s repeat, the most important thing is that the creation of parent committees in kindergartens and schools is permitted by the law on education, and their activities are regulated by the educational institution itself. on july 12, russia celebrates photographer's day, one of the most talented and fearless
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photojournalists in russia and the soviet union union. the first half of the 20th century was viktor bula. his words were even surpassed by the fame of his father, karl bule. victor became famous at a young age when he went as a photojournalist to the russo-japanese war in 1904. about the heritage of the craftsman in a special report by zinaida kurbatova. this unique album is in the collection of the russian national library in st. petersburg; it was brought here on the seventeenth. february 1942 on the spine of the album is written military photojournalist viktor bula. most likely the album is prepared for publication. the photographs were taken by victor bula at the front in 1904. this is actually a chronicle of the russian japanese war. here is the beginning of the train of nurses from the community of st. eugene. below is twenty-year-old viktor bula. he
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is assigned to the siberian reserve brigade. they travel by train to irkutsk. here the troops are transported through. frozen baikal and further to manzhuria. here, finally, is the dolinsky pass. it must be said that, probably, the fall of kuropatkin as a commander begins with these very sad events at the dolinsky pass, so this the dead, these are lying here. of course, these are already dead, this is such a shooting, i even think that it could not have been published either in niva, or in a military leaflet, that is, the censorship did not let it through, i think so. there will be more sad events here, funerals, wounded people who appeared in large numbers, here on this valley pass, uh, it seems to me that here you can even hear the battle itself, the photographs are 120 years old, and we hear the battle, this is the talent of a photo reporter and fearlessness, enormous professionalism, june 14, 194, superior
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japanese army forces attack the russians, who are forced to retreat, the russian detachment... is defeated, 48 people are killed, 164 are wounded. victor bula photographs soldiers in the trenches, artillery work, everyday life, the infirmary, funerals, and not only photographs. the commander of the first manchurian army ordered the photographer bulu to be awarded a silver medal for bravery to be worn on his chest on a st. george's ribbon for his selfless work in carrying out the wounded at the dolinsky pass on july 14, 1904. the horrors of that monstrous wars, all terrible. the defeat of the tsarist army, its military defeats, nightmarish retreats, being a young, efficient guy, i kept up with my camera everywhere, and sometimes accepting the duties of a brother of mercy, i bandaged the wounded under fire on the battlefield. my photographs were then published in all newspapers and magazines published in russia and often appeared on the pages of foreign publications. and here is viktor bulaverkhom on a horse, hung with cameras, a military correspondent
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of the russian-japanese war. this photograph was published in niva. there is a lot in victor's biography. why is the intelligence of the general staff somehow involved in this, because victor received a corresponding sheet there, he had a second form of cover from the red cross, i assume, because he visited and will remain a secret, i suspect that to korea, and china, and he was there in manzhuria, that is , he had some kind of task, victor , frankly speaking, is now much more famous than his older brother, sometimes even his father, this...
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already develop it in the workshop, print it or send it to agencies , which distributed this information. the father and two sons brilliantly master this art , introduce it in various fields, and become pioneers of new genres. beautiful staged portraits are, perhaps, better done by alexander. victor is a real reporter who is burdened with studio photography, he works a lot for newspapers and magazines, and they photograph police work and crime scenes. here are the clippings from 906. photographs from the scene of the assassination attempts on stolypino, his bombed-out dacha, the genre on the streets - all three of them love to photograph this. the bula family has different at the time there were up to five photographic studios in st. petersburg, only...
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in 1909, an independent partnership was organized by apollo for the production of historical and visual films. over the course of 3 years, he shot 40 documentaries and was very fond of filming sports and people in motion. 3 months, in 1910 , the rally lasted in russabalta cars, st. petersburg, naples, st. petersburg. victor filmed it. and here is a rare surviving film from 1909, an international wrestling competition on korestovsky island. in 1914 the world war broke out, the german one, as then talked. alexander and victor were military correspondents at the front for some time, but then returned to st. petersburg, the widowed karl karlovich got married and
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went to estonia, the brothers need to maintain the family business, victor is now filming a chronicle of revolutionary events. during the days of the revolution, i was almost never at home, i scoured the city like a real event hunter, running with my slr to where gunfire was heard, where machine guns crackled, interrupted by sounds. revolutionary songs. one of the bula family's studios was located on the top floor of the arcade. 4 july 1917 victor saw that something important was about to happen at the nivsky demonstration. he felt it. he clearly has excellent intuition. he ran to the roof of the passage, from there he took his most famous photograph: the shooting of the july demonstration on the corner of nevsky and sadovaya. they refused to publish this photo, so they found an opportunity and sent it to france.
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esenstein's october was filmed in 1927, it included a scene of the shooting of a demonstration on the corner of nevskaya sadovaya in 1917. in order to film this scene, esenstein reconstructed a photograph of viktor bula, and then the following happened in books in albums, they began to place a still frame from isenshtein’s film and write at the bottom the photographer viktor bula. after the revolution , the luxurious atelier of the bula family on nevsky 54 was nationalized. now this is the studio of the petrograd soviet, then lensovo.
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i filmed demonstrations, funerals of victims of the revolution, filmed sergei kirov, and then his funeral. alexander's elder brother was arrested and sent to solovki. his fate is sad, mysterious, he returned from the camp, but after that he disappeared. victor understood that may follow his brother and handed over all valuable negatives and photographs to the state. the employees of the archive, film and photo background of documents have a different version: all photo studios and even photo circles in that era were taken into account. and their workers were simply obliged to hand over the chronicle of the revolution. civil war, the life of the country of the soviets and its top officials, in the central archives. at the beginning of 1930, from the photo studio of the leningrad city council, which was the former photo studio
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of the bula family, the central state archive received photo negatives numbering 71,472. which of them belonged to victor, karl, alexander, it is not possible to find out, but now most of the heritage of the bula family is here in the archive of film and photo background documents in st. petersburg. lives at a studio on nevsky, he already has three children. the retoucher of this studio did not like this very much, and he wrote a denunciation. victor is removed from his post here, the head of his own photography, he is removed, he goes to the house of health education as an ordinary photographer. in 1938, victor was arrested, declared a german spy, and he was shot on october 30.
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october he was included in this list with the letter b, the rest were pardoned. after the brothers were repressed, their photographs were published, but without authorship. but the photographic studio on nevsky continued to work, everyone in leningrad called it bula’s salon, just like the grocery store on nevsky, eliseevsky. here is the filming from 1995. on this staircase, in monzarda, at the beginning of the century , a famous photographer set up shop. karl karlovy in 1965 , vocational school graduate valentin baronovsky, now the most famous, came to work at studio number one in leningrad photographer. then in 1960 he took pictures with the cameras that belonged to the bula family. the client was sitting in front of the camera under the light, they inserted a record like this, beautiful light in the darkness, they charged the cassette, when the light was set, the client was sitting, and the cassette
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was inserted. like this, uh, it was pointed sharply through the lens with these climariers, and then , uh, the curtain was opened , and a picture was taken like this, approximately, but now it’s very difficult to explain, not in the camera itself, not in the pavilion itself in the studio, these glass negatives were roughly made, then they went into development for retouching, they were printed using contact method and the client received the photographs in st. petersburg. at the end of the 1990s, already in the 21st century, many iconic places for the city disappeared, the siege hairdresser, the famous pharmacy opposite the kazan cathedral, the paddling pool cafe, the photographic studio of the bula family on nevsky 54, miraculously preserved thanks to the now deceased philanthropist, a famous doctor, valentin elbek. elbek was a keen man, he was so hooked that such a story goes somewhere, and he gradually
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i'll get used to it.
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back to the news review, vladimir putin held a meeting today with permanent members of the security council. one of the children seriously injured in the shibekin drone attack was sent to moscow for treatment, as reported in mintsdrive, he is being transported to a russian children's clinical hospital.


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