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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 12, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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of this year, the russian economy grew by 5%, prime minister mikhail mishustin announced this at a meeting on economic issues. my colleague alena logvinova will tell you more about everything. alena, hello, how does the government estimate gdp growth? yuri, good day, 5% based on the results of 5 months, the figure is significantly higher than forecasts, and this, despite all the restrictions. the dynamics of development of the russian economy remain. high in may, growth accelerated slightly relative to april to 4.5%. mikhail mishustin held a meeting on economic issues. if we take statistics for 5 months, despite the introduction of new restrictions, gdp added 5% compared to the same period of the previous year. this is significantly higher than predicted. indicators of the real sector are also in positive territory; from january to may, the manufacturing industry grew by almost 9%. one of the key drivers is mechanical engineering, which showed double-digit growth. growth, which is very important,
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investment continues to grow, which means that still, a good foundation for the future is being created; according to the results of the first quarter, they increased by almost 15%. mainly due to machinery and equipment, investments in intellectual property. the company has its own resources, which are very important for this, as their profits increase, they began to actively invest their funds in the development of the regions. harvesting has begun in the country, and autumn field work is ahead. mikhail mishustin demanded that farmers be provided with everything they need. menselkhoz maintains its previously made forecast for grain harvest in this year at the level of 130.
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will saturate the market with high-quality and affordable agricultural products. in russia, there is very high consumer activity, primarily due to the growth of private incomes, however , this factor contributes to the growth of inflation. as of july 1, it was 4.5% since the beginning of the year. according to the development forecast by the ministry of economic development and trade at the end of the year, the figure will exceed 5%. and to the target value of 4%, inflation will return in 2025. as mikhail stated. shusi, despite the summer period, it is necessary to constantly monitor the macroeconomic situation and the need to quickly adjust the action plan. we have entered the most active phase of the formation of the federal budget for the next 3 years and new national projects; they are very closely related and aimed at
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solving the key tasks that the president spoke about. right now we are discussing the most important measures included in these documents. already at the beginning of autumn. this proposal for national projects will need to be sent to the state council, i ask you to ensure that all planned deadlines are met, declare your needs in a timely manner and work them out with the ministry of finance. let me remind you that on wednesday the federation council approved a law on changing the parameters of the federal budget for the current year. according to the plan, the federal budget deficit will exceed 2 trillion rubles. this is 1.1% of gdp. expenses will be at the level of 37 trillion rubles. and the income is approx. by 35 trillion. compared to the original version of the budget, the volume of expenditures increased by more than 500 billion rubles. this is due to the implementation of the president’s message to the federal assembly, as well as individual instructions president prime minister. the draft federal budget for 2025-2027 will be
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submitted to the state duma before october 1. alena, thank you, my colleague alena logvinova spoke about the situation in the russian economy. in russia they can. there is a malfunction in the operation of the youtube video service, according to rosteliki, the cause of possible problems is a problem with equipment owned by google. reportedly, the whole point is that the technology has not been updated for about 2 years, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for it to cope with the growing traffic. the situation including rumors that the work the service may be limited administratively, the kremlin commented. we know from the official statements of our respective companies that we are talking about a problem with equipment that, in fact, is already more than 2 years old. is not updated in any way, there can be no other explanations here, i do not rule out that our respective companies and departments turned to youtube, but it was youtube that took such a position in relation to our market, it was not us who initiated it, the company itself chose this way, we can only regret in this regard,
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but of course, let’s just say that leaving this market has its technological consequences. the government delegation checked the progress of restoration and construction in
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the direction where efforts need to be made, we see that new facilities and social facilities are appearing, we see that medical institutions, we see that the hospital is already taking on a completely different format, has appropriate medical support for residents of the donetsk people's republic, we see that educational institutions of a completely new format are appearing, noticeable changes for the better are also visible on the embankment and the city beach. during conversations with residents, requests were made to install additional benches and create convenient approaches to the sea. the dpr
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is assessed to have great potential for the development of tourism, which the country’s authorities intend to fully exploit. in the dnepropetrovsk region, the entrance to the office of an energy company in kamensk, one of the largest cities in the region, became the site of a mass rally. local residents are outraged by the power outages. according to them, now there is no electricity 17 hours a day. they demand that representatives speak to them. the race took place in the city of altai, the highest mountain city in the country. our sports correspondent stas radikultsev watched the crew competitions. he is now in direct contact with the studio. greetings stas. how was the race? yes, yuri,
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i greet you from a camp located at an altitude of more than 2.0 m above sea level, from the mongolian altai, and work is now in full swing here, teams and equipment are being repaired, many today got a killer special stage, more 300 km of route, of which 1/3 of this silk road was not at all silk for many... participants, these were the most difficult dunes of 100 km of sand, here is the group that laid out this route, just think about it, it took about 12 hours to overcome this section, well the racers today , of course, managed faster, in particular , dmitry sotnikov in a kamaz laid out a picturesque road along the dunes for everyone, in our report we noted that the camaster pilots learned how to negotiate the dunes from camels in morocco, and well, he’s in...
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already participants in the silk road, the main competitor kamazov, winner of last year's edition of rali, sergei vizovich, encountered technical problems, he had to change the steering in the desert and so his team helped him , they removed the necessary parts from two other trucks so that the belarusian crew was among the top three winners at the end of the rally, but a real miracle happened today, i went to the start of the race. here a car caught fire on the asphalt and literally
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spent the whole night restoring the car from scratch, but in this case the team dealt with these difficulties not without the help of the other participants in the race, sergei koryakin himself told us about this. we went through almost the entire car, and mechanics even from other teams helped, this human attitude is especially valuable and... to our guys who assembled the car and to the mechanics from other teams, a deep bow to everyone, great gratitude, at such moments you understand that faith in there are people, stunning beauty, the scene unfolded about 20 km before the finish of the special stage, a huge canyon, against which even monstrous nine-ton trucks the trucks looked like toys, by the way, eduard nikolaev won the truck category today, and to the finish line between... the silk road on a direct connection from
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mongolia. how the construction of new energy transit substations in siberia in the far east creates conditions for the expansion of the eastern testing site. this is a railway network that stretches over 14.00 km. the growth of russia's trade turnover with asian countries depends on its modernization. what has already been achieved in daria gonieva’s report. here in this closed room something invisible is happening, but a very important process for the country’s economy, it is here that the energy systems of two regions - kusbass and khakassia - are connected. how the construction and modernization of substations, power transmission lines and energy bridges in siberia and the far east, associated with the expansion of the eastern range of russian railways, and how
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russia’s export potential will increase thanks to this. electrification of the eastern test site will increase the number. threads of loaded trains to the seaport of vanina, therefore this is an increase in the turnover of loaded empty trains trains, the direct economic effect is an increase in cargo turnover. hundreds of cars with coal, from the station in mezhdurechensk and kemerovo regions, are sent daily both to the west, to the metallurgical enterprises of the urals, and to... the east, by rail, solid fuel travels to the ports of the far east, and from there for export to the countries of the southeast in asia, coal loading at the station in kusbas is steadily growing, and this is directly related to the reconstruction of the mezhdurechenskaya substation. we have special consumers - miners, that is, russian railways, like open-pit mines, yes, also eating from us are also very
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important consumers, but here about the miners we can say that the lives of people, hundreds of people, are underground. depends on a reliable power supply from our substation. the mezhdurechenskaya substation was built back in 1953 to supply electricity to a rapidly developing coal mining enterprise. then a city appeared here, new lines and capacities were required. the substation was updated several times, and finally there was a need to completely modernize, and in fact build a new one with the latest technology, which rosseti did. at this substation, all control is carried out here. just by clicking the mouse on the computer or here the local staff in mezhdurechensk, there is also the possibility of remote control from the dispatch center in the city of kemerovo, we have a regional dispatch control, which means the dispatcher can control the equipment directly from kemerovo, that is, and accordingly the person is very far away from tension, which makes everything multiply
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safer than it was in the old space. konstantin taptun has been working at mezhdurechenskaya since 2006. he started as an engineer in relay protection and rose to the rank of substation manager. the profession of a power engineer is seemingly invisible, but we have electricity, everything is fine, we live, we don’t have to worry, on the other hand it’s a very nervous job, because you need to constantly be aware of events, what’s happening at the substation, where are the risks maybe there is bad weather , we are constantly monitoring the weather, that is, thunderstorms, blizzards, everything that affects the reliability of power supply. you must constantly keep it to yourself, you must constantly work out a plan of action. reliability, the most important thing, mezhdurechenskaya feeds the city, the railway , all surrounding open-pit mines and coal mines, including rospadskaya, the largest in russia, and so that enterprises could increase production and shipment of high-quality coal along the bam and trans-siberian railway further for export, an energy transit to khakassia was built 218
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km long, 220 kv line, which goes to the stepnaya substation, yes, which constitutes our transit. energy transit, it passed through difficult-to-reach areas where there are no roads, there is only a railway, that is, with highly cross-country all-terrain vehicles, that is, construction was carried out in very difficult conditions. the substation line in kusbas runs along the tom river and the railway, and leads to the same new highly automated stepnaya substation in khakassia. we are located in the 220-110 kv switchgear class 22-10. the only one in mezhdurechensk, that is, no one has it. substations mezhdurechenskaya and stepnaya, like the energy transit itself, are examples of facilities that rosseti built for the development of the eastern testing site. energy workers have already completed the first stage of work, its total cost was 160 billion rubles.
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the eastern range itself is a railway network that stretches for more than 1,400 kilometers. through 880 stations and sidings, its main lines are bam and transit. for more than 10 years , a set of measures has been carried out aimed at repeatedly increasing russia’s export potential. the immediate goal is to eliminate bottlenecks and increase the capacity of the transport site is up to 180 million tons per year. the development of the eastern test site and infrastructure is directly related to the electrification of these facilities. and of course, implementation. rosseti's investment program will allow us to increase the number of lines of empty and loaded trains, and this will lead to an increase in freight turnover, this is a direct economic effect for our company. vanina transugol is engaged in transshipment. coal to meet the energy needs of the world community, solid fuel arrives by rail at the enterprise, the cars are fed into a special rotor and unloaded, the coal enters the transport belt,
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briquettes are formed from it, using unique dust suppression systems and sent to the warehouse, and from there to the ship’s port. at the first stage of construction of the vtu sea terminal, together with the construction of direct port transshipment equipment, technological buildings and structures were built. energy facilities were erected, these include a transport transformer substation, which is the property of avtu with a capacity of 35 mw, a power transmission line in dimensions 220 with a length of more than 8 km, all this will allow the enterprise to increase cargo turnover from 12 to 30 million tons per year. right now i’m inspecting the autotransformer, looking at its external condition, the condition of the components, seals, insulation, contact connections, oil level, this is also important for the timely detection of defects, equipment so that it
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works smoothly for us. anastasia vidulina’s working day begins at 7:45 with the acceptance of the shift from the duty officer, girl the electrician reports to the dispatcher what she has learned about the planned work, inspects the equipment and allows crews to enter the workplace. it started at school, my mother did it like that. worked at a substation as an electrician servicing the substation at the 220 kv vysokogornaya substation, well, she constantly talked about her work and showed, well , it was interesting, and i didn’t even think about other options, i just asked her for the target direction, she gave it took it and i went to university, studied specialty in which i currently work, reliable power supply to the coal terminal, as well as other energy consumers off the coast of the tatar strait on...
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the ridges and branches of the sihota mountain system , seven high-voltage river crossings were built, this one across the amur is the largest, its length is almost 3 km, well , now our personnel will rise for a while in order to carry out thermal imaging monitoring of the melting of power line wires, as well as to inspect the insulation, which ensures reliable operation of the line, supports of 184 meters. only highly qualified specialists can work at such a height. the team that goes upstairs inspects the condition of the supporting clamps, wires in the rollers and other elements. their colleague below
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diagnoses the condition of the line using a thermal imager. here, i also check the contact connections, not the connection points between the wire and the fittings. also insulated. i take a photo and get a thermal image. after analyzing this thermogram, if there is no temperature. exports, among them a new substation 220 kv in the discovery, during its construction, the features of the aggressive marine climate were taken into account.
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the substation made it possible to increase the reliability of power supply to the third largest city of primorye with a population of 150,000 people and create conditions for the development of the port area. now, according to the plan, the facilities of the second stage of the eastern test site are in operation. so, a new ultra-high voltage energy transit from ustilimskaya ge was recently launched. initially, the ustelimskaya hydroelectric station was connected to the uskut station by one 220 kv line. now it's direct the broadcast of nato members in washington was apparently intended to demonstrate the transatlantic unity of the collective west in the year of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the alliance. inviting a wide range of partners was also supposedly necessary in order to show everyone. such a strong support for the activities of the north atlantic bloc, which, unfortunately, is still permeated with the cold war mentality, but something went
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wrong. again, as strictly speaking, before, was declared a threat to the block in all operating environments, as they are formulated, but for some reason it didn’t work out in the festive atmosphere, well, let’s talk about everything in more detail, and given that our country was again chosen either as a target or a target, and the implementation of regional plans aimed at countering russia in the east, north, south continues flanks of the alliance. the united states and its allies approved further steps to militarize the european continent, increase the capacity of the military-industrial complex, and accumulate military capabilities near russian borders. washington made a fuss and announced on the sidelines of the summit the deployment on german territory of intermediate- and shorter-range missiles, which, let me remind you earlier, are prohibited in accordance with the treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles. the long-term task of the alliance, as has been
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said. would have been said repeatedly now during the nato summit, and the outcome of all this will supposedly determine the future of all global security, the biggest risk for nato is the possibility of victory for russia and the alliance, again a direct quote from the speeches cannot allow this, apparently there are fears for the fate of the alliance itself, in case
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an unfavorable outcome for the west with... seems to still be expected, but at the same time it is obvious that all this is increasingly looking like a game, a game no longer with ukraine, and a game with the remnants of ukraine. as before, we see reality, it. nato continues to use ukraine as a consumable material in the geopolitical confrontation with russia. and the decisions agreed upon at the summit are designed to encourage ukrainians to continue hostilities; those ukrainians who still remain on the territory of ukraine and those who have not yet been caught at home will apparently face the same fate. on the issue of ukraine joining the alliance, the ostentatious unity that they tried
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to demonstrate. the alliance, which is led by washington, does not bring kiev closer to membership in the bloc, but the planned goodness did not work out at all, what happened in the end? as a result, the kiev regime was promised a direct quote: an irreversible road to the alliance. well, to be honest,
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i don’t know what this irreversible road to the alliance is, it seems to me that this is the only association that appears, this is the road to the cliff, now they, apparently, in order to to brighten up or at least reveal the meaning of what they are talking about, they call this irreversible road to the alliance a new term, it turns out that this is a bridge to the alliance, although the length of this bridge. has not yet been determined, so be it, i will reveal a military secret to the kiev regime, it’s true, the bridge is in nato, only it is a drawbridge from all points of view, a drawbridge, a drawbridge from the point of view of the fact that in any...


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