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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 12, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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an irreversible road to the alliance, well , to be honest, i don’t know what kind of irreversible road to the alliance this is, it seems to me that this is the only association that appears, this is the road to a cliff, now they, apparently, in order to brighten things up a little or at least to reveal the meaning of what they are talking about, they call this irreversible road to the alliance, but...
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the results of the summit clearly confirm that the united states is considering its allies. as the main instrument in the struggle to maintain world hegemony in the form of the notorious rules -based order of the world based on rules, they strive with all their might to prevent the formation of a multipolar world; everyone who pursues an independent, sovereign policy and is not ready to obey instructions from washington is declared opponents or enemies. ambitions to rule the world like this, as the us president said, are camouflaged by the need... also
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surprising, they constantly repeat this phrase: to defend democracy against the supposedly authoritarian union of russia, china, iran and the dprk, this, of course, is all complete, complete nonsense, what they are going to defend democracy, i it seems that the only thing we need to protect from, i don’t know whether it’s democracy or nato countries, is from ourselves, first of all from washington, but now we ’ll talk about this in more detail, in order to insist on our own formulation. from authoritarian regimes, washington and its allies intend to expand cooperation with like-minded countries, first of all they mean the pacific four: australia, new zealand, south korea and japan, and for this they are taking steps to strengthen their influence in various parts of this region, as we have spoken about many times, but they are going further, moving towards the middle east. management of asia, africa, i will remind you
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that this is the north atlantic alliance, that it has forgotten what it is doing in other parts of the planet, if again you hear phrases about what strengthens security or guarantees something to its new members or new partners, then remember, ask this question is in brussels, and to whom and what of what was promised? the alliance, its collective bureaucratic structures, individual countries and members, helped maintain security, perhaps to prevent a catastrophic development of the situation, to prevent man-made disasters or to help with their elimination, perhaps to respond to new challenges, threats, they helped, to overcome international terrorism, any of this, have you ever heard in their track record list, no, only total destruction and disaster. despite all the attempts at such a spectacular
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demonstration at the summit of nato’s achievements over the 75 years of its existence, it didn’t work out, it didn’t work out, it turned out on the contrary, the achievements that one could boast, they simply don’t exist, and everyone noticed it, all the activities of the north atlantic alliance still boil down solely to inflaming confrontation with russia, with those countries that nato declared as, in different ways...
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existence, it’s not us who threaten them, it’s them who are doing everything to really shorten their life, nato has no prospects, and the summit in washington once again confirmed this, the main news of the sensational nato summit was, you will be surprised, but this indeed, something that shook the united states of america again and literally shook. states
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of the united states, but what the president of the united states, joe biden, was delivering from high tribunes, appealing, by the way, not to his own internal problems and not to issues on the nato agenda. and along the way, mentioning literally everything, other countries, other peoples, speaking about the global problems of mankind, you already know this, the business of the foreign policy departments of other countries, and the natural reaction of the world community literally a couple of hours after the notorious, so-called biden’s press addresses, it seems to me, are very significant; this became the main news, the main result of the nato summit. apparently, the state department, the us american administration, the current one, conceived it as a confirmation of joe biden’s capacity; his competitiveness as a presidential candidate turned out differently. it seems to me that they only made the situation worse, especially
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after president biden named vladimir putin as the president of ukraine, and trump as the vice president of the united states of america, who have the potential to lead the united states. about what does this say? this suggests that before the eyes of the whole world, for several years now , a monstrous picture of the merging of the american deep state, official structures of the united states and the so-called western mainstream media has been unfolding . they hid the true state of affairs in the white house for many years, for many years. hid from the public and manipulated data on the condition of the president of the united states of america, exactly the same way they hide the situation around ukraine from the american public, just like they tried to manipulate world
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public consciousness regarding what the united states actually did on the territory of ukraine, how many times they carried out unconstitutional coups there, how... they changed regimes, how they sponsored internal political changes in ukraine, in order to ultimately set fire to another conflict on the european continent, exactly the same as them, i will emphasize once again, this is a connection between american government structures, the deep state and the mainstream, main, largest american media, how they manipulated. situations and information surrounding the health and physical condition of us president joe biden are being manipulated in the same way on other international topics, and the further, the more terrible the picture that the whole world is now observing, this is
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a merging, a real one, not just a bond, a merging of western propaganda political instruments neoliberal. we have been observing this for many years, not in one area, but in many, primarily in relation to our country, in the same way public opinion in the west was manipulated in order to demonize russia in order to distort our every step. we observe the same thing in the interpretation of the american, british and controlled by washington, london, and collective brussels media in relation to events. ukraine, for this reason, is exactly the same way that the american media hide information, data, real facts about the state of the us president from their own citizens, in exactly the same way they hide information, for example, about how
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the side from whose positions the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant is being attacked, pretending that they do not know who is firing at it, when already... the station, for many years the american media have been using the same principle as they manipulate data on the condition of the us president joe biden was manipulated with information that there is supposedly no nazism, no nationalism, no russophobia in ukraine, and so on and so forth. they knew what was there, they knew that the american government was sponsoring it with colossal investments, fueling this nationalist...
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facts that do not correspond to reality in order to support the legitimate legal side of communication with him. look at how the american, british and brussels-area media manipulate the history of the american president’s fortune, and you will understand how they deal with information of a fundamentally international nature, and the problem of the current elites in washington is not only that they do not know.
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now footage is being circulated of the doomed expression on secretary of state blinken’s face. national security assistant salevan, who looked in horror from their seats at
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what us president joe biden was carrying. yes, they can no longer hide lies, just as they will fail in their propaganda about the situation in ukraine. today we will repeatedly return to the results of this notorious nato summit; we drew attention to the statement about new large-scale arms supplies to the kiev regime, now amounting to about 1 billion us dollars. honestly, one question arises, it’s simple i wonder if this is the same us president joe biden who signs all these checks, invoices and orders for the allocation of such sums of money to the kiev regime, this is the same one. us president joe biden, who does not know which president is talking about which side, and it is the
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same us president joe biden who signs checks for billions of dollars, who at the same time considers his main competitor in the upcoming presidential elections in america this year to be his own vice president , who has every chance of taking the white house? of course he can slip it in, you get any piece of paper for signature, the question is: who does this, why? the answer is obvious: total corruption on a global scale, which washington has perpetrated regarding the situation in ukraine. well, we drew attention to the announcement of new large-scale arms supplies to the kiev regime, in particular, the transfer of various air defense systems to ukraine, including outdated petriat systems, was announced; in parallel, the countries of the collective west, led by the united states, continue to increase pressure on the state, and those with reserves of soviet , russian weapons and ammunition for them, in
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order to encourage them to further transfer to the kiev regime, while the provisions of the end- user certificate are often grossly violated, the key of which is the inadmissibility of re-export of weapons without the written consent of the exporting country. large-scale supplies to ukraine by nato countries and the european union, as well as their satellites , of weapons, including their most dangerous lethal systems, including ballistic missiles and long-range multiple launch rocket systems, systems air defense, a wide range of armored vehicles, and cannon artillery are carried out in violation of their own creation.
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no, this is the title of the document in quotation marks, this is the name of the general position of the european union. it establishes rules for controlling the export of military technology and equipment. this is how the treaty instructs exporting states to objectively assess the risks of using supplied weapons to violate international humanitarian law, gender violence, this is specifically article 7, and also prohibits the transfer of weapons when there is a direct quote from this document. reliable knowledge of the intention of the recipient to use these weapons to commit acts of genocide, crimes against humanity, serious violations of the 1949 geneva convention , attacks on civilian objects or civilians, this is article 6. you will say that the west believes that all these crimes are kiev the regime does not commit, so
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let me remind you that the west believes that the president of the united states joe biden de... as for the general position of the european union, it stops the basic rules for controlling the export of military technology and equipment and prohibits the issuance of licenses for the export of weapons if this creates obvious risks for the use of military products for the purpose of internal repression on the part of the recipient, or will lead to a violation of international humanitarian law and will contribute to the emergence or escalation of armed conflicts conflicts within the country. recipient, as well as the implementation of offensive actions against third countries. when making a supply decision weapons, eu member states must also take into account the risks of uncoordinated re-export of weapons entering into illegal circulation. and such examples and precedents, endless in number, according to data from the same
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europol, already exist. the situation with the observance of human rights in the recipient country and its implementation of its international ones. obligations, it seems to me that this should have raised the issue head-on a long time ago, but no, apparently, the murder of journalists, mass repressions by the kiev regime, and their own public figures, civil society does not count. now, in general, i would like to move on to the situation around the ukrainian crisis, although we will return to the nato topic: zelensky’s criminal regime does not stop terror against... the civilian population of russian cities and villages, actively using them to serve washington, and the west gets it for it supplies money, weapons, support, because this is part of the very same election campaign on which the inhabitants of the white
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house are banking. on july 3, militants in usu attacked with drones bakery in oleshki, kherson region, and after a fire broke out , the workers of the enterprise who were extinguishing it were hit, two workers were killed, one employee was injured, the only enterprise that produces bakery products for the residents of the city was damaged, which the european union, nato, all these endless pro-western, pro-defense , supposedly organizations, do not understand this, but they understand all this, it suits them, july 4th bandera. dropped an unmanned aerial vehicle, used it to drop explosive devices for two cars in the borisov district of the belgorod region. four people were injured, including a child. on the same day, they used a copter to attack an elderly house in the village of tyotkino, kursk region. a woman is wounded. on july 5,
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ukran-nazis used a drone to attack an apartment building in primorsko-okhtarsk , krasnodar territory. died. girl , 16 people were injured, including a child. on the same day, as a result of shelling in ssu, donetsk, gorlovka, volnovakha and sinovata , five civilians were killed, 24 were wounded, including including children. after a repeated ukrainian attack, two employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations were injured. for two days from july 8 to july 10, bandera’s troops subjected the belgorod region to massive shelling. seven were under fire.
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based on evidence from the investigative committee of russia, they continue to pass sentences on ukrainian neo-nazis for their criminal acts against civilians. the supreme court of the dpr sentenced ukrainian armed forces militant filippov to life imprisonment in absentia. in march of twenty-two he shot in mariupol three civilians, including a child. they traveled by car. the ukronazi kazymov received 26 years in prison, who in 1919 ordered his subordinates to fire mortars at the populated area - chermalek, oktyabr and komenternovo - this is the dpr. as a result of their criminal actions, one civilian was killed, one was injured,
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and 19 residential buildings and civilian infrastructure were partially damaged or completely destroyed. kazymov’s subordinates who carried out his criminal orders were also sentenced to long prison sentences. bandarovets chernomor will spend the next 25 years behind bars. in the spring of twenty-two he gave orders to shoot civilians. mariupol on suspicion of assisting the russian army. everyone who carried out these orders has already been sentenced to 25 years in prison for each. on july 2, it became known that the supreme court of the dpr sentenced the french mercenary kusta to fourteen years in prison in absentia. he fought on the side of the ukrainian armed forces and an international manhunt has been announced. the moscow city court appointed 8 in absentia years of imprisonment for zenova parosyuk. in march 2016, together with.
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i repeat once again, none of the ukrainian criminals and their henchmen will be able to escape punishment; they will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. we drew attention to the message that appeared about a study by the so-called world data center for geoinformatics and sustainable development of the kiev polytechnic institute named after sekorsky, possible scenarios for the flooding of brilliant areas as a result of the destruction of the dams of individual cascade reservoirs. dnieper. somebody he will say, things are commonplace in the institute after all. but i'll get the facts straight. the fact is that in september and october of 2022, this center was already simulating the consequences of a breakthrough at the platina
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kokhovskaya gas station. and in june of twenty-three , it collapsed as a result of continuous shelling in the ukrainian armed forces. then the kiev regime and its western curators hastened to blame russia, now the objects of study, for this crime. the mentioned steel center. constructions of the kievskaya and kanaevskaya ges. the results of the analysis showed that in the event of a spill of the kiev reservoir, the area flooding will be up to 2,000 km. 76 settlements, not buildings, settlements, may be under water. in this case, the most serious damage will be caused along the dnieper desna river, in the kiev region. and the number of victims will be flooded from
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the point of view of the data, i once again draw attention to the kiev polytechnic institute named after sekorsky, up to 4 thousand km, and the disaster zone will cover 177 settlements, including the coastal areas of the cities of kanaev and cherkassy. approximately 75 thousand will be affected people, mostly residents of cherkassy. there is absolutely no doubt that the zelensky regime is launching another cynical provocation against its own population. for what? well, it’s very simple, then again to come up with a story that will be imposed on the international community, accusing our country of committing war crimes, ecocide, and at the same time extorting new help from the west, and of course. cover up their tourism activities, and of course, the favorite hobby of the kiev regime and the so- called children's theme, on banking continue to exploit this problem.
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completely forgetting about the true state of affairs, they periodically throw in some heartbreaking stories about separated families, the bitter fate of children who dream of returning home to ukraine, what is done to ensure that such stories stay afloat, false propaganda clichés are often used, for example, ukrainian children are deprived of names, language, culture, some of them were allegedly illegally settled in russia, and were supposedly forced to fight against ukraine, and so on and so forth. and very the thesis about the need for the speedy return of young ukrainians to their families and legal guardians is being persistently promoted. at the same time , nothing is said; the work of the russian presidential commissioner for children’s rights, maria lvova belova, to reunite children with their relatives in ukraine is simply deliberately hushed up. but these are facts.
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why doesn’t the kyiv regime use them? as it turns out, reverent care for children sometimes literally serves as a cover for the kiev regime to carry out various scams. recently, the verkhovna rada commissioner for human rights, dmitry lyubenets, reported on a fraudulent scheme using minor orphans. what do you think? it turned out that kiev officials were transporting their relatives of military age abroad under the pretext of accompanying their children.
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tricks, and why do i say that the kiev one is actually under the guise of a state structure. this scheme clearly characterizes the rotten, cynical essence . he was informed by the kiev regime about his kiev regime, whose representatives on international platforms are arranged. mode, because this can be arranged only
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some time ago to see each other, but it didn’t work out, for technical reasons, i’m tormenting you, how are you doing? hello, uh, yes, okay, i would like, knowing how much attention you pay to motherhood and childhood, i would like to start my report with the social sphere, with issues related to children, and today in the zaporozhye region a project has been implemented on your instructions and transferred to the federal level -


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