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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 12, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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chocolate layer, inside is beautiful, perfect, plumbeer, airy, natural, happy mid-july carries a silver bullet. giant shovel - 540 rub. to all hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today in the program international review, events of the week, chronicle, facts, comments, breaking the usual patterns, came to moscow on rendermode, tortured by public hugs, anniversary summit of the atlantic bloc, collective fears, on the eve of the elections, washington is receiving guests. nato is preparing for
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long-term confrontation, the key to security, nuclear deterrence, materials from our program. prime minister jevaharal nehru, the founder of independent india, visits moscow state university in june 1955, this is his first visit to... the ussr was received with unprecedented pomp, the current leader of india , narendra modi, does not favor nehru. nero's heirs from the indian national congress party are bitter opponents of the mharatiya janata party, which modi leads. the heirs, by the way, not only in the political, but in the literal sense, are the leader of the inc rahul gandhi great-grandson of nehru. but in russia this week fashion was greeted no less warmly. than his
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predecessors, indian leaders are traditionally welcomed here. in june 1955 , indian prime minister jevaharu visited the soviet union for the first time. his daughter indira gandhi accompanied him as his personal secretary. this trip became one of the longest in the history of bilateral relations. in 16 days, nehru and gandhi flew around almost the whole place.
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cooperation in the field of space research. the flight of the first indian astronaut took place 5 years later in april 84 on the soyuz t-11 ship. the real darling of the ussr was indira gandhi, who visited the soviet union nine times. monuments were opened in her honor, and city squares were named for children. in july 66, already the future prime minister, on soviet television, she declared that there was friendship for india. and the ussr, not just a fact, an important factor in international relations. the result of her visit in the seventy-first year was the signing of an agreement on the development of friendship and cooperation, on the similarity of the positions of moscow and daly on issues of disarmament, and the need for detente tensions in areas of southwest and southeast asia. the next prime minister of india, indira gandhi's son rajiv, visited moscow in may 1985. in the book.
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issued by two presidents, signed by two presidents, it, of course, is of such a strategic nature, because long-term areas of cooperation are outlined, both economic and... in the field of energy security, and, very importantly, in the field of science and technology, education, there are simply breakthrough things, long-term goals of interaction have been outlined on a number of global problems, i believe that this is a big step forward in the development of a strategic privileged partnership between india and russia. newdeli maneuvers in a complex configuration between.
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the visit went well, it was politically confirmed that, despite the existing differences, both sides really value interaction, ambitious economic goals were set to overcome obstacles, those associated with us financial measures blocking payments. the goal is to achieve trade turnover of $100 billion by 2030, confirmation dynamics of connections. the issue of payments is key. a mutual payment system is being discussed between central banks. this concerns not only financial relations between companies, but also
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opportunities for students and tourists. we are talking about the general system of interrelation between payments in rupees and the mir system. the visit gave impetus to the elimination work.
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the imbalance in trade is enormous. after the introduction of sanctions, moscow and delhi agreed to introduce mutual settlements in national currencies. but back in may last year, sergei lavrov, at a meeting with colleagues, pashos said that russia has accumulated billions of restrictedly convertible rupees in indian bank accounts. according to the russian minister, india promised to offer russia promising areas for investment. for example, in may this is. 2019, the hindustan times wrote that russia had invested the stuck rupees in stocks, government securities and infrastructure projects, but there were other options: last year, the central bank of india, the rbi, approved 34 applications from different
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russian banks to open special rupee accounts in the acute . with their help operations are carried out in india and they are converted into... rubles. the head of vtb , andrei kostin, recently said that in this way the problem of stuck rupees was solved. his colleague, sberbank president german gref , is more cautious, since the rupee is not a freely convertible currency, it is necessary to come up with rather complex mechanisms, but the situation may change in the near future, as soon as the rupee becomes a convertible currency. there were also very exotic options, for example, allegedly back in... the year russian companies and banks they bought gold jewelry in india and exported it to the emirates. there, these products were melted into ingots and sold for foreign currency. then export proceeds went to russia. this, of course, is completely exotic, but
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many economists said that one of the options for solving the problem is to switch to chinese yuan or united arab emirates dirhams. both of these currencies are stable. moreover, both india and russia actively use them in their foreign trade. true, a year ago, the indian ambassador to russia, parvan kapoor, claimed that his... the country pays for russian oil exclusively in hard currencies, and not in rupees. this was confirmed by the head of vtb andrei kostin, saying that a significant part of trade transactions between russia and india is still carried out in unfriendly currencies. the two central banks should simply agree on the interface of national payment systems, the russian world and indian rupees. the dollar is used as a
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however, difficulties are not only political or technical, but also human, lack of sufficient skills interactions. there is a problem at the human level, at the level of businessmen, everyone is accustomed to two special types of business interaction: the military-technical sphere and natural resources. new industries require different collaboration skills and peer-to-peer intellectual interaction. copyright issues: we need a qualitatively different type of trust, deeper than political,
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mutual trust in modern developments. opportunities are opening up for russian companies to work in india, to create joint ventures here, this is a huge market, but everything is going with difficulty. russia is used to working with europe; this is a thousand-year-old tradition. and what is the most promising area for cooperation, besides what is known to everyone?
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closed, it’s time to diversify, well, it’s ideal, because the european markets for russia , russia and india have a very long-standing relationship in the field of nuclear energy production, russian facilities are extremely safe, not a single incident yet. indian ties are a large-scale, complex and complex phenomenon: on the one hand, common historical and cultural roots and intertwining interests, on the other, their divergence on a number of important issues is a completely incomplete ideological and ideological coincidence. what is not there at all is mutual antipathy, which means that all the inconsistencies will fit together, now or a little later. we'll talk about the real inconsistencies between russia and nato later, but for now...
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products sewn by thermal means, but even those years, today, according to him, the market has been filled with what they do by hand, which is also still popular, if you kick the hand-sewn a soccer ball, it will fly straight to the goal, to the goal, but machine-sewn balls can change their trajectory flight, which is why most major tournaments are played with hand-sewn soccer balls. and cuts it into pieces, if it is not dried completely, the ball may become deformed, after drying the pieces are painted in accordance with the client’s wishes, pakistani craftsmen hand paint hundreds of balls in a matter of minutes, when the paint dries, they begin sewing, the pieces are joined together with fine needles. with a strong thread, according to kashif almas, no football in the world
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can compare with the pakistani one, unfortunately,
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real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million, every 15 minutes for only
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100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel. subscribe with berp prime. more cashback categories to choose from. access to vokko's films and tv series and music in sound. and also cashback up to 70% in the megamarket. in sberbank it is more profitable with prime. class, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription, open a vtb savings account with a rate 18%, vtb, together everything will work out, tadam, you don’t eat mayonnaise, now i eat it because it’s a brand i love to cook, i created a new pure mayonnaise, no sugar, no vinegar, no starch, it’s just as tasty, pure mayonnaise, bright taste ,
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beka on a business card alfabank is the best bank for business. the anniversary summit of the north atlantic treaty organization was held in washington, it turned 75 years old. hello sounded pretty good, but there was substance. the alliance has clearly begun to rebuild into new ones. an armored train is being rolled out of a siding. nato has never ceased to be a military alliance; moreover, the organization of the north atlantic agreement. despite the fact that it was always declared to be of a defensive nature, it was always connected with joint military planning, with military
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preparations, the case of a direct military clash with the soviet union and the russian federation, so there is nothing new here, another thing is that really the last two the trump and biden administrations, paradoxically, but especially biden. managed to achieve significant success in consolidating the allies and intimidating them with the russian military threat. not by chance biden said that, speaking at the washington summit, he said that now not nine, but 23 members of the alliance are fulfilling their obligations to incur military spending at a level of at least 2% of gdp, and he said that there will be more countries that i will achieve it. at this level - the main american task is being solved so that the europeans pay more for joint military and
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defensive measures, which means that as far as plans are concerned, but uh, what we have now seen is, of course, not, not a move to the side - direct military preparations, but this is essential - renewal, the desire for essential renewal. alliance infrastructure, but military infrastructure, military-economic, because the ukrainian crisis, and the conflict in ukraine , nato’s indirect participation in it, showed, in the form of supplies of weapons, military equipment, military advisers, showed that the military-industrial complex is not only european countries, but also the united states, are not fully prepared for the level of confrontation, air and military tension that they are striving for.
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secondly, it is emphasized that nato is nuclear bloc, this is a response to probable scenarios of how russia could use its nuclear potential in the event of an escalation in the ukrainian conflict. nato takes this opportunity to remind that it has deterrent. this is not a threat, but a reminder. and, apparently, the question of nuclear disarmament. and nonproliferation are currently off the agenda , although they were previously present. even in the last decade, the topic came up regarding the withdrawal of american nuclear forces
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from turkey, italy and belgium in support of the nonproliferation regime. now this is not discussed in the medium term. indeed, now they are not talking about withdrawal, only about the deployment of new systems. during the washington meeting, the united states made a promise in 1926. to base in germany new fire weapons of greater range than those currently deployed anywhere in europe. these are multi-purpose sm-6 missiles , tamahawk cruise missiles, as well as hypersonic missiles with multi-nuclear equipment. first on a temporary and then on a permanent basis. old-timers started talking about déjà vu, the euromissile crisis in late seventies. in the seventies , weapon guidance systems achieved accuracy of tens of meters, which for nuclear weapons is equivalent to hitting the top ten.
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it is not surprising that experts started talking about the possibility of a decapitation strike, when one missile destroys the entire leadership of the country at once, at least theoretically this is a chance to win a nuclear war. us secretary of defense, james schlesenger at 73. this concept as the basis of us nuclear policy. soviet missiles need to fly across the ocean, while american nuclear weapons are in europe can get a good head start, because their flight time to moscow is calculated in minutes. the united states began reviewing its forward deployment system with the participation of european countries and involved france, which was not a nato member at the time. daigol sought to maintain the neutrality of the potential fifth republic. weapons.
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ussr defense minister dmitry ustinov was inclined to give a tough answer. in the soviet union in 1976 , a new solid propellant rocket, the pioneer, appeared. that same year she went into combat duty in belarus and systematically began to replace liquid-propellant rockets r-12 and r-14. according to nato classification, the ss-20 had great advantages. first, liquid-propellant rockets required refueling. preparation for launch, very toxic rocket fuel that is difficult to handle. this took a lot of time; the solid-fuel pioneer was immediately ready to fly. in addition, it had three rather than one nuclear warhead and was mobile. the first to point out its danger to europe was chancellor helmut schmidt. moscow and washington both once they negotiated strategic weapons, which resulted in the
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salt ii treaty. although. was not ratified by the united states due to the war in afghanistan, its provisions were still respected. helmut schmidt drew attention to the fact that pioneer missiles remained outside the brackets of these agreements. in a matter of minutes, they could destroy command centers, control points, and most importantly, ports that were necessary for the landing of the american allies. germany seriously feared that in response to this, the united states would not use its nuclear weapons and would retreat from its guarantees. schmidt counted. it is important to link us national security with guarantees to europe as the carter administration seeks détente. therefore, in december 1979, at the nato summit in brussels, the so -called double decision was made. firstly, pershiing-1 missiles were replaced by pershing-2 ballistic missiles, however, due to their limited range , temahawk cruise missiles were also deployed in europe. their speed was
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slower, but they definitely could. reach the territory of the ussr. the second part of the solution was that nato offered the ussr bilateral negotiations on medium-range missiles, but the carter administration still hesitated and was in no hurry to make a decision. just at this time , negotiations began with moscow on limiting nuclear weapons in europe. but in the fall of 1980, everything changed. the energetic, assertive republican ronald reagan won the us elections. he... took a hardline approach, which first led to the euromissile crisis, and then to the signing of the treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and short-range missiles. another one is done a step in the new euromissile crisis, the euromissile crisis 2.0, but the difference from the past is very serious, firstly, now our western...
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bases are also waiting for us, this is really a very unpleasant story, because these missiles, no matter what exactly they will appear, quite sensitive objects in the european part of russia, and moscow, in fact, will be within reach. in russia, the news was taken in a businesslike manner, they promised a military response: and firstly, this is a symmetrical response, that is , what was promised long ago, our missiles from the line
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range since 1919... it seems like development is underway, it will be a full-fledged ground-based caliber, it will be something hypersonic, and this is something somewhere, apparently, they will first show it beautifully, then they will start producing and deploying it, again well, it’s unlikely that this will be some kind of massive production, because on the one hand we have slightly different priorities, here we have a special operation going on, but on the other hand, it’s true that some of this could be tested in a special operation, that’s another element answer: it will actually continuation of the development of domestic air defense, this task has been facing us for a long time, previously we were primarily afraid of american sea-launched cruise missiles, now various ukrainian products have been added to this, which, in principle, are also in the nature of aerodynamic targets that need to be intercepted and detected.


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