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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 12, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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firstly, this is a symmetrical answer, that is , what was promised a long time ago, our missiles from the range line seem to be under development since 1919, it will be a full-fledged ground-based caliber, it will be something hypersonic, that’s where -apparently, first they will show it beautifully, then they will start producing and deploying it, again, it is unlikely that this will be some kind of massive production, because on the one hand we have slightly different priorities, here we have a special operation going on, but on the other hand it’s true , some of this is quite ok you can test a special operation, here is another element of the answer - this will actually be a continuation of the development of domestic air defense, this task has been facing us for a long time, before we were primarily afraid of american sea-launched cruise missiles, now various ukrainian products have been added to this, which in principle, they are also in the nature of aerodynamic targets that must be intercepted and detected. now
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, in general, new goals are being added, this is all clear, but it is expensive, difficult, i think this is why will be engaged, thirdly, as they again promised, that the threat will not be created, let’s say, by vassal coalition organizations, but directly by the decision-making center, no matter how funny or scary this phrase may sound in 2024, i think it will be, in -firstly, the practice of sending our ships with hypersonic missiles to american shores will continue, and secondly, it is possible that something like the same pioneer, because of which the last euro-missile crisis began on our eastern shores, will be deployed to get again to targets on the west coast of the united states. i don’t rule out such a scenario at all, but again you need to understand that these are resources, these are people, these are points. on
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the assembly line, in general, for now this will all be quite limited. burkhart mohr from germany, nato anniversary summit. on the one hand, he is supported by a person similar to joe biden, on the other hand - europe. they don't cry when they cut their hair off. on the bag is a symbol of the european currency. euro. alla and chadvar are a couple of artists from bulgaria. nato inscription: emergency assistance, away the same line is heard, please wait! slovakian marjan komensky, enhances the pathos of the anniversary summit in washington. a set of recognizable types. joe biden, olaf scholz, long hard road to the top. josey alberto rodriguez avila, an artist from the island of cuba, the drawing is called gift from washington. ukraine is hoping for broad assistance. specially for the english-language newspaper
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global times, a look from beijing at the role and place of the north atlantic alliance in the world, and apparently, in general, at the prospects for the future. in the declaration, nato names its opponents and threats, russia tops the list, but the perception of china as a threat is growing. china was first mentioned on... japan, australia and new zealand. this changes the geographical area of ​​nato, as it developed after world war ii, the atlantic. it's a risky business. the interests of the allies are different; the idea of ​​​​confronting china is most likely driven only by washington. so far, other countries, especially france, have taken to this. were unenthusiastic. innovation -
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expansion of the list of countries that pose a threat. in addition to russia and china, this is also belarus, iran and north korea. it is interesting that everyone is accused of assisting russia in a military operation, that is, it is through the russian theme that the alliance is actually transforming itself into an organization of global scale, without the previous restrictions on the area of ​​responsibility.
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ukraine was promised nato membership, calling its path to full euro-atlantic integration irreversible. however, no dates were given. first, as some kindly note. nato bosses, we need to defeat russia, kiev was unlucky with the condition of membership. back in july '23, at the nato summit in vilnius, the g7 countries published a declaration on security guarantees for ukraine. the document provides for the supply of new batches of weapons to kiev, the provision of intelligence data, training of the military and the development of the defense industry. the first intercountry agreement. security guarantees were signed six months later on january 12 with great britain. its validity period is 10 years. london promised to provide ukraine with comprehensive assistance to restore territorial integrity within the borders of the ninety-first year and support integration
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to euro-atlantic institutions. there are no agreements regarding whether great britain would enter the conflict on the side of ukraine or station its troops there. second country. germany signed a similar document. the agreement is also valid for 10 years. it states that the frk will try to localize the repair and maintenance of weapons on the territory of ukraine, transfer technology and intellectual property rights to kiev, provided that it protects them. in the next six months, similar agreements with kiev were concluded by sweden, italy, spain, belgium. a total of 21 documents were signed. the united states and the european union were among the last to formalize relations. according to the white house, the guarantee agreement with the united states was supposed to become a bridge to ukraine's membership in nato. at the same time, neither the american agreement nor any other agreement signed earlier
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says anything about the possibility of sending nato troops to ukraine. among the features of the european treaty is the fact that before signing the head of the european diploma. barel stated that the document provides for the possibility of using income from frozen russian assets to help kiev. the last agreement was signed by the poles on july 8, 1924 . a special feature of this document was the promise of the polish side to form a ukrainian legion on its territory. after this, speculation appeared in the press that this unit could be staffed by ukrainian refugees. and not always on a voluntary basis, we spoke about the nato summit and its political surroundings with our frequent guest, christian wighton from the center for the national interest in washington. christian, can we say based on the results of the summit
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that nato is moving towards increasing military activity? it appears that this is true, and to some extent nato is becoming more adaptable. conflict with china, it is interesting that this is happening through criticism of china for helping russia’s military actions; the alliance is afraid of trump’s likely presidency, so they are adapting the agenda. at the same time , everyone except the hungarian leader orban fully supports the war in ukraine, and there are no signs of readiness to put pressure on zelensky to force negotiations. the alliance has moved away from its original defensive mission and turned into a bloc that is looking for itself...
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stretches on endlessly, the americans distrust iraq, afghanistan, now ukraine, which looks at alliances, especially those that work in one direction, when the americans take responsibility for others. it’s one thing if you are a country surrounded by enemies, which has to constantly worry about its defense capabilities, like israel, for example, the citizens there are still generally supportive. and it’s another matter if allied obligations are not only expensive, but increase vulnerability; donald trump’s platform, which has just been published, clearly states this: if europe cares about this, it is quite wealthy in material terms.
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why on earth does the lion's share of the costs for ukraine fall on america? but if elected, trump will not be able to ignore ukraine, is his involvement too strong? of course not. form says that he strives for peace in europe, this is a very big question, and i don’t think he himself knows the answer for sure. he will offer negotiations, it’s very difficult, you remember when he met in the eighteenth year. to really put hard pressure on kiev, he will have to decide for himself whether it is necessary to threaten sharp cuts in funding in order to force a compromise; perhaps, on the contrary, he will prefer to leave everything as it is for now, or even increase support for ukraine in order to improve its position.
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secretary of the central committee of the communist party of vietnam xuan thuy and his adviser letho. it was the latter who had confidential conversations with kissinger. in october 1972, a draft agreement was developed on ending the war and restoring peace in vietnam. it provided for the withdrawal of us troops and allies from the south of vietnam and the transfer of the process of political settlement into the hands of the vietnamese themselves. but november 7th. in 1972, richard nixon again won the us presidential election, after which
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he immediately proposed changing the text of the agreement. according to washington, the resolution of the conflict should not be in the hands of the vietnamese themselves. moreover, northern vietnam must recognize the existence of the southern one. having become acquainted with new demands, the drv delegation left paris. on the night of december 18-19 , 1972... already on nixon’s orders , massive bombings of the cities of hanoi and haiphong, also known as christmas bombings, began. they lasted 12 days in a row and were supposed to force hanoi to accept american conditions, but during this period, vietnamese pilots and anti-aircraft gunners shot down dozens of enemy aircraft, including more than thirty b-52 strategic bombers. under public pressure and in increasing conditions.
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i think that trump knows what to do, whether to put pressure on kiev to force it to negotiate practically on putin’s terms, or wait for now. many were waiting for the summit to see how biden was doing. he managed to convince everyone that he was the leader of the free world. no, if you read the press or comments, which are usually off the record, but this time were made quite openly. there is an opinion that the president is not wealthy.
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yes, that's right, although a storm is raging in the democratic party, he himself will decide whether to leave or stay, he also received the support of the delegates congress, and of course, his family and inner circle are just digging the earth, they don’t want to lose power, trump correctly noted at the debate: biden doesn’t fire anyone, that’s interesting in general. no responsibility for failures, lost afghanistan, leaving the taliban with billions in weapons, and no one
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answered for it. iran is behaving more aggressively; they are not asking who brought it to this. the commander of central command, the minister of defense, everyone is in place. what about economics? inflation has now dropped somewhat, but it was coming out out of control. nobody blamed janet yellin. this is such a closed little world, within which people hold power. and, of course, on the side of the democrats. media, technology platforms, wall street came back, in general, they believe that somehow the storm will calm down, the storm will subside. the majority believes that biden will somehow be removed from the election, there will be some. they are not inclined to enter the game right now, because they do not want to become the one who loses to
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trump; it is safer to wait and come as the one who will later replace him. thank you, we spoke with christian wighton. trump may grumble about nato, but since his presidency the alliance has come together, and there has been progress on his favorite topic of money. europe is shelling out money for war. the special military operation of russia was used to the maximum by the americans; it began not in the twenty-second year, but rather even from the fourteenth year, to the maximum. used by the americans for political and propaganda work with the european elites, and we remember how reluctantly the europeans swayed toward confrontation with russia at the beginning of this period, well , finland, for example, in 2015 issued a report stating that under no circumstances does it see direct benefits for itself from joining the north atlantic
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alliance, the finnish ministry of foreign affairs prepared such a report, now... here and this applies not only to the baltic countries, not only to the countries of the scandinavian region, but i want to note that in the alliance declaration adopted in washington, great attention is paid to these regions, the arctic and the baltic, but this applies, unfortunately, to western countries . they are using this situation to not only force their allies to pay more, but also to be ready to die if necessary. commentators noted that in the entire lengthy declaration of the washington summit
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, gas was never mentioned, the conflict does not exist, but iran was mentioned three times as...
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the consumer market for cosmetics in the region, according to surveys by the iranian association of cosmetics, toiletries and perfumery importers in iran buy cosmetic products five times more, than in any other country in the region. the demand for cosmetics in iran is high and growing all the time, but it can only be partially satisfied, so the country is a very attractive target market for foreign companies. our company actively cooperates with companies from russia; soon some russian-made products will be packaged at our plant and sold in the araz free zone, under the brand of a russian company. eyeliners and lipsticks have become an integral part of the image of iranian women, people here rarely wear makeup,
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which is probably why iranian men consider local women the most beautiful in the world. iranian women are amazing, they are very beautiful, from different provinces and cities, each has a unique appearance, i'm not talking about makeup, they are generally beautiful, even compared to women from other countries, iranian women are naturally beautiful, but today more and more women resort to plastic surgery, i don’t really like it, although it makes them even more beautiful, it seems like cosmetics.
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they treat her, women without makeup are here they feel uncomfortable, because everyone around them is wearing makeup, yet katherine believes that makeup to correct them, they rarely take care of their skin, is a blessing; as part of a charity event , she helps girls with burns and facial damage to feel irresistible again and gain self-confidence . on social networks, she publishes photographs and videos of these girls, collects donations for them, and then pays for cosmetic surgeries. iranian women love to wear makeup, some
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wear it every day, and there are reasons for each them their own. some people think that it looks more attractive, others hide their flaws. one way or another, the desire of local girls for beauty and perfection is constant and great. this week, the national security archives at george washington university released another batch of declassified documents, this time about russia's attitude toward nato expansion in the 1990s. lots of interesting things. it is confirmed that the policy of expanding the alliance to ukraine, inclusive, was on the agenda immediately after the collapse of the ussr. they just asked not to tell the russians, so as not to upset them. an interesting document from the end of 2000 . conversation with clinton's chief russia specialist.
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islamic extremism and china. it sounds strange now, but honestly, that’s how it was in the beginning. the united states subsequently did everything to ensure that putin returned nato to the list of the most important threats, and he did. it was an international review. see you. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing: house, resale or new building. find a property, apply for domclick.
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12:00 am
in the moscow region , black boxes were discovered at the crash site of the superjet 100 plane; now the flight recorders will be sent for decryption. the flight was carried out in accordance with the plan, this was reported by the federal air transport agency. plane crash happened this afternoon near kolomna, there was only the crew on board, all three people died, taking the plane away from residential buildings to the last. our
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correspondent egor grigoriev is now working at the scene of the disaster; he is in direct contact with egor’s studio.


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