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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 13, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website, 100 were found at the site of the plane crash in the moscow region. the flight recorder boxes were sent for decryption, the plane crash occurred the day before near kolomna, there was only the crew on board, all three people died until the last one, taking the plane away from residential buildings. details from the scene of the disaster in the material by egor grigoriev. well, we will return to this topic later, but for now, on to other news, vladimir putin signed a law on new parameters of the federal budget for the current year. the document is posted on the official portal of legal acts. budget expenditures increase by 500.22 billion rubles and amount to 37.182 billion.
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at the same time, revenues decrease by 3 billion rubles to just over 35 trillion. the deficit will increase. now it is planned at the level of 2 trillion and 120 billion. this is 1.1% of gdp. additional funds will be allocated from the budget to support large families, teachers and regional development. 47 billion 800 million will go towards mortgage payments to families with many children. more 66 billion will be used to extend the family mortgage program. in addition, the president signed a law introducing a progressive personal income tax scale with rates from 13 to 22% from 2025 and increasing the corporate income tax from 20 to 25%. vladimir putin held a working meeting with the governor of the zaporozhye region, yevgeny baletsky. the focus was on the development of the social sphere. the president outlined priority tasks for the region.
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mayak, the governor also stated that over 80% of the residents of the zaporozhye region, according to sociological research is supported by heads of state and government. i would like to start my report with social issues, issues related to children; the project has been fully prepared. on your instructions, the construction of a children's hospital, which is key for us, because unfortunately, in the kherson region in the zaporozhye region we do not have regional children's hospitals, and the oncology dispensary has now been completely completed, the equipment there today is no worse than in the kremlin hospital, for the zaporozhye region, of course, this is a huge breakthrough, i’m all i examined the equipment myself, and i can say that we certainly have not seen such mris; today they are performed in the russian federation. all obligations that
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are constitutionally prescribed to citizens, all payments are paid in full, and naturally, people cannot help but notice this, of course, the key issue is ensuring the security of the region as a whole and the people, we will definitely do this, we will achieve this, there is no doubt , i also see things that cannot be ignored, also related to safety -
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but despite all the difficulties, we still note that the recovery growth of agriculture and industry and construction is obvious, and this trend certainly needs to be supported, additional measures that should ensure the uninterrupted operation of the enterprise of the defense-industrial complex, this was discussed speech at today's meeting of the russian security council. vladimir putin.
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both engines could have failed, after which the tragedy occurred. we are now in an interdepartmental, coordination headquarters, not far from the village of maloye karasevaya. it is literally 5-7 km to the site of the plane crash, and through such an impassable forest thicket, it is impossible to get there either on foot or by passenger transport, only atvs go there together with employees of operational services, representatives of the ministry of emergency situations, rescue services, law enforcement agencies, i worked in the morning and a helicopter, on atvs and special vehicles, are now delivering diesel fuel and generators there.
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be the cause of this plane crash, a commentary from the federal air transport agency appeared on happened, the dry superjet 100 had all the necessary permissions to fly. the aircraft flew in accordance with the adopted flight plan, in accordance with the application received and approved by the operational authorities of the unified air traffic management system. along the route from lukhovitsy airfield to vnukov airfield. there were three crew members on board. aircraft commander. co-pilot flight attendant, there were no passengers on the aircraft, the wreckage of the plane, it was visible in the footage, scattered throughout the forest, burnt fragments, partial fires and fires in the forest itself occurred due to the crash, so residents of local
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villages saw how the plane first flew low above the ground, then went behind the forest and after that a column of smoke rose above the treetops. trees, in fact , the plane fell at 90°, it is known that at 14:52 the ship took off into the sky, after 8 minutes the signal disappeared from the radars, that is, the plane was in the sky for only 8 minutes, researchers and representatives of the moscow interregional transport are now working on the spot prosecutors, they will have to establish why a tragedy occurred, the black boxes have already been found, they will help during... an investigation by investigators - the western interregional investigation department for transport, the investigative committee has opened a criminal case on the fact of violation of safety requirements during the movement and operation of aircraft, resulting in the death of two and more persons the moscow
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interregional transport prosecutor's office has organized an investigation into the crash of an airliner in the moscow region. according to preliminary data, it was established that the aircraft. crashed shortly after takeoff from the airfield in the city of lukhovitsy, near the city of kolomna. the plane belonged to the private airline gazprom avia took off after maintenance, after 500 hours of flight time, this procedure is mandatory, the ship itself has been in the sky since 2014 and made its last flight with passengers in may of this year, all three crew members crashed today. who tried to take the plane as far as possible from populated areas and thus prevent casualties, on board were captain evgeniy bulavka, captain aircraft, flight attendant maxim lukmanov, well, co-pilot vladislav kharlamov,
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all three crew members had thousands of hours of flight time, that is, they were professionals in their field, and the fact that they were able to fly away the plane with such a malfunction was moving. the real one is that the operational headquarters will work here as a hero, i’m not afraid of this word, i’ll remind you, around the clock, and specialists on the ground, literally 5-7 km deep into the forest, continue to collect evidence, evidence, collect debris, clear away rubble, create access routes to the crash site dry super jet 100, egor grigoriev, leonida oronchikov, yuri ermakov, evafido. artemy bondar, news. russian defense minister andrei belousov spoke by phone with pentagon chief lloyd austin. this is the second telephone conversation in a month between the heads of the defense departments of the two countries. the russian ministry of defense emphasized that the dialogue took place on the initiative of our side. it is clarified that
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during the conversation the issue of preventing security threats and reducing the risk of possible escalation was discussed. in turn, the pentagon noted the importance of maintaining open channels connections between russia and the usa. the russian armed forces destroyed seven hymers installations in a week; they were being prepared in the ssu for attacks on crimea, the ministry of defense reported this today. in addition, the west grouping for the week. denis alekseev will tell you. late in the evening the day before, an air raid warning was declared throughout ukraine. local online communities immediately reported explosions in several areas; at least one explosion was recorded in the starokonstantinov area. military infrastructure was attacked. x101 missiles drones geranium. targets were successfully hit in brovary near odessa, in the zhitomir and
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chernigov regions. within a week, dozens of ukrainian armed forces facilities. from july 6 to july 12, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 39 group strikes with high-precision long-range air and sea-based weapons, attack unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which enemy air bases and enterprises were hit. defense-industrial complex of ukraine and energy facilities that support their operation, military equipment assembly shops, storage areas uncrewed boats and attack unmanned aerial vehicles. the target of the strikes was achieved, all designated objects were hit. following yesterday's successes in the pokrovsk direction, our military captured a humvee armored car there in the village of sokol. in other words, they were knocked out very carefully, so it is possible to restore the use of american armor in... and neither the command of the armed forces of ukraine, nor, of course, suppliers of nato
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equipment, really like this. our craftsmen disassemble cars into parts, reassemble them, studying the enemy from the inside. we are russian people, everything works out for us. and the task will be for the machine. we will partially restore it. prospects, i’ll tell you right away what will happen, if i take it on, everything always works out for me. here is another example, also an american armored car, this one has already been written off. the russian military already knows. pain points of imported equipment, so most often they don’t give it a chance, one hit and the car doesn’t go any further. over the past week, our center group inflicted an impressive defeat on the ukrainian armed forces in the direction of toretskaya and pokrovsk four settlements were liberated: sokol, chikari, yasnobrodovka and voskhod, which cannot but frighten the kiev command; such an active offensive in this area poses a threat. the vostok group has liberated
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most of the village of urozhaynoye, artillery is providing fire support to our attack aircraft, and in these pictures a ukrainian tank was destroyed on the outskirts of the village, a couple of hundred meters from it; in the center of urozhaynoye, after fierce battles, our military planted a russian tricalor. on these frames the lines payback enemy in a disputed area, a settlement under our control, the militants cannot come to terms with this, every now and then they launch counterattacks, but it is understandable from here, russian troops are systematically advancing to seversky slavyansk, and there is also a high probability of complete encirclement of the ukrainian armed forces formation west of solidar. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, lead. the lpr stated that there is an increase in the number of ukrainian armed forces drone strikes on civilian targets, and they are especially active along the combat line. collision, about how drones are fought on advanced, nikolai dolgachev will tell. the trenches
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are now doubly necessary to wait out the shelling and to hide from the heat. it's 40° outside. it’s not easy for fighters in bulletproof vests with weapons; they won’t even be able to walk between their positions without getting sleepy. moving along forest strips so that in the event of an air threat, you can immediately dive. on the front line , soldiers spend more time underground in dugouts, drones determine the nature of combat operations, fight them with the help of rap in the old fashioned way, shooting down like ducks with guns. unusual combination, yes, the 21st century, here is a gun. the enemy uses many kamikaze drones, many technical innovations, the struggle for the so-called lower sky, where the main characters are copters, is fierce. the enemy is on this section of the front around the clock.
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on a regular basis, constantly walked in front of the column, for him, as volunteers said, they offered a lot of money to sell him, well, the owner decided to transfer him to the zone. directly to the nevsky detachment for evacuation. in general, motorcycles are now the most popular and safe means movement on the front line. this is a more maneuverable vehicle, it is more passable, that is, where our loaves cannot reach , our urals save us. the fighting along the entire line of combat contact is intense, doctors at the front are not idle, these two
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girls asked to do their hair for 5 minutes before the interview, there is no other time for this. we had never been associated with the army before, we volunteered for the evacuation group, i always thought that this was impossible if you hadn’t graduated from the military academy there yet something, i think, well, it means we can try, i actually came to help the fighters and the guys, but they didn’t want to stay on the sidelines, they also wanted to contribute. the entire front has now come to life in movement, russian soldiers are engaged in heavy fighting around the clock, advancing in the city of chasovyar, moving towards seversk. in many other areas. nikolai dolgachev, magamed bashir aliev, maria bulgakova, lead lugansk. myr odessa gennady trukhanov was spotted at the famous casino in monaco. there he left 350 thousand euros in just one evening. other representatives of the ukrainian elite also meet at european resorts. they relax on a grand scale, while their less wealthy peers
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are being turned around by military commissars in their homeland. with details from evgeny petrukhin. with ukrainian license plates they drive around monaco, apparently, this is how their yellow-bladed patriotism is manifested: those who escaped from independence have to love their homeland from a distance, continuous torment, one by one elite cars drive up to the monte carlo casino in monaco, passengers of luxury cars are in a hurry to relieve stress, still home war, they left for monaco for a reason, they left to wait there, it’s very easy for patriots from monaco to be, at the first opportunity they gather and... and go somewhere abroad and say: lord, thank god, not through the yew swim, jump over barbed wire, or if you have money, you can quickly jump on a private jet from somewhere from lvov to poland, and from there we’ll somehow get there on reindeer early in the morning. apparently , the mayor of odessa gennady trukhanov is also trying to hit the next jackpot in the monte carlo casino, is he really like that?
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tries to replenish the city budget, but somehow unsuccessfully, the casino employees, apparently former ukrainians, recognized the boss immediately, they write that in one evening trukhanov lost 35,000 euros, more than 33 million rubles, this is an act of patriotism, this is real ukrainian patriotism, winnings a few pennies for ourselves and for ukraine, so we often see videos of various ukrainians, yes, who are in warm regions, somewhere in france in california and they all have a tryzup, that is, like this... they are all together with ukraine. in a white shirt with yellow embroidery with a trident he walks along european embankments. but he could have taken a place in the trenches and served his homeland. and chevron would have been issued to the ssu. but when the father is a ukrainian prosecutor, the son can only be in the so-called monaco battalion. the monaco battalion, guys, the son of a famous ukrainian prosecutor, drives around in expensive cars in
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europe while dad works. remember, any war ends with negotiations. people for trash. photos of ukrainians who died for these nonhumans who consider themselves ukrainian on sophia square in kiev. these are the ones who are
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monaca's battalion missed. those who ended up in the trenches instead of the prosecutor's sons. even after their death, kiev. sun of monaco. evgenia petrukhina, nadezhda nefedova. european diplomats are establishing contacts with donald trump because they consider joe biden a lame duck. this is reported from.
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biden made a good impression on me, as the president of the united states, he is a man who works, he organized an excellent summit. biden has his first press conference in 8 months ahead, which is now receiving even more attention. of course everyone is interested one, most important caveat. did you notice any flaws in my performance? i was talking about putin, and then at the very end i said, i mean putin, no, sorry.
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national security advisor salevan raises his hand to his mouth; pentagon chief austin sits without blinking an eye, but the internet is already imagining what this vice president trump might look like. for an excruciating 59 minutes , biden answers 12 questions from pre -selected journalists.
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i didn't get it in the end. another outcome of the summit was threats of attacks against china. in the final nato declaration an official warning to beijing for contacts with moscow. in fact, now the entire bloc, along with washington , is accusing china of supporting russia, and the us president is threatening beijing with a reduction in investments. the final declaration also accuses china of malicious cyber-hybrid activities, including the spread of disinformation targeting the united states and europe. against the backdrop of these aggressive statements, of all nato members, only one seems to have not lost hope for peace negotiations. is it true, no longer under biden. viktor orban from
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washington flies straight to florida, where he meets with donald trump. we continued our peacekeeping mission in maralaga. president trump has proven throughout his presidency that he is a man of peace. he'll do it again. orban wrote on social networks and posted a video where in one of the frames he stands with golden wings. his back and trump answers the parliamentarian. thank you victor, peace must come and quickly, too many people died in a war that should never have started. these efforts of orban in white they hastened to call the house adventurism. apparently, the same instructions were given to kiev. with respect to all countries, large and small, we must understand that not all leaders can negotiate. to do this you need to have certain powers. that all the thoughts of the biden administration now are not about saving ukraine, but about saving the drowning joe himself.
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the white house is trying to pass off his speech at the summit as a victory, though.
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what's happening is to put an end to this debate about whether biden should drop out of the race, they are now desperately looking for someone to solve the problem. it looks like pelosi and obama are two people who are not part of the biden family, but who could be a serious force in their own right. obama did not stop another loyal biden supporter, oscar winner, hollywood actor george clooney, who the day before published an appeal to the president in the new york times calling on him to withdraw from the race. the political publication suggests that in this way obama is trying to use the wrong hands to free the democrats from candidate biden. joe biden is unable to convey his thoughts to people. eloquence is an important factor for personality. and how, in such a situation, can people’s fears about biden’s age be dispelled? well, first you need to recognize people’s fears as justified and you don’t need to blame them for it. the idea of ​​attacking your own supporters for this is not very effective.
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with support for biden's candidacy crumbling before our eyes, another hollywood heavyweight and once ardent supporter, actor michael douglas , can no longer imagine how biden can play the role of president for another 4 years. with which the mood of the participants of the nato summit left washington is unknown, because they arrived to rally around the strong leader of the free world, and as a result they became witnesses and accomplices of the pre-election disgrace of the american president, and the fate of the alliance itself in 4 months. before the us elections, now is more foggy than ever. and again, the democrats are trying to draw some red lines for biden, to persuade him to leave the race, it is simply critically necessary this coming weekend, because on monday the republican convention starts in wisconsin, where in the absence of competitors, trump is not nominated, he is crowned as a presidential candidate. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington.
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