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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 13, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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the dynamics of development of the russian economy remains high in may. growth accelerated slightly relative to april to 4.5%. mikhail mishustin held a meeting on economic issues. if we take statistics for 5 months, despite the introduction of new restrictions, gdp added 5% compared to the same period of the previous year. this is significantly higher than predicted. indicators of the real sector are also in positive territory; from january to may, the manufacturing industry grew by almost 9%. one of the key drivers is mechanical engineering, which showed double-digit growth rates. what
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it is very important that investments continue to grow, which means that a good foundation for the future is being created; according to the results of the first quarter , they increased by almost 15%, mainly due to machinery and equipment, investments in intellectual property. the company has its own, which is very important, resources for this, as their profits increase, they began to actively invest their funds, also in the development of the region. the country has begun harvesting ahead.
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5%, to the target value of 4%, inflation will return in 2025. as mikhail mishustin said, despite the summer period, it is necessary to constantly monitor the macroeconomic situation and, if necessary, promptly adjust the action plan. we have entered the most active phase of the formation of the federal budget for the next 3 years and new national projects; they are very closely related and aimed at solving the key tasks that the president spoke about. here. now we are
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discussing the most important measures that are included in these documents; at the beginning of autumn , a proposal for national projects will need to be sent to the state council. i ask you to ensure compliance with all planned deadlines and timely declare the need to work them out with the ministry of finance. let me remind you that on wednesday the federation council approved a law on changing the parameters of the federal budget for the current year. according to the plan, the federal budget deficit will exceed 2 trillion rubles. this is 1.1. gdp and expenses will be at the level of 37 trillion rubles, and revenues will be approximately 35 trillion. compared to the original version of the budget, the volume of expenditures increased by more than 500 billion rubles. this is due to the implementation of the president’s message to the federal meeting, as well as individual instructions from the president and prime minister. the draft federal budget for 2025-2027 will be submitted to the state duma before october 1.
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a big day not only for the russian plekhanov university of economics,
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but for the domestic higher education system as a whole. deputy prime minister dmitry chernoshenko together with his colleagues, representatives of the executive branch, both regional and federal levels. opened a new building here, which is entirely dedicated to digital and information technologies. another step in implementing the instructions of the president, who said that we must provide all the necessary opportunities for the realization of the talents of our children, will be taken.
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construction project 23,000 km, nine floors, each of which is determined by thematic area of ​​study from fintech to work technology. there are a total of 70 classrooms with the most modern equipment, and what is important, 30 premises are given over to applied research centers of leading russian public and private corporations. in them this is exactly what the students will be working on, this was done in order to eliminate information asymmetry in the learning process and so that the students’ career path would be as fast, simple and predictable as possible. key decisions of the village
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the statement was made at the analytical center for monitoring the development of russian regions. it is here that specialists develop strategies that will then form the basis for management decisions of the heads of the federal subjects in order to ensure the economic growth of the latter. in addition, a testing ground for drones. the topic of unmanned aerial vehicles is especially relevant in the context of the development of the defense industry sector. for success in scientific activities, outstanding students received awards; the university itself was the first russian university to receive a badge of honor from the president for academic success. what i feel now is such joy bordering on euphoria. here. and in many ways, my scientific activity is related to the study of various economic trends, primarily
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within the framework of financial markets. here. i implemented most of my projects based on scientific laboratory for the study of the monetary credit system and analysis of financial markets. i. as part of the work of the laboratory, i also participated in various conferences, in writing articles, and also participated in the implementation of a project commissioned by the state duma. investments in human capital are now extremely important in the context of two stories of the sanctions storm in which our country found itself due to the actions of western partners 2 years ago, increasing the competitiveness of the economy, that is, increasing the share of science-intensive production in the export structure. the russian it market is growing, despite external restrictions; last year it added 30 basis points and reached 2%. gdp is a consequence of competent government policy in the field of education, and there are also good numbers here. the share of graduates in these disciplines in russia is 6%, while in the usa there are five, and in european countries the average is three. our graduates find work in the ati sector on average a month after graduating from university in free conditions
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market, and this is an extremely high figure. the average salary in russia is 150,000 rubles. well, in moscow, where the offices of large it giants are concentrated, this figure and... 100 programs for 130 million listeners, on air around the clock. moscow listens to radio russia, now on 101.5 fm. this has never happened in 15 years of the silk road; there is a sea of ​​sand with 100 km of dunes, and this is only a third of the entire distance of the special stage. on takara, i don’t remember that almost the entire special stage was so endless. we opened today too, well, all the days worked out so that we discovered these dunes, made a track, as if there might be a little more work, because the concentration is maximum, but on the whole
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we are satisfied, happy and had fun, because we passed the highest points, the most beautiful views, not all participants dared to conquer the sandy sea, after almost 200 km of selective off-road , fatigue had accumulated both people and equipment, the first to finish the eighth special stage of the international rally marathon silk road race fields, they decided not to enter the sands, but this does not mean that troubles did not overtake them. at the exit from the picturesque canyon , the crew punctured a tire. last year’s winner sergei vizovich from belarus had much more serious problems : his steering wheel broke on his ointment; he had to repair it right in the sand, while the necessary parts were removed from other team trucks. as a result, an hour of time was lost, a real drama. silk road riders overcome the last kilometers of the killer special stage along a picturesque canyon. against the background of these. the day before the car almost burned down,
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the entire caravan spent the whole night racing, this is the spirit of the marathon rally. for the first time in his career, korekin gave the car a name, phoenix. we went through almost the entire car, mechanics even from other teams helped, this human touch is especially valuable. and to our guys who assembled the car and... mechanics from other teams, a low bow to everyone, a big thank you, at such moments you understand that there is faith in people, those who can only count on their own strengths, the participants in the special motorcycle classification of the race, the most desperate riders of the silk road, there was one day, it seems to me, where i didn’t tinker with anything, i changed the air filter and went to bed , slept once, and i think when the next day will be, it’s hard, hard, i won’t go to jimoto anymore, only with a mechanic, now with a whole support team, comfortable beds. all that these brave guys have, a bike, a box of spare parts with tools, and a savvy mind, for outside help you can
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get kicked out of the race, to the silk road camp, single motorcycle racers often arrive last, usually last and fall asleep, technical problems after almost every special stage, now merge, it turns out i suffered in vain, but i don’t want to in vain, so we continue, we just need to pull ourselves together a little, to be honest, i have always admired motorcyclists, how much motivation they have - the strength to... ride later also in this competition you still need to monitor the equipment, yes, probably the volumes are smaller than ours, yes, the equipment is more compact, but it requires patience, well , again, strength, well, i can only applaud them at the finish line, however, the finish line was so close only 3 days still very far 100 km dangerous off-road, on the silk road to get to the finish line already to win, one hundred sredekul residents, ivan lavrikov and karen melikyan, lead from altai, mongolia.
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is it overpriced, are you obligated to give it back and can you use the money for the graduation amount? do you think
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it’s too much to ask for a report on the funds spent? we will tell you how the activities of parent committees are regulated in 5 minutes in this issue of the program instructions. additional supplies, supporting literature, excursions and other activities for children, all of which are handled by parents committees. the very fact of the possibility of their creation is enshrined in the law on education, but it does not... the law does not really tell us what the functions of this parent committee are, and what responsibilities, what rights this parent committee or parent community has, but we generally say, this is provided for by the internal documents of an educational institution, for example, in a school this may be a provision on
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the parent committee, accordingly this provision is discussed with the parent community. and are approved by internal by order of the director of the educational institution. the main thing that the most active parents and those who for some reason are short on funds should understand is that any contributions within the parent committee are only voluntary. this is regulated by a letter from the ministry of education and science dated september 9, 2015, on the prevention of illegal collections of funds . there, in particular, there is a link to article 4 of federal law no. 135 of august 11. his rights, attempts to shame parents strapped for money are illegal, according to
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the law on education of the russian constitution we have a federation in preschool. of course, when the parent community, institutions, he has the right to this. this is in many parent chats, it exists, they require you to deposit a certain amount of money, yes, especially when it’s a sou.
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if a teacher joins from among the parents, he may face punishment under the article of an official using his official powers, contrary to the interests of the service, if this act was committed out of selfish or other personal interest. the next thorny issue is fundraising, even if everyone agrees to it. better right away draw up a protocol that records the agreement between the parents of the target, the amount of contributions, their frequency, and so on. recommended to the parents committee. collect checks, extract receipts for all, even the most insignificant expenses, parents can demand a report at any time, if the committee does not provide the necessary information, the request can be sent to the police and the prosecutor's office, and there they may see signs of a crime under the article theft of embezzlement, if the parent the community refuses this responsibility
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read to the parents, in this case it is possible... again contact the director of the educational institution, in this case it is possible again to contact the prosecutor's office to check this parent community, yes, since they do not fulfill this duty, well, in the event that suddenly facts of misappropriation or embezzlement of funds are revealed, then here it is already possible to raise, of course, the question of bringing to criminal liability under article 160 of the criminal code. another important question for parents. committees presentations teachers, so that they are not considered a bribe, in accordance with the civil code, only ordinary gifts are allowed, the cost of which does not exceed 3,000 rubles. here it is very important to understand the difference between a gift and a bribe, because a gift can be worth 2,000 rubles. but it is regarded as a bribe, because we say a gift - it
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is free of charge, in a bribe there is always a mandatory attribute: conditions, that is, we are talking about the fact that we are giving this gift, as it were, for something with some purpose, that is, when we say that here some kind of service must be performed in return, in this case, then the question of a bribe can already be raised. let's repeat, the most important thing is that the creation of parent committees in kindergartens and schools is permitted by the law on education, and their activities are regulated by the educational institution itself. contributions collected by parent committees, voluntary, coercion, threats, infringement of the rights of the child, all this is illegal and can have consequences up to criminal, finally, parents who donate... the money have the right to know what it was spent on. remained questions, do you want to know what rights students and parents have? subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will disturb
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the department and lawyers and will definitely tell you about everything in the next issue of the program instructions. during periods of extreme heat, businesses have a chance to increase revenue from sales of recreational equipment or rental of summer houses. consumers, accordingly, expect expenses, including for electricity. people tend to cool down with the help of air conditioning fans. maximum consumption electricity was recorded in several central regions at once. according to the system operator, consumption peaks.
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when it’s hot, they turn on the air conditioner, but industrial enterprises, like a coffee shop, you go there, of course , these are stable consumers of electrical energy, consuming it in such volumes that the heat cannot have a significant impact. another expense item is gasoline, motorists have flocked to ponds and country houses by the pool, wanting more and more because of what traffic jams form on the routes, where again you need to cool. leads to an increase in consumption by the same car in the same road
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conditions by approximately 10 dash 15%. due to the fact that it is necessary to use either air conditioning, or drivers, hoping to save money on air conditioning , open the windows, which also leads to an increase in traffic. to gasoline when driving, as resistance increases. for business , the summer season is hot in its own way; the demand for summer-relevant goods and services is growing noticeably. following him, they often go up prices. in addition to traditional items such as ice cream and soft drinks, goods for summer holidays are becoming more expensive. according to avito statistics, sales of bathing products have increased sixfold. the most popular product from the frame pools category. they account for 40% of sales. by the end of june, on the online service they grew... nine times, just over 8% of sales were for hot tubs, almost eight for inflatable pools. there is often no need for a business to increase productivity when demand is growing; batches of
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seasonal goods are prepared in advance, for example, air conditioners or fans, production is planned many, many times in advance, several months in advance, so current stories about abnormal heat or, on the contrary, rainy summers do not have such a strong impact, they affect the availability of goods in warehouses on the demand side. abnormal heat significantly increases the demand for these products by tens of percent. in june , rental of houses with swimming pools also became especially popular. compared to the same period last year, demand throughout russia increased by half. the offer also added + 18% year on year. the most popular destinations for rentals were the moscow region and the krasnodar region. 15% of all bookings were registered there. but in terms of prices, the moscow region is in the lead for 24 hours. on weekends, a house by the pool will cost on average more than 18,000 rubles. this year there is also greater interest in glamping and recreation centers. at the end of june there were 35% more bookings than in the same
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period last year. the heat will soon subside, but even if it lingers, the energy supply system is not in danger, they say experts. it is prepared for the summer, taking into account growing consumption. as for the warm summer with the swimming season, it, according to forecasters, will last another 3 weeks. this means that the demand for summer goods and services will last just as long. this year, experts emphasize, it is especially high due to the duration of the abnormally hot period. i, traveler, aeronaut, jean ivan. oh, so we're leaving. mogniva,
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mogniva lihodi has sharpened me, a pen, magic ink, you can get it, you’re the main thing, van, hurry up, so give it to me horse, mechanical, beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it goes, that’s what they call me, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to, i can’t live without traveling. flint, he who has flint in his pocket does not need a pen, soon.
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in march of '23 there was an order, but i was already ready, collected, all that was left was
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to go. an offensive was underway, i heard a sound, well , the quadcopter hovered above me, at that moment it immediately exploded, they came at us in a tank, just in a second i didn’t see anything else with a white light, it was a very difficult couple of months accept yourself as you are, but now it’s better, now yes, of course, my rehabilitation also went very well, we had gyms, swimming pools, right after he received a new prosthesis... we went to test him in the mountains how he behaves is discipline, first of all, be fighters in life, that’s what i advise, just fighters in life.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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hello, we're on air from an international base. events of the week, chronicle, facts, comments, today on the program is international review, breaking the usual patterns, came to moscow on rendermode, the west is upset by public hugs, the anniversary summit of the atlantic bloc, collective fears on the eve of the elections.


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