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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 13, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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will definitely achieve it, there is no doubt, vladimir putin said at a meeting with the head of the zaporozhye region, evan baletsky. we discussed the development of the region. the president emphasized that the main thing now is to restore housing and communal services, infrastructure and the residential sector. learn more about conversation topics. natalya solovyova. the key topic of the working meeting is regional security. ukrainian militants attack zaporozhye every day. just the day before, six artillery strikes were carried out on energodar, the city of sputnik, the largest nuclear power plant in europe. i see those too.
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and we will remember this again, we will talk about this more than once. the west is good at turning a blind eye to these mistakes. kiev is systematically striking at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the magathe mission, which is constantly located on the territory of the facility, records the shelling, but never indicates who exactly is conducting targeted fire. such attacks have intensified over the past few days after ukrainian shelling and a fire broke out in the forest. three fires with a total area appeared at once. 50
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hectares, and two days earlier the attacks were carried out in area of ​​the city water intake. despite such difficult working conditions, the situation in the economic and social sphere of the region is stable. summer, vacation time and holidays in zaporozhye were prepared especially carefully. this year, the red carnation children's camp in berdyansk became a branch of the legendary artek. the long-awaited event. before accepting the first shift, the buildings were repaired, the beaches were cleaned, and special education was developed.
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rest, but summer is also a time for large construction projects in melitopol, completely renovated regional oncology clinic, delivered and connected new equipment. modern technology will now make it possible to detect diseases in the early stages, which is critically important for cancer; residents of neighboring regions, for example, the kherson region, will also be able to receive qualified care here. those who can compare openly say that the equipment there today is no worse than in the kremlin hospital. this is for... zaporozhye region, of course, this is a huge breakthrough, i examined all the equipment myself, and i can say, that of course we have not seen such mris, and zanat, the equipment that is installed in our hospital today is the level of, well, the most advanced moscow clinics. at the same time, on the instructions of the president, the construction of a children’s hospital is underway, a priority task ; there are no such clinics in the region. major repair work was carried out in educational institutions, the most extensive. at
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melitopol state university. the reconstruction is carried out according to russian standards, the layout, the water and heat supply system are changed, new equipment is imported, laboratories and computer classes. today , 6.5 billion has been invested in repairs, and this work is in full swing at our university. well, how can i put it in slang, then all the outer and inner lining has been completely torn off, it’s changing. completely sewerage, heating, the entire electrical part, the facade, our university is filled, which today has 11,000 children studying from our entire region, and this, of course, has not been seen in the zaporozhye region such a renovation, in general, our higher education institution has seen. at the end of the meeting, the president emphasized that despite all the difficulties, there is growth in agriculture, industry and construction, a trend that needs to be supported, but the main thing is to ensure the safety of people. this was discussed at
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today's meeting of the russian security council. vladimir putin held it via video conference. dear colleagues, today we will discuss with you additional measures to ensure the smooth operation of enterprises in the military-industrial complex. let's start.
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in march '23 there was an order, but i was already ready, collected, all that remained was to go, an offensive was underway, i heard a sound, well , the quadcopter hovered above me, at that moment it immediately exploded, tanks came towards us, just in a second the white light i don’t see anything anymore, it was very difficult for a couple of months to accept yourself as you are, but now here... better, now yes, of course, my rehabilitation also went very well, we had gyms, swimming pools, we immediately, when he received a new protest, we went to test him in the mountains, how he would behave, this is discipline first of all,
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be fighters in life, that’s what i advise, just fighters in life. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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a new level of interaction and the parliamentary dimension of brix, the results of a large forum in st. petersburg. today, parliamentary dialogue, including within the framework of brix, is more important than ever. interregional ties as a point of growth for russian-chinese cooperation, details of negotiations with the chinese parliamentary delegation. our ties today have become a model of relations between major sovereign powers. the principle of fairness - progressive income tax scale individual tax changes are not so that there are no rich people in russia, but so
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that there are no poor people in russia. and also important social laws, amendments to the budget code, what financial instruments will the regions receive? what measures and mechanisms do senators think will improve?
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within the framework of the unification, i really hope, dear colleagues, dear friends, that these days you have gotten to know our country better. its history, its culture, our wonderful people. russia is a multinational, multi-religious country, where for centuries peoples of more than 200 nationalities live in harmony in peace. our country has 11 time zones, so the sun never sets over russia. and we love our country very, very much. so, about
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the brix parliamentary dimension about expanding cooperation with countries that represent almost half of the world's population. report by marina pavlova. russia is the first of the brics countries. he presides over this association in a new expanded composition. 400 representatives from 16 countries gathered at the tauride palace in st. petersburg. on the tenth parliament summit, the main task of legislators is to strengthen multilateralism for... the demand, the mood, the needs of millions, and without exaggeration, billions
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of people on our planet, i am sure that you will make a significant contribution to resolving issues of socio-economic development of the brix countries, to improving the well-being of our peoples . 18 years ago, on the initiative of vladimir putin, the association was formed on the principles of equality, mutual trust, respect for each other’s sovereignty, and consideration of national interests. today brix is a powerful growth point, an influential united organization for the development of a multipolar world. the association has enormous potential and is confidently establishing itself as one of the pillars of the modern world order. we will continue to actively promote the ideas of an equal and indivisible system of international security, preserving the central and...
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stopping the development of our countries and other states by introducing illegitimate sanctions, declaring trade wars, stealing gold and foreign exchange reserves, using international payment systems and the dollar as a political instrument pressure. the forum participants paid special attention to interaction against the backdrop of modern challenges and discussed legal conditions to join efforts in response to terrorism and transnational crime. we must understand the complexity of the threats that
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face us, pragmatic and clear solutions must be found, we must play a very important legislative role in coordinating our collective efforts, these efforts must be aimed at maintaining peace and security, how to further strengthen cooperation between legislators, one of ideas - creating a separate brix plus group within the framework of inter-parliamentary simplification of economic and trade relations. the friendly nature of russian-iranian
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parliamentary relations is reflected in the development of all areas of interaction. at this summit there were many proposals for cooperation in the field of technology, with special attention paid to scientific exchange with iran. iran has been under sanctions for more than 40 years. they grew up an entire scientific community that worked under sanctions, created its own economy and created its own... technology, and naturally, the same thing exists in the russian federation, only we didn’t have sanctions yet, now these sanctions exist, and we, so to speak, can combine efforts and experience so that we can... move scientific thought forward. issues of promoting the common interests of the brics countries in the global economy, trade and finance also occupied an important place in the discussion. valentina matvienko stated that russia will use the digital ruble when making payments with foreign partners, and also noted that it will bring the financial markets of countries closer together the settlement and payment platform bricks bridge will help the members of the association increase mutual trade turnover.
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digital currencies of central banks and countries of association can be used.
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contains indications of three main vectors, three main directions for the development of our dialogue within the framework of the association, these are issues of foreign policy and security policy, firstly, economics and finance, secondly, this is the humanitarian sphere, contacts between people, thirdly, and further in the text of the declaration for each of these areas the tasks are revealed, the forms, mechanisms of interaction , cooperation, that is, it is a kind of road. the joint declaration will be sent to the interparliamentary union and the heads of state of the participants in the summit in kazan, which will be held in tatarstan in october, and criteria for admitting new participants to brix will also be developed there. marina pavlova, alexander shedevr, andrey litvin, senate program. i would like to add that on the sidelines of the brix parliamentary forum, valentin matvienko had a number of bilateral meetings, in particular with
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the parliamentary delegations of tanzania, ethiopia, iran, india. in addition, back in moscow, before the trip to st. petersburg, it was...
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approved by the senators. however, most citizens will not notice these changes and will continue to pay the usual 13%. these rules will not apply to payments to participants in a special operation. innovations will affect only those whose earnings exceed 2,400,000 rubles. in year. for them, the personal income tax rate will be 15%, it will increase in proportion to profits. so, with an income of 5
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to 20 million rubles. the tax will be 18%. and from 20 million to 50 million rubles. 20%. the new tax will not be levied on the entire amount, only that which will exceed the relevant thresholds. according to valentin matvienko, changes in the tax system are long overdue; the head of the chamber of regions called the approved law thoroughly prepared and worked out. this is fairer taxation, when the poor and families with children are protected; here the president of our country played a key role.
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families with children whose average per capita income is below one and a half times the subsistence level in the region can count on the deduction from january 1, 2026. and another tax will be introduced next year, we are talking about a resort tax for hotels and other places of tourist accommodation, which will replace the resort fee. the rate is 1% of the cost of living, every year it will increase and stop at around 5%. the ministry of economic development, which oversees the tourism industry. will maintain a corresponding register of these accommodation facilities, hotels will, of course, be included there first, the issue of the private sector, this remains outside the field of activity of this
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register, but i think that gradually we will it is better to administer those places that are today used for renting out rooms, where the corresponding income is generated and this... the register of accommodation facilities will expand, we must not drag out this topic anton gernovich, this is municipal income, yes, the private sector rents out for people to relax, they use the infrastructure, they drive on the roads, they use medicine there and so on, this is income that will be used for the development of general tourism infrastructure, so the issue needs to be addressed, and also i beg. the budget committee should get involved, without putting it on the back burner, we need to find legal regulation, a legal solution to this topic.
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funds that will be released after the regions have partially written off their debts will also be used to implement infrastructure projects and support investments. the federation council unanimously supported the corresponding amendments to the budget code. according to the vice-speaker of the upper house nikolai zhuravlev, legislative changes will affect both the lives of ordinary citizens and business activities. as examples of fairness for business, i would like to note that, simultaneously with the decision on income tax, export duties were eliminated, which we have been talking about all this year, a federal tax deduction was introduced, an increased coefficient for neo-development expenses was applied, and lower insurance premiums for small businesses. enterprises in the manufacturing industries, in general, are made of balancing ... mechanisms that really make it possible to shift the tax bias in favor of those who invest in their country, and they will pay taxes
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less than those that withdraw funds as dividends. many senatorial initiatives have become norms of law, in particular , an excise tax on medical alcohol is being introduced. valentina matvienko emphasized the importance of these changes; they will help prevent the sale of counterfeit alcohol and preserve people's health. now it's short.
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this is the senate program, see below, what measures and mechanisms do the senators think will improve
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the business climate in the agricultural sector? and what will consumers get from it? we supported this law, it allows farmers to build guesthouses home and receive tourists there. reference approach: why the altai territory is among the key regions that ensure the country's food security. these are animals of the gerryfort meat breed. they are easy to care for, but to get marbled meat, they need grain feeding. modern problems require modern solutions. when the police switch to electric scooters. i am sure that traffic police officers could use one more vehicle to carry out their tasks. long-awaited news: a family mortgage program that was supposed to end in july, extended for 6 years. the money can be spent on buying an apartment in a new building or building a residential building. we will continue to talk about the state’s social policy with vice-speaker of the federation council inna saitenko. inna yuryevna, the entire spring session, one might
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say, supported the social one. the course is in progress, tell us what initiatives you managed to implement and maybe you encountered some difficulties? the social course of the idea of ​​​​new times is the project office that looked at it during the year - everything successful practices that already exist in the regions, these were socially oriented non-profit organizations and simply projects of individuals and public organizations. which showed how life can be made better in different areas, this is the direction of culture, conservation of people, and demographic policy, also issues of longevity, and much , much more, so after seeing these successful practices, we realized for ourselves that as the chamber of regions we must replicate them, already
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regional authorities and... also non-profit organizations understand what can be used in order not to reinvent the wheel, but to take what has successfully proven itself and produced results in another region, and of course, we have continued the practice of a mobile senator since last year, a very good practice, because most legislative initiatives, they are born precisely from communication with people, in my opinion, mobility... senators are just one of the clearest examples of such interaction. you are right, senators from different regions, when they travel a long way on cars through the regions, meeting people everywhere, be it in rural areas or urban areas, we carry out events such as a cardio-raid together with nieni bakuleva, a preventive shield when
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conducting medical examinations at large industrial enterprises. already leading doctors in prevention and preventive medicine, a whole series of social laws, they were born, as they say , from the earth, so we are pleased with the legislative work that took place during the spring session precisely because of what we were able to formulate for ourselves task as a legislator and bring it to real laws. this year is...


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