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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 13, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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shield, when medical examinations at large industrial enterprises are also carried out by leading doctors in prevention and preventive medicine, a whole series of social laws, they were born, as they say, from the earth, so we are pleased with the legislative work that took place during the spring session, precisely for this reason , that they were able to formulate for...
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uh, to get everyone with many children a certificate, it is now given for an indefinite period, advertising has appeared, in photographs there are successful families raising three or more children, and people’s attitude towards having many children has changed, so i am sure that this will give such a powerful impetus to the fact that young people will combine a career and family life, it is important that all this...
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traditions will look in clothes, in design, in many other things. i am sure that the event itself will be very interesting, educational and emotional. this week, the lower house in the first reading approved a law according to which riding an electric scooter or electric bicycle while under the influence of alcohol will cost 20-3,000 rubles. a speeding from 500 rub. up to 500. one of the authors of the initiative is senator artyom sheikin.
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who also actively advocates for regulating the field of electric bicycles, i remind you that they are actively used by delivery services. couriers seem to work within the law, but in fact go beyond it, and we see when couriers ride electric bicycles that are more powerful than 250 w, and the supreme court has repeatedly stated that electric bicycles that have a power of more than 250 w are . mopeds, which means they must work according to different rules: first of all, the drivers of such a vehicle must have a category m license, and secondly, they must move along the roadway in the far right lane, or on bicycle paths. what regulatory measures have you proposed for delivery services? delivery services, in my opinion, should constantly keep track of vehicles and check the availability of rights in the category. m from vehicle drivers
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, they must also check the equipment sensors for measuring the speed and location of the vehicle, and of course technical capability.
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a bill approved by the federation council to improve conditions for citizens and businesses; this month the federation council approved a law that amends the procedure for passing phytosanitary and veterinary control. yes, this is an important law, because when passing through procedures and borders, especially
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with regard to agricultural products, an important criterion, in addition to natural safety and control, is time, so this law gives customs authorities powers. on phytosanitary and veterinary control, while we, as senators, were convinced that this would not affect the reduction in the quality of inspection, because today customs authorities are very actively introducing digital technologies, there is risk management, in general, this decision will speed up customs control, in many ways this is important for products with short shelf life, so this law solves many issues with...
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the consolidated loan of our fishermen is 1 trillion rubles. and for them, naturally, the speed of return of money is also very important, so as not to take it on credit from the bank at today’s fairly high rates. there was a procedure that implied that if a fishing
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enterprise, while catching fish, had created an infrastructure for its deep processing, then it received a deduction, but in fact this deduction could only come in the third year, because in the first year the enterprise... catches and fishing enterprises, therefore it is already processing in this, in the second year it declares, in fact, working capital was washed away, and only in the third year the deduction was obtained, that is , the fishermen who invested money in the processing infrastructure will receive these tax deductions the very next year. another topic that i would like to discuss is that a law has come into effect in russia in support of rural tourism, and farmers will now be able to accommodate tourists as well.
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not agricultural income, which is why we supported this law, it allows farmers and small businesses to build guest houses on agricultural land at home and there to receive tourists, while this law also took into account the risks for regions that are located next to large agglomerations, for example, the moscow region, leningrad region, krasnodar region, crimea; such regions still have the authority not to give permission to build.
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we have a high consumption of meat in our country, we consume meat twice as much per capita as the world average, so our task is, firstly, to saturate the market with high-quality, inexpensive products, and secondly, i want to remind you, we export meat also has very good indicators, uh, in general , breeding livestock breeding is the cost of meat, the better the genetics, the lower this cost naturally is...
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these changes were needed, they will make it possible to carry out selection more effectively,
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they will make it possible for the domestic breed to be immersed in domestic information base systems, preserve them, develop them, explore them. one of the regions that traditionally plays a leading role in ensuring food security in russia is the altai territory. local businesses cover not only domestic demand, but also sends its products for export. what products? by a feed distributor, when their body weight reaches more than 400 kg, the animals are moved to a special feeding area. the feeders are filled , he has a certain recipe filled, he loads it there as much as is needed, i make up a ration of barley, a ration is set for a certain animal, twice a day a pocket dispenser here distributes karma, there are special automatic drinkers, the water decreases, it is immediately renewed. this farm is located in the ecologically clean cylindrical region
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of the altai territory, it can accommodate up to 6.00 heads. these are animals of the giriford meat breed, they are unpretentious in care, but in order to get marbled meat, they require grain feeding, so they only have barley and corn on their menu. such close attention is paid to the diet because the quality of the resulting meat depends on nutrition. here they don’t know what livestock dehydration is, because it’s a mixture based on corn and barley. ensures stable growth of animals and reveals the taste of marble beef. we have dry aging and fermentation of meat, which gives the meat a certain softness and taste, but the meat becomes richer, it tastes better, all excess moisture evaporates, all the essential microelements remain, just pieces of meat, and for humans, all nutritionists confirm this that aged meat is healthier. this is one of the most modern production facilities in the agro-industrial complex, which has no analogues. in the altai territory, agriculture has traditionally been a key economic industry in the region, the subject
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demonstrates high performance year after year, remains one of the agricultural leaders of russia, as it is believed in the altai territory that the village is the basis of the state, with the development of regions such as the altai territory, it is closely connected with the food security of the russian federation, we as parliamentarians , including in the state duma in the federation council, we look at this issue very closely, the southern region of the siberian federal district has the largest sowing wedge, we have about 6 million sowing areas, the uniqueness of the altai territory lies in the fact that... almost half of the inhabitants of the altai territory live in rural areas. ecologically friendly altai seeds are grown on these crop areas. in the village of novaya zoriye , high-quality packaged sunflower oil is produced using a unique direct pressing technology. it's hot here because all processes occur at high temperatures. the bleaching process occurs at temperatures above 90°. the desderation process occurs at
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temperatures above 220°. this is necessary for us and remove from the oil. coloring substances, phosphorus substances, the enterprise in the altai territory is one of the largest producers of sunflower oil in siberia, now there are three lines in the bottling workshop, up to 200 tons of oil are packaged here per day. this plastic blank, by the way, is the future bottle with sunflower masses, it rises automatically along the conveyor, is sent to this place, where it is inflated under high pressure, and at a temperature of 135° it takes on a certain shape, the bottle that is already familiar to us moves further, actually to ... the line where the inlet container is filled with oil that is already cleaned and ready for consumption. the enterprise has built a waste-free production system; if the oil is sold, then the husks, or rather the peels of the seeds, are turned into fuel, this waste is burned in boiler rooms, which produces steam, which produces 350 kw/h. currently, the plant processes 700 tons of seeds daily; after modernization of the enterprises, the figures will become even higher.
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we are currently carrying out a global modernization of the press shop. and where will we get even more quality altai oil from altai sunflower, our global construction is our pride, this is a new processing workshop, with the latest technological equipment, which we have scheduled for launch on september 1, this workshop will process about 300 additional tons of unrefined sunflower oil, the company supplies the product to both russian companies. .. and actively sends it for export to seven countries, for example, 270 wagons with altai oil leave for china every month. svetlana timir bulatova, alexander masterpiece and andrey letvin, senate program. altai region. from infrastructure modernization to production modernization. the astrakan region is among the first sixteen regions that, in a short time , developed and agreed upon a program for updating housing and communal services systems. and all work will be carried out at
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the expense of the federal center. what is the plan of activities for this year on which objects. with a request to formulate an individual program for the modernization of housing and communal services in the astrakhan region. vladimir vladimirovich, approved our initiative, and thanks to the support of the federal government, we have allocated all the funds from the infrastructure menu to this project today. this year, work is being carried out for a total amount of 11 billion rubles. we are now completing the replacement
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of siphon crossings in astrakhan. 26 sections have already been replaced. wires under the beds of recanals, some are still in work, we are starting to repair the oldest sewerage pumping station located in the city center, built in 1931, we continue to reconstruct the main water pipeline from the village of razdor to the village of tuzukleya in kamyzyaksky district and also in the privolozhsky district, we are modernizing the water drainage and water supply networks in the villages of nachalova and osypnoy bugor. i would also like to touch upon the topic of the region’s tourist attractiveness. how developed is the tourism sector in the astrakhan region now? and the restrictions on catching fish somehow affected the tourist flow. we note that over the past 4 years , the astrakhan region has consistently been among the top ten regions in terms of tourist flow growth. last year, for example, 1,370,000 tourists visited our region. the most
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fishing is definitely a popular activity. pastrakhan is a region with a rich culture. tourism potential, we have something to see, this is the volga, our peals, the famous lotus fields, especially our guests love astrakhan roach fishing in general, as a result of uncontrolled fishing , we note a noticeable, rapid decline in this population, therefore, on our initiative, and the ministry of agriculture russia has decided to ban industrial and amateur vobla fishing until the end of the year, we very much count on these measures. timely and will help us increase natural reproduction in general and preserve fish stocks. at the same time, we did not feel a reduction in tourist flow; we do not predict ours in the future. the region can also offer a lot of alternative types of recreation; we invite everyone to visit our region. the region creates comfortable conditions not only for
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guests, but also, of course, for the astrakhan residents themselves; positive changes affect their lives. oksana podturkina will talk about the most noticeable transformations. our first stop is administrative the center of the volga region, here the program of resettlement from dilapidated and dilapidated housing is completed ahead of schedule. new house in the pobeda microdistrict. they have been building it since last december , they plan to commission it already this year, there will be 39 apartments, 22 of which will be provided to displaced people from emergency housing stock. all that remains is to build the fifth floor, lay the roof, and landscape the house inside and outside. a children's playground will be installed in the courtyard, and a road will be built around the five-story building. everything needs to be done by autumn. apartments people will be handed over turnkey, that is, they will be provided with water, gas, and the walls, wallpaper, tiles, sanitaryware, and even, accordingly, will be painted. gas blankets will remain in place. galina zenovieva’s spacious apartment is currently being completed. two families will move into the new three-ruble apartment, galina herself and her son. everyone can’t wait to move to the regional center from
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an old dilapidated house built in the village of the brick factory almost 90 years ago. and we are very happy about this. still, we want to live in comfortable conditions, in a new modern house. and these are the happy new settlers, mother ekaterina and children vova, arseny and masha. the head of the family is now in the nwo zone. before that, they all lived in a dilapidated two-story building. walls. for life, no less significant changes are taking place in the regional center, where a large-scale reconstruction of the sewer network is underway, here is akhsharumova street, there is a large maternity hospital building, besides
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, high-rise buildings have appeared relatively recently, and accordingly the load on the sewer network has increased significantly. this object is included in the programs within special treasury loans, as part of connecting to networks, we reduce the load for developers, thereby stimulating construction and, of course, stimulating reduction. cost per square meter for the commissioning of social housing, the commissioning of comfort class housing, this is generally one of those programs that are among the five most important for the region. the street in the historical center of astrakho is not the next problem area, where work is also underway to replace sewer pipes. these pipelines were laid in the forties last century. at the moment , hdpe pipes are being laid with a service life of at least 50 years, respectively, upon completion of the work there will be problems. from the drainage system in this area and in general in the historical center of astrakhan, they will be forgotten. 70% of city and regional wastewater is received by northern treatment plants, which are already outdated. now
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structures are being erected on the territory using the most modern technologies. this is a hazardous chlorination production facility that will be liquidated, water will be disinfected after mechanical and biological cleaning will be carried out using ultraviolet light. ultraviolet and disk filters will be located here. during the construction of a building. traffic disruptions, schedule violations, so the decision was made, quite correctly, to create a single center for organizing
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public transport traffic. the transformations became possible thanks, among other things , to the support of the federation council , almost 500 buses of various capacities were purchased within the framework of federal programs. today we have created a unified management system public transport. this system also allows us to carry out dispatching of rolling stock. cashless payment for travel, which is also new for transport services in the city of strahan. forty- eight city routes are now served by public transport that fully meets the requirements of safety, comfort and environmental friendliness. aksana pottorkina, yuri bilov and andrey letvin senate program from the avstrakhan region. next week , senators will touch upon current issues in the development of family entrepreneurship. will discuss possible improvement of the income tax deduction mechanism. will consider the topic of using digital technologies in the implementation of procedural legislation. these were the results of the week in the federation council. see you live.
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see you in the program. senate, sexov, i, traveler, aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we go out, what a fairy tale, without ivan, uh, uh, what began, without deception. without flint, don’t go to the flint, i’m imprisoned, the pen is a shameful ink, you’ll get it, the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it goes, that’s what they call me, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need it. i can’t live without
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traveling, flint, the one who has flint in his pocket doesn’t need a pen, soon!
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russia will definitely achieve this, there is no doubt, vladimir putin said at a meeting with the head of the zaporozhye region evgeniy baletsky. we discussed the development of the region. the president emphasized that the main thing now is to restore housing and communal services, infrastructure and the residential sector. learn more about conversation topics. natalya solovyova. the key topic of the regional security working meeting. ukrainian militants attack zaporozhye every day. just the day before, six artillery strikes were carried out on the energy dar city of sputnik.


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