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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 13, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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hello, the on-air legal program is being hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. the corruption scandal in the leadership of the ivanovo region is gaining momentum. the court arrested three defendants in the case of abuse of power, these are two deputy governors of the region, the head of the social sector complex irina ermish and the head of the infrastructure development complex sergei zobnin. they are suspected of multi-million dollar theft from the capital repair fund. the deputy director of a commercial organization was also taken into custody. all details from ivanov from vladimir bazov. the ivanovo district court today can be mistaken for the site of a regional forum and it would be right here.
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irina ermish’s last working day did not go well from the very beginning, but now she knows what the id of an fsb officer looks like, she was detained in the case of abuse of official power, and another high-ranking colleague is involved in the case with her. in the hands of this pair of officials , all the most important decisions are made, including financial, social and infrastructural sphere of the ivanovo region. investigators believe that they, together with their accomplices , distributed government contracts to the right people and did not allow those who probably did not want to share navar to participate in the bidding. the right person in this story apparently turned out to be the brother of zobnin’s wife, fyodor fedulov. as they say in the local media, it was he who could give kickbacks to the official. the court placed him in pre-trial detention. in relation to two senior officials of the ivanovskaya government. the fsb of russia in the ivanovo
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region has opened and is investigating a criminal case. the fsb is conducting investigative actions operational search activities aimed at establishing criminal connections of persons involved in a criminal case and other episodes of their illegal activities. on the same day , searches were carried out in the homes of the deputy and the entrepreneur, the results of which will be discussed for a long time. one of the poorest territories in russia, describing what the operatives saw, you can put the title “brilliance” and the poverty of the region over the story. after the gray cityscapes, in the estates of the suspected officials, one could be blinded by the interiors, rich but tasteless. on in the video filmed by security forces, you can see vases of an elite french brand, each costing at least a million rubles. zobnin and ermish, apparently, loved comfort and luxury not only at home, the fleet of officials was also not modest, in the courtyard of the cottages there was room for an electric car from a chinese manufacturer worth a soul. million rubles his premium
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compatriot is a hybrid suv for 8 million. the german auto industry presented models for 12.30 million rubles. respectively. were these cars for every day or were they used occasionally? investigators will have to find out count the money more than once. the suspects took a creative approach to storing banknotes. food containers were used for these purposes. in one of these they found 12 packs of five thousand dollar bills. the operatives apparently knew where they were going, and therefore took with them a calculating machine, which made their work much easier. now they know that such a container holds approximately 6 million rubles. according to investigators, the accused could have redirected up to 850 million rubles from the regional budget into their own pockets. an astronomical amount for these places is about one and a half percent of the revenue side of the budget of the ivanovo region. the regional government commented on the criminal investigation against officials. any corruption offenses must be thoroughly investigated. the government of the ivanovo region, in coordination with all departments , is carrying out. both officials insist on their
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innocence; irina ermish’s lawyer commented on the detention of his client. in our opinion, there is not sufficient evidence of illegal activities that caused any damage. gennadiyev’s activities were aimed at ensuring that government contracts were executed in a timely and high-quality manner. including the national program, zobnin’s son and wife came to court to support him with a designer handbag from louis véton. well, what do you think, here is my husband’s wife, what bad can i say, but such support did not help zobnin, as well as his colleague ermish, the investigator’s request was granted, the accused ermish irina gennadievna was given a preventive measure in the form of detention for 1 month 29 days. the court ruled that when free
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, the deputy governors could influence the investigation or escape altogether, so the suspects went straight from the courtroom to a pre-trial detention center, where they will spend the next 2 months under arrest. vladimir bazov. igor stepanov, evgeny makunov, news: duty unit from the ivanovo region. so -called black realtors were detained in kirchi. operatives believe that this is the largest criminal community in the region, profiting from taking away apartments from people. how the criminals acted and how many people became victims of the gang, alina skachkova will tell you. face down on the hot asphalt, just like that, quickly and without sentimentality, kerch operatives detained a citizen who may turn out to be one of the most notorious. as follows from the materials of the criminal case with the forger, he looked for old, gullible, lonely, even mentally ill people, the main thing was that with the apartment, and to take away its equipment and
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alcohol, they shot at home, gave me a supervisor to keep an eye on me, took five-liter bottles , drank every day, these same canisters with cloudy liquid, a cocktail of a lot of alcohol... they just with their own hands signed over the only dwelling to the crooks, where the notaries looked and whether they were in cahoots with a gang of realtors is a big question. at first everything was fine, but then they stopped carrying money, and i learned from the police officers that they had sold the house
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to strangers. now, returning the roof over your head can be very problematic if the apartment has already been officially sold to bona fide purchasers. the owners will probably have to spend a lot of money on lawyers to admit. the finishing is invalid, while the scammers could easily buy themselves a private helicopter with the money they fraudulently obtained. currently, the damage from the sale of seven real estate facts amounted to more than 20,600 thousand rubles. how many more victims of the duo of black realtors the police, together with fsb officers, have yet to calculate, but it is already clear, the scale is unprecedented, under suspicion there are more than a hundred objects in the region. two kerch residents turned from businessmen into accused again. the court concluded them all. if the remaining episodes of their atrocities are confirmed, the security forces will be dealing with, perhaps, the most notorious apartment scam on the peninsula. alena skaskova, lead the duty department. the head of the main directorate for road safety of the russian ministry of internal affairs, mikhail chernikov, arrived on a working
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trip to kemerovo; on friday, he and regional officials inspected the bridge over the tom river. bridge builders completed the sliding of the metal structures of the bridge span, connecting two sections of the northwestern one. road safety with a large flow of transit through the city of kemerovo, i am sure that the arch of this facility will make it easier for the residents of the city to breathe, the roads will not be destroyed...
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in addition, mikhail chernikov took part in an extended meeting of the board of the regional headquarters of the ministry of internal affairs, as a result the measures taken in the region have achieved a steady trend towards reducing the crime rate. positively assessed the work of the head of the regional department gennady kornienko in general of the kusbass internal affairs bodies, including results of the performance of the regional traffic police. mikhail chernikov also outlined priority areas of activity and thanked the kuzbav police officers for their responsible attitude to performing official tasks and high professionalism. people learn about legal news in their region or region thanks to the work of local people. the program to conduct the duty department is published in many regions of the country; alina kutareva will tell you what topics interested our colleagues in maria ell. hello, tatyana, this is what we will talk about in our issue: more than thirty people were poisoned at one of the republic’s poultry farms in the production
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canteen. the investigative committee and the prosecutor's office are conducting an investigation. also in our issue we will show how the republic is fighting another poison, counterfeit alcohol. manufacturers of counterfeit alcohol, who do not have a license, rarely comply with all legal regulations, but various diseases and infections are not the worst thing that can happen to consumers of counterfeits; quality standards can also only be dreamed of. especially dangerous when fake alcohol is produced using the same fake alcohol. signs of poisoning include nausea, vomiting, a feeling of lightheadedness, dizziness, abdominal pain, and a painful headache. methyl alcohol is no different from ethyl alcohol in taste and smell, but it is terribly toxic. in its pure form , 30 ml is enough, and a person cannot be saved. there is criminal liability for the production and sale of counterfeit goods. a moriel resident was convicted for this. he stored more than 5,000 containers of counterfeit alcohol, which he collected.
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in krasnoyarsk, parents of raw foodists who a two-year-old daughter died, she was sentenced to correctional labor, during the investigation and trial it was established that the couple did not feed the child meat, fish, eggs, milk and other products that are necessary for the development of the child’s body, because of this the girl was physically retarded. .. there was anemia. in addition, the parents completely abandoned medical care and turned only to alternative
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medicine specialists. in april last year, the girl fell ill with coronavirus. the couple decided to treat her themselves. in 2 days the child died from an infection at home. by court decision, both were sentenced to correctional labor for a period of 11 months. based on the evidence collected by the russian investigative committee in the krasnodar territory of the republic of khakassia, an indictment was issued. verdict against the parents of a deceased two-year-old girl, they were found guilty of failure to fulfill the duties of raising a child, combined with cruel treatment of a minor, leaving without help a person in danger of life and health condition. i would like to note that the family has two more daughters, four and seven years old. the prevention system took control of the family. heavenly swallows, no matter how courageous the profession of a pilot is always in it. there is a place for women, ladies at the controls of an aircraft, today this is not uncommon, they certainly cannot be called
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representatives of the weaker sex, how in russia they prepare female pilots for flights, do they manage to gain authority in the male team and how do they ensure the safety of civil aircraft in the sky over the country this topic is reported by olga zhurenkova. alexander drozdova has just come down to earth from heaven, flew in from minsk, at 26 she is flying a multi-ton plane, on the second... passengers or when they are next to the plane all waving back to me, i also greet so much when we meet the eyes of passengers on the boarding bridge or i say goodbye to them when they leave, when i was thinking about becoming a pilot in the thirteenth year, there were about 13-14 female pilots in the airflot, now, now there are already a hundred pilots in the company group, her a love affair with the sky since childhood, alexandra grew up in a family of aviators, and she didn’t even dream of another, although at first she wanted to become like her mother, a flight attendant. i decided to take
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a little more responsibility, stay on the same plane, but choose a different position, become a pilot, as i wanted. it's a kind of dynasty. i also have a younger brother, who also continues the dynasty, and is now studying at a flight school. accordingly, husband, pilot, uncles, aunts, all in aviation. but there is no place for superstition in alexandra’s life. i only have a tradition, it was passed on to me from the father, he is everyone. flight before departure, i approached the plane, touched it with my hand and said some parting words, kind ones, that is, greeted him, addressed him as a living person, i do exactly the same. there are no fixed crews in aeroflot; according to international standards, the composition of the crew changes, it is believed that this way people are more objective and attentive. more than a year ago, the airline began training pilots using a new system, which includes an individual training program. the pilot does not waste time on what is good. learned and works through difficult moments for himself. today the company has 2,064 pilots, which
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is approximately 55% captains and 45% co-pilots. pilot training is carried out according to a plan, that is, a plan is formed for a year, in accordance with this plan, each pilot undergoes training. as a rule, this includes emergency rescue training, water, sushi, and right now we are in the complex where emergency rescue training takes place, as well. the pilot undergoes simulator training twice a year. the training center contains full flight simulators for all types of aircraft operated by the airline. this is one of the simulators located at the aviation training center. personnel, the dimensions fully correspond to the dimensions of an airbus cabin, the simulator completely simulates a real flight, take-off, climb, flight in a turbulence zone and landing, you can choose any route from the arrival airport. the flight director, by the way, must carry out the flights himself. i would like to start with the fact that i, like any pilot, love to fly, this is
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first and foremost. the second is the requirements in principle of the law that every pilot, in order to maintain his qualifications, must during. 90 days to make three takeoffs and three landings, being inside the system, you see all the nuances, you can feel it for yourself and make some adjustments accordingly. and the situation that the simulator offers is as follows: the runway is hidden behind fog, there are strong gusts of wind and the engine has failed, in the training center the pilots practice all sorts of emergency situations. nothing is visible, nothing is visible, the plane is on safely performs automatic pasaka on one engine. here’s another situation: on takeoff, the engine first failed and then caught fire, we turn off this engine and stop the fire, that’s it, that’s it, the plane is absolutely safe, it continues to fly on one engine, landing on water, failure of engines and other various aircraft systems, flying in a thunderstorm , in the training center the emphasis is precisely on emergency situations, this is done so
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that the crew can work quickly and coherently in any conditions; our training includes a theoretical part. all information on this flight to everyone else in real time comes here to the control center, recently the airline switched to new software for planning flight schedules, pilots, flight attendants, aircraft turnover schedules,
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firstly in the russian federation there is no such system, in fact it is ... a new planning system is being created, the plus is that i repeat, all the processes that are now built are used in planning processes, they will be fully automated, well, plus this means minimal, let’s say, distraction of personnel, both planners and pilots themselves, selection of conductors, here on large monitors is the airfield and terminals of sheremetyevo airport, this allows... my colleague andrey ivlev will introduce him.
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the most discussed legal ones. investigations only with us. billion dollar scam involving fictitious children. potential scammers were detained in ingushetia, who managed to receive benefits for fake babies, pensions for dead fictitious parents, and even apply for preferential benefits. mortgage who was part of the group and where they stamped fake documents allegedly issued by the authorities of austria, belgium, germany and france. this is even a financial institution, this is a returned organization. only we have an interview with the probable organizers of a large-scale event. andrey chastyakov will tell you how they managed to expose their deception. payback for the journalistic investigation about vladislav listiv 20 years ago, the editor-in-chief of the russian version of forbes, paul klebnikov, was shot dead in moscow. it was a brazen but very well planned murder. about what an american with russian roots told about berezovsky in his book, why did the oligarch
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harbor a grudge and could he have ordered the murder of khlebnikov? he had an inextinguishable desire to cover. his failure, some great bloodshed, what is happening with the criminal case now, why no one has yet answered for the daring murder of a journalist. the new shoulder straps led to a criminal case. in stavropol , a high-ranking police officer is being tried for causing death by negligence; why , after a corporate party in a cafe, did he push his colleague onto a busy road? i'm 100% right but i’m telling you, i’m still ready to compensate them for the damage. could the conflicts have been prevented ? why are the relatives of the deceased afraid? history, the bailiff was not even temporarily suspended from work, and what was it after all: assault in the heat of a drunken quarrel or an accident? from stavropol, investigation by ekaterina lekhomanova. these and
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other topics are already on saturday at 18:15 on russia 24. in st. petersburg, investigators are looking into the causes of a fatal emergency in the holiday village of pargalovo, vybsk district. she died there. why is it a predator after 10 years of living with people? showed aggression towards them. all the details are in dmitry pishchukhin's report. the predator walks in circles around the open enclosure, while the body of its dead owner lies in another part of the garden plot. another bear is hiding in the darkness of the van. to assess the situation, law enforcement officers had to climb onto the outbuilding. i arrived at the place. but the doctors cannot go inside, the wild animals did not allow strangers into their territory. both bears had to be shot. the deceased was a professional trainer. her family
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belongs to the zapashny circus dynasty shimada-maslenov. alfiya and her husband were regular winners of circus awards. the whole family often toured, and 10 years ago they adopted two brown bear cubs. according to available information, the deceased woman was a professional trainer. wild animals have lived with her since 2015. residents of the village heard that the house on the outskirts belonged to circus performers, but most learned that it was bears being trained behind a solid fence only on the fateful evening. well, we haven’t heard them, haven’t seen them, just for three years about a time ago, there was an incident where they put up a notice that a raccoon had escaped and there was a bear, but yesterday it was a shock. the police confirm that wild animals were kept in the village of pargolovo legally. van on the property of the trainers' family, and the bears lived in a specially equipped one. during the day, the animals were released into a closed enclosure. for 10 years they did not cause any trouble to anyone, the day before
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someone or something provoked one of the predators and as a result awakened his natural instincts. medvedev, varya and dasha were real favorites of the house, almost members families, all the numerous guests of the artists were photographed with them and filmed. the pets almost always behaved calmly. friendly, there were no divisions, bears and children, everything grew, it was the same feeding, upbringing, meanwhile, dangerous situations had already arisen, during a tour in reutov, the bear varya attacked the artists’ son, twelve-year-old alexander, the predator bit the child on the head, and the father , who was driving away the beast, bit his hand, then the fault was the dog that ran past and provoked and it turned out to be the son, as it were nearby at that moment, they then accepted.
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ekaterina bobkova. vesti is the duty unit. let me remind you that the entire operational legal news feed is in our telegram channels, the duty department is led by an honest detective. that's all for us, tatyana petrova was with you. see you soon on the russia 24 tv channel
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. were you hiding behind the trees somewhere? a fire is lit here. ivan, i can’t live without traveling, soon. if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law. shoot first. competition of ideas and money. there was a sensation, and what a sensation. got tense inside america, beyond its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps with, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production in general, raw materials exported, what is
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our product? black boxes found at the crash site of the superdjet 100 plane in the moscow region sent for... encryption, specialists will have to find out what caused the plane crash, according to one version, birds could have gotten into the engines, a failure in the electrical system is not ruled out, the tragedy occurred the day before near kolomna, the plane was ferried to its grandson after repairs, there was a only the crew, all three died, at the last moment the pilots managed to steer the plane away from residential buildings, egor grigoriev collected all the information,
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there are still no official versions yet, according to the unofficial... both of the dry superjet 100 aircraft could have failed engine, after which the tragedy occurred, we are now in such an interdepartmental coordination headquarters, not far from the village of maloye-karasyo, from here it is literally 5-7 kilometers to the site of the plane crash, and through such an impassable forest thicket, you can get there neither on foot nor on it is impossible for passenger transport, only atvs and employees should go there. in the morning , the helicopter was also working, and now diesel fuel, generators, and lighting equipment are being delivered there on atvs and special vehicles, because it is still available 24 hours a day today. all night tomorrow during the day and for as long as necessary, operational services will be working there on site, including heavy equipment now.


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