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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 13, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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butyrsky district court of moscow. for meetings with a mediator in court, there is a special reconciliation room, inside there is no dock or cage with the rest of the bars, only an oval table to emphasize that all participants in this meeting are equal to each other. in the reconciliation room, in addition to the oval table, there is a chair for individual negotiations, often in order to dive into the problem - says mediator yulia shiryaeva, it is necessary to communicate with each of the parties confidentially, especially this applies. botyrsky court, why is this important? can to get a judicial act, but children, communication with grandparents, how to arrange issues of education, you need to sit down with each specific family and agree, write down literally all the steps. this is not always possible in court, before a judge.
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competence to work with personal emotions and the reasons for these divorces. in addition to the fact that mediators are ready to understand the intricacies of each story and listen to the often very emotional arguments of the parties. the work of these specialists reduces the burden on the judicial system. the number of claims is growing every year. u there are lines in the meeting rooms, people wait for hours for their process to begin, and it usually takes more than one day. with a mediator you have a chance to solve the problem in a matter of hours. instructions on how... to get into the reconciliation room are posted in the corridors of the butyrsky court, and the servants of themis themselves will always tell what to do for those who are suitable for the mediation procedure . a preliminary court hearing is scheduled, at which the judge explains to the parties that they can conclude a mediation or settlement agreement, for which it is provided they are calmly passing time here now, let me remind you, i want to say again that we have mediators constantly on duty in court, they go to the office where they can appeal. to
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the mediator. the court emphasizes that there are no random people in mediation. if a person works in the reconciliation room, then he is trusted by the servant of themis. requirements for mediators include age from 25 years, higher education, special training and necessarily experience working in the judicial system. a mediator is needed in order to find a way out in some very difficult situation for disputing parties. when we sit down with people, we look, why did this happen? and when we are so immersed, we... find an option that seems fair to them, it is a way out for them, yes, this is their decision, not the decision of the judge, confirmation of this, growth in popularity, mediation procedures are now in the reconciliation room of the butyrsky court every day at least five meetings take place, and almost every time the dispute ends with the signing of a mediation agreement. andrey romanov, mikhail verdiev, ramil batyrov, lead the duty unit. we will now pause for a few minutes, there is still a lot of interesting news ahead, stay tuned... to our channel, which
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can negatively affect the liver: constant stress, unhealthy diet, environment, this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of phosphoglyph not only help restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now in economical packaging of 96 capsules. did you want to open a deposit under 18? it turns out that you can under 20, it turns out that you can use your own marketplace for money, financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange, go to the moss exhibition, or maybe come to me, better at a tasty spot, check out the clips, a real reason to meet, a superbox with clips from hello kitty and her friends, have time to buy and win a trip.
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it tastes better on fire at burger king. gac m8. minivan executive class. unique radiator grille. electromagnetic suspension. luxury salon for your maximum comfort. j.c. m8 is the place of the first. what do you think? cool, but save up a vtb savings account for the subscription. open a vtb savings account with a rate of 18%. vtb. everything will work out together. as we age, changes in vision can change
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your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%, financial services, financial market from the moscow exchange. with you, the legal program is conducted by the duty department, we continue our release. so-called black realtors were detained in kirchi. operatives believe that this is the largest criminal community in the region, profited by taking away apartments from people. alina skachkova will tell you how the criminals acted and how many people became victims of the gang. face down on the hot asphalt, just like that, quickly, without sentimentality. gerchen operatives detained a citizen who may turn out to be one of the most notorious scammers of the region, a seemingly decent gentleman in formal shoes and trousers is in fact a repeat offender, suspected of involvement in the work of black realtors. he had an affair, as it follows, from the materials of the criminal case with a forger, he looked for old, gullible, lonely, even
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mentally ill people, the main thing is that with the apartment, and even taking it away is a matter of technology and alcohol, they looked after the house, gave me a caretaker to look after me, they brought a five-liter glass of alcohol. drank every day, these same canisters with cloudy liquid, a cocktail of alcohol strong drugs, after taking a sip, the victims were ready to sign any documents, the swindlers carried out the soldering operation secretly, so as not to attract the attention of the neighbors, they did not even enter the entrance, and when they passed the alcohol to him through the window, there was another goat standing there, get up to warm him up and he took them, then they convinced the stupefied people that they would certainly be paid off, their debts would be paid off, or they would be helped to rent out their apartment at a profit; those who agreed and willingly moved into squalid, shabby little rooms, but soon it dawned on them that only that with their own hands they transferred the only dwelling to the crooks, where the notaries were looking and whether they were in cahoots with a gang of realtors is a big question. at first everything was fine, but then they stopped carrying
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money, and i learned from the police officers that they had sold the house to strangers. now , returning the roof over your head can be very problematic if the apartment has officially already been sold in good faith. buyer, the owners will probably have to spend a lot of money on lawyers to invalidate the deal, while how scammers could easily buy themselves a private helicopter with the money they fraudulently obtained. currently, the damage from the sale of seven real estate facts amounted to more than 20,600,000 rubles. how many more victims of the duo of black realtors the police, together with fsb officers, have yet to be counted, but it is already clear that the scale of suspicion is unprecedented, more than a hundred objects in the region. two. kherchentsev and from businessmen again turned into accused, the court put them in pre-trial detention, if the remaining episodes of their atrocities are confirmed, the security forces will be dealing with, perhaps, the most notorious apartment scam on the peninsula. alena skaskova, lead the duty department. left sim cards for every taste
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and budget. vologda police detained a local resident who was registering 200 new phone numbers every month under fictitious names and passport data, and then selling them via the internet to everyone . mainly to swindlers who then used them for fraud. how we found the seller in the material by alexander ostakhov. pologda region, the capture group rises to the desired floor without unnecessary noise. this time. a grinder and a sledgehammer were not needed. minutes later, the handcuffs snap into place on the hands of the swindler, who, according to researchers, was selling gray sim cards on the black market. having risen from the floor and signed the documents, the young man conducts a kind of room tour for the security forces. the scale of the criminal business is surprising. this is what approximately 6,000 sim cards look like. according to investigators, every month a representative of the mobile operator registered at least 200 pieces each for data from fictitious passports, and then sold them on the internet, the sim card that is there, they are all valid, all working, as they say,
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he killed two birds with one stone, fulfilled the sales plan and provided himself with additional income. according to preliminary estimates, income from online sales could reach 100,000 rubles per month. it turns out, de facto, the sim card exists and works, but there is no deyura, and figuring out who is using it is an extremely difficult task, this is what telephone scammers and others take advantage of criminals who need anonymity. they are the main target audience of such illegal goods. substitute numbers are carried out by representatives of the police, fsb, banks, various public services, pension organizations, there are even fake numbers from relatives and friends, acquaintances who ask for money, extort, make threats to citizens using these fake sim cards, if the scammers together with gray sim cards -cards gain anonymity, then the players. telecom market imaginary increase in sales and subscriber base, ordinary clients suffer. the sim card
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that you bought there somewhere in the passage, the left one, is not registered with your passport data, it does not belong to you. everything that you link to this sim card is actually tied to that person or that organization that is the real owner. just a few years ago it was common to find such a picture in the passages of the capital’s train stations. dubious sellers offered to buy a sim card without documents without registration. any operator to choose from. it is necessary to formalize something, it is not necessary, do not need anything. now the situation has changed; according to roskomnadzor, more than 3 million subscribers have already been blocked this year alone. all this is a consequence of the tightening of the law, in particular, operators must verify users of already purchased sim cards. the data is incorrect and should be blocked. gray sim cards are not disappearing completely, but they are inevitably reducing their market share. alexander ostakhov, lead the duty unit. alexandra drozdova has just descended from heaven to earth, flown from minsk to her home.
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i decided to take myself a little more responsibility, stay on the same plane, but choose a different position, become a pilot like my father, this is a kind of dynasty, i also have a younger brother who also continues the dynasty, now study at a flight school, respectively husband, pilot, uncles, aunts, everyone is in aviation, we assure you there is no place in alexandra’s life, i only have a tradition, it is for me...
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emergency rescue training comes and the pilot also undergoes simulator training twice a year. the training center
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has full flight simulators for everything types of aircraft that the airline operates. this is one of the simulators located at the aviation personnel training center. the dimensions fully correspond to the dimensions of the airbus cabin. the simulator fully simulates real flight, takeoff, climb, flight in turbulence and landing. you can choose any route and...
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safely performs an automatic landing, here’s another situation: on takeoff, the engine first failed and then caught fire, we turn off this engine and stop the fire, that’s it, that’s it, the plane is absolutely safe and continues to fly on one engine. landing on water, failure of engines and other various aircraft systems, flights in a thunderstorm, in the training center the emphasis is on emergency situations. this is done to ensure that the crew works quickly and harmoniously in any conditions. our training includes both a theoretical part on the ground and testing and training in the simulator itself. we are now in the cockpit of the a350 simulator, and every pilot is required to undergo both testing and preparation, it takes him 2 days, 4 hours each in the cockpit, practicing special skills, without this check not a single pilot
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can be allowed to take a real flight, aroflot 2932 information on the sick passenger has now been accepted.
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and terminals of sheremetyevo airport. this allows you to track the workload of peron and avoid queues. alexandra drozdova, meanwhile, is preparing for a new flight. this time the flight to krasnoyarsk. olga zhurenkova, denis novozhilov, vasily yurchuk, ramil batyrov. news, duty department. head of the main department for road safety of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, mikhail chernikov arrived on a working trip to kemerovo. on friday, he and regional officials inspected the bridge over the tom river. bridge builders have completed sliding the metal structures of the bridge span, connecting two sections of the northwestern bypass of kemerovo into a single route. currently, work is underway to waterproof the spans, install plinths for barrier fencing, and strengthen the supports. it is clear that this is a huge construction project and , of course, there are big questions about ensuring safety.
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road traffic with a large flow of transit through the city of kemerovo. i am sure that with the introduction of... the measures taken in the region , a steady trend has been achieved to reduce the crime rate. mikhail chernikov positively assessed the work of the head of the regional department gennady kornienko in general of the internal affairs bodies of kuzbass, including the results of the official activities of the regional state traffic inspectorate. mikhail chernikov also outlined priority areas of activity and thanked the kuzbass
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police for their responsible attitude towards performance of official tasks and high professionalism. today at 18:15, don’t miss the final episode of our program, it will be presented by my colleague andrey ivlev. the most discussed legal topics of the week, as well as unique investigative journalism, only here. billion dollar scam involving fictitious children. potential fraudsters who managed to receive benefits for fake babies, pensions for dead fictitious parents, and even pensions for dead fictitious parents were detained in ingushetia. who was part of the group and where were the fake ones stamped? documents allegedly issued by the authorities of austria, belgium, germany and france? this is not even a financial institution or organization.
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he had an ineradicable urge to cover up his failures with some big blood, what is happening with the criminal case now, why has no one been held accountable for the daring murder of a journalist. the new shoulder straps led to a criminal case. in stavropol, a high-ranking police officer is being tried for causing death by negligence. why , after a corporate party in a cafe, did he push his colleague onto a busy road? i'm 100% right. but i’m telling you, i’m still ready to compensate for the damage. could the conflicts have been prevented? why are the relatives of the deceased afraid that the defendant will escape punishment due to the statute of limitations? a person, using his position, his position, can exert
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influence. why, after the scandalous story , the bailiff was not even temporarily suspended from work, and what was it after all, assault in the heat of the moment, a drunken quarrel, or an accident? from stavropol, investigation by ekaterina lekhomanova. these and other topics are already on saturday at 18:15 on... russia 24. the former general director of the excursion service tripster boris platitsa, who was involved in organizing illegal underground walks through the moscow sewer, is still hiding abroad. his supposed location is the united arab emirates, but he clearly has no intention of returning to russia to pay. let me remind you that in our country the manager was arrested in absentia, according to investigators, due to his fault last year. during an illegal excursion along the neglinka river, eight people died when heavy rain hit the capital. after that incident in moscow they began to monitor the entrances to
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the dungeon more strictly. but was it possible to take control of the illegal business? about this in andrey romanov's report. in camouflage, hung with walkie-talkies, the founder of the diger movement, vadim mikhailov, leads us through catherine square to the hatch at the monument to fyodor tolbukhin. the excursion began from this portal to the underground a year ago. which took the lives of eight people, we are approaching the hatch of hell, i called it that, and under it there is a tunnel of death, since then the gates to the dungeon have been under special guard, it seems that the hatch, from which many underground excursions began, has not been opened for a very long time, there are traces of welding, the lid itself is covered with sand and stones, but just in case , there is now an alarm inside that goes off if you lift the lid 45°, this is still a hatch like a place of attraction for extreme sports enthusiasts, while we were filming a report around... several schoolchildren were hanging around, they didn’t even hide the fact that they were interested in the dungeon, they admitted that they went down into the catacombs a few hours ago, they consider themselves experienced diggers, well, that comes with experience,
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how many years have you been doing this, well , i’ve been doing this for about a year or two, you just need to understand, study the old map of moscow to understand where the rivers flow, and where they are already walled up underground, you need to go like this to open the hatches, then to the hatches to the capital's dungeons were closed. have been closely watched since august last year, then eight people died during an excursion through the underground sewer, the investigation into this criminal case is still ongoing, one of the organizers of the deadly walk, boris plotitsa, is now on the run from several media outlets quoted the decision of the basmanny court that the businessman has now been arrested in absentia, to choose a preventive measure against the accused platitsa boris aleksandrovich in the form of detention for a period of 2 months, calculating the period from the moment of extradition of the accused or... the moment of detention, the document says. the walk along the bed of the neglinka river took place on august 20 last year; the group consisted of eight people, a digger and seven
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excursionists. on this day , rain was reported in the capital, but the guide who accompanied the group did not cancel the event. in as a result, everyone who went underground that day found themselves in a death trap, people were washed away by a powerful stream of water, they simply had no chance to survive. vadim mikhailov tells what was happening in the collector at that moment. we’ve seen such a stream: at first it covers you from your feet around your head, it goes and you seem to be in a dead zone, it’s cool, but then it hits you straight in the back, a vacuum occurs, you can’t breathe and the water rises sharply almost to the level of the vault lock, then the most difficult way, almost no one survived, probably in the first third of the upper the units were already under tsvetnoy boulevard, i think there were no survivors. all the victims, as investigators established, bought an excursion on the tripster website, which was run by the now arrested boris platitsa. now the company is in a stage. liquidation, but a year ago the guides were doing well; clients of the excursion bureau were offered hundreds of entertainments to choose from, including downright dangerous and illegal ones;
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the descent into the underground collection fell into this category. this footage shows another organizer of the deadly entertainment that claimed eight lives, nikita dubas, him and his guide. alexander kim was arrested in the case of the death of diggers last year, since then the dangerous walks have stopped, and you can’t find offers to descend into the underground kingdom on the internet. the fact that the sewers are now deserted is evidenced by the fact that this year, when heavy rainfall hit moscow several times and even a storm raged, there were no tragic incidents in the underground, although the ban on closed hatches, vadim mikhailov is sure, will not stop the crazy, amateurs extreme, they are inaccessible or have become less accessible just for professionals, because they are lawful people who respect the state and they have something to fear and something to lose,
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it will still be ripping off their heads... it seems that after the tragedy the necessary conclusions were drawn, now in the capital there is one less dangerous entertainment left just figure out who is responsible for the deaths, now investigators are working on this and punishment for the organizers, a deadly excursion is only a matter of time. andrey romanov, vasily yarchuk, lead the duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in our telegram channels, conduct an honest detective on duty, subscribe, also watch our investigations and daily releases on the platform, go. in the broadcast tab, include an honest detective. our episode is now complete, tatyana petrova was in the studio. don't miss our final episode today at 18:15. see you.
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in the moscow region , investigators and rescue specialists from the interstate aviation committee worked all night at the site of the superdjet-100 plane crash. the black boxes have already been sent for decryption, it remains to be seen what happened cause of the plane crash. according to one of the versions in the engines. hit by birds, a failure in the electrical system cannot be ruled out, the tragedy occurred the day before, the plane was flying into a grandson, there were only the crew on board, two pilots and a steward, a few minutes after takeoff the pilots sent a distress signal, after which the airliner disappeared from the radar, it later turned out , it crashed in a forest belt under kolomna, the crew died, until the last the pilots took the car away from the vacation homes, it is known that the crashed superjet was launched in 2014.


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