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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 13, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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in the near future, specialists. will begin deciphering the flight recorders of the superjet 100 aircraft, which crashed in the moscow region. the black boxes have already been found and are in satisfactory condition. so far , various versions of the tragedy have been expressed, including failure of on-board equipment, as well as birds hitting the engine. the plane, let me remind you, crashed in a dense forest, to the site of the tragedy, the path of heavy equipment still needs to be paved, while specialists are delivered on atvs. the disaster occurred the day before, two pilots and flight attendants were killed. it is known that. the airliner took off after
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scheduled repairs. the case of the collapse will be investigated by the central office of the investigative committee. powerful explosions occurred this morning and at night in the regions of ukraine. the sounds of detonation were heard in kherson under the control of the kiev regime. the consequences have not yet been reported. earlier, the roar was heard in the dnepropetrovsk region. and as local media report , the air defense system in the region was activated. it also became known about a series of explosions in the kharkov region. then the capital of the region and its in the vicinity of the zaporozhye region under the control of the kiev regime, infrastructure facilities were damaged as a result of the attacks. and the ukrainian border service announced a new closed zone near the border with romania. now residents are prohibited from climbing the mountains pop ivanna, brebeneskul and others. in total , more than twenty tourist routes were canceled in the region. in the border strip, 5 km wide, it is forbidden to even rest and... fish; the reason for the new ban is not
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stated, but the ukrainians themselves associate this with the growing number of escapees, military bound from mobilization. ukraine has not yet achieved the expected result on the battlefield, despite all possible support from the west. this statement was made by turkish president recep tayyip erdogan upon returning from the nato summit. the politician also noted that western leaders are seriously concerned about the development of relations between russia and china, as they have repeatedly stated. at the last meeting of the military bloc in washington. in addition, erdogan said that ankara is now working on resuming the grain deal. ayran will give priority to cooperation with russia, especially within the framework of brix, sco and eac. the new president of the country, masoud pozishkian, announced this in an article entitled “my message to the new world.” the politician emphasized: “moscow is a valuable strategic ally that supported tehran in difficult times.” that iran strives for peace for
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the peoples of russia and ukraine, and therefore will support initiatives aimed at this. military railway workers began construction of the second branch of bama. now they are laying the most difficult section from ulak station to fevralsk. you have to work in at an accelerated pace in difficult conditions. to build embankments, you need to bring soil from a quarry, which is practically inaccessible in winter. many operations are carried out manually; the technology does not work everywhere. the military is helping. students of railway universities and how construction is progressing, my colleague galina makushchenko will talk about it. expansion of bama is a matter of professionals. the responsible task on the ulak fevralsk section was entrusted to the railway troops of the eastern military district. they carry out excavation work, develop embankments and drainage structures. the pace of work, taking into account the experience gained, is constantly increasing, especially since now is the best season. what's special is what we transport. rocky soil from the 103rd quarry,
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which is difficult to access in winter, in summer it is transported through the ziya reservoir, respectively, we transport it by rail in the amount of 330 tons per trip, in general we carry out one or two trips per shift, bringing about 660 tons the width of the zeya reservoir where the crossings are organized is about 2 km; rocky soil is transported along them; the ferry works. the commandant's service, it... includes a rescue team, a checkpoint, an observation post, and a communications post. the traffic intensity is about 240 units per day, that is, we have two units on each ferry, the carrying capacity of the ferry is 80 tons per ferry, for a total of five ferries. we transport the equipment for about 20-18-20 minutes one way. to help the army men, students from railway universities and guys undergo practical training and study. here this is done manually,
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since operating the tracklayer impossible. cadets from military training centers also take part in the construction. by joint efforts, almost 2.5 km of track and four turnouts have already been laid on the site. assembling the sleeper grid takes time, that is , my unit performs 100-150 m per shift, we have already been working here for 3 months, they complete tasks three times faster than at the very beginning. the experience is colossal, each person knows his task and performs it. i give you permission to go to the second route. despite the difficult climatic conditions, everyone involved in the construction of an important transport artery are completing their assigned tasks every day ahead of schedule, as stated in the leadership of the eastern
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military district. galina makushchenko, news, amur region. and after the advertisement, our program will continue with the author’s program of vladimir burtok. a view from st. petersburg. did you want to open a deposit at 18%? it turns out that you can have 20? have you thought about opening a deposit in one bank? it turns out that you can use different ones at once, for money your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. start the journey into business with the support of sber. an account will be opened in sber business. will help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register, all this is free, we open the way to business, sbert business, heartburn from food is extinguished by shaking, fights heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach, is active from the first minutes, extinguishes and the problem
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vladimir burtka, i am a director, and i am from st. petersburg. in 2011, my friends and i wrote the script for the film stalin. this is the story of his life. from the pinnacle of victory in the great patriotic war to his death in may 1953, presumed murder. for a number of reasons, the film was not made, but i am haunted by this person, whose actions, both positive and sharply negative, are closely connected with the life of russia. moreover, the life of our country,
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at a long table with a map of germany, how much time does the general staff need to work out in detail the plan for the berlin operation, stalin asked. three days, antonov answered. we'll watch as the operation progresses. if zhukov does not succeed as planned, we will deploy konev’s right-flank armies to berlin. stalin became, that's it, we are free. antonov collected the papers and almost decisively said: there is
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a question that directly concerns the general staff, but which i would like to clarify if this is possible, please, we have now discussed the plan for the berlin operation, the most difficult task will fall on zhukov’s first belarusian front, this operation will require great skill, so excuse me, i will allow you to guess. are obliged to express their doubts about the upcoming operation, but we have not yet
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completed the pomeranian operation, which only irakosovsky can solve, but it’s not just that, have you read hitler’s work, my struggle? one might say, he studied it - antonov answered, stalin continued, hitler justified the attack on us by this. that the russians - these are subhumans who, without their german leadership, will disappear, this is in the germans’ blood, but the germans, this racism is in the blood of all of europe, he paused, in the first world war the germans surrendered when the british and french had not yet set foot on german soil. they're fighting now, why? the germans are afraid of retribution for
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what they have done, antonov suggested. no, they understand that the further they resist, the greater the retribution, but for the germans there is no shame in surrendering to the british or americans, but they cannot surrender to the russians, it is unbearable for them to think. some the half-assed russians came and defeated civilized europe, and the germans are fighting. it is very important for us that not only the russian soldier defeats europe, but that europe and the russian generals defeat europe. it is necessary to show europe that the russians will always have generals who with...
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and then from the shots of many thousands of guns, mortars and legendary katyushas, ​​the whole place was brightly lit up, thousands of multi-colored rockets soared into the air, so the signal. 43 spotlights flashed, located every 200 m, after another moment, from all sides a powerful cry came to berlin, hundreds of attack aircraft were constantly flying overhead, regiments of heavy bomber aircraft were flying a little higher, but the progress forward was very insignificant, the german infantrymen widely
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used the pauspatron, the germans shot down a dozen. soviet tanks, at his observation post zhukov began to lose patience: you’ll go to the penalty area, understand? he shouted to the telephone line, forward, forward, went podskrebyshev, stalin’s secretary, communications beetles, comrade stalin, stalin picks up the phone, listens silently for a while, becomes gloomy, which means...
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in order to make it less noticeable how his left hand was shaking, he constantly held it behind his back, lingering near some teenager, he patted him on the cheek or pinched his ear. the smile on the fuhrer's face was more like an evil grin. a division of chuikov's eighth guards army went to the ministry of foreign affairs, on the first floor the captain... without setting up a command post for the battalion, he carefully examined the map, trying to determine his exact location, suddenly the regiment commander appeared in front of him, clearly dissatisfied with the delay in the offensive, the captain of the disturbances began to explain to him that this large gray building was hindering his progress, the regiment commander took the map from him,
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looked at it and said, don’t arrange it, this is a reystakh. hitler dined his office with his nutritionist manziali and two secretaries and gerdai christian. after dinner, the fuhrer walked through his wife's bedroom. the lower level of the bunker was cleared of strangers. in place of the expected grave silence, mortal loud sounds of music and laughter came from the kitchen and office floors. sexy. did not hear the sound of the shot that hitler fired into his head. germany,
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zhukov's command post. zhukov quickly enters the brandage, me with the bet, picks up the phone, comrade stalin, hitler committed suicide, shot himself, stalin was at the table, next to skryubyshev, the scoundrel finished the game, stalin said after a pause. it’s a pity that we couldn’t take him alive without telling anyone yet. said: ask, the ukrainian playwright kornichuk entered the office, that is, stalin, i am a playwright, worthless drug addict's deputy. strange things, you ordered the borders of soviet ukraine to be agreed upon by treaties, i cannot do this, the president of czechoslovakia beneš refuses
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the sudeten regions of czechoslovakia offered to him, but demands transcarpathian ukraine from us, he calls it subcarpathian russia, stalin chuckled, why is beneš refusing the sudeten regions today regions, because they are former german. on his head, so comrade kornyachuk continued stalin. it's not that you're a playwright,
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it's that you're not behaving as you should. behave like an older brother. tell mr. benushev that if he does not sign our version of the borders, he may not get there. home, diplomatically pass it on. august 6, 1945, atomic bomb explosion in jeroshima. stalin stands at the window, looking out into the approaching twilight. the run began. well, the americans showed us that they have a bomb, and the determination to use it
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too, you need to get down to business, lavrenti, said stalin. “i’m ready, comrade stalin,” beri replied. to be quick, you need to start with a special committee. anyone can betray circumstances, this an axiom of politics, not me, comrade stalin, answered berya, stalin grinned at the assessor
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and looked at berya: before the rooster crows three times, remember the gospel, i remember, from venelbier, vannikov is exceptionally energetic and morbidly ambitious,
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august 9, 1945, the explosion of an atomic bomb in nagasaki. washington, white house, oval office. in front of president truman, sitting at the table, is the head of the us joint intelligence committee, according to document j-329, dated november 3, prepared by us.
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kuibysh, sverdlovsk, novosibirs, omsk, saratov, kazan, leningrad, baku, tashken, chelyabinsk, nizhny tagil, magidogorsk, perm, twilisiy, novokuzenetsk, grozny, irkutsk, yaroslavl, with a total population of 13 million people. after hesitating a little, president rumen signed the document.
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assistance to the greek partisans, retreat on all fronts? asked molotov. stalin looked at him silently. chief smersh abakumov is in the office. he reports. on the night of january 8-9 of this year, it was carried out.
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stalin walks around the office, looking at the old military maps lying on the tables and sofas with offensive arrows painted on them. continue, expensive sets, tableware and teaware, seven boxes - abakumov continued, silver sets of cutlery and teaware - two boxes. there are only 20 unique hunting rifles from goland goland and others. this property is stored in fifty-one chests and suitcases, and also lies in bulk. there are paintings that are so valuable that they should be transferred to state museums. there is not a single soviet book at the dacha, but in the bookcases...
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there are a large number of books in beautiful bound with gold embossing, exclusively in german. stalin looks at the map, the plan for the berlin operation of the first belarusian front, and without looking at bakumov says: go. moscow, kremlin, cinema hall. january 15 , 1946. there is a long procession of people on the screen. leading to ask tsar ivan the terrible to remain in the kingdom. ivan the terrible raises his head and looks at the crowd for a long time. the crowd kneels. stalin, sitting in the hall, turns to director eisenstein, who is sitting in the country, and says quietly: found out wonderful.


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