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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 13, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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i grab it even harder, i remove it like this , it turns out, here is the entrance, we all start to go out, it starts yelling, the door opens, he pulls me, of the rabbits you are the first, yes, he hits me, i move away, i don’t fall, well i mean, i just move away, start hitting him, in the end we have a fight like this, i fall, it’s nearby, i don’t know, well, that’s what was at hand, there’s like a picket fence or a board, in short small, like this, i started to struggle, he falls on me, we... start fighting, struggling, that’s it, i get up, he starts sit, according to sankin, he just left, and already near his house he discovered that he had dropped his phone, he decided to go back and look, then i think i’ll go to where the whole fight happened, i’ll go there, he’s sitting, i go there, there’s a rabbit sitting on the street, yes, she’s sitting on the street, well, squatting like that, i started looking for my phone, i see my phone is lying, there’s some woman in the window, come in covered in blood, i screamed to her...
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i personally shouted to her, the woman gave this testimony to her too , call an ambulance, call an ambulance, i screamed, in the end it passes, i don’t know some a period of time, well, about five minutes, probably, there, well, no more than 10 minutes, let ’s say, the police come running, drop me, more than a year has passed since the terrible story in the outskirts of ufa, the auto mechanic sankin had enough time to understand that happened and give an assessment: by his action, but he still does not admit his guilt. well, do you think you guys saved it? yes, i think so, honestly, in all seriousness, i think so. yes, it was i who prevented the crime, i didn’t go to kill him, not something, any person would have done this it would be the same, every person has children, not even for their own, for strangers, then this, well, then what happens, if now there is violence, there, i don’t know, pedophilia, if everyone goes through, well, what’s the point? , everyone will be hiding in their own corners, including pedophiles.
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the situation could have been solved by an investigator, because it is he, like no one else, who looks at the case from the outside and operates only with facts, but for some reason representatives of the regional investigative committee refused to meet with our film crew, or is it really in the story of the death of the pedophile zaitsev, there are too many circumstances related to schoolchildren, this information cannot be disclosed by law, or the investigation was conducted very poorly, we turned to the prosecutor's office of the republic for clarification. bashkertastan, these
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teenagers, yes, in the evening, they drank alcohol together with the hare, it was also established, this was established in court, definitely, yes, they came together to the store where they bought alcohol, the hare ended up on the street, and he turned out to be this consequence of the fact that the young these guys started throwing snowballs at the window, and he went out into the street to figure it out, well , of course, i don’t fully know the essence of the rest, why it was necessary, but he came out with perhaps a remark, perhaps...
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most of the residents of this area once worked at the ufa engine plant, and so did vladimir he was always drawn to the garage; he loved to rummage under the hood of old foreign cars. automaker sankin studied nearby in the garage of his neighbor andrei edenich. energetic,
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tried to find out more, well, how can i say, you were never afraid of leaving him there alone, he would steal something, there was money, parts, there was something like that, no, there was never anything like that, that you had to worry about mistrust, everything was always fine, car mechanic andrei yudinich is confident in vladimir sankin’s conduct, he has no doubt that his comrade acted according to his conscience, that is, of course, you all , with all my heart and all my soul because of vladimir here. 100%, of course, that is, any person would do the same, well, i think this is the right thing, hang in there, volodya, what can you say, on furmanov street the auto mechanic sankin was known, it seems, by everyone and loved, as
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it seemed to us, from the heart, that is, this is for us it was generally a shock, nonsense that this happened, we couldn’t believe that he could kill someone there, he could intercede. there was always a man of justice, a man of truth, such a, well, how to say, a good guy, he always runs to meet people, runs to help, honestly, my soul still hurts, he suffered essentially in his simplicity, in his kindness, no, no, he’s definitely not a criminal, wow, we love you, you’re a hero, and i’m proud that such a neighbor lives next to me, we support you in every possible way, supported you, place, where there was a fight between cars
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nikolai kalashchenko, he has been in medicine for half a century, saved thousands of people, the locals are used to trusting him, nikolai vasilyevich will not lie, so we turned to... him with questions about an ambiguous neighbor about a fight under his windows, if they killed, it was quiet, we didn’t hear anything, we live on the second floor on them and basically heard nothing from them, although when he turned on loud music, naturally we heard the deceased hare, everyone saw him here, he went to the store, he’s never been drunk or caused some strange emotions, no, no, well, it seems like we knew that he was, so to speak, judged, yes, probably the right expression, but somewhere there were some kind of riots or something else, this did not happen. the honored doctor does not share the opinion of the majority of ufa residents about the manly act of vladimir sankin. sankin,
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for example, who killed your neighbor, is he a criminal or a hero, in your opinion. oh, you set sharp boundaries, you probably shouldn’t do that, probably. collect food in season and how long have you been away? do you collect already every week every week literally every week we’ve already sent three parcels, and we send them every week, every week , every week, every week, and what are you doing, vladimir is going in season, and coffee and sausage and
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vyzhunina, and today here’s honey, well, i don’t even know how to say lemon butter, lard uh-huh then what else, well, well, he pins these cubes, it turns out that their cubes are so necessary for soup, they cook some kind of soup, but it turns out, no, i don’t know what he’s cooking there, yes, but these cubes are like seasoning. something, then chinese noodles, this puree, which is dry, lastly time, galina ivanovna cries incessantly, even the simplest conversation about the weather, about the prices of medicine or about the bad work of the place.
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i walked and encouraged him, that is, we thought conditionally, i thought conditionally, but perhaps we even discussed it with him, i said, okay, i said, wait, be patient, maybe not everything is so scary, maybe two years there, well, that’s how it is now. yes, all the same, even no matter how it was written, a hero or a murderer, everyone there, even people in the comments, of course, a hero, what a murderer , if yes, he would purposefully leave there to shoot someone there to kill there, and maybe there would have been a killer here after all, he came to the defense of the children, well, it involved death, i don’t know, due to negligence, but as if no one wanted this, it happened, it means fate is such
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a cooling, they charge me with premeditated murder, he just that he was released, he said that he was imprisoned for murder, he was imprisoned for 12 years, it turns out he
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was imprisoned for pedophilia, but it’s insulting and painful, but that’s how it feels, of course, well, 8 years for nothing, seriously, for nothing, if only would work normally, they would either put it in another, or they would check there, at least they would come to him, well, yes, i will fight to the end, this is 100%, i mean, i will write to all the courts, absolutely to everyone, well, because this is not 8 years of strict regime. auto mechanic vladimir sankin cannot come to terms with the harsh sentence, he thanks people for their support, it is important to him that the family did not turn away, the note from his mother touched vladimir to the depths of his soul, he even shed tears. hello son, we are waiting for you to return home, everything is fine with us, we hope to return home soon, don't worry, don't be upset.
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not a killer. so, vladimir sankin received 8 years in a maximum security colony. the investigation believes
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that he deliberately dealt with the repeat offender, pedophile zaitsev. however, the examination showed that the victim criminal died from hypothermia in the ambulance. in addition, the teenagers immediately declared that they had become victims of a pervert, and uncle volodya saved them. the investigation attempted to accuse sankin of robbery, but they could not prove this either. the court made its decision on january 14, 2021, and the first comment from the head of the investigative committee for the republic bashkyrtastan, lieutenant general of justice denis chernyatyev, the public heard only at the end of february. here in our republic there was a case when one citizen killed, so to speak, a pedophile, yes. there is a lot of negativity on social networks, even many public figures speak out about this, but i found such
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a justified position of the ministry, for example, or the investigative committee, but excuse me, gentlemen, you either distort the fact, it was completely wrong , and it turns out we have such a tendency that they say, well, no we need to protect, if i saw a child being hurt, come on in, that is, we either need to constructively object to this, but explain to people that this is not so. or maybe i myself just haven’t fully understood yet, this is a pr campaign, a pr campaign actually earns people points, and we are put in some kind of position of making excuses, and in fact this whole situation. artificially inflated, since the dialogue that began on federal channels on the internet was initiated by the defense, we were not invited there for any of these questions, it tightens the controversy: a fair trial today, unfair, we did our job, the court made a decision, colleagues, we do not work according to the principle of pity or not pity, in the law the word is pity or not pity, no, in the law the word
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is proven or not proven, and accordingly the articles we are not inventing a criminal code, we are guided by those that provide for liability, that’s all, it ’s public opinion that considers him a hero, of course he cannot be written down in the book of heroes, of course he committed illegal actions, but the qualifications are incorrect, the wrong trial took place and the verdict was completely unfair, all these three circumstances do not give us the opportunity to say, on the one hand, that he is a criminal, but on the other hand, it is also impossible to call him a hero, i can also say that of course the situation.
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there was not even a thought that he would be released.
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this is what we saw in the high-profile criminal case of auto mechanic vladimir sankin, who protected children from a pedophile. this was our investigation from ufa, the conclusions of the cases are only for you, see you on the russia-24 tv channel. after our program aired, chairman.
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up to 6 years in prison, vladimir sankin’s close lawyers are not going to stop there, they want a complete review of the case in the supreme court of russia. pentalgin is a remedy against various types
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i was offered to eject them forcibly, that is, actually kill them, punishment, how our counterintelligence outplayed budanov’s agents, why does zelensky need a long-range bomber, only us an interview with a military pilot in the strategist's bowl. and the tsar bomb svo. is it true that fab 3000 changed the course of the war? why did the americans call indians during modi’s visit to moscow? friendly peace and prosperity to the indian people. thank you. who else was covered on novagorev's veranda? when kiev will send teenagers into the trenches.
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what did zelensky mumble in response? i’d rather you damn it better than how orban will be punished for his visits to moscow and marolai. an unusual unit of the russian army consists of former prisoners who were punished in a colony for...
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having acquired something that cannot be bought for what money? volga cultural anomaly. big news with evgeny popov. on sunday at 200 on the russia channel.
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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about
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the main thing for today. the interstate aviation committee is preparing to decipher the black boxes of the superjet that crashed the day before in the moscow region. despite significant damage to the flight recorders, data from them was copied. meanwhile, the investigative committee employees are seizing technical documentation from the plant where the airliner underwent maintenance before yesterday's flight. in addition, witnesses are being interviewed. work continues directly at the site of the disaster. report by egor grigoriev on the progress of the investigation. the place itself the wreck is still cordoned off, task forces are working there, law enforcement officers are working, the investigative committee, the prosecutor's office, an interdepartmental coordination headquarters has set up nearby, we see swamp vehicles, that is , special equipment and atvs are here, which are still the only ones who can get there into the forest forest guards are also directly on duty for work in the thicket, now the specialists of this...


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