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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 13, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today, specialists of the interstate aviation committee are preparing to decipher the black boxes of the superjet that crashed the day before in the moscow region. despite significant damage to the flight recorders, data from them was copied. esk employees , meanwhile, are seizing technical documentation from the plant where the airliner underwent maintenance before yesterday's flight. in addition, witnesses are being interviewed. ongoing. here we are right at the scene of the disaster. about during the investigation, reporting by egor grigoriev. the crash site itself is still cordoned off. there are task forces working there, law enforcement officers, the investigative committee, and the prosecutor's office. an interdepartmental coordination headquarters has set up nearby, we see swamp vehicles, that is, special equipment and atvs are here, which until now are the only ones that can get into the thicket of the forest, and for work they are directly on duty and... the forest guard, now the specialists of this
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service continue to pave the way prosiki, saw through the prosiki there in order to came in, including large equipment, now i ’m sharpening the saw, that is, it’s getting dull quickly here, but quickly, because there’s rotten debris lying on the ground, we get on the ground, that is, they haven’t completely cleared it out yet, no, well, several teams are already working there , well, then people will probably walk around with stretchers, what to take out? where large fragments will be driven by kamaz trucks, probably loaded as equipment, for this purpose the grassland is sawed through, all night long the entrance from the nearby village to the site of the plane crash was cleared by tracked bulldozers, there is impassable forest all around, it is already obvious that the pilots of the plane took the aircraft as far as possible from the populated areas of the villages that are located nearby in order to avoid human casualties, the footage of the plane crash can be seen as a dry superjet 100 literally... flies in a matter of seconds over
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the tops of the trees with a glow, then a column of black smoke rises, it went straight at an angle of 90°, right past our house, and after exactly two or three seconds, minutes , black, black smoke began to emerge, a huge cloud, what the residents of the small and large karasyov were not harmed, but praksin near kolomna, the merit of a real feat of the aircraft crew members, the fifty-year-old aircraft commander. genetic examination - stated in the investigative committee. the data from two flight recorders also needs to be deciphered. this will help determine the cause of the crash. during the inspection of the scene of the incident , the aircraft's flight recorders were discovered and sent for decoding. according to the seized fragments of the fuselage. and other material
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evidence assigned the necessary examinations, witnesses and eyewitnesses of the incident are interrogated, the inspection of the scene of the incident continues, investigative actions are also carried out on the territory of the plant where the aircraft underwent maintenance, and the relevant technical documentation is confiscated for further study. the gazprom avianane sukhoi superjet-100 underwent maintenance and took off yesterday from the lukhovitsy airfield at 14:50. minutes, after another eight minutes it disappeared from radar. the aircraft was flying in accordance with the accepted flight plan, in accordance with the received application, approved by the operational bodies of the unified air traffic management system, along the route from the lukhovitsy airfield to the vnukov airfield, together with law enforcement agencies and the established commission of the interstate committee, a corresponding investigation is being carried out. representatives of the commission will study:
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investigators and documentation on the repairs performed on the aircraft. the crashed dry superjet-100 made its first flight in december 2014. there are no official versions of his crash they say, according to yet unconfirmed information, two engines could fail at once. egor grigoriev, vitaly kormazin, dmitry malyshev, sergey kuznetsov, asya oslonyan. news. vladimir putin signed a law on an annual family payment to working russians with two or more children. this concerns. citizens with low incomes, in fact, they will be able to return seven out of 13% of personal income tax for the year. the new rules will come into force on january 1, 2026 . another law on increasing military pensions will index them by more than 5% from october 1 this year. on the portal legal information , a document signed by the president has also been published, which obliges deputies and senators to coordinate trips abroad with the leadership of the chambers of parliament. in case of violation they can. deprive
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, four victims were sent to hospitals with shrapnel wounds, one of them is in serious condition, the other four wounded were treated on the spot. the city is damaged. several buildings and a dozen cars, but earlier the governor also reported that one person was wounded during an attack by the ukrainian armed forces on the village of krasnoye, shubekinsky urban district. well, now to the messages from the ministry of defense, russian troops of the west and center groups improved the tactical position, units of the east group occupied more advantageous positions, and the north and dnepr groups inflicted fire defeat on several formations of the ukrainian armed forces. most intense. units of the southern group of forces occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the manpower and equipment of the twenty-fourth, seventy- second, ninety-third mechanized, forty-sixth, eighty-first airmobile and 79th air assault brigades
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the armed forces of ukraine in the area of ​​​​the settlements of antonovka, grigorovka, nikolaevka, katerynovka, uspenovka, spornoye, slavyansk, zaleznyanskaya and chasov of the donetsk people's republic to reflect. in ukraine, border guards have closed over twenty tourist routes in the carpathians; even resting and fishing are prohibited in the 5 km wide border strip. apparently this is due to the large number of draft dodgers who are trying to escape from ukraine. their number is constantly growing due to the tightening of mobilization. previously, the border service stated that in just one day they catch about hundreds of violators. ours is monitoring the progress of ukrainian mobilization. passion for
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mobilization, employees of the tsk in the odessa region make excuses in front of onlookers, saying that a soldier came home from service shell-shocked, and he needs to be sent back to the front somehow, but he won’t go anywhere, let the man out, he should have a trial, man. and this is the second act of the marlezonsky ballet based on the ukrainian mobilization in the same belgorod-dnestrovsky shopping center: a woman holds her foot in the door trying to enter the territory of the military registration and enlistment office together with her husband, a wheelchair user, in order to rescue her from the clinging clap of the cannibals of their sick son. what are you doing? when the elderly woman almost managed to penetrate into the territory of darkness, the brave boys of the military commissar, having gathered their strength into a fist, simply threw her out...
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they can’t cope in pairs, but even the three of them sometimes fail to tie up the hustler, they have learned to run very quickly. meanwhile
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, the state border service of ukraine banned climbing mount pop ivan, on the border with romania and berbenskul, as well as others; moreover, it closed more than twenty tourist routes within the ivano-frankivsk region region, it is forbidden to have a rest there, to fish or to engage in tourism, but prohibitions in ukraine, as you know, are created in order to violate them, here, here’s a missadvastopschika. without understanding what kind of mountain it is, romania, ukraine, i’m in ukraine, and here, and here, these people are out of the blue, they are ready to crawl through the mountains for days, swim along rivers, pay tens of thousands of dollars, the main thing is out of sight and out of their hearts to europe. but on ukrainian tv they tell exactly the opposite. ryan's ukrainians are eager to go to
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the front, and even those who once left ukraine are supposedly signing up as volunteers. u there are a lot of us guys, in fact, who returned from europe to ukraine in order to serve. they come back because they simply decide to go and defend the country. and there are actually many of them. many people come to us asking to take over their service. well, that's probably why ikotisa took a few more men who wanted her this week.
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and you can hardly call it off-road, but this is its insidiousness; at high speed it is very easy not to notice deep gullies. in one of them at the very beginning of a four-hundred-kilometer during the special stage, the leader of the all-terrain vehicle classification, anastasia nifantova, crashed at full speed. the impact caused the wheel to fly off and the car to overturn; the crew was not injured and helped those who started later not to get into trouble. it’s even
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good that we stood there, because then motorcyclists and atvs came along, and a couple of them, even though we were standing there. they almost flew there, and for them this of course could have been such a serious fatality, even for the giants of the silk road, trucks , it’s hard on this fast off-road terrain, so what? talk about other participants in the race, but the road here is the same for everyone. the kamaz has a huge wheel and the kamaz cuts all the roads, so it drives from corner to corner, so we also followed these tracks, i see that the track is barely visible, there, when you already approach the obstacle, it was as if it were black... . so it remains black, so there’s no way to notice such dangerous things at all, it’s not worth driving for kamaz trucks at all, why? ask those who were driving, there are a lot of such hard bumps, a lot of crossing of riverbeds, everything is very fast, but it’s quite tough, but thank god we have
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a super navigator, he took us everywhere, just right, so everything is fine, we got there, few people were able to get by on the ninth stage. belarusian sergei vizovich changed a maz wheel three times without any problems, and russian eduard nikolaev broke a shock absorber on a kamaz. on these barely noticeable hillocks, dmitry voronov’s cornfield literally flew. i’m walking along the field to the right and to the right, the dust is blown away to the left, i think, well, now i ’ll pass it, i heard yama two in my ear, i think it’ll be somewhere further away, but it turns out it started quickly, i look, he’s noticed, well, he then it’s clear that it goes according to the legend, but i’m already guided by it, and we once flew up a meter, once we flew up a meter and a half and it was like this: an even more mobile machine, apparently some other rubber bands in the suspension may have gone bad, well now we’ll change everything, tomorrow we won’t allow ourselves to do this either, this was the last opportunity to take our souls away. the route commissioner, sergei talantsev , meets the crews at the finish line to find out what the route was like, although who knows this better than him, he himself lays out the special stages of the marathon rally. from the very start to the very finish, he is very working, that is, really here, well
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, there weren’t such long straights where you stood up and there you go at maximum speed, that is, it’s constant. it seems like there are even smooth roads, but they are still winding and there can still be stones along the edges, there were a lot of intersections today - these are the kind of transverse channels that look like there after the spring, after the high-speed special stage of the silk road international rally-marathon immediately fall into the hands of the mechanics here at bivouac, this french word is beautiful means camp, which is basically a car repair shop and a residential building, but today is a special day for the mechanics, because for the last time... before the finish of the race, they service the cars. the silk road takes another sharp turn, the decisive two stages of the marathon race, and this is also a first. 2 days and more than 600 km of tough mongolian off-road, the crews can only rely on their own strength. one hundred among the rings, ivan lavrikov and umar tuskaev, news from bayankhongor, mongolia.
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with clips of hello kitty and her friends, have time to buy and win a trip. how many years have i known you, i look, you worked in different responsible areas, a huge experience and...
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do you remember that episode when there was an anniversary, they reminded me, of course, no, i don’t remember, in those years everyone was young, the tasks were completed, well, you can talk fly away, as they say in intelligence, and no one paid attention to it, how difficult it is... a difficult task, not difficult, there was a task, it must be accomplished, therefore to be honest, i don’t remember at this time, no
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, there are a lot of tasks, but to live in memories of what you did, why is there a heroic page, well, the page is for those who complete the task, it is ordinary, it means everything happens in the way that they called, they said, as an everyday thing, i went to collect potatoes in the garden, to fulfill my task, because you were trained for this, now , already being a great statesman , your boss, your task is to make sure that the soldiers are trained correctly, but training the army is one of the most difficult elements in any case, in all respects, in all directions, especially in the dynamics that are now taking place, the company has already begun a special military operation. well, i’ll say this, in one of the training subjects we will redo the methodology for the tenth time, because the tactics are changing,
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the weapons are changing, everything is changing, literally 8 months ago we went to the combat line , not thinking at all about any of their pividrons, we knew that there were discharge systems, and today this is one of the main elements of the battle order, combat use, military operations in general, of course here... every day there must always be those who train troops, who are engaged in this, they must be on their toes in terms of changing training programs and self-training in order to fight better than anyone in the world, we must cook better than anyone in the world, we must cook better than anyone in the world, the training ground must be the best in the world , the material base must be, that is, everything, everything that accompanies the preparation will be... it must work out. we have different programs. there is a training program for those who have already served in the army, who joined there 5 years ago. there
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we have questions that... is connected with reminding him of the skills that he lost, that is, restoring the skills that he had in that profession when he served in the army, the second program is when we understand that a person got out 10 years ago, then there is a long period of time when you haven’t been in the army or haven’t served in the army at all, here is another method based on time indicators, it is stretched out, and the third method is when we understand that it is necessary to carry out coordination where it should be coordination calculation. with crews, there must be well-coordinated departments of companies and so on. the most minimal program now, what we approved by the chief of the general staff and signed with his instructions, is 4 weeks, when it means going to the training ground to restore all these skills and take a training course. hello guys, sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down, just arrived, yes, everyone is ready, everyone is ready. we will prepare,
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we will prepare, if we are ready to come, yes, we will prepare, build up constantly, don’t wait for the team, do it yourself, of course, that taking into account age, taking into account weight characteristics, especially when wearing armored armor, in riding boots, full equipment, so as not to break a leg or arm, slowly but confidently perform the task, pay attention to this, well , listen, instructors, commander, they are everything to you they'll tell you, okay, let's go, let's see what they're dressing you in, sit down, sit down, sit down , hello, everyone, accordingly, sit down, sit down, what do you do, don't be distracted, work, so let's go and see where they get their clothes, no, no , this is an administration point, here they are processed purely, that’s right, yes, here i have a hoochka, everything else, yes, yes, accordingly,
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a medical examination takes place here. that means here he receives something that is not in size, then, after the bag is collected, the soldier goes further to receive further deception, a set of uniform, a set of uniform, yes, these are our nakap uniforms, not a tsefra, but a poforma, yes , that is, we give summer uniforms, so on, also depending on the size you start by size , it’s clear, boots, these are light. yes, yes,
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normal, comfortable, light, boots, good, received boots, then, received, further, and further - he receives a sleeping bag, received a sleeping bag, upon the arrival of the troops, there are moments when he immediately goes to his battle formations of his units, and either this unit is on the line of combat contact, or this is in the second echelon. and there is, when these same guys, commanders, when there is time for this, go to their training ground there, as we call internal training grounds, and they continue training there, directly involving the guys who are in the combat zone, firstly, they adapt to the front to the smell of war, and secondly, they are already more selective there for the tasks that face them, they are already engaged in
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narrowly focused matters. that is, you get even more practice, which is how our training system differs from the training system of the armed forces of ukraine and nato troops. well, firstly, in terms of the number of practical actions used, i mean shooting or ammunition used, here we have a rule that if a fighter goes to the training ground, he must shoot at least 150 rounds of ammunition per day. and also the gradation goes to for a machine gun, a sniper rifle, a grenade launcher and other types of ammunition, taking into account the rules, the same sniper cannot shoot 150 days, he must shoot off a shell shock while working, yes, he shoots 30 rounds there, but if he does this, so that he no one interfered, it’s already good, that is, he is gaining practice himself, we allocate a side so that the fighter can be taught, we don’t regret the bull, we don’t regret it, yes, the second topic -


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