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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 13, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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the council is already engaged in narrowly focused matters, that is, there is even more such practice, how does our training system differ from the training system of the ukrainian armed forces of nato troops? well, firstly, by the number of practical actions used, i mean sterile or used ammunition. here we have rules: if a fighter enters the training ground, he must shoot at least. per day, 150 rounds per day, and also the gradation goes to a machine gun, a sniper rifle, grenade launchers and other types of ammunition, taking into account the rules, the same sniper cannot he has to shoot 150 times a day, he has to get rid of the shell shock , he shoots 30 rounds there, but if he does this without anyone bothering him, it’s already good, that is, he gets practice there, we allocate ammunition so that the fighter can be trained, not a bull we regret, we don’t regret, yes, the second topic, this is a natural combination
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of tactics, fire, physical and tactical medicine and is as close as possible to combat, the same battles in a trench or an assault on buildings or a battle in a city or other issues are worked out from combat obstacles, and here they are get used to smoke, to explosions, to the sounds and smells of war, it’s all everywhere on all training grounds, houses, for what purpose, so that he could feel it all in his nostrils, understand how it works, understand where he is, so he went for a run, without it , one breath, he ran through this smoke, he must immerse himself in it, plus an imitation, there are explosive packages and something else there so that he gets used to explosions, this is the schedule of classes, which is real, that is, educational...
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deals with, on what objects, developed all programs that are necessary for conducting classes are 21 days - for the gpz, with non-commissioned officers for 2 weeks, then with unmanned aircraft, 30 days, of which they spend 10 days here, 20 days are in base areas under the control of tactical leaders, instructors who are leaving ours.
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that's it, that's it, one, let's go, let's go, guys, let's go back, let's go, this way, we'll go, that's it, that's it, come on, second, go back, go, i'm holding, i'm holding, i was trained at the center, i received a certificate, yeah, good, how teachable, guys, guys, how are you, everything is fine, everything is fine, it’s working out, of course, if you go to the roschip, or as a unit, they won’t... they will come, the russians will come, yes, well, their teams will come, here they have formed as a team and there they will form as a team, of course, yes, that’s right, here, if there are no experienced ones among you, then there everyone will be experienced, so learn from them right away, clearly, exactly, try to learn from them, learn, have fun, armor plate, helmet, everything should be filled, well, this is such a load for you so that you can feel as much as possible how much, they will give you everything there already another one. equipment with
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a different uniform, of course, that’s right, ok, ok, guys, let's get ready, uh-huh, help, self-help, help a friend, great, here we need to teach correctly how to evacuate, how to pull out, because it seems to them that he will calmly pull up, when this happens, one person is not enough to even light.
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disassembling and reassembling a machine gun, bringing the weapon to normal combat, yeah, well, disassembling, reassembling should be tied to combat. doesn’t shoot, but there is ground, a magazine, there he must see it all, look, that is, what he must immediately eliminate, either the cartridge jammed, what should he do therefore. tied to this, okay, okay, we have , in all groups, we have our own sections of terrain, we have our own training grounds, having received a task, the commander, if there is time, he
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drives this subunit to this section of the terrain and they directly work for a specific task , assault on the opornik, which means the opornik takes, if it’s a populated area, then it takes the populated areas. at the same time , new elements appear all the time, which you spoke about, in particular, because it was your idea to introduce shotguns into the army for in order to fight fpv drones at training grounds and train guys to work with shotguns, well, i’ll say this, this idea, which is not mine, is the idea of ​​the commander on the ground, first of all, the fighters who encountered this there understood how to fight, and we literally last week we trained 80 instructors for troop groups, their training... was carried out by the champion of the post-end vystrem of the federation, good guys from the civilian sector are helping with this, we take some of them under contract with our instructor group, they naturally they are engaged in this preparation, i remember, on the eve of the counter-offensive, we
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met in rostov then, and you were very actively working to ensure that the soldiers were ready for the appearance of tanks, then you were preparing. the material summarized the experience of foreign countries on how to deal with this technology, and it worked perfectly. well, here again, if you remember, for some reason everyone imagined abrams tanks or leopards, other tanks, as if they were special, as if they did not burn, they were made of a different metal, no, of course, there is nothing new here, but that's why we they did and the methods made large banners at the training grounds, they are now standing. where such places on the tank showed from what distances it is better to hit a tank, including with what means of destruction, we then created quite, now i’ll say, about 180 groups of tank destroyers,
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a large frontage of the field, no questions asked, aviation, especially army aviation, well naturally , there were groups there, they had a sporting interest in watching how... at the same time they were undergoing theoretical training, only after that they were allowed to fly, well, it’s clear according to the program, but the guys in addition to this, they also learn basic things, work with a machine gun, tactical medicine, that is, in addition to the program for... they study for 21 days, a week is already a combined arms training, this is tactical medicine participation, which we came up with in principle, nothing
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special, it was invented here, yes locally, this is a dump for six wogs, they understand how much area they cover depending on the speed and height of the dump. they in the future they will have engineering training, where they will study ammunition, and where they know that certain ammunition has a certain distance age plays a role i'm mature there is not young that's how much i'm allowed 38, a terrible age we can understand. in just over two years, how much has the army, training, and supply of the army changed? well, of course, a colossal change, although i must say that the personnel army that started the war there was well equipped, in combat equipment, in
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everything else, today the same combat equipment, i will say, helmets, body armor, they meet all standards, the fighters receive them. and their very the main thing is enough in all warehouses, in all groups of weapons, we, according to every comment on the sniper, are not armed with these sniper weapons.
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that is, the fvedro operator still has to rack his brains, from which side should he approach this barbecue? here at this point are those who have already studied for 3 weeks, that is, they have a final purely on the topic, yes on the topic, theory, theoretical training, engineering training are included here, here at this stage we have the final result - this is a nine-inch ftv with a load 3 kg. we use ground control systems for range of application, what do you have, there is
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an equipped position there, a trainee sits, controls the bird on the ground, but you are here now while you are not installing radio interference, you are not installing a rebrow system, here we are not installing a rebrow system, it works relatively throughout the entire range , we train the fall save mode, that is, the birds remember the movement, if they fall into the rap suppression zone, the bird flies in the same position as it passes when this barrier, control is restored accordingly, the video is restored, the result of the application, we receive it, which students have completed training, there is feedback, yes, they are constantly in touch with us and any problems arise, or they report on the completion of tasks, we collect all this here, we analyze the experience depending on ...
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this is the first war, but the soviet union is understandable,
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but which is being fought by russia without conscripts, yes, when it’s not young conscripts who fight, everything is clear, but here it’s just such a people’s war, well, i don’t take into account armed conflicts there, that’s a war, yes, where there are no conscripts, there are no conscripts, if we take those years when we fought in our youth, when we had no concept of contract at all, but even then... the commanders did not take those who served for less than six months, but they did not take the war, they cried , they were nervous, but they didn’t take them, that is, we always took care of people, we always took care of them, of course, they took them, the majority tried to take into the war those who had served for more than a year, firstly, he was already trained, trained, well, a plus, of course , after a year and a half, the fighter became such a good fighting machine, well, that’s why the tasks, probably performed so well. so in this regard, this war is also special, and in this regard, yes, the instructor of the first reserve
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battalion is great, well, let’s go, ready for battle, standing contact, standing, and now let’s prepare not the forearm, but the magazine, try whichever is more convenient, you should show it this way or that way. what should i do air, and what kind of carbines do you have 155? come on, give me, after every shot you take, you reload, no, he reloads himself, come on, give me a plate, air, good, eat, eat, well, you can learn,
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this is a track for a pit type. yeah, there are calculations of drones, these are calculations for the sake of passion. so, who is our instructor? this calculation is now performing a long-range flight, what are the
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costs here? the line is getting ready, and one by one, one at a time. we put the same picture here as there, they should be full four okay, now they shouldn’t stand here waiting in the stink to work off something else, what are they waiting for like guys, how long does it take, about two weeks already, already weeks, that’s right, yes, of course, you are now calmly getting around this obstacle, yes, yes, are you sure or what? well, it varies, for some 2 weeks is already enough to fly, for others 2 weeks every other time it’s still possible, 3 weeks, four weeks is normal, 21 days is normal, you’ll have time, for pilot skiing specifically, yes, if for a technician, so more adjustments, simple repairs, then of course more, but how long does it take for the headache to start,
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but i really don’t have anything, that is , everything is not normal, that’s if i’m standing, that’s if. well, this is their third lesson, but they are already coping with this task, when they put it on alert, before exercise, before already when they already installed it on the drone , installed everything on the drone, did everything, after that it complies, of course, here we have it, give me a battery, give me a light bulb, of
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course, yes, we have this instead of a detonator, just something to check. yeah, we connect, no , nothing happens, even if we close it, all we have to do is connect everything , yeah, so 12 took the right leg lower, bent the right leg in front, went to the right contact of the cold. for the first time today we’ve been doing them for literally 2 hours, well, nothing, nothing, it’s normal, so turn around, guys, someone served, i no, who, who served as a podvornik, podvodnikst, livsha, somewhere livsha, somewhere right-handed, depending on your mood, you probably hear,
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shoot, understand for yourself, as at home, so is the left, i myself, that’s all, just now. shot, he shot from one position, three or four shots at most, he left, and getting them accustomed to this, that’s right, he must shoot from one position in one place, pony maybe the enemy is shooting too, i realized, yes, that’s right, interesting that it works with a change of position, our methodology should have a theme like this, assault group from right to left he goes out in a zigzag and must hit, because he does it on the move, when retreating he must hit and the flanker must hit. guys, what's your name? where, and sekuti, and how did you
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shoot, why am i learning like this, and you are teaching, and where is your instructor, i will show you, you immediately prompt correctly, he will learn to shoot like that, machine gun, you shot. so he shoots like this, he did it for a long time, he shoots like this, just like that, you have to lean forward a little, roll forward, fire a couple of shots, hide, so you teach him not to let him he was bent over, that is, he shoots like this, he stood up like this, or like this, but doesn’t stick his legs out, no, so show me how you shot, now, i understand, that’s right, if you have the first destiny, you... all training should be a story, demonstration, training, story, demonstration, training, but only like this, this is already the third lesson, we’re already working, it’s clear, yes, that’s right, it works, i heard,
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everything is fine, yes, normal , well done, general, the eldest says that you are telling us, don’t take off your armor, we need to go sergeant by sergeant, we have cases, when a sergeant takes over a company, so teach them two levels higher, if the first level is as a squad commander, the second level is as a squad leader, this is like a basic one, then the third is like a company commander, give them at least optionally, there is an understanding so that they understand how a company accept yourself as a team before going on a secondment. the instructor in the trench accompanies and two how they worked perfectly it turns out from nowhere destroyed
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and cartridges the state gave money wasted suppressed killed destroyed finished off only so well or taken prisoner and you have already fought or you only only?
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modern technologies, confidence in sustainable operation, reliability and energy efficiency, flexibility for use in any industry, new quality for your success: transneft, oil pumps.
8:55 pm
tu-22m3, yes, the strategic missile carrier tu-22m3, which they tried to hijack, yes, a crime, how much money, well, initially pavlo promised 1 million, a crew of four people, i was offered to eject them forcibly, that is, actually kill them. how our counterintelligence outplayed budanov’s agents, why does zelensky need a long-range bomber, only we have an interview with a military pilot in the strategist’s bowl and the tsar bomb of the svo. is it true that fab 3000 changed the course of the war? why did the americans call the indians during modi's visit to moscow? thank you to who else was covered on the veranda of novoogorova when kiev
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is sent. yes, you have a whole city here after, and everything is buried, as they say in the evening in ha, yes, yes, yes, the most unusual unit of the russian army, it consists of former prisoners whose punishment in the colony was replaced by service on the front line. unique report by alexander ragatkina from the brigade of yesterday's prisoners. if i had stayed in prison for another 2 years, i would have been released as an ordinary prisoner, but now i am released as a knight of st. george’s christ. brotherhood by blood, not by concept.
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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. the belgorod region is again under attack from the ukrainian armed forces in the border town of shibekino , eight people were injured, one of them has an open craniocerebral injury and is in serious condition. governor vyacheslav glodkov announced this. the windows of five houses were broken, and at least 16 cars were hit by shrapnel. in the village of belovskoye, after repelling a drone attack , the roof of a private house caught fire. firefighters arrived at the scene promptly. the source of the fire has already been extinguished. with the latest information from the region, alexander korobov. the entire yard is dotted with craters; one of the cars took a direct hit and was completely burned out. the driver himself miraculously survived
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. leave the affected area.


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